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Location Arena
Race Wood Elf
Gender Female
Lady Molriel

Lady Molriel is a Wood Elf participant in the Arena. Her stats correspond to a Duelist Barbarian with the same level as the recommended quest level.

Related Quests[edit]



Quest-Related Events[edit]

Tournament: Molriel[edit]

If you have fought her before:

"Have we fought before?"

You have two options to reply with, with the first being:

We have.
"And you're still alive... Which means you probably won. Fear not, I have stopped seeking revenge... for now."
So you didn't kill Volusianus?
"I certainly did not! I would not kill anyone outside of the Arena, ever. You have my word on this. And I always keep my word."
And then?
"We will see once the tournament is over. Come, let's not keep all these people waiting."

The other reply is:

You don't remember?
" I have fought so many people trying to find my lover's murderer, sometimes I forget the faces. But I think I remember you. You conducted yourself with poise and dignity. A welcome change compared to the rest."

Either option leads to:

"May the best fighter carry the day!"

Once you defeat her she will say:

"You fought... valiantly. I will... harbor no ill will... towards you. Go in peace... Warrior."


Introduction lines[edit]

The following are comments made by Molriel before the duel begins:

  • "I am Lady Molriel of Valenwood, and I seek revenge for my partner who was killed by a gladiator. Since I know not the gladiator's name, I have opted to kill as many as I could. You are next."

If she's previously defeated you, she may say:

  • "Unless you cheated... yes, that must be it. You are a murderer *and* a cheat."
  • "Just try to stay dead this time, will you?"
  • "You gladiators are all scum, and do not deserve to live."
  • "It will bring me great satisfaction to strike you down."
  • "May he give me the strength to prevail against you in this ultimate duel."

If you've previously defeated her, she will follow up with:

  • "I do not know if you are the one that killed my partner, but it does not matter."
  • "You show some skill, perhaps even enough to have bested my lover in combat."
  • "You are indeed a formidable warrior. My late partner would not have stood a chance."

Rematch lines[edit]

The following are quotes Molriel says if she defeated the player in the arena, and is encountered again:

  • "I find it hard to believe such a poor fighter as you could have killed my lover."
  • "No amount of savagery can defeat true love. That is known."

Defeat lines[edit]

The following are lines said by Molriel after she is defeated in the arena:

  • ""You... cheated just now... didn't you?""
  • "I may have... made a mistake."
  • "Perhaps I should... reconsider my approach."
  • "It appears I will not... get satisfaction... at this time."
  • "I guess this means... you did not kill my lover... Let us part in peace, then."


  • Molriel is voiced by Moira Quirk.
  • While the gender of her lover is not specified in English, the Russian translation refers to them with a masculine suffix.
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