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< Daggerfall: Items(Redirected from Daggerfall:Twigs)
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There are many miscellaneous ingredients in Daggerfall. Ingredients can be used to make potions at a potion maker, or you can sell the ingredients to alchemists or gem stores.


Many ingredients are obtained from fallen enemies or found as loot in dungeons. Others, such as gems, may be the reward for completing quests or may be purchased at gem stores and sometimes also at alchemists. Metals can only be bought at alchemists. There is no rule about which ingredient can be found on which enemy. Generally, low value ingredients are found more widely than expensive ingredients. Expensive ingredients are more commonly found on tougher enemies.

There are numerous enemies which never or almost never carry ingredients. These are:

  • Animals (Giant Bat, Giant Scorpion, Grizzly Bear, Rat, Sabertooth Tiger, Slaughterfish, Spider)
  • Atronachs
  • Daedroths
  • Dragonlings
  • Elemental Daedra (Fire, Frost)
  • Gargoyles
  • Ghosts
  • Lycanthropes (Wereboar, Werewolf)
  • Orcs (Normal, Sergeant, Warlord)
  • Skeleton Warriors
  • Warrior class NPCs
  • Wraiths

All other enemies (especially spellcasting NPCs and monsters) generally carry a wide assortment of ingredients.

Ingredient List[edit]

Ingredient Value (gold) Weight (kg) Effect Picture
9 0.25 Heal Health DF-icon-ingredient-Aloe.png
100 0.25 Resist Fire DF-icon-ingredient-Amber.png
6 0.5 Heal Stamina DF-icon-ingredient-Bamboo.png
Basilisk's eye
26 0.5 Cure Paralysis DF-icon-ingredient-Basilisk's eye.png
Big tooth
8 0.5 Spell Resistance (broken?) DF-icon-ingredient-Big tooth.png
Black poppy
12 0.25 Damage Spell Points DF-icon-ingredient-Black poppy.png
Black rose
10 0.25 Silence DF-icon-ingredient-Black rose.png
8 0.5 Jumping DF-icon-ingredient-Brass.png
8 0.5 Resist Magicka DF-icon-ingredient-Cactus.png
5 0.25 Increase Luck DF-icon-ingredient-Clover.png
15 0.5 Detect Magic DF-icon-ingredient-Copper.png
Daedra's Heart
500 1 Increase Willpower DF-icon-ingredient-Daedra's heart.png
500 0.25 Spell Resistance DF-icon-ingredient-Diamond.png
Dragon Scales
375 3 Spell Absorption DF-icon-ingredient-Dragon's scales.png
60 0.25 Etherealness DF-icon-ingredient-Ectoplasm.png
Elixir vitae
30 0.25 - Elixir vitae
425 0.25 Chameleon Normal DF-icon-ingredient-Emerald.png
Fairy dragon's scales
90 2 Spell Reflection DF-icon-ingredient-Fairy dragon's scales.png
8 0.25 Resist Fire DF-icon-ingredient-Fig.png
Ghoul's tongue
30 0.25 Tongues DF-icon-ingredient-Goul's tongue.png
Giant scorpion stinger
25 1.5 Damage Health DF-icon-ingredient-Giant scorpion stinger.png
Giant's blood
25 0.25 Diminution Giant's blood
Gingko leaves
12 0.25 Cure Disease DF-icon-ingredient-Ginko leaves.png
20 0.5 Charm Mortal Gold (nugget)
Golden poppy
10 0.25 Charm Mortal DF-icon-ingredient-Golden poppy.png
Gorgon snake
120 0.5 Climbing DF-icon-ingredient-Gorgon snake.png
Green berries
4 0.5 Damage Health DF-icon-ingredient-Green berries.png
Green leaves
2 0.25 Jumping DF-icon-ingredient-Green leaves.png
Gryphon's feather
40 0.25 Slowfall DF-icon-ingredient-Gryphon's feather.png
Holy Relic 400 0.5 Dispel Magic DF-icon-ingredient-Holy Relic.png
20 0.25 - Ichor
6 0.5 Slowfall DF-icon-ingredient-Iron.png
13 0.5 Resist Cold DF-icon-ingredient-Ivory.png
10 0.25 Water Breathing DF-icon-ingredient-Jade.png
5 0.5 Slowfall DF-icon-ingredient-Lead.png
Lich dust
350 0.25 Increase Intelligence Lich dust
15 0.5 Jumping DF-icon-ingredient-Lodestone.png
25 0.25 Silence DF-icon-ingredient-Malachite.png
16 0.25 Increase Speed DF-icon-ingredient-Mercury.png
Mummy wrappings
40 0.5 Detect Treasure DF-icon-ingredient-Mummy wrappings.png
15 0.25 - Nectar
Nymph hair
100 0.25 Increase Personality Nymph hair
Orc's blood
20 0.25 Increase Strength Orc's blood
4 0.5 Levitate DF-icon-ingredient-Palm.png
150 0.25 Water Breathing DF-icon-ingredient-Pearl.png
Pine branch
4 1 Spell Resistance DF-icon-ingredient-Pine branch.png
30 0.5 Invisibility Normal DF-icon-ingredient-Platinum.png
Pure water
25 0.25 - DF-icon-ingredient-Pure water.png
Rain water
10 0.25 - Rain water
Red berries
4 0.5 Resist Fire DF-icon-ingredient-Red berries.png
Red flowers
4 0.25 Damage Stamina DF-icon-ingredient-Red flowers.png
Red poppy
8 0.25 Drain Strength DF-icon-ingredient-Red poppy.png
Red rose
8 0.25 Detect Magic DF-icon-ingredient-Red rose.png
Root bulb
4 0.25 Regenerate Health DF-icon-ingredient-Root bulb.png
Root tendrils
2 0.25 Diminution DF-icon-ingredient-Root tendrils.png
250 0.25 Spell Absorption DF-icon-ingredient-Ruby.png
Saint's hair
200 0.25 Cure Disease Saint's hair
375 0.25 Spell Reflection DF-icon-ingredient-Sapphire.png
12 0.5 Cure Magic DF-icon-ingredient-Silver.png
Small scorpion stinger
12 0.25 Damage Health DF-icon-ingredient-Small scorpion stinger.png
Small tooth
12 0.25 Spell Resistance (broken?) DF-icon-ingredient-Small tooth.png
Snake venom
10 0.25 Spell Resistance (broken?) Snake venom
Spider's venom
22 0.25 Paralysis DF-icon-ingredient-Spider's venom.png
10 0.25 Resist Fire DF-icon-ingredient-Sulphur.png
4 0.5 Free Action DF-icon-ingredient-Tin.png
Troll's blood
20 0.25 Regenerate Health Troll's blood
50 0.25 Water Walking DF-icon-ingredient-Turquoise.png
2 0.5 Slowfall DF-icon-ingredient-Twigs.png
Unicorn horn
200 1.5 Detect Enemy DF-icon-ingredient-Unicorn horn.png
Wereboar's tusk
28 1 Increase Strength DF-icon-ingredient-Wereboar's tusk.png
Werewolf's blood
25 0.25 Cure Magic Werewolf's blood
White poppy
8 0.25 Drain Intelligence DF-icon-ingredient-White poppy.png
White rose
8 0.25 Increase Intelligence DF-icon-ingredient-White rose.png
Wraith essence
80 0.25 Drain Willpower Wraith essence
Yellow berries
4 0.5 Increase Speed DF-icon-ingredient-Yellow berries.png
Yellow flowers
4 0.25 Chameleon Normal DF-icon-ingredient-Yellow flowers.png
Yellow rose
8 0.25 Lycanthropy DF-icon-ingredient-Yellow rose.png