Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Absent Antiquity

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Find some stolen Akaviri artifacts.
Quest Giver: Adius Vilius
Location(s): Bruma, Capstone Cave, Bruma Caverns
Next Quest: A Delicate Situation
Reward: Leveled gold
ID: CYRBrumaMS07
To the victor belong the spoils

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Adius Vilius.
  2. Talk to Bentior in the Restful Watchman.
  3. Find Atienne Guilette.
  4. Find the stolen satchel in the Bruma Caverns.
  5. Return the artifacts to Count Desilus Carvain.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Carvain the Collector[edit]

Upon entering Castle Bruma, you will be greeted by Guard Captain Adius Vilius, who will ask if you have seen any akaviri artifacts lying around Bruma. He explains that Count Desilus Carvain is an avid collector of the antiquities, and that a few days prior a thief managed to enter the castle and steal them. As he doesn't have time to deal with this on top of his other duties, he asks for your help in retrieving them.

Collecting Clues[edit]

While questioning Adius about the details of the case, he will point you in the direction of Rignar, the steward, and Bentior, the publican of The Restful Watchman. The former will give you a few more details but won't be of much use, so head over to the Watchman and either persuade (Easy), intimidate or bribe (100 gold) Bentior for information on the thief.

While Bentior is willing to identify the thief as Atienne Guilette, upon further questioning he refuses to give up his location. If you manage to successfully intimidate or persuade him (latter requires passing a Hard persuasion check), he will explicitly say he will only give up the information if under legal pressure from Adius. If your Speech skill isn't high enough, you will simply be told to find a way to pressure Bentior.

Either way, return to the captain and explain the situation. He will hand you an official letter compelling Bentior to testify. With this in hand, the publican will direct you towards Capstone Cave, where a ringleader Atienne was dealing with is based. Head there and dispatch the bandit guarding the first room. On the nearby dead body of another bandit is a note from the ringleader saying he is planning to meet Atienne in the Bruma Caverns.

Canvassing the Caverns[edit]

Head back to Bruma and you will find Adius talking to an agitated Botram the Hammer, who is complaining that there is a thief in his house. Explain to Adius that this is the same thief responsible for the Akaviri theft and then follow him into the house. Atienne is lying on the floor inside, claiming he was jumped by the bandits and managed to escape through the trapdoor under the bed.

Adius arrests Atienne and hauls him to the castle, leaving you to head inside the caverns in search of the antiquities. Once inside, move past the first storage room, pick the novice-locked gate and make your way through the passage, avoiding the odd bear trap. A chain on the wall will lower a stone door and reveal a room with a few wolves and bandits, including the ringleader, Dar'zorben. Dispatch them and retrieve the package of Akaviri jewelry on the nearby table. Return to the castle to witness Adius present Atienne to the Count and to be rewarded with leveled gold from both the Count and Captain:

Levels Count Adius
1–9 500 250
10–19 750 400
20–29 1,000 500
30–39 1,250 600
40+ 1,500 750

Quest Stages[edit]

Absent Antiquity (CYRBrumaMS07)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I was approached in Castle Bruma by the exasperated captain of the city guard, Adius Vilius. The count of Bruma, Desilus Carvain, has been endlessly complaining about the theft of his Akaviri artifact collection. Adius would be relieved if I found the heirlooms so he can focus on other issues.
Objective 10: Retrieve Count Carvain's lost Akaviri heirlooms
Objective 20: Find a way to pressure Bentior into giving more information
Objective 25: Show Bentior the threatening letter from Adius
60 After a lot of work, I finally discovered that a Breton named 'Atienne' is the thief of Count Carvain's Akaviri artifacts. I didn't discover the thief's exact whereabouts, but I did learn that Atienne has dealing with some bandits nested nearby. I should go there and seek out any information on his location.
Objective 30: Search the bandit den for information of the thief's whereabouts
70 I've discovered a note in a bandit den - it appears to suggest that Atienne Guilette stole the Akaviri artifacts in order to prove himself to the local bandit ringleaders and a group named the 'Cutters' in particular. I should head back to Bruma and report my findings to Adius. I'm sure he'll be relieved to at least have a lead.
Objective 40: Report findings to Adius Vilius
80 It seems that a lone thug found his way into Botram the Hammer's house. Botram has now fled, but this has caused quite a stir in Bruma. Adius and I have decided to investigate and deal with the thug. Based on what I discovered in the bandit den, it seems likely that this thug might be Atienne Guilette, the artifact thief.
Objective 50: Investigate Botram the Hammer's house
90 We found Atienne, the thief responsible for the theft of Count Carvain's Akaviri artifacts. Adius is taking Atienne away to face justice, and has tasked me with climbing through the trap door Atienne used and retrieving the artifacts. I should be ready for a fight - though stealth may be a valid option too.
Objective 60: Retrieve the stolen Akaviri artifacts
100 It's done. The bandits have been slain, Adius has arrested the thief, and I've recovered the artifacts. All that remains is to return to Adius and Count Carvain, artifacts in hand. The Bruma nobility will be very pleased, Count Carvain even moreso...
Objective 70: Return the artifacts to Castle Bruma
105 I've returned to Castle Bruma, artifacts in hand. It seems Count Desilus Carvain wants to speak with me.
110 Count Carvain was thankful for the return of the artifacts and rewarded me with some gold from the Bruma treasury. I should go speak with Adius - he wanted to talk before I departed.
Objective 90: Speak with Adius Vilius
120 Finishes quest☑ I was tasked by Adius Vilius, the captain of the Bruma city guard, to seek out and return the Akaviri artifacts recently stolen from Bruma's ruler, Count Desilus Carvain. After finding the artifacts and helping Adius arrest Atienne Guilette, the thief responsible, I was rewarded with gold - both from the Bruma treasury and Adius himself. Adius seemed grateful for my assistance, and hoped that we would be able to work together again sometime in the future.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 1, 5, 11, 30, 50.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage CYRBrumaMS07 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest CYRBrumaMS07.
Prev: None Up: Bruma Guard Next: A Delicate Situation