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Better Cities:Andraus Rhincodon

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Andraus Rhincodon
(RefID: xx1668EC)
Home City Imperial City, Waterfront Tunnel
Location Abandoned House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC+4 Class Bandit Boss
RefID xx1668EC BaseID xx166808
Other Information
Health 67 at PC1 Magicka 210 at PC1
Respons. 20 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) IC Citizens; Rhincodon Gang
Andraus Rhincodon

Andraus Rhincodon is an Imperial bandit and leader of the Rhincodon Gang, a group of marauders who live in the Abandoned House in the Waterfront Tunnel.

As with his men, Andraus is mostly active at night and sleeps during the day. He wakes up at 10am and eats breakfast at Irbran's for two hours, then wanders around the house, coordinating his gang's activities for the day. He eats dinner at midnight, spends another two hours working, then goes to bed at 4am.

He wears a mix of upper- and middle-class clothing, which he changes often, and is armed with a dagger; he carries a moderate amount of gold and a key to the Abandoned House basement.

Andraus has a bed on the main floor of the Abandoned House, where he sleeps.

If you happen to run into Andraus, he'll say: "You better not be an Aviogetto spy! I won't tolerate one of his boys walking around on my turf!" If you deny involvement with the Aviogettos, he says: "Well, you're a pretty lucky kid then! I won't kill you today, but don't think I won't have you executed if you get in the way of the Rhincodon Gang!"