Blades:Picking up the Pieces

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Bloodfall Queen Questline
Investigate a raided village.
Rarity: Uncommon
Quest Giver: Wanum
Location(s): Forest
Prerequisite Quest: The Bloodfall Queen
Next Quest: The Greencaps' Trail
Reward(s): Silver Chest, 000020002,000Gold
XP: 250
ID: BQ01
Recommended Level: Player Level 11
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 1
I must go to a recent raid site to see if it was the work of the Greencap Bandits.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Try to find evidence of Greencaps' involvement

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


secret area can be found in the camp with 2nd wooden chest (after meeting & killing 1st mercenary). the lever is just on your right as you enter the area, the hidden area itself is accessed through a house on upper left corner

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