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Morrowind:Vivec St. Olms

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Walkthrough: not written

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The PlazaWaistworksCanalworksUnderworksPeopleTravelMapsNotesQuestsHomesServices
The St. Olms Canton
The shrine Assernerairan
MW-banner-Vivec St. Olms.png

The St. Olms Canton is located next to the St. Delyn Canton and south of the Arena. Its underworks are home to the Assernerairan shrine. It also offers low-cost housing and shop space to deserving merchants. The canton is physically divided into tiers, which are, from top to bottom:

The Plaza[edit]

Two House Hlaalu Councilors have their home here. Yngling Half-Troll is located in Yngling Manor, Dram Bero is downstairs in the Haunted Manor, behind a locked (50) door. If you found a lost Ebony mine, you can get a nice Daedric weapon from Bero. In the St. Olms Temple, Vaval Selas is a faction-less healer, offering potions and ingredients as well as spells.

To get here, enter The Waistworks and leave through any of the four long halls on the upper level. A Plaza entrance should be on the outside balcony, next to any of the upper-level Waistworks exits.

The Waistworks[edit]

You'll find several trade halls here with goods from all over Vvardenfell; the Tailors and Dyers Hall, Brewers and Fishmongers Hall, Farmers and Laborers Hall all have several merchants. Nivos Drivam, a trader in the Tanners and Miners Hall, has jewels, raw glass and ebony, as well as scrap metal.

The Canalworks[edit]

The only people here are J'Dhannar and Sevisa Teran. Roughly in the middle is the entrance to the St. Olms Storage, where you may find the Shrine of St. Felms... if you survive the bonelords and skeleton champions (not to mention a few rats). These monsters regenerate each time you enter the area, so while the storage doesn't hold much of value, you can quickly accumulate a lot of silver longswords and claymores. The bonelords will often have common soulgems as well.

The Underworks[edit]

Addhiranirr is hiding at the east end trying to avoid a Census and Excise agent. Assernerairan houses a shrine dedicated to the god Mehrunes Dagon. A skooma addict is wandering in the side-tunnels.

Getting there & around[edit]

Bridges connect to Arena, Temple and St. Delyn. There are no Gondola services here.

Map of Vivec's St. Olms canton



NPC Services Location
Bervyn Lleryn Merchant St. Olms Waistworks
Duvianus Platorius Trains Speechcraft; Light Armor; Sneak St. Olms Waistworks
Faulgor Trains Light Armor; Sneak; Acrobatics Yngling Manor
Gindas Ildram Merchant for Ingredients St. Olms Waistworks
Mevure Hlen Clothier St. Olms Waistworks
Moroni Uvelas Merchant for Potions/Ingredients St. Olms Waistworks
Nalis Gals Merchant St. Olms Waistworks
Nalvilie Saren Clothier See map
Nivos Drivam Merchant for Armor/Ingredients St. Olms Waistworks
Vaval Selas Spell Merchant, Merchant for Potions/Ingredients Temple

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Fighters Guild[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

  • Exterminator: Kill some diseased rats among Yngling's game rats in Vivec.
  • Bero's Support: Get the support of this elusive councilor.

House Redoran[edit]

Morag Tong[edit]

Thieves Guild[edit]

  • Yngling's Ledger: Gentleman Jim Stacey wants you to fight corruption in Vivec.


Official Plugins[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Achel Male Redguard Commoner 2 61 62 0 30 St. Olms Canal South-Three
Adaves Therayn Male Dark Elf Pauper 3 50 84 0 30 St. Olms Waistworks
Addhiranirr Female Khajiit Thief Thieves Guild Operative(Operative) 9 76 106 0 0 St. Olms Underworks
Aldyne Arenim Female Dark Elf Pauper 3 45 84 0 30 St. Olms Waistworks
Arvela Falas Female Dark Elf Nightblade House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 17 96 116 90 30 St. Olms Haunted Manor
Bervyn Lleryn Male Dark Elf Trader Service 5 69 92 50 30 St. Olms Waistworks Merchant
Busheeus Male Argonian Commoner 3 52 84 0 30 St. Olms Plaza
Dalvus Helothran Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 0 30 St. Olms Waist South-Two
Dram Bero Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Councilman(Councilman) 21 159 144 90 30 St. Olms Haunted Manor
Dro'Sakhar Male Khajiit Thief 9 76 106 0 30 St. Olms Canal South-Two
Duvianus Platorius Male Imperial Agent Census and Excise Taxman(Taxman) 13 102 106 0 30 St. Olms Waistworks Trainer
Eralane Hledas Female Dark Elf Commoner 2 46 82 0 30 St. Olms Canal North-One
Falso Sadrys Male Dark Elf Commoner House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 2 51 82 0 30 St. Olms Plaza
Faulgor Male Wood Elf Agent House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 17 113 116 90 30 St. Olms Yngling Manor Trainer
Favona Gilnith Female Dark Elf Noble 5 58 92 0 30 St. Olms Waist North-Two
Fedura Sethan Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 0 30 St. Olms Farmers and Laborers Hall
Galis Seleth Male Dark Elf Noble 5 63 92 0 30 St. Olms Upper North-One
Garding the Bold Male Nord Barbarian 19 177 88 90 30 St. Olms Haunted Manor
Ginadura Andrethi Female Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 6 64 96 0 30 St. Olms Plaza
Gindas Ildram Male Dark Elf Trader Service 7 77 100 100 30 St. Olms Farmers and Laborers Hall Merchant
Girvani Sedas Female Dark Elf Rogue 4 54 84 0 30 St. Olms Plaza
Golvyni Faryon Female Dark Elf Commoner 1 40 80 0 30 St. Olms Canal North-Two
Gulvilie Arinith Female Dark Elf Warrior 19 200 108 0 80 St. Olms Underworks
Hlaroi Faryon Male Dark Elf Commoner 1 45 80 0 30 St. Olms Canal North-Two
Hroa Female Nord Pauper 2 50 62 0 30 St. Olms Canal North-Three
Ienase Relnim Female Dark Elf Noble 4 53 90 0 30 St. Olms Upper North-Two
Inera Faryon Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 0 30 St. Olms Canal North-Two
J'Dhannar Male Khajiit Pauper 3 45 84 0 30 St. Olms Canalworks
Melvuli Hlaalu Female Dark Elf Commoner 2 46 82 0 30 St. Olms Waist South-One
Mevure Hlen Female Dark Elf Clothier 7 63 120 30 30 St. Olms Tailors and Dyers Hall Merchant
Moroni Uvelas Female Dark Elf Trader Service 7 66 100 100 30 St. Olms Brewers and Fishmongers Hall Merchant
Nalis Gals Male Dark Elf Trader Service 5 69 92 50 30 St. Olms Waistworks Merchant
Nalvilie Saren Female Dark Elf Clothier 3 45 106 100 30 St. Olms Canal South-One Merchant
Nivos Drivam Male Dark Elf Trader Service 7 77 100 100 30 St. Olms Tanners and Miners Hall Merchant
Noldrasi Bedas Female Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 St. Olms Tanners and Miners Hall
Omesu Hlarys Female Dark Elf Enforcer House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 17 112 116 90 30 St. Olms Haunted Manor
Relosa Tharyon Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 0 30 St. Olms Upper South-One
Relvese Velni Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 0 30 St. Olms Brewers and Fishmongers Hall
Sevisa Teran Female Dark Elf Pauper 3 45 84 0 30 St. Olms Canalworks
Shagar gra-Snagarz Female Orc Bard House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 17 139 170 90 30 St. Olms Yngling Manor
Star Male Nord Spellsword House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 17 145 104 90 30 St. Olms Yngling Manor
Tirele Aralas Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 0 30 St. Olms Tailors and Dyers Hall
Tralayn Vavas Male Dark Elf Noble 6 69 96 0 30 St. Olms Waist North-One
Vaval Selas Male Dark Elf Healer Service 8 67 96 100 30 St. Olms Temple Spell Merchant; Merchant
Yngling Half-Troll Male Nord Noble House Hlaalu Councilman(Councilman) 21 150 32 90 30 St. Olms Yngling Manor



Services in the Waistworks