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Morrowind:Quest Items

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Quest items are items that are needed to complete a specific quest; usually they have to be given up when the quest has been completed. In appearance they are usually identical to generic items. They are only distinguished from generic items by their name, the fact that they will not stack in your inventory with generic items, or because they have a minor enchantment. These do not include items given as rewards for completing a quest. Quest rewards are generally unique items (armor, clothing, or weapons) or Artifacts, which have unique appearances and significant enchantments.

See also: Sanguine Items, for the 27 items involved in the Threads of the Webspinner quest.


  • Speed specifies how fast the weapon swings with higher values indicating a faster weapon.
  • Dmg. Ratio gives the damage per time for the weapon with higher values indicating a more powerful item. Ratios are given for the base weapon and any magic based damage the weapon may have. This is calculated by multiplying the highest damage value by the weapon's speed. Weapons which do magical damage on strike have an additional value given, which is the average damage of the enchantment.
  • Charge/Cost = Uses indicates how many uses on average you can get before needing to recharge the weapon (or wait for it to charge on its own). Note that the Cost varies depending on your Enchant skill, so your results may vary. In the case of unenchanted items, this column provides the item's Enchant value.

Axe, 1-hand[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Damage Dmg
Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-weapon-Steel War Axe.png

Lugrub's Axe
lugrub's axe

Steel War Axe 24.0 50 60 1.25 1.0 C: 1-18
S: 1-10
T: 1-2


Found in Gnisis, Underground Stream. Used to implicate Lugrub gro-Ogdum during the Widow Vabdas' Deed quest for the Imperial Legion.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Battle Axe.png

Redas War Axe
dwarven war axe_redas

Steel Battle Axe 24.0 800 550 1.25 1.0 C: 1-24
S: 1-13
T: 1-3
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
Shock Damage Shock Damage 5-15 pts on Touch

40/2 = 20
Found in the Redas Ancestral Tomb (south of Molag Mar), lying on the edge of an ash pit deep inside the tomb. Faral Retheran in the Redoran Treasury in Vivec will ask you to recover this axe.

Blunt, 2-hand[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Damage Dmg
Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony Staff.png

Felen's Ebony Staff
ebony staff caper

Ebony Staff 16.0 900 4,300 1.75 1.8 C: 2-16
S: 3-16
T: 1-10
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
Fire Damage Fire Damage 3-7 pts on Touch
Frost Damage Frost Damage 3-7 pts on Touch
Shock Damage Shock Damage 3-7 pts on Touch

40/4 = 10
Found in Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber. You'll be asked to steal it during the Felen's Ebony Staff quest.
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony Staff.png

Wizard's Staff
ebony wizard's staff

Ebony Staff 16.0 900 10,000 1.75 1.8 C:2-16

Cast When Used
Fortify Unarmored Fortify Unarmored 10 pts for 2 mins on Self
Levitate Levitate 1 pt for 2 mins on Self

1,320/132 = 10
There are only five copies of this staff. Edwinna Elbert, Procyon Nigilius and Anirne, all carry one of them. The other two can be found in the Urshilaku Burial Caverns and Ramimilk. You will need to acquire one of these staves to advance to the rank of Wizard within the Mages Guild (see A Wizard's Staff quest).

Short Blade[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Damage Dmg
Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger.png

A Rusty Dagger

Iron Dagger 3.0 5 0 2.5 1.0 C: 1-2
S: 1-2
T: 2-2


Found on Varner Hleras's Corpse in Alas Ancestral Tomb. Becomes Mehrunes' Razor as part of Mehrunes Dagon's Quest.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Tanto.png

Anarenen's Devil Tanto

Steel Tanto 4.0 500 157 2.25 1.0 C: 5-9
S: 5-9
T: 6-9

Cast When Used
Fire Shield Fire Shield 1-10 pts for 10 secs on Self
Bound Dagger Bound Dagger for 60 secs on Self

70/14 = 5
Found in a locked chest in Anarenen's alcove in the Ald'ruhn Guild of Mages. It can only be found during the Loot the Mages Guild quest for the Thieves Guild.
MW-icon-weapon-Daedric Wakizashi.png

Daedric Wakizashi
daedric wakizashi_hhst

Daedric Wakizashi 30.0 1,100 48,000 2.25 1.0 C: 12-25
S: 10-21
T: 5-11


Found in a Wooden Chest in the Prelude Shipwreck. This blade is slightly lower in damage than a standard Daedric Wakizashi, and is needed for The Shipwreck 'Prelude' quest for House Hlaalu.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger.png


Glass Dagger 1.8 400 4,000 2.5 1.0 C: 7-12
S: 7-12
T: 6-12


Given by Gentleman Jim Stacey to be returned to Salyn Sarethi at Ghostgate. While this blade has the stats of a Glass Dagger, its appearance is identical to a Steel Dagger.

Throwing Weapons[edit]

Name Base Weight Health Value Damage Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-weapon-Daedric Dart.png

Dart of Judgment

Daedric Dart 0.1 10 500 1-12


Four of these are found in the Llethri Guard Quarters in Ald'ruhn. They are needed for The Darts of Judgement quest for the Thieves Guild, though you're given the option to keep them.


  • Armor Rating values are given both as base values and maximum values, which you will get if you have 100 points in the relevant armor skill.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-armor-Dwemer Boots.png

Dwemer Boots of Flying
dwemer_boots of flying

Dwemer Boots 20.0
200 470 20
(Max: 66)

Cast When Used
Levitate Levitate 1-100 pts for 10 secs on Self

380/76 = 5
These boots are in the possession of Yagrum Bagarn, in the Corprusarium (Tel Fyr), and you must take them to Divayth Fyr as part of the Corprus Cure quest during the Main Quest. Another pair may be found in Anudnabia, in the vaults above Hilbongard's Forge. Additionally, these boots can also be found as random loot.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Charge
MW-icon-armor-Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm.png

Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm

Native Gah-Julan Bonemold Helm 4.0
160 167 16
(Max: 53)
Used to disguise yourself during the Disguise quest for House Hlaalu.
MW-icon-armor-Bonemold Helm.png

Redoran Founder's Helm

Bonemold Helm 4.4
180 150 18
(Max: 60)
You will be asked to recover this helm from Alvis Teri during the Founder's Helm quest for House Redoran.*
  • The Founder's Helm is exactly the same as the normal Bonemold helm, except with a different name and ID.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Charge
MW-icon-armor-Redoran Guard Shield.png

Redoran Banner Shield

Bonemold Tower Shield 13.0
340 250 17
(Max: 57)
You are asked to bring back several of these shields during the Recover Shields from Andasreth quest for House Redoran.
  • The shield looks like a normal Bonemold Tower Shield while worn, but maintains its unique appearance on the ground.



Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 02.png

Amulet of Ashamanu
amulet of ashamanu (unique)

Expensive Amulet 1.0 640

Cast When Used
Cure Blight Disease Cure Blight Disease on Self
Restore Health Restore Health 5 pts for 5 secs on Self

530/106 = 5
Found on a corpse discovered during the Dreams of a White Guar quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 02.png

Amulet of Flesh Made Whole

Extravagant Ruby Amulet 1.0 500

Cast When Used
Restore Health Restore Health 1-150 pts on Self
Cure Poison Cure Poison on Self
Cure Common Disease Cure Common Disease on Self
Cure Blight Disease Cure Blight Disease on Self
Restore Agility Restore Agility 5-15 pts on Self
Restore Endurance Restore Endurance 5-15 pts on Self
Restore Strength Restore Strength 5-15 pts on Self
Restore Personality Restore Personality 5-15 pts on Self

285/282 = 1
Telvanni Councilor Dratha will ask you to retrieve this amulet, which is in the possession of Neloth's captain archer, Berengeval, in Tel Naga, Sadrith Mora.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 01.png

Augustus' Amulet

Extravagant Sapphire Amulet 1.0 240

Cast When Used
Blind Blind 25-50 pts in 2ft for 30 secs on Target
Silence Silence in 2ft for 30 secs on Target
Disintegrate Armor Disintegrate Armor 1-3 pts in 2ft for 30 secs on Target
Disintegrate Weapon Disintegrate Weapon 1-3 pts in 2ft for 30 secs on Target

1,160/232 = 5
Found on the corpse of Agustas (yes the spelling doesn't match) in Arenim Ancestral Tomb. Satyana, also found in the tomb, claims that it is Her Father's Amulet, and would very much like to have it back.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 01.png

Delyna's Locket

Expensive Amulet 1.0 30


Given by Delyna Mandas when you rescue her from her cell in Tel Fyr. Show it to her father, The Mad Lord of Milk, to help restore his sanity.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 03.png

Expensive Amulet

Expensive Amulet 1.0 50


Stolen from Aeta Wave-Breaker by the Khajiit Dro'Zhirr, who's hiding out in Shushishi. Aeta will ask you to retrieve it in the Aeta Wave-Breaker's Jewels quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 01.png

Firejade Amulet

Expensive Amulet 1.0 150


Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Bevene Releth and the other merchants in town.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Hlervu Locket

Exquisite Amulet 1.0 240


Return this to Braynas Hlervu in Ald'ruhn for the Bal Molagmer during The Hlervu Locket quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Amulet 02.png

Julielle Aumine's Amulet

Common Amulet 1.0 2


The last sign of a murdered woman, whose Restless Spirit is visiting an Argonian by the name of Okur in Hla Oad. The Imperial Cult will ask you to investigate this and seek justice for her fate.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 03.png

Linus Iulus' Maran Amulet
Linus_Iulus_Maran Amulet

Expensive Amulet 1.0 300

Cast When Used
Fortify Speechcraft Fortify Speechcraft 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Restoration Fortify Restoration 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Mysticism Fortify Mysticism 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 5 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Found on the corpse of Linus Iulus, a lost acolyte for the Imperial Cult. You'll find it during the Silver Staff of Shaming quest. If you return it and his Stendarran Belt to Kaye, you'll get to keep the staff.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 01.png

Skink's Amulet

Extravagant Sapphire Amulet 1.0 1,000


Given by Skink-in-Tree's-Shade as a show of his support for your being promoted to Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 03.png

Linus Iulus' Stendarran Belt

Expensive Belt 1.0 300

Cast When Used
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Unarmored Fortify Unarmored 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Enchant Fortify Enchant 5 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Found on the corpse of Linus Iulus, a lost acolyte for the Imperial Cult. You'll find it during the Silver Staff of Shaming quest. If you return it and his Maran Amulet to Kaye, you'll get to keep the staff.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 01.png

Racer Suede Belt

Expensive Belt 1.0 100


Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Tiras Sadus and the other merchants in town.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-clothing-Bal Molagmer Glove.png

Left/Right Bal Molagmer Glove

Common Gloves 1.0 2


You'll be given these and expected to wear them when doing any of the Bal Molagmer quests for Gentleman Jim Stacey at the Thieves Guild.
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Glove.png


Extravagant Right Glove 1.0 16,000

Cast When Used
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Drain Endurance Drain Endurance 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Drain Speed Drain Speed 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Drain Strength Drain Strength 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Drain Willpower Drain Willpower 15-30 pts for 30 secs on Self

1,350/270 = 5
Found under a pillow in Ald Daedroth. Though it has some very nice effects, it is a required item for the Sheogorath of the House of Troubles quest for the Tribunal Temple, so it must be given up at the end of the quest and cannot subsequently be retrieved.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Glove.png

Ilmeni's glove

Expensive Left Glove 1.0 10


You'll be asked to recover this Maiden's Token for Ilmeni Dren by Imsin the Dreamer of the Imperial Legion.
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Glove.png

Maurrie's Left/Right Glove

Extravagant Gloves 1.0 40


Maurrie Aurmine will give you one of these (the left one) as a token for the bandit Nelos Onmar during the Beauty and the Bandit quest.


Item Base Item Weight Value Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Common Pants 01.png

Hentus Pants

Common Pants 2.0 1 2
Stolen from Hentus Yansurnummu by Hainab Lasamsi as he was bathing in the river near Gnisis. He'll ask for you to get them back in the Hentus Needs Pants quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Pants 01.png

Silk Pants

Exquisite Pants 2.0 360 60
Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Bivale Teneran and the other merchants in Ald'ruhn.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge/
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 03.png

Adusamsi's Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 30

Cast When Used
Divine Intervention Divine Intervention on Self

40/8 = 5
Stolen from Adusamsi Assurnarairan by Llaren Terano, who currently has her penned up in the Rotheran Arena. Return it to her to aid her escape during the Ice Blade of the Monarch quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Ring 02.png

Aundae Signet Ring

Extravagant Ring 0.1 120


Given by Dhaunayne Aundae in Ashmelech to help you in finding her descendant in the Blood Ties quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Ring 01.png

Black Jinx

Extravagant Ring 0.1 240

Cast When Used
Absorb Luck Absorb Luck 10-50 pts in 1ft for 2 mins on Touch
Burden Burden 25-100 pts in 1ft for 2 mins on Touch

3,675/735 = 5
Sought by Mistress Dratha of House Telvanni. Her Mouth, Raven Omayn will ask you to find it during the Black Jinx quest. It is being worn by Alven Salas of the Morag Tong.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Brallion's Exquisite Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 40


The prized possession of the slave trader Brallion in Sadrith Mora. Gentleman Jim Stacey of the Thieves Guild will ask you to steal it from him and give it to Ilmeni Dren during the Brallion's Ring quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 02.png

Danar's Ring

Common Ring 0.1 2


Carried by Danar Uvelas, who is now a Corprus Stalker in the Underworks of Vivec's St. Olms canton after contracting Corprus. Return it to his wife, Moroni to let her know of his fate during The Short Unhappy Life of Danar Uvelas quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 02.png

Ebony Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 150


Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Daynes Redothril and the other merchants in town.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Engraved Ring of Healing

Expensive Ring 0.1 30

Cast When Used
Restore Health Restore Health 1-5 pts on Self

20/5 = 4
Found in a barrel in the courtyard of the Census and Excise building in Seyda Neen. You will need to have it before you enter the next part of the building at the beginning of the game. Returning it to Fargoth will earn you good prices at his friend Arrille's shop. You can then get it back by looking in Fargoth's Hiding Place.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Expensive Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 30


Found on the bottom of a murky pond in the West Gash region, north of Gnisis. Synette Jeline will ask you for your help in finding it, and as soon as you do, she and her invisible accomplice Tavynu Tedran will attack you.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 03.png

Expensive Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 50


Stolen from Aeta Wave-Breaker by the Khajiit Dro'Zhirr, who's hiding out in Shushishi. Aeta will ask you to retrieve it in the Aeta Wave-Breaker's Jewels quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Glass Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 120


Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Daynes Redothril and the other merchants in town.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Nervion Ancestor Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 30

Cast When Used
Summon Ancestral Ghost Summon Ancestral Ghost for 60 secs on Self

105/21 = 5
Found on the corpse of Irer Nervion in Falasmaryon. Faral Retheran will ask you to slay Dagoth Tanis, and recover this ring for her. In return, she will give you a standard Ancestor's Ring to replace it.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Processus Vitellius' Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 240


Held by Foryn Gilnith, who can be found in his shack in Seyda Neen during the Death of a Taxman quest. Return it to Processus Vitellius' lover Thavere Vedrano in exchange for some healing potions.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Ring of Dahrk Mezalf

Expensive Ring 0.1 60

Cast When Used
Demoralize Creature Demoralize Creature 1-50 pts in 1ft for 60 secs on Target
Demoralize Humanoid Demoralize Humanoid 1-50 pts in 1ft for 60 secs on Target
Disintegrate Armor Disintegrate Armor 1-25 pts in 1ft for 10 secs on Target
Disintegrate Weapon Disintegrate Weapon 1-25 pts in 1ft for 10 secs on Target

1,735/347 = 5
This ring is worn by the spirit of Dahrk Mezalf in the Dwemer ruins of Bthungthumz, northwest of Maar Gan and southwest of the Urshilaku Camp. Part of a Telvanni quest.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Robe 01.png

Redas Robe of Deeds

Extravagant Robe 3.0 225

Constant Effect
Feather Feather 50 pts on Self
Detect Animal Detect Animal 25 pts on Self

Found in the Redas Ancestral Tomb (south of Molag Mar), lying on the edge of an ash pit close to the entrance. Faral Retheran in the Redoran Treasury in Vivec will ask you to recover this robe.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Robe 02.png

Robe of St Roris
robe of st roris

Common Robe 3.0 40

Cast When Used*
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 15 pts on Self
Restore Health Restore Health 15 pts on Self

25/5 = 5
Needed for the Control the Ordinators quest, it is found in Assemanu (southeast of Seyda Neen) in a chest on a ledge at the end of the cave (look up in the large area at the end). You will need Levitation or Telekinesis to reach it.

*In the 1.0 version of the game, this robe has a constant effect enchantment.

MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Robe 01.png

Robe of the Drake's Pride
exquisite_robe_drake's pride

Exquisite Robe 3.0 205

Constant Effect
Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 10 pts on Self
Resist Fire Resist Fire 25 pts on Self
Reflect Reflect 25 pts on Self

Master Neloth wants this robe in the quest Drake's Pride. Found on Senise Thindo in Tel Aruhn's Living Quarters.


Item Base Item Weight Value Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Shirt 01.png

Brocade Shirt

Exquisite Shirt 2.0 360 60
Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Bivale Teneran and the other merchants in Ald'ruhn.
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Shirt 01.png

Exquisite Shirt

Exquisite Shirt 2.0 120 60
Five of these are given by the Argonian trader to be delivered to Bivale Teneran in Ald'ruhn during The Shirt of His Back quest. Failure to do so causes every merchant in town to refuse to do business with you. While these appear to be indistinguishable from standard Exquisite Shirts, they are different, and Bivale will not accept any other shirts. If you have Tribunal installed, you can also purchase these from Ten-Tongues Weerhat in Mournhold.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Shoes 01.png

Designer Shoes

Exquisite Shoes 3.0 240

Cast When Used
Light Light 20 pts for 15 secs on Target

25/5 = 5
Purchased on credit by Ienas Sarandas, who is unable to pay off his debt to Llether Vari and the other merchants in Ald'ruhn.


Item Base Item Weight Value Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Imperial Skirt.png

Therana's Skirt
therana's skirt

Imperial Skirt 2.0 4 60
A skirt given by Felisa Ulessen to bring to Mistress Therana in the New Clothes quest. Therana really, really doesn't like when other people wear her clothes...


Item Weight Value Notes
MW-icon-misc-Silverware Bowl.png Beluelle's Silver bowl
5.0 40 Return it to its owner in The Silver Bowl quest.
MW-icon-misc-Limeware Bowl.png Chapel Limeware Bowl
5.0 1,000 The subject of the Missing Limeware quest for the Imperial Cult
MW-icon-misc-Dwemer Tube.png Drinar Varyon's Dwemer Tube
0.5 40 The proof required of artifact smuggling during the Dwemer Artifacts at Drinar Varyon's Place quest.
MW-icon-misc-Dwarven Bone.png Dwarven Bone
1.0 1 Causes problems for a merchant during The Dwemer's Bone quest.
MW-icon-misc-Dwemer puzzle box.png Dwemer puzzle box
5.0 10 Wanted by Hasphat Antabolis during the Antabolis Informant quest.
MW-icon-tool-Lesser Soul Gem.png Fake Soul Gem
0.5 0 A false lesser soul gem made by Ajira, convincing enough to be recognized as a real one by Galbedir for use in her experiment during the Fake Soul Gem quest for the Balmora Mages Guild. Another example, not related to a quest, can be found in Habinbaes.
MW-icon-ingredient-Guar Hide.png Girith's Guar Hide
1.0 5 Stolen from Athanden Girith.
MW-icon-misc-Golden Egg.png Golden Egg
30.0 150 Sought by Hrundi during the Pudai Eggmine quest for the Sadrith Mora Fighters Guild.
MW-icon-misc-House Dagoth Cup.png House Dagoth cup
1.0 500 Sought by Sul-Matuul during The Path of the Incarnate quest.
MW-icon-ingredient-Guar Hide.png Marsus' Guar Hide
1.0 5 Stolen from Marsus Tullius.
MW-icon-misc-Ash Statue.png Morvayn Ash Statue
4.0 10 Recover this dangerous artifact during the Mission to Morvayn Manor quest for House Redoran.
MW-icon-misc-Goblet 01.png Redas Goblet
1.0 300 Find this and other lost heirlooms during the Redas Tomb quest for House Redoran.
MW-icon-misc-Skull.png Skull of Llevule Andrano
0.5 0 Sought by Sharn gra-Muzgob during the Gra-Muzgob Informant quest.
MW-icon-misc-Ash Statue.png Suspicious Ash Statue
4.0 10 Subject of two quests for House Redoran.
MW-icon-armor-Wraithguard 02.png Unique Dwemer Artifact
1.0 1 The version of Wraithguard that you get when you choose to kill Vivec for it instead of having it given to you. See Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard for details.