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Bloodmoon talk:Glitches

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Halo Northern Lights[edit]

Does "Halo Northern Lights" really belong on a glitch page? I'm just gonna remove it. If someone has any place relevant for it, by all means. 04:32, 12 January 2008 (EST)AceOfShades


During the main quest, when i was supposed to be looking for Rolf, the entire west ice covered portion of the lake, past the fire disappeared. -- 19:23, 30 June 2008 (EDT)

Removal of Glitches[edit]

I've just removed almost all the glitches because they're clearly one-offs rather than actual glitches. I've copied them here for reference.

Thirsk Disappearance[edit]

If you sometimes go to see Thirsk on Solstheim during the Totem quest, the trees and Thirsk itself will vanish, leaving only a large amount of hills with snow.

Clearly a one-off

Thirsk Non-Entry[edit]

Sometimes, Thirsk will not load properly and you will be stuck outside of the hall permanently.

Clearly a one-off

Disappearing Doors[edit]

Sometimes in the Game of the Year Edition, the doors to Castle Karstaag and the Cave of Hidden Music are not there and entrance into them is impossible.

Clearly a one-off

Disappearing Fort Frostmoth[edit]

It isn’t exactly clear why this happens, but sometimes on the Xbox version, Fort Frostmoth will disappear completely, making the main quest rather impossible. It is not confirmed whether this happens on the PC version, or if there is any fix for this.

Clearly a one-off

No Werewolves[edit]

During The Siege of the Skaal Village quest the werewolves that are suppossed to attack the town don't show up leaving the player unable to complete the rest of the main quest. note: only happens if you kill the honor guard in the main hall because he does not respawn.

Clearly a one-off

No Estate[edit]

During the Raven Rock colony quests you get to build your own house. When Falco asks you to speak with the builder he will not follow you and instead walk in a completely different direction.

Falco isn't supposed to follow you at all.

Crash reading Thirsk, a History -- Revised[edit]

Reading Thirsk, a History -- Revised past the first page of chieftains may cause your game to crash.

Clearly a one-off

RpehTCE 18:24, 29 August 2008 (EDT)

Raven Rock[edit]

Has anyone else noticed that sometimes the villiage will not continue construction and will never get completed? is there any way to fix this? 10:03, 17 September 2008 (EDT)

Precisely at what stage does the contruction stop? If you are on the PC you can usually fix it, but it can get very tricky, depending on the situation. Some construction times take quite a while, make sure you have waited long enough. --Timenn < talk > 12:00, 17 September 2008 (EDT)
Once finished my estate,and only half the town had been built. just yesterday i finished the trader outpost, and it never showed up. this is for goty x-bow edition, by the way. 09:37, 18 September 2008 (EDT)
I can only suggest you wait longer. I once had to wait for about two weeks before the final stage of building. –RpehTCE 09:45, 18 September 2008 (EDT)

I have had this happen multiple times All I get is whatever was necessary for the missions and my house no one elses houses ever show up and neither do the walls I have no idea why it does that and have never been able to find out

Weird error message[edit]

When i went to the island in bloodmoon(forgot the name) i got a weird error message that wouldnt go away and on the bottom of it it said continue to run executable. Anyone know whats wrong?

Stalked by the "Gifts" of the Allmaker[edit]

Is it just me, or has anyone else had their rest interrupted by creatures from Solstheim ... while on Vvardenfell? I was woken up by a grizzly once when I was in Azura's Coast.

Werewolfs defeated, but no award[edit]

After successfully defeating the attacking werewolfs in The Siege of the Skaal Village and reentering the Great Hall without speaking to any of the guards, the two werewolfs appear as skripted and may as well be defeated, while the inhabitants of Skaal continue to insist that at least one of the monsters entered the Great Hall, leaving the player unable to complete the rest of the main quest. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 2 December 2010

So go and talk to a guard outside then try again. rpeh •TCE 19:00, 2 December 2010 (UTC)

Raven Rock Dissapeared[edit]

I traveled to Raven Rock ,and it was not there.The first time I went there it was just doors ,and now there is nothing.

How do I FIX IT! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:30 on 6 May 2013‎

No Estate (redux)[edit]

Aldam walks out of town for me and continues to walk and swim away, idk why and havent been able to fix this — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 16:47 UTC Feb 4 2017