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Tamriel Rebuilt:Erethan Plantation

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Erethan Plantation
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Console Location Code(s)
"Erethan Plantation",
"Erethan Plantation, Lower Tower",
"Erethan Plantation, Manor",
"Erethan Plantation, Manor: Attic",
"Erethan Plantation, Shack One",
"Erethan Plantation, Shack Two",
"Erethan Plantation, Storage Shack",
"Erethan Plantation, Upper Tower"
Molag Ruhn, [31,-8]
Erethan Plantation

Erethan Plantation is a wickwheat plantation to the north of Akamora.

It is owned by the Erethan family of House Indoril, and the head of that house, Drelom Erethan, can be found within his manor here. He is reported never to leave it, being in mourning for his deceased wife. Drelom is also the owner of nearby Hlersis, a Bloatspore mining settlement.

The head of the guards, Midave Llarys, can be found on top of the plantation's tower, and begins the quest Free at Last?.

The key to the slave bracers can be found in the lower tower, under the barrels on your left as you enter.

Related Quests[edit]


Free at Last?: Help Midave Llarys, head of the guards with capturing an escaped slave.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Drelom Erethan Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 20 153 140 0 30 Manor
Eil-Leese Female Argonian Slave 4 60 104 100 30 Shack Two
Idhara Female Khajiit Slave 4 60 84 100 30 outside
Midave Llarys Male Dark Elf Sharpshooter Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 20 161 172 100 30 outside
Norevis Manari Male Dark Elf Commoner Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 5 68 88 100 30 Manor
Okan-Zaw Male Argonian Slave 4 60 84 100 30 outside
Tanzaw Male Argonian Slave 4 60 84 100 30 outside