Online:Veiled Heritance
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The Veiled Heritance is a covert group of Altmeri nationalists seeking to depose Queen Ayrenn and appoint their own regent, the Veiled Queen, High Kinlady Estre — Ayrenn's sister-in-law and her brother Naemon's wife. One of their main bases, The Veiled Keep, is located under their training grounds on Errinorne Isle in central Auridon.
It is revealed through several letters in Mehrunes' Spite that Mannimarco threatened the Heritance into forming an alliance with him and Molag Bal, while still continuing to pledge themselves to Mehrunes Dagon.
For more information, see the main lore article.
- Abecean Sea — A pirate-ridden sea within the Eltheric Ocean.
Cliffs of Failure — A battlefield in eastern Coldharbour, north of the Court of Contempt. (map)
College of Aldmeri Propriety — A school in northwestern Auridon. (map)
Del's Claim — A mine in southern Auridon, just northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard, containing Veiled Heritance members. (map)
- The Demi-Plane of Jode — A realm visited from within the Two Moons Path by Khajiit seeking to become the Mane.
Dread Vullain — A small abandoned settlement in northwestern Greenshade. (map)
Driladan Pass — A valley located north of Marbruk in eastern Greenshade. (map)
Elden Root — A city in eastern-central Valenwood, in the Grahtwood region, and the capital city of the Aldmeri Dominion. (map)
Errinorne Isle — An island containing elven ruins in central Auridon, just off the coast from the city of Skywatch. (map)
Firsthold — A city at the northwestern corner of the island of Auridon. (map)
Greenheart — A small town in southern Greenshade. (map)
Hectahame — An Ayleid ruin in northern Greenshade, northeast of Dread Vullain. (map)
Heritance Proving Ground — A small camp located in northern Auridon, north of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
Mathiisen — A town in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch. (map)
Mehrunes' Spite — A Daedric ruin in the northwestern corner of Auridon, just west of the city of Firsthold containing Daedra and Veiled Heritance members. (map)
- The Middens — A cave system under the roots of the Elden tree.
Naril Nagaia — An Ayleid ruin in southwestern Greenshade, east of Woodhearth, containing Veiled Heritance members. (map)
Quendeluun — An elven ruin in north-central Auridon, southeast of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
Seaside Overlook — A cliff overlooking the Seaside Sanctuary to the south, in western Greenshade. (map)
Seaside Sanctuary — A large destroyed island settlement in northwestern Greenshade. (map)
- Silatar — An island estate in the Summerset archipelago.
Silsailen — A small town in southern Auridon, just north of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
Skywatch — A city at the eastern side of Auridon. (map)
Tanzelwil — A haunted elven ruin in southern Auridon, due west of the town of Phaer. (map)
Toothmaul Gully — A cave in central Auridon, southwest of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
Vulkhel Guard — A port city at the southern tip of Auridon. (map)
Woodhearth — A city in western Greenshade. (map)
- A Bargain With Shadows: Join forces with Estre to win the Battle of the Cliffs.
Breaking the Barrier: Help the Battlereeve and the Guild gain access to the Firsthold Castle.
Double Jeopardy: Uncover the Heritance spy's plan to conquer Valenwood.
- Final Blows: Destroy the last remnants of the Veiled Heritance.
- The Flooded Grove: Help protect Greenshade from Daedra.
- Harsh Lesson: Uncover abuse at a renowned school.
A Hostile Situation: Bring a traitor to justice.
The Honor of the Queen: Discover why the Khajiiti Embassy project has been stalled.
Lifting the Veil: Root out the Veiled Heritance agent in Skywatch.
The Moonlit Path: Help the Lunar Champion walk the Two Moons Path.
Pelidil's End: Defeat a leader of the Veiled Heritance on the high seas.
Putting the Pieces Together: Scout Mathiisen for signs of the Veiled Heritance.
- Real Marines: Rescue and rearm the real Auridon Marines.
Retaking the Pass: Defeat the undead army and rescue the Mane.
Rites of the Queen: Protect the Queen as she performs an ancient ritual.
Sever All Ties: Help save Auridon from the Veiled Heritance and their Daedric allies.
- Silsailen Rescue: Rescue Silsailen villagers from a Heritance attack.
A Storm Upon the Shore: Drive the Sea Vipers out of Seaside Sanctuary.
Striking at the Heart: Defeat the shade of Prince Naemon.
- Teldur's End: Help rescue the local canonreeve.
- The Toothmaul Ploy: Figure out what is going on in Toothmaul Gully.
- A Thorn in Your Side: Join forces with Angof to win the Battle of the Cliffs.
The Unveiling: Help uncover the Veiled Heritance in Mathiisen.
The Veil Falls: Root out the leaders of the Veiled Heritance.
Throne of the Wilderking: Protect the Wilderking from the Veiled Heritance.
Veil of Illusion: Trick a Heritance spy into assassinating the "queen".
- The Veiled Choice: Rescue a Marine's daughter from the Veiled Heritance.
Wearing the Veil: Infiltrate the Veiled Heritance.
- The Will of the Worm: Join forces with Thallik to win the Battle of the Cliffs.
The Witch of Silatar: Explore Aranias' past on Silatar.
See Also[edit]
- Del's Claim by The Veiled Queen — Orders for the Veiled Heritance
- Life in the Eagle's Shadow — A journal recounting the rise of the Aldmeri Dominion in the Second Era
- Our Dupes, the Sea Elves by The Veiled Queen — A note on the true intentions of the Veiled Heritance
- Smuggler's Note — A jubilant note of a Veiled Heritance member
- Veiled Heritance - Be Warned by The Management — A forewarning letter
- Veiled Heritant's Letter — An Altmeri nationalist regrets his path in life
- Welcome, Veiled Recruit — An introductory pamphlet for new Veiled Heritance recruits
- Why Don the Veil? — Jingoistic pamphlet condemning Queen Ayrenn and her allies