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Online:Saint Llothis the Pious

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Saint Llothis the Pious
(lore page)
Home City Brass Fortress
Location Asylum Sanctorium
Race Factotum Gender No Gender
Health Normal10,906,422Veteran51,747,104 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Saint Llothis the Pious
Statue of Saint Llothis

Saint Llothis the Pious is a contemporary and companion of the Tribunal whose soul was placed into a giant factotum body along with Saint Felms the Bold and Saint Olms the Just.

Unfortunately, the process wasn't a success and the three are under the care of Alienist Llandras in the Asylum Sanctorium.

During combat, Saint Llothis primarily uses poison-based attacks from his staff, and is accompanied by Imperfect Attendants, who will respawn if destroyed after a duration.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Poisonous Bolt
A basic ranged attack dealing moderate poison damage.
Steam Spray
Saint Llothis targets a member of the party, indicated by a thin tracking conal AoE, releasing high-pressured steam from his hand, dealing continuous very high physical damage. This attack must be blocked in its entirety.
Defiled Blast
Saint Llothis raises his staff to the sky, releasing a continuous spree of poisonous bolts that split into multiple smaller ones that hit every member of the party for very high poison damage and causes a stagger. This ability should be interrupted.
Throughout the fight, Saint Llothis will teleport throughout the arena to create space. The location from which he teleports from and the spot he teleports to are then marked by noxious fields that linger, indicated by a large circular AoEs, dealing continuous high poison damage.


Approaching Llothis:

"Change was in our nature, but when you rose to the heavens, we fell to the depths of Oblivion."

Lingering by him:

"Almsivi, where are your voices? We need you now more than ever."
"These hollow shapes cannot love you as we once did. Forgive us, have mercy."
"Distant. So distant are we from the Three."

During combat:

"What are we but leavings of the Divines?"
"Suffering is the will of the Three."
"We are unworthy! We are all unworthy!"
"Together we will be unstoppable."
"Get away! You aren't wanted! None of us are wanted!"
"Their gift to me is my gift to you."
"Can your lives be mended?"
"Have faith."
"I am no longer of Almsivi, only the void."

Upon defeat:

"It's so quiet... peaceful."

After his defeat, Alienist Llandras will arrive and Llothis will speak with a disembodied voice:

Alienist Llandras: "Saint Llothis, beloved of the Three. If any could claim to have known the hearts of the Living Gods, it was him, but for all his wisdom he couldn't see what had changed between them."
Saint Llothis the Pious: "This was not an extension of my existence, but a transformation. I can see that now."
Alienist Llandras: "Perhaps we pulled you too early from the cocoon. Go back and rest, until Lord Seht finds the true shape of your soul."


Achievements associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Completed.png Asylum Sanctorium Completed 15 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Conqueror.png Asylum Sanctorium Conqueror 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Vanquisher.png Asylum Sanctorium Vanquisher 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in the same fight in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Contender.png Asylum Sanctorium Contender 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in the same fight in Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Righteous Condemnation.png Righteous Condemnation 10 Defeat Saint Olms the Just and Saint Llothis the Pious in the same battle in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Perfect Purification.png Perfect Purification 10 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in the same battle without suffering a group member death within 15 minutes of entering the Sanctuary Atrium in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Skill Master.png Sanctified 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold without suffering a group member death in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran Speed.png Swift Mercy 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold within a time limit of 15 minutes in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium. Timer starts when players enter the Sanctuary Atrium.
ON-icon-achievement-Beatific Beatdown.png Beatific Beatdown 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold at the same time without allowing Saint Felms or Saint Llothis to enrage during the fight.
ON-icon-achievement-Imperfect Attendance.png Imperfect Attendance 15 Defeat Saint Llothis the Pious without dismantling his Imperfect Attendants in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.