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Online:Capture Resource

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Quick Summary: written by TheRealLurlock, not checked

Walkthrough: written by TheRealLurlock, not checked

Quest Stages: written by oath2order, not checked
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Capture Resources for your alliance.
Zone: Cyrodiil
Quest Giver: Battle Mission Board
Prerequisite Quest: Reporting For Duty Aldmeri DominionDaggerfall CovenantEbonheart Pact
Reward: Battlemaster's Rucksack
(?) 0000000Alliance PointsAlliance Points
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: Varies
Required Level: 10
I accepted a mission to help capture <<objective>> for the <<Dominion/Covenant/Pact>>.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Examine the Battle Mission Board.
  2. Capture the required farm, lumbermill, or mine.
  3. Return to the Battle Mission Board.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

This page or section is incomplete. You can help by adding to it.
Fill out the dialogue from the Battle Mission Board for accepting the mission.
For more information, see the help files, the style guide, and this article's talk page.

Visit the Battle Mission Board at your alliance's primary Border Keep to acquire a random Scouting mission. The text on the mission board depends on the destination (see below).

The hardest part of this quest is getting to the enemy-controlled objective. Enemy players wander through the wilderness and will attack you if you are detected. Avoiding forts and common roads is recommended. When you get to the edge of the objective, defeat all the enemy NPCs in the area, and stand at the large flag until you receive credit for taking the resource.

After that you must return to the mission board to get your reward. Note that once the resource is captured, the quest won't fail if you are detected and killed, or if it is taken back by the enemy again, so you are able to bloodport back to base if you do not want to run to the nearest Transitus Shrine.

Mission Board Text (Accept)[edit]

Resource Farm Lumbermill Mine
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant " Grand Warlord Dortene wants Alessia Farm taken from the enemy. Attack, warriors! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Our foes produce siege engines far too quickly. Much of the wood for these weapons comes from Alessia Lumbermill. Warriors are needed to capture it for the Covenant. — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "By order of Grand Warlord Dortene, Alessia Mine must be captured! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Black Boot
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Black Boot Farm must no longer feed our foes. Join the assault, warriors of the Covenant! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "New orders, warriors. The enemy uses wood from Black Boot Lumbermill to build their siege engines. We need to take this from them. Answer the Dominion's call! — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant "Grand Warlord Dortene commands that Black Boot Lumbermill be taken from our foes. Warriors—answer the call! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Stone quarried in the mine at Castle Black Boot reinforces our enemies' strongholds. This must end. Covenant warriors are urged to gather in an assault on this mine! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "For too long, the farm at Castle Bloodmayne has fed our enemies. Grand Warlord Dortene calls for this farm to be overwhelmed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "The enemy's lumbermill at Castle Bloodmayne must be overrun. All warriors are needed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "We need stone to strengthen our forts. Grand Warlord Dortene believes the mine at Castle Bloodmayne is vulnerable. An attack is ordered immediately! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "We need the farm at Castle Brindle to help feed our troops. Grand Warlord Zimmeron calls for attackers! — Scribe Dreet-Wulm"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Our foes produce siege engines far too quickly. Much of the wood for these weapons comes from Brindle Lumbermill. Warriors are needed to capture it for the Covenant. — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact "Our foes' siege engines depend on wood from Brindle Lumbermill. Warriors are needed to capture it for the Pact. — Scribe Dreet-Wulm"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "By order of Grand Warlord Dortene, Brindle Mine must be captured! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Faregyl Farm must no longer feed our foes. Join the assault, warriors of the Covenant! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact "Faregyl Farm must no longer support our foes. Join the assault, warriors of the Pact! — General Jeggord"
Aldmeri Dominion "New orders, warriors. The enemy uses wood from Faregyl Lumbermill to build their siege engines. We need to take this from them. Answer the Dominion's call! — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant "Grand Warlord Dortene commands that Faregyl Lumbermill be taken from our foes. Warriors—answer the call! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Stone quarried in the mine at Castle Faregyl reinforces our enemies' strongholds. This must end. Covenant warriors are urged to gather in an assault on this mine! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "The enemy's lumbermill at Castle Roebeck must be overrun. All warriors are needed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact "The lumbermill at Castle Roebeck must be taken from our enemies, by Grand Warlord Zimmeron's decree. All warriors are needed! — Scribe Dreet-Wulm"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Grand Warlord Sorcalin wants the mine at Castle Roebeck. We need its stone to help fortify our castles. Warriors are needed immediately! — Scribe Fireluin"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "The bounty of Aleswell Farm has fed our foes for too long. All warriors are urged to join in attacking this enemy settlement. — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "New orders, warriors. The enemy uses wood from Aleswell Lumbermill to build their siege engines. We need to take this from them. Answer the Dominion's call! — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "Stone from Aleswell Mine strengthens our foes' keeps. Warriors are needed to take this resource from them. — General Jeggord"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Our foes produce siege engines far too quickly. Much of the wood for these weapons comes from Ash Lumbermill. Warriors are needed to capture it for the Covenant. — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "Grand Warlord Zimmeron wants Ash Mine captured. Answer the call, warriors! — Scribe Dreet-Wulm"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "For too long, the farm at Fort Dragonclaw has fed our enemies. Grand Warlord Dortene calls for this farm to be overwhelmed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Grand Warlord Sorcalin believes the enemy farm at Glademist is vulnerable. An attack is ordered immediately. — Scribe Fireluin"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Grand Warlord Sorcalin wants the enemy lumbermill at Glademist attacked. All warriors are urged to participate. — Scribe Fireluin"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Grand Warlord Sorcalin wants the mine at Fort Glademist. We need its stone to help fortify our castles. Warriors are needed immediately! — Scribe Fireluin"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "The bounty of Rayles Farm has fed our foes for too long. All warriors are urged to join in attacking this enemy settlement. — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "New orders, warriors. The enemy uses wood from Rayles Lumbermill to build their siege engines. We need to take this from them. Answer the Dominion's call! — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "Rayles Lumbermill has been chose as our latest target by Grand Warlord Zimmeron. Pact warriors — It must be taken! — General Jeggord"
Aldmeri Dominion "The mine at Fort Rayles must be ours, warriors. Gather in a large pack and swarm over the enemy defenders. — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "Stone from Rayles Mine strengthens our foes' keeps. Warriors are needed to take this resource from them. — General Jeggord"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "We need the farm at Fort Warden to help feed our troops. Grand Warlord Zimmeron calls for attackers! — Scribe Dreet-Wulm"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact "Our foes' siege engines depend on wood from Warden Lumbermill. Warriors are needed to capture it for the Pact. — Scribe Dreet-Wulm"
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Arrius Farm must no longer feed our foes. Join the assault, warriors of the Covenant! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "New orders, warriors. The enemy uses wood from Arrius Lumbermill to build their siege engines. We need to take this from them. Answer the Dominion's call! — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Stone quarried in the mine at Arrius Keep reinforces our enemies' strongholds. This must end. Covenant warriors are urged to gather in an assault on this mine! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Blue Road
Aldmeri Dominion "The bounty of Blue Road Farm has fed our foes for too long. All warriors are urged to join in attacking this enemy settlement. — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "New orders, warriors. The enemy uses wood from Blue Road Lumbermill to build their siege engines. We need to take this from them. Answer the Dominion's call! — General Atahba"
Daggerfall Covenant "Grand Warlord Dortene commands that Blue Road Lumbermill be taken from our foes. Warriors—answer the call! — General Am-Shadal"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Chalman Farm supplies the enemy with enough food to outlast any siege. Grand Warlord Sorcalin's orders are to take the farm and deprive our foes of those resources. — Scribe Fireluin"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Stone from the mine near Chalman Keep is helping the enemy strengthen their castle walls. Orders from Grand Warlord Sorcalin are to capture this mine for the Dominion. — Scribe Fireluin"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "For too long, the farm at Drakelowe Keep has fed our enemies. Grand Warlord Dortene calls for this farm to be overwhelmed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant " The enemy's lumbermill at Drakelowe Keep must be overrun. All warriors are needed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "We need stone to strengthen our forts. Grand Warlord Dortene believes the mine at Drakelowe Keep is vulnerable. An attack is ordered immediately! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Grand Warlord Dortene wants Farragut Farm taken from the enemy. Attack, warriors! — Scribe Grulzul"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "Farragut Lumbermill provides wood for many of the enemy's siege weapons. Grand Warlord Sorcalin needs warriors to assault this lumbermill and capture it for the Dominion. — Scribe Fireluin"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "By order of Grand Warlord Dortene, Farragut Mine must be captured! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion "Grand Warlord Sorcalin believes the enemy farm at Kingscrest Keep is vulnerable. An attack is ordered immediately. — Scribe Fireluin"
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "The enemy's lumbermill at Kingscrest Keep must be overrun. All warriors are needed! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant "We need stone to strengthen our forts. Grand Warlord Dortene believes the mine at Kingscrest Keep is vulnerable. An attack is ordered immediately! — Scribe Grulzul"
Ebonheart Pact (?)

Mission Board Text (Return)[edit]

Aldmeri Dominion [verification needed — Are there more texts?]
Daggerfall Covenant [verification needed — Are there more texts?]
Ebonheart Pact [verification needed — Are there more texts?]

Quest Stages[edit]

Capture Resource
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I accepted a mission to scout <objective> for the Dominion. I should travel there as soon as I can.
Daggerfall Covenant I accepted a mission to scout <objective> for the Covenant. I should travel there as soon as I can.
Ebonheart Pact I accepted a mission to scout <objective> for the Pact. I should travel there as soon as I can.
Objective: Capture <objective>
Objective Hint: This is a dangerous task. I should go there with a group.
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion With <objective> in Dominion hands, I should return to the Battle board.
Daggerfall Covenant With <objective> in Covenant hands, I should return to the Battle board.
Ebonheart Pact With <objective> in Pact hands, I should return to the Battle board.
Objective: Return to Scouting Mission Board
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.