Tamriel Rebuilt:Vynbant

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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Rats, NPCs
Console Location Code(s)
"Vynbant"; "Vynbant, Rathal Cave Dwelling"
Roth Roryn, [-1,-21]

Vynbant is a cavern at the end of a precipitous pathway and home to the hostile Rathals.

The route to this place is slightly convoluted. To reach it, walk southwest from Alver Farmhouse, a small farm to the west of Savrethi Distillery. You should find a path that goes into the hills, past the entrance to Maatumassu and upwards to a grassy plateau where (if you have not already encountered him) Holst the Hound and his pack of Nix-Hounds stand. In the northeast corner of this plateau there lies a set of stairs. Following the cliffside path that begins here will lead you to Vynbant.

A single vein of Raw Gold can be found in the flooded passageways just before the entrance to the Rathal Cave Dwelling, but it is the Rathal's home that holds the main treasures of the location. Nedris Rathal bears an Adamantium Saber, while Giron Rathal uses two unique items - the Belt of Purity and Giron Rathal's Staff. A Master's Mortar and Pestle and Grandmaster's Retort are included among Giron's alchemy equipment, by a unique instrument named Renald the Incredible Lute, which itself lies on valuable limeware. There is also a Dwemer Helm in the same room.

A key lies in the other bedroom, atop a set of drawers. This opens the level 100 locked chest in the same room. There is however no key within the location that can free its slave, Emphalia Auriil.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Emphalia Auriil Female Imperial Slave 2 51 82 0 30
Giron Rathal Male Dark Elf Enchanter 20 119 200 0 90
Nedris Rathal Male Dark Elf Warrior 20 213 110 0 90


  • Developer commentary on the Tamriel Rebuilt Discord indicates that the captive in this location, Emphalia Auriil, was intended to be the sister of Ioseptha Auriil in Old Ebonheart, although no dialogue appears to be implemented in-game that can confirm this connection.