Battlespire:Dremora Gatanas
Dremora Gatanas is a Dremora encountered in Level 2a: Caitiff at Point J.
First Greeting[edit]
Still alive? I'm impressed. You have grit, child. Have you wit? For I have need of such in my service.
Player Response | Result |
[PCFemale] You disgust me, and all your kin. But I'll spare you if you'll tell me where to find Josian Kaid. | Reply 1 |
[PCMale] You disgust me, and all your kin. But I'll spare you if you'll tell me where to find Vatasha Trenelle. | Reply 2 |
Oh. Hadn't you heard? Methats sent me to give you a hand? | Reply 3 |
Make me an offer. | Reply 4 |
[[Smiling genially, it says nothing..]]
[It seems to be trying to ignore you.]]
[[It shows little interest in speaking with you.]]
Second Greeting[edit]
I suppose it's time to dispose of your tiresome carcass.
Player Response | Result |
Wait. We can deal. | END MONSTERATTACK |
Fine. No hard feelings, jerk. | END MONSTERATTACK |
Third Greeting[edit]
Have you the voidguide?
Player Response | Result |
Yes. | Reply 5 |
Not yet, milord. | Reply 6 |
No, milord. I gave it to Rishaal, as you said. | Reply 7 |
Reply 1[edit]
It's so kind of you to offer to spare my miserable life. In return, I am happy to tell you where you may find Kaid's remains. Try the lever on the east wall.
Player Response | Result |
If this is a trick, you'll be sorry. | END &GatanasMad |
Reply 2[edit]
It's so kind of you to offer to spare my miserable life. In return, I am happy to tell you where you may find Trenelle's remains. Try the lever on the east wall.
Player Response | Result |
If this is a trick, you'll be sorry. | END &GatanasMad |
Reply 3[edit]
How thoughtful. Everything seems to be completely under control... but you COULD be a dear and go fetch me the missing voidguide.
Player Response | Result |
Right away, honored One. | END &GatanasNice |
Reply 4[edit]
Take this enchanted Sigil Amulet and swear a solemn oath to the Great Powers upon it to serve me, and I in turn shall so swear and make you my chief lieutenant.
Player Response | Result |
That sounds like a good offer. Done. | END PUT 31_9039 &GatanasNice |
That sounds like a generous offer. Let me think about it. | END &GatanasNice |
Reply 5[edit]
Then deliver it to Rishaal immediately. She'll take it to Sumeer.
Player Response | Result |
Right away, honored One. | END |
Reply 6[edit]
Then don't bother me until you DO have it.
Player Response | Result |
A thousand pardons, honored One. | END |
Reply 7[edit]
Well done. Now go away. I have deep counsels to ponder, and your interruptions are most vexing.
Player Response | Result |
I am yours to command, honored One. | END |
- Gatanas also appears in Skyrim.