Morrowind:Ald Velothi

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Ald Velothi
(view on map) (lore page)
Alignment: Redoran
Region: West Gash

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

MW-banner-Ald Velothi.png
Ald Velothi
The Fair Helas with Galyn Arvel waiting

Ald Velothi is a small harbor village north of Gnisis. There are few services, apart from some poor Traders and a Smith, and no means of fast transport to reach it. The settlement's principal structure is a Redoran watch-tower, and there is an outcast Ashlander camp directly south of the post, atop a hill. A large Daedric Shrine of Ashalmawia is directly east and visible from the village. The Redoran Lord (possibly Arethan Mandas) hasn't been seen in a while, but the Redoran Guards and his reluctant Hetman Theldyn Virith remain. Around the village, three slave hunters are looking for a runaway slave.

The Outpost[edit]

Orero Omothan is a blacksmith who is selling much-needed repair hammers in front of the Outpost. Inside, the trader Sedam Omalen has a selection of wares and arrows. Downstairs, you can get training from Lauravenya, a mage in the Imperial Cult, and there is a Shrine of the Tribunal. The Hetman Theldyn Virith is a quest giver for House Redoran.

The Harbor[edit]

Small desolate fishing huts surround the harbor. Galyn Arvel is waiting in front of the ship Fair Helas which is moored to the small docks. People have some trouble here with an old slaughterfish.

Getting There and Around[edit]

While there are two ships in port, neither of them provides transportation. There is no fast travel at all here. A dirt trail leads northeast to Khuul. A pass leads south over gorges to Gnisis.

Places of Interest Around Ald Velothi[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

House Redoran[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Anes Hlaren Male Dark Elf Nightblade 17 101 116 0 30 [-11,15]
Fevila Bethrano Female Dark Elf Commoner 7 76 94 0 30 Fevila Bethrano's Shack
Galyn Arvel Female Dark Elf Rogue 2 41 82 0 30 [-11,15]
Ganus Lloryn Male Dark Elf Commoner 6 74 92 0 30 [-11,15]
Garyn Girith Male Dark Elf Agent 11 92 102 0 30 [-11,15] Trainer
Lauravenya Female Dark Elf Mage Service Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 9 69 128 100 30 Outpost Trainer
Lledsea Relas Female Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 [-11,15]
Llerar Vinden Male Dark Elf Commoner 6 74 92 0 30 Llerar Vinden's Shack
Orero Omothan Female Dark Elf Smith House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 7 94 90 100 30 [-11,15] Blacksmith; Merchant
Sadal Doren Female Dark Elf Rogue 12 106 98 0 30 [-11,15]
Sathas Rivul Male Dark Elf Hunter 6 66 88 0 30 [-11,15]
Sedam Omalen Male Dark Elf Trader Service House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 10 99 108 100 30 Outpost Merchant
Serila Arval Female Dark Elf Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Ienas Arvel's Shack
Theldyn Virith Male Dark Elf Scout House Redoran Kinsman(Kinsman) 14 143 108 100 30 Outpost Trainer
Trivura Arenim Female Dark Elf Trader Service House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 5 54 112 100 30 Outpost Merchant
Vireveri Darethran Female Dark Elf Hunter 6 61 88 0 30 [-11,15]


  • The runaway slave J'Saddha is hiding near Ashalmawia, due east of the village.
  • Although "Ienas Arvel's Shack" can be found in the village, no such person exists in the game, unused or otherwise.


MW-map-Ald Velothi.jpg
Map Key