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Lists all NPC pages in the Morrowind Overhaul Project that have had their services checked but are still awaiting input on other sections.
Pages in category "Morrowind-MWOP-NPC-Services-Checked"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 319 total.
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- Morrowind:Ababael Timsar-Dadisun
- Morrowind:Abishpulu Shand
- Morrowind:Adairan Lalansour
- Morrowind:Addhiranirr
- Morrowind:Adibael Hainnabibi
- Morrowind:Aengoth the Jeweler
- Morrowind:Aerin
- Morrowind:Aeta Wave-Breaker
- Morrowind:Ahaz
- Morrowind:Ainat Maessabibi
- Morrowind:Ajira
- Morrowind:Alfe Fyr
- Morrowind:Alvur Hleran
- Morrowind:Alvura Othrenim
- Morrowind:Amarie Charien
- Morrowind:Anarenen
- Morrowind:Anise Romoran
- Morrowind:Arabhi
- Morrowind:Arathor
- Morrowind:Arethan Mandas
- Morrowind:Arielle Phiencel
- Morrowind:Arrille
- Morrowind:Artisa Arelas
- Morrowind:Arvama Rathri
- Morrowind:Arver Rethul
- Morrowind:Arvyn Llerayn
- Morrowind:Aryni Orethi
- Morrowind:Ashur-Dan
- Morrowind:Assaba-Bentus
- Morrowind:Athal Nerano
- Tribunal:Athelyn Malas
- Morrowind:Athyn Sarethi
- Bloodmoon:Audmund
- Morrowind:Aunius Autrus
- Morrowind:Avon Ravel
- Morrowind:Avus Belvilo
- Morrowind:Balis Sari
- Morrowind:Balyn Omavel
- Bloodmoon:Baro Egnatius
- Morrowind:Bashuk gra-Bat
- Bloodmoon:Basks-In-The-Sun
- Morrowind:Belas Othren
- Morrowind:Blatta Hateria
- Morrowind:Bolayn Rethan
- Morrowind:Bolrin
- Morrowind:Bolyn Elval
- Morrowind:Boss Crito
- Morrowind:Bratheru Oran
- Morrowind:Braynas Hlervu
- Morrowind:Brerama Selas
- Morrowind:Briring
- Morrowind:Bugdul gro-Kharbush
- Morrowind:Burcanius Varo
- Morrowind:Dahleena
- Morrowind:Dalin Norvayne
- Morrowind:Danar Dalomo
- Morrowind:Danso Indules
- Morrowind:Daras Aryon
- Morrowind:Daric Bielle
- Morrowind:Darius
- Morrowind:Darns Tedalen
- Morrowind:Darvame Hleran
- Morrowind:Davina
- Morrowind:Daynasa Telandas
- Morrowind:Delvam Andarys
- Morrowind:Dileno Lloran
- Morrowind:Dilvene Venim
- Morrowind:Dinara Othrelas
- Morrowind:Diren Vendu
- Morrowind:Direr Arano
- Morrowind:Divayth Fyr
- Morrowind:Domalen
- Morrowind:Dondir
- Morrowind:Dovres Verethi
- Morrowind:Dralosa Athren
- Morrowind:Dram Bero
- Morrowind:Dranas Sarathram
- Morrowind:Dravasa Andrethi's
- Tribunal:Dravil Indrano
- Morrowind:Drelayn Dredayn
- Morrowind:Drelyne Llenim
- Morrowind:Drerel Indaren
- Morrowind:Drinar Varyon
- Morrowind:Dro'Sakhar
- Morrowind:Dro'Tasarr
- Morrowind:Dro'Zhirr
- Morrowind:Drulene Falen
- Morrowind:Dudley
- Morrowind:Duke Vedam Dren
- Morrowind:Dular gro-Buzga
- Morrowind:Edras Oril
- Morrowind:Edwinna Elbert
- Morrowind:Eiruki Hearth-Healer
- Bloodmoon:Elberoth
- Morrowind:Eleedal-Lei
- Morrowind:Elo Arethan
- Morrowind:Elone
- Morrowind:Elvas Savel
- Morrowind:Elynea Norvayn
- Morrowind:Elynu Saren
- Morrowind:Emusette Bracques
- Morrowind:Endris Dilmyn
- Morrowind:Endryn Llethan
- Morrowind:Ennbjof
- Morrowind:Eralane Hledas
- Morrowind:Eraldil
- Morrowind:Ereel-Lei
- Morrowind:Erer Darothril
- Morrowind:Eris Telas
- Bloodmoon:Erna the Quiet
- Morrowind:Ernand Thierry
- Morrowind:Ernard Genis
- Morrowind:Ervona Barys
- Morrowind:Estirdalin
- Morrowind:Ethes Evos
- Morrowind:Ethys Savil
- Morrowind:Fadase Selvayn
- Morrowind:Fadile Balvel
- Morrowind:Falanaamo
- Morrowind:Falena Hlaren
- Morrowind:Fandus Puruseius
- Morrowind:Fanildil
- Morrowind:Farena Arelas
- Morrowind:Fargoth
- Morrowind:Fathasa Llethri
- Morrowind:Faves Andas
- Tribunal:Fedris Hler
- Morrowind:Felara Andrethi
- Morrowind:Felen Maryon
- Morrowind:Ferise Varo
- Morrowind:Fevyn Ralen
- Morrowind:Fjol
- Morrowind:Flaenia Amiulusus
- Morrowind:Folsi Thendas
- Tribunal:Fons Beren
- Morrowind:Fonus Rathryon
- Tribunal:Forven Berano
- Morrowind:Forvse Nerethi
- Morrowind:Foryn Gilnith
- Morrowind:Frink Ruuz
- Morrowind:Frinnius Posuceius
- Morrowind:Fruscia Abitius
- Bloodmoon:Fryssa
- Morrowind:Furius Acilius
- Tribunal:Gaenor
- Morrowind:Gakkenfeld
- Morrowind:Galar Rothan
- Morrowind:Galbedir
- Morrowind:Galdal Omayn
- Morrowind:Galero Andaram
- Morrowind:Galore Salvi
- Morrowind:Galthragoth
- Morrowind:Ganciele Douar
- Morrowind:Garisa Llethri
- Morrowind:Garothmuk gro-Muzgub
- Morrowind:Garyn Girith
- Morrowind:Gashnakh gra-Mughol
- Tribunal:Gavis Velas
- Morrowind:Gildan
- Morrowind:Gilse Darethi
- Morrowind:Gilvas Barelo
- Morrowind:Gilyan Sedas
- Morrowind:Gindrala Hleran
- Morrowind:Giras Indaram
- Morrowind:Gladroon
- Morrowind:Glathel
- Morrowind:Gols Nilvon
- Morrowind:Gordol
- Morrowind:Goren Andarys
- Morrowind:Gothren
- Tribunal:Goval Ralen
- Bloodmoon:Grandfather Frost
- Morrowind:Gudling the Rascal
- Morrowind:Guldrise Dralor
- Morrowind:Guril Retheran