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Beyond Skyrim:Wares of Tamriel/Cardana Pallo

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Cardana Pallo
(RefID: xx0055AD)
Added by Wares of Tamriel
Location Dawn's Venture
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 20 Class Citizen
RefID xx0055AD BaseID xx004ADD
Sells See Standard Merchandise
Buys All
Other Information
Health 208 Magicka 113
Stamina 114
Primary Skills Enchanting, Smithing
Morality No Crime Aggression Aggressive
Essential Yes
Faction(s) BSMFaction; CrimeFactionPale;
Cardana Pallo

Cardana Pallo is an Imperial merchant of the East Empire Company who has recently anchored in Dawnstar. She sells wares from all across Tamriel aboard her ship, Dawn's Venture, and is guarded by Garon and advised by Atla Ka-Ilaqu.

Cardana starts her daily routine early, opening up shop at 6am and remaining available to buy and sell good for the next fourteen hours. At 8pm she closes shop and enjoys a two hour dinner, before heading to her bed behind the counter at 10pm. She wears Nibenese common clothes and pleated shoes, and carries a Silver mace, the key to the ship and 500 gold.

With a friendly personality, she will greet you with her variety of selections in good from all provinces. Expect a lot of "Welcome, welcome! Cardana Pallo, traveling purveyor of knicknacks, curios and whatever takes my fancy, at your service." or "Tamriel is so beautifully diverse... just like my wares. Care to take a look?". When Cardana isn't talking with a customer, she can heard pondering out loud:

"Well, that's another port I won't ever be allowed back into..."
"I can't believe the ship's still in one piece... maybe it's time to get a shop of my own."
"Where to next... the Isles, perhaps? Maybe another journey into Black Marsh...".

When saying goodbye she will say: "See you! Expect I'll be here a while, so do come back to see what new finds I've chanced upon.", "I expect a new shipment sometime soon, so keep checking back. Don't be a stranger!" or "Not planning to head out anytime soon, so if you ever want a chat - or to spend a few drakes - I'm happy to oblige."

If you make a mess on her objects being displayed, Cardana will make remarks like "You break it, you buy it - no excuses.", "Having fun, are we?" and "Usually I don't allow children near my wares, but you look like you can pay for any damages, at least." Trying to trespass will make her threat you with lines like "You're not supposed to be here. So, y'know... get out." or "Even I have a bad side. Don't push your luck. Get out of here."

Trying to pickpocket her while she sees you will make Cordana say some sarcastic lines like: "That looks uncomfortable... how about you stand up and use those Septims instead?", "Another attempt by the Thieves Guild, eh? You're certainly persistent, I'll give you that..." and "You do realize I can see you, right?". Stealing something on her sight will make her talk things like: "Do that again and my friend here will have to show you the quick way out.", "Seriously? That's not exactly a family heirloom, is it?" or "Don't you have anything better to do with your time?".

If in the end she need to get in combat mode, Cardana will taunt the player with lines like: "This ship will fall into the sea before I let my wares go to the likes of you!" and "Finally, something interesting happens!"


Cardana Pallo has a large amount of dialogue, as she will share with the player rumors she has heard during her travels throughout Tamriel. The player is able to ask about all current Beyond Skyrim provinces. She has multiple possible lines to say for each dialogue option concerning the rumors.


Topic Dialogue
"You travel a lot. You must hear some interesting rumors." "Mm. Sure, sure... people tend to have loose lips when they're haggling with merchants. Especially ones as charming as me. Anywhere in particular you're curious about?"


"What can you tell me about Black Marsh?" "Heard tensions're high between the people of Gideon and one of the local tribes in the area. Things could very well get bloody if neither is careful."
"I've heard whispers of disappearances across Black Marsh, only for them to be found in Lilmoth's storm drains. Have to wonder whether or not the An-Xileel are responsible. Disturbing news either way."
"Many cultures have called Black Marsh their home alongside the Argonians. Few of them remain now, if any at all. Always sad to see a culture lost to time."
" I've heard rumors that deep within Black Marsh, most Argonians haven't even heard of the Empire. I'd say I feel bad for them, but... well, Empire's seen better days, herself."


"What news of Cyrodiil?" "Nicest town in Cyrodiil? Skingrad or Chorrol. Though something about Skingrad sets the hair off on the back of my neck something fierce."
"Get through Anvil a lot. Bustling port city, not that the rest of Cyrodiil's short of those, at least in Nibenay. Though lately the census and excise office there has been wringing me dry of every last Septim. Hmph."
"Of all the ports I tend to dock in, none are quite as... jaunty as Leyawiin. Don't get me wrong, it's a rat-infested mudhole, but the Argonians and Khajiit don't let that dampen their spirits."
"Hear rumors of strange activity in the seas around Anvil and Stirk. Empire's on high alert for another Dominion attack, but enchanted pearls? Cursed bracelets? Crews growing obsessed? I'm not so sure."
"Bravil is the problem child of Cyrodiil, for sure. Feels like almost everyone's in abject poverty and hooked on skooma. That, and the gang war between the Claws and Lardons seems poised to explode sometime soon. I'd advise keeping your distance."
"The Imperial City is something else. I'd recommend visiting when you can. Wouldn't advise living there, though, unless you're happy to settle for a bedroll on the waterfront."
"Cheydinhal's a melting pot of strife. When refugees from the Red Year settled there, tensions hit breaking point. The Imperials and Dark Elves with history there think the 'Ashborn' from the east threaten their lifestyle with their archaic ways. Me? I think they should cool down and talk it out over a mug of flin."
"Seems like you can't travel a few miles in Cyrodiil without stumbling over an Ayleid ruin. Something beautiful about them. In a creepy "I'm probably going to die here" way."
"Settlers have been building up Sancre Tor into some kind of holy city. One less hole for bandits to hide in, I suppose. Sure it's only a matter of time until the priests start fighting with each other over the precise length of Arkay's beard or something, though. Seems to be the way, doesn't it?"
"The Fighters Guild split sometime during the Great War. Didn't see eye-to-eye. Heard it's only a matter of time until they start opening up recruitment for new members, though."
"The Synod and College of Whispers have a monopoly - uh, duopoly? - on magical knowledge over there. They're not the most helpful bunch, but if you get in good with them, maybe they'd teach you some things?"
"Ever seen an Ayleid? Me neither. They're dead, right? But they don't seem to want to stay that way. Hear tell of villages being razed by their corpses, shambling out of their ruins. Wonder what's behind them coming back, now?"


"What's going on in Elsweyr?" "Word in Anequina says that the Rimmenese Regulators have been spotted in Khajiit lands. Slavers. Ever heard of them? I shudder to think what they do to the Khajiit under their yoke."
"The Followers of Alkosh are calling for Thalmor blood and let me tell you, that's not sitting well with the Anequinan clanmothers."
"Met a curious Alfiq when I was in Dune - taught me how to light my lanterns with a snap of my fingers! Strange little cats, aren't they?"
"Believe it or not, sometimes I find the time to sightsee. Ever heard of the Tears of Azurah? You should visit - the falls are breathtaking!"
"Docked in Senchal not so long ago. Scary place. Main port of the Dominion in Elsweyr. New ships from Sunhold and Vulkhel Guard were arriving day in, day out."
"Last time I was up near Riverhold, the chatter was a little... disquieting. Some guards talking about sightings of 'bent cats' near Riverhold. Surely they can't mean the Dro-m'Athra, right?"
"Elsweyr's crawling with Thalmor, from Sphinxmoth to Torval to Tideholm. I couldn't even get a drink without one of the bastards eyeing me up. And not in a flattering way, either."
"Hired a Khajiiti guide to take me through Anequina. Saw - get this - a Moon Gate. Cat with me couldn't say what they were used for, though. Says it's lost to me. Me? I think he was just trying to seduce me with an air of mystery."
"The stuff you see when Dominion soldiers parade through Elsweyr beggars belief... They had a Senche-raht armored up like it was some kind of walking shield for their troops!"

Iliac Bay[edit]

"Anything new in the Iliac Bay?" "Ever been to Farrun? Lot of bad blood in that kingdom throughout history. The kingdom's capital is an impressive port city for sure, but I don't know if I'd want to live there. Lot of ghost stories."
"Wish I'd stopped in Jehanna on my way home. The city's come a long way in the last two centuries since the Nords ravaged it during the War of the Bend'r-Mahk."
"The Bretons are renowned for their adamantium armor. Its aesthetics are rivaled only by its strength... and its prices. Can't say I'm not tempted, but I'm not selling my ship and all its cargo even if it does cost an arm and a leg to make."
"Hammerfell's beautiful, no doubt, but I say be careful. People get carried away with romantic tales of the deserts. All I've seen are cutthroats and monsters."
"You think the Nordic barrows dotting Skyrim are impressive? Wait until you see one of the Direnni ruins spread around High Rock."
"You know the Direnni weren't all wiped out, right? Surprised me, too... holed up on the Isle of Balfiera. Though it's said they're troubled. Succession issue or something. Not that you'd know by asking them. Barely even leave the island."
"The kingdom of Jehanna is beautiful, sure, but the chatter on the streets isn't. Something about a town hit by plague. Needless to say, I steered clear."
"Oh, those statues? They're from the Yokudan pantheon. Strange little idols, I know."
"You like pirates? Head to Stros M'kai. Don't want your throat slit by pirates? Steer clear of Stros M'kai. The islands outlying it, too."
"Ever been to the Abecean Isles? The Redguards out there are... different from those on the mainland. The scholars say it's because they're descended from the first Yokudans to arrive in Tamriel, before the Ra Gada wave began. Me? I think it must be something in the food."


"I'm curious about Morrowind." "Honestly, can't tell you how glad I am to be out of Dunmer lands. Nice enough folk, sure, but all their food tastes like feet. Some of it's shaped like feet, too."
"Word of advice - don't bring your horse over the eastern border. Dunmer go bug-eyed at the things. It's a delicacy, apparently."
"Went out to the New North not so long ago. Stendarr's soiled shorts, ash and snow is not a pleasant mixture. Took me a solid week to get the sludge out of my boots."
"You wanna know the difference between Bal'Sehrma and Dagon Fel? Dagon Fel is a town. Bal'Sehrma is a pile of scrapwood, fish and convicts trying to dress as a town."
"You don't seem the type to take advice, but... stay away from the old Dunmer tombs in the New North. Not a single one survived the Red Year. All that's left is bonewalkers and dust."
"If you're looking for mining work, don't bother in the east. Everything valuable's been locked down by the Houses, and everything else isn't worth a guar's fart."
"Be careful if you sail the Sea of Ghosts. Been hearing whispers of strange things: ghostly ships and strange lights, entire voyages gone quiet. And if you absolutely must, keep your sword arm ready - it's called the Sea of Ghosts for a reason."
"If you go east, don't go too far south. Nothing in Arnesia but salt, blood and a war centuries old."
"If you don't mind the cold, there's good work up in the New North; those Redoran colonies. Mostly mason's work, some mercenary, a bit of bounty hunting against the Reavers. Worth a look if you're curious."
"Heard anything about more... exotic locales?" "I swear, if this is another misguided attempt at flirting with me... (sigh) But assuming you're sincere... you mean, like, what? Roscrea? I've been there. Atmora? I've heard things. Or were you wondering about Akavir?"


"What about Atmora?" "Now this is really something. Apparently there's an expedition headed out there soon. Would you believe it? I'm honestly not even sure the place exists. But if they want to die trying to find out, it's their funeral."
"An old sailor once told me about a captain he knew who claimed to have been to Atmora. Was never off the drink afterwards, whimpering about his sunken ship and what have you."
"Heard the College uncovered something in Saarthal. That Nordic stonework sure lasts, huh? If the rumors I've heard about an expedition headed out to Atmora are true, I bet it's related somehow."
"The Roscreans are really fond of this game. Won one of the boards they use from them. But it's said the game originated in Atmora. And given how towering the Roscreans are, I'm inclined to believe most claims about their connection to Ysgramor's people."
"Came upon a bronze relief near Yngol's Barrow. Perhaps it was meant as a tribute to Ysgramor's fallen son? It depicts a longboat at sea. Was it escaping the cold or just seeking a path to Tamriel? Guess we'll never know."
"Those coins I'm selling were supposedly found in Saarthal and traded around to drum up interest. Though I wouldn't recommend trying to buy with them. Some scholar gave me a lecture on how the coins date all the way back to the days of Ysgramor and the Five Hundred. So small to endure the ages... And see the writing? It's all written in Ysgramor's runic letters. The symbols are said to carry great meaning - a glimpse into the roots of man."


"Tell me something about Roscrea." "Plenty of miners over there, and miners are known for complaining. But now they're complaining about 'voices' in the dark. Spooky, huh?"
"Everyone over there knows the Bear Cult. But I heard some of the locals gossiping about other cults on the island. The Chief in Frulthuul got incensed when I asked, though - said it was a malicious rumor. I don't know who to believe."
"East Empire Company's funneling a lot of gold toward Roscrea. Some kind of business venture deeper inland."
"Heard rumors about an old smith up in the mountains near Frulthuul who forges the finest mithril weapons. Been meaning to check it out, though I'm not sure it's worth all that effort just to sell it on later."
"Be careful if you end up sailing around the Cape of Last Port. Lot of perilous outcroppings, and there's this weird island. The Isle of Roots. They say the tree there speaks to you. Me? I did enough skooma in my youth, thanks very much."
"Heard anything about Akavir?" "I may be a traveling merchant, but do I look like Erus the Explorer from those kids' books?"
"Actually, I wanted to ask more about the provinces." "Mn?"
"Enough questions for now." "Mm. Conversation's good, but coin's better."


Cardana can sometimes be heard interacting with the other crewmembers:

Atla Ka-Ilaqu: "Cardana-Geh, did you purchase this relic from one of those Nord barrows?"
Cardana: "Yes! A fantastic buy, wouldn't you say? I'm hoping to fetch a fine price for it when we stop in Daggerfall."
Atla: "Meixhe! Please Cardana-Geh, bring these things to my attention before you buy! This piece is no more than a few years old! Look at the carvings here, it's all wrong!"
Cardana: "Damn it! Are you sure?"
Atla: "Xhu. Without a doubt. Please, it's my job to stop these unfortunate occurrences. Consult me first."
Cardana: "I will. Well... it makes a nice chamberpot at least?"
Atla: "(sigh)"
Olmstead Reyn: "Did I ever tell you about the time I was hired to take a man from Daggerfall to Dawnstar?"
Cardana: "Yes, I remember."
Olmstead: "He paid up front, and that was fine by me. But two weeks into the voyage, he starts getting a little worried about how long it was taking. Turns out, he wanted to go to Dragonstar the whole time. Can you believe that?"
Cardana: "You don't say..."
Olmstead: "That's why I get them to show me, now, on a map, where they mean to get to."

Cardana:"Are you ever going to tell me what happened in Black Marsh?"
Olmstean: "I don't think so, no."
Cardana : "Maybe I'll ask Atla."
Olmstead: "Go right ahead."
Olmstead: "She's a fine ship, and all, but -"
Cardana: "She's no Celestine."
Olmstead: "Yes, quite."


  • She is voiced by Olivia Steele.