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Bloodmoon talk:Artifacts

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Damage Ratio[edit]

Does anyone know how the Dmg Ratio is calculated for the weapons in this article?

DrPhoton 04:18, 15 December 2005 (EST)

I think it is calculated by having its skill, Long blade, short blade whatever, at its max and then hit an enemy unfortunately if this is the method they use to work the damage ratio out then you have to know the creatures health sorry. Kill its till its dead and then work out the mean i.e. its health divided by how many times it took to kill it thats the average dont know another way Konnajb

It's (max damage+max enchantment damage)/speed; that is, if the weapon hits every time, does its maximum damage every time, the enchantment kicks in for maximum damage each time, and it is swung as fast as possible while still pulling it back all the way, how much damage it does each second. For clarity, it is max weapon damage (the amount of damage possible when pulling the weapon all the way back before releasing with highest max attacktype (that is thrust/chop/slash), added to the maximum enchantment damage (the largest amount of damage possible from the enchantment, and usually not included in the base ratio, but noted smaller, in parentheses (these round thingies here->) afterward), all divided by the speed stat noted in the article (how many seconds it takes to pull the weapon all the way back, swing, and recover for another). 00:32, 7 June 2009 (EDT)

Bloodmoon Artifacts formatting[edit]

Hey, i dont really know what has happened to this pagfe but i dont like it where did all the links to the right table go. As in, if you only want to see all the possible amulets you can click the link in the contents table. But where the hell has it gone i dont know who did it but unless there is a good excuse for it which i woul like to here i suggest you change it back UESP dont need dumb peeps who change things for the worst. So please an excuse for why it has happened would be a start.

First of all, being a rude jackass never gets you anywhere. Start off by calming down before you type. Secondly, the links table on the right is gone because with only three items it's not necessary. If you'll look at some other talk on the talk page you'll see that a lot of items previously on this page were, in fact, quest or unique items, and thus did not belong here. Another look will show you that, in fact, there are no amulet artifacts in Bloodmoon. There's one more reason to calm down before you type: you read better without red mist getting in the way. And thirdly, just one more reason to calm down before making a talk page edit: You can hit the keys more accurately and see all the errors in punctuation and spelling you make, and correct them before making a fool of yourself. Seriously, man, it hurt to read that.... Oh, and sign your posts by typing four tildes (~). 00:42, 7 June 2009 (EDT)


I dont really want to make a post like this, or at all for that matter, without an account but where is Seasplitter? I know its not quite the best but it is an artifact. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Well, to qualify as an artifact is has to be a unique weapon, with unique appearance and enchantment. Seaaplitter does not qualify as an artifact in this respect, as many other weapons already in this page. Seasplitter and other weapons should go to a Unique Weapons page like the one in Morrowind. Feel free to start the page if you're up to. --DrPhoton 11:49, 31 December 2007 (EST)
Fixed the link, all Uniques are on the Bloodmoon:Unique Items page. --BenouldTC 20:14, 6 August 2008 (EDT)

Possible Whitewalker bug[edit]

I've experienced this on the PC's GOTY edition version 1.6.1820.

While wearing Whitewalker, along with a total magicka resistance of 100% to avoid the robe's negative effects, whenever I rest (even for just an hour) or take a transport that uses up time (ie: silt strider or boat), my character dies. I believe this is an issue with Whitewalker because if I unequip it before I rest or take the transport, I'm fine. I've tried this also the Mage's Guild teleport and travel between Vvardenfell and Mournhold, but no damage was done in either case. I think this bears more investigation before posting.

EDIT: I've tested a this little more and this bug seems not to apply to the boat service between the Vivec cantons. Therefore I suspect it only applies if the trip or rest is long enough for the total damage effects to kill the player.

You also need 100% Resist Frost. Resist Magicka does nothing about the Frost Damage. Easiest way is to play a Nord. But for any other race, you need to have 100% of both to wear this robe without taking damage. --TheRealLurlock Talk 13:19, 8 February 2008 (EST)
Sorry, forgot to mention. I also had CE Restore Health of 10pts or more. So for some reason the Restore Health effect was not being applied during the trip, but the Frost Damage was.
Teleportation would not cause damage because it is instant, and the Vivec gondolas make trips to fast for a killing blow to be administered. As for the frost damage overrideing the restore health, it is likely that the weakness to frost enchantment was pushing the frost damage slightly beyond 10 points. By the sound of it, you didn't have any frost resistances to counteract this. Drian health, furthermore, only lowers your health by M amount for the duration of the spell, and does not increase health drained over time, and therefor cannot kill you unless your health drops below the number shown. Sorry for the elaborate response to such and old question.--Playerjjjj 00:20, 20 July 2012 (UTC)Playerjjjj

this isnt a bug. constant restore health gets for some reason disabled when you rest with a constant damage effect running even if it does not do you any harm normally. so if you have that red buff in your active magic effects you WILL die if you rest/wait or fast travel somewere except teleport spells since with every travel or wait/rest atleast 1 hour gametime passes (except the vivec cantons as you noticed) the frostdamage will deal damage X to you which basicly kills you all the time since constant restore health is disabled for this duration.

tough exept for beeing a nord there is another simple way to slove this : a 100% resist frost spell with 2 seconds duration. costs at most 10-20 magicka. cast it. equip robe. done. since its a robe it works better than with the boots of speed since once the boots break from combat you need to repeat the trick. since its a robe i never breaks and therefore fast travel and resting is now save. you only need to repeat that trick when you unequip and requip the robe.

Item Redefinition[edit]

Following the item classification used by Morrowind and Oblivion (in that "Artifacts" should include only items with unique appearances), this page should contain only the following items:

All other items should be moved to Bloodmoon:Unique Items. I may take up this project in the near future. --TheRealLurlock Talk 23:20, 12 March 2008 (EDT)

I've taken care of this, but I left the Ancient Nordic Pickaxe here since it does have a unique appearance. – KJR1012 Talk Email Contribs 06:12, 13 July 2008 (EDT)
Now that I've looked at it, the Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer is based on the Stalhrim mace. Only difference is the cloud effect. So, should Aevar's mace go over to the Unique Items article, as well?– KJR1012 Talk Email Contribs 14:52, 14 July 2008 (EDT)
Well the stats differ quite considerably and plus the cloud effect, I'd say keep it in Artifacts. --BenouldTC 15:00, 14 July 2008 (EDT)

Aesliips Ring[edit]

Where is it? Shouldn't it be on this page?--— Unsigned comment by (talk)

If you'd care to read the definition at the top of the page... you'd find that ring here. --BenouldTC 20:11, 6 August 2008 (EDT)
Then you should fix the link on the Test of Strength page --Guest
Thanks, fixed. --BenouldTC 00:52, 7 August 2008 (EDT)

Is the mace of Aevar Stone Singer an artifact?[edit]

The mace of aevar stone singer looks just like a stalrim mace. Shouldn't it be moved to the unique items page?--Playerjjjj 22:15, 1 July 2012 (UTC)Playerjjjj

Wait! Nevermind. I read the question two above me. I understand now.--Playerjjjj 00:06, 20 July 2012 (UTC)Playerjjjj

Hunter's Amulets, Totem of Claw and Fang, Artifacts?[edit]

Two questions.

• ...technically the Hunter's Amulet... are artifacts belonging to Hircine's aspects.

"Technically", though, are they?

  • In-game, they do not meet the requirement of having a unique appearance.
  • In lore, I was not able to find any page that references to those items as artifacts.
  • In-game again, I don't recall any text (eg. NPC dialogue) referring to those items as artifacts either.
• The Totem of Claw and Fang...

Why is this item not included here? Does it share its appearance with another generic/magic amulet? Salamangkero (talk) 11:24, 15 January 2023 (UTC)