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Bloodmoon:Louis Beauchamp

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Louis Beauchamp (louis beauchamp)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Location Outside the Guild of Mages
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 16 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 92 Magicka 172
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Louis Beauchamp

Louis Beauchamp is a Breton mage who can be found outside the Guild of Mages in Ald'ruhn (he is not a member of the Mages Guild however). He recently commissioned a Patchwork Airship to retrieve an artifact for him from Solstheim, but has not heard back from them. He requests your aid in determining the fate of his vessel and discovering the artifact he sent it to look for.

He seems to suffer from profound speech dysfluency and wears an extravagant robe and expensive shoes. He also carries dwemer airship plans. Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows the following spells: Burden of Sin, Dire Weary, Great Feather, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Wild Distraction, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Medusa's Gaze, Far Silence, Dire Noise, Reflect, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Willpower, Blood Gift, Wisdom, Powerwell, Iron Will, Vivec's Mercy, Poet's Whim, and Rapid Regenerate.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

If spoken to:

" is...nice to you, %PCName. For a second I...I thought you were the courier...with a...a message...that is, with word, my airship. Wait! that it? Up..there, in the sky..there!, it's just cliff racer. Ummm...ahhh...yes....ahem...."
my airship
"I...built an airship, you see. Quite a...quite craft, if I may be so...bold. Some scavenged Dwemer, a few, you know...ahh...long-lasting levitation spells. Very clever...a capital idea, I know! Even hired a gang of...well, a crew I guess you'd call them. They were to fly the north! Away from all this Solstheim! I paid them...paid them rather well. They were to locate Hrothmund's Barrow, and find a"
Hrothmund's Barrow
"Hrothmund's Barrow is a grave...well...crypt. It is said to lie...that is, the barrow is at the eye...of the wolf. There's a formation, you see. sort of thing. Shaped like a wolf...the wolf that killed Hrothmund! He's said to be the wolf's eye. It's only visible from the sky...or, airship. That's why I...built it. Build the airship, hire the crew, they find the barrow and recover the amulet. Then they bring it to me! Perfect plan, I thought...."
recover the amulet
"They were to recover...that is, bring me a special amulet. According to stories...legends and such...Horthmund was quite the...well...he had plenty of lady friends! He was ugly, too...ugly as a troll! But he had a magic trinket...he wore it. The Amulet of Infectious Charm, it was called. By...all records...he was buried with it. That's why I built the airship...hired the crew. I just...I must have that amulet, %PCName. But...there's been no word. I worry...I fear the crew has failed me."
crew has failed me
"Did they fly off course? Or maybe...maybe they found the amulet, and...and flew away! To meet women! No fair maiden could resist a man with the...the Amulet of Infectious an airship, no less! Say...%PCName.... I...I don't suppose you're...well...for hire? I find my airship. I'd need proof of what happened to it, of course! Evidence, as it were...just...just to be sure. And...of bring me the...the amulet! I NEED that amulet."
No, Louis, I can't help you. I have other matters to attend to.
"Oh. Oh...I see. Well, um, yes...well. If you change your mind...that is, if you reconsider my offer...please...please come back and we'll know, I'll...well. Right...."
You have a deal, Louis. I'll head to Solstheim. I'll bring back some evidence that shows what happened to your airship, and recover the Amulet of Infectious Charm. ::"Oh...well...that's fine. I understand...I.... Wait.  %PCName, did you say you would help me? Why that's...that's...splen...I mean...oh, wonderful! As I said, the airship is...was...headed north, to Solstheim.... The Amulet of Infectious Charm is...well, it's supposed to be at...that is, in...Hrothmund's Barrow. At the eye of the beast...the wolf, I mean. But you must...must say the wolf's name! To enter! Say, "Ondjage." Answer wrong, and the barrow will be sealed...forever!"

However, if you have already been to the airship and retrieved the journal:

I'm no courier, Mr. Beauchamp, but I think I know what happened to your airship. I found a crash site on Solstheim and recovered the captain's journal. It does not tell a happy tale.
"The airship...crashed? Horrible...such a loss of time...and money! Oh, yes...human life, too. So tragic. Well...I am...grateful really...that you've given me this information. But you know, there's um...still the matter of an amulet. The...Amulet of Infectious Charm.... It's what the...the crew was looking for. I'd pay for it.... Search in Hrothmund's Barrow. But...well...say the right name! "Ondjage!" The wolf! If you don't...well, the barrow will be sealed...forever!"

If spoken to again if you declined to help:

"Oh...ah...%PCName. Back again...for mean, interesting...well, maybe...nice..conversation, hmmm? know...I still need someone...anyone, help me find out where...that is, what happened to airship...and help me get that...that amulet I need. I still fear that, well...that my crew has failed me."

If spoken to again if you offered to help:

"%PCName!'re here...and...well...I've returned! What news?"
Nothing yet, Louis, but I'm working on it.
"Oh...oh, of course. I understand...understand completely...that is, you have my confidence."

After finding the Airship Captain's Journal:

"%PCName!'re here...and...well...I've returned! What news?"
I found the wreckage of the airship, crashed into the mountains on Solstheim. Sadly, there were no survivors. I have recovered the captain's journal for you. It explains everything.
"The airship...crashed? Horrible, horrible...such a loss of time...and money! Oh, yes...yes...human life, too. Mustn't forget the crew...people, after all. Well...I am thankful...grateful really, that you've come to me this information. know, there's um...still the matter of the amulet, you see. I really must have...NEED, to be more accurate, the um...Amulet of Infectious Charm...."

After retrieving the Amulet:

"%PCName!'re here...and...well...I've returned! What news? Have you have...the Amulet of Infectious Charm?"
I have recovered the Amulet of Infectious Charm from Hrothmund's Barrow.
"The...the amulet has been...found? You have actually recovered...and brought, to ME...the Amulet of Infectious Charm? Oh, how wonderful!  %PCName, I am always...and I mean your debt! Here...please...take this gold. It's the very least...the smallest...thing I could do."

If you retrieved the amulet but not the journal:

I explored Hrothmund's Barrow and found the Amulet of Infectious Charm. I still don't have any evidence showing what happened to the airship, though.
"The...the amulet has been...found? You have actually recovered...and brought, to ME...the Amulet of Infectious Charm? Oh, how wonderful!  %PCName, I am always...and I mean your debt! Here...please...take this gold. It's the very least...the smallest...thing I could do. You know, I do...that is, I am know what has happened to the...well, to the airship. After all, it did cost...I mean, a LOT of gold was invested...."

If you retrieved both at the same time:

I found the wreckage of the airship, but there were no survivors. I have recovered the captain's journal, which explains everything. I've recovered the Amulet of Infectious Charm as well.
"The airship...crashed? Smashed...was dashed into the mountains? Horrible, horrible...such a loss of time...and money! Oh, yes...yes...human life, too. Mustn't forget the crew...people, after all. Well...I am thankful...grateful really, that you've come to me this information. And...ah...incredible work with the finding...that is, the recovery...of, um...the Amulet of Infectious Charm..... My thanks, %PCName! Here, please...take...have this gold!"

If you used the wrong name at Hrothmund's Barrow:

" mean to tell me you found the entrance Hrothmund's Barrow...and...and uttered the WRONG name? idiot! Get away from me....'re obviously completely incompetent!" (Goodbye)

After the quest:

"Aha!  %PCName, my old friend! Wonderful to *cough* see you again. Did I ever tell you how magnificently you *cough* performed your duties? Locating the airship, returning the *cough* amulet...simply marvelous. Thanks to you, Louis Beauchamp is an *cough* absolute lady killer! Blondes, brunettes, red heads -- I'll take 'em all...and they can't resist me! Ha! It's a shame I've got this *cough* fever. It's starting to slow me down! Well, got to run. I've got a *cough* hot date!" (Goodbye)


  • Greetings:
    • "Oh, %PCName. Won...wonderful to see...I mean...that is to say...isn't the too harsh...well, I know, it's quite dreadful actually...and Well, um...can I help you with something?"
    • " is...nice to you, %PCName. For a second I...I thought you were the courier...with a...a message...that is, with word, my airship."
    • "%PCName!'re here...and...well...I've returned! What news? Have you have...the Amulet of Infectious Charm?"
      • Not yet, Louis, but I'll recover it soon enough. "Oh...oh, of course. I understand...understand completely...that is, you have my confidence. I know it's just a...well...just a matter of time...."
    • "%PCName!'re here...and...well...I've returned! What news?"
      • Nothing yet, Louis, but I'm working on it. "Oh...oh, of course. I understand...understand completely...that is, you have my confidence."
      • I found the wreckage of the airship, crashed into the mountains on Solstheim. Sadly, there were no survivors. I have recovered the captain's journal for you. It explains everything. "The airship...crashed? Horrible, horrible...such a loss of time...and money! Oh, yes...yes...human life, too. Mustn't forget the crew...people, after all. Well...I am thankful...grateful really, that you've come to me this information. know, there's um...still the matter of the amulet, you see. I really must have...NEED, to be more accurate, the um...Amulet of Infectious Charm...."
    • "%PCName!'re here...and...well...I've returned! Have you...that you know...what has happened to airship?"
      • I found the wreckage of the airship, crashed into the mountains on Solstheim. Sadly, there were no survivors. I have recovered the captain's journal for you. It explains everything. "The airship...crashed? Smashed...was dashed into the mountains? Horrible, horrible...such a loss of time...and money! Oh, yes...yes...human life, too. Mustn't forget the crew...people, after all. Well...I am thankful...grateful really, that you've come to me this information."

  • Background: "I am Louis Beauchamp, Mage."
  • Crew has failed me:
    • "I...I suppose I should have...well, you know...gone myself. But all that...flying, and cold weather and...well, maybe danger! That's what I...what I get for trying to know, hire...someone else to do the job...well, expedition, really...."
  • Hrothmund's Barrow:
    • "It's a gravesite, you see. Located...situated, if the stories are true, and I believe...well, I hope they are...Hrothmund's Barrow is at the eye...eye of the wolf, you see. You can only see the eye...only see the whole wolf, really...from the air! So...if I may say so...the airship was a brilliant idea."
  • Recover the amulet:
    • "My crew...I...I guess you'd call them...they were to recover the Amulet of Infectious Charm. It can make its holder...wearer, I'd guess you'd say...well, it can make a man.... Well, let's just say, there's this...this girl. And I was thinking the amulet could...might be able to...well, you know...."