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Daggerfall Mod:DFQFIX

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DFQFIX is a patch mod.

Many quests from the final Daggerfall Patch v1.07.213 still contains partially serious errors. Some efforts were made over the years, but no known complete fix has ever been released to the public. The goal of this mod is to put an end to all bugs and glitches that still exist. Some brief background information why these quests don't work as intended by the developers.

Fixed Quests, a patch for some of the original quests has been released by Donald Tipton in 2001. The latest publicly available version of this patch can be found within the QUESTPAK zip file or as a single file here. Note that beyond fixes, this patch also adds 5 additional quests which are reward-scaled copies of A Hot Stone: O0B50Y17, O0B4XY16, O0B3XY15, O0B2XY14, O0B1XY13.

XtraQuest Patch, a collection of community custom quests from 1998, also contains a fix for the Q0C00Y03 quest. Should players not desire to install the rest of this custom content, they can find this individual fix here.

Download Quest Patch[edit]


Overview for Quest Patches[edit]

This table shows which quests of the original game are modified by which quest patch. One may notice that some quests are modified by multiple patches. Therefore the suggested installation order is Patch v1.07.213, followed by Fixed Quests, and at last DFQFIX. Q0C00Y03 and P0B10L08 individual fixes may be installed at any time.

Quest v1.07.213 Fixed Quests DFQFIX Q0C00Y03 and P0B10L08 fixes
40C00Y00 X X
50C00Y00 X
70C00Y00 X
90C00Y00 X
A0C00Y06 X
A0C00Y12 X X
A0C01Y06 X
A0C0XY04 X
A0C10Y05 X
B0B81Y02 X
C0B00Y01 X
C0B00Y02 X X
C0B10Y06 X
C0B3XY09 X
C0C00Y10 X X
K0C00Y02 X
K0C00Y04 X
K0C00Y05 X
K0C00Y06 X X
K0C00Y07 X
K0C01Y10 X
K0C30Y03 X X
L0A01L00 X
L0B00Y00 X X
L0B00Y01 X X
L0B00Y02 X
L0B00Y03 X
L0B10Y01 X
L0B10Y03 X X
L0B20Y02 X
L0B30Y03 X
L0B30Y09 X X
L0B40Y04 X X
L0B50Y11 X X
L0B60Y10 X X
M0B00Y06 X
M0B00Y07 X
M0B00Y15 X X
M0B00Y16 X
M0B00Y17 X
M0B11Y18 X
M0B30Y03 X
M0B30Y04 X
M0B30Y08 X
M0B40Y05 X
M0B60Y10 X
M0C00Y11 X
M0C00Y12 X
M0C00Y13 X
M0C00Y14 X
N0B00Y08 X
N0B21Y14 X X
N0B40Y07 X
N0C00Y10 X
O0B00Y00 X
O0B10Y00 X
P0B00L01 X
P0B00L03 X
P0B10L08 X
Q0C00Y03 X
Q0C00Y04 X X
Q0C00Y06 X
Q0C00Y07 X
Q0C00Y08 X
Q0C0XY02 X
Q0C10Y00 X
Q0C4XY04 X
R0C10Y15 X
R0C11Y26 X X
R0C11Y27 X
R0C11Y28 X X
R0C20Y22 X
R0C30Y25 X
R0C4XY23 X
R0C60Y24 X
S0000001 X X
S0000002 X X
S0000003 X
S0000004 X X
S0000005 X X
S0000006 X
S0000007 X X X
S0000008 X X
S0000009 X
S0000010 X X
S0000011 X
S0000012 X X
S0000013 X
S0000015 X X
S0000016 X
S0000017 X X
S0000018 X
S0000021 X
S0000022 X
S0000100 X
S0000101 X
S0000102 X
S0000103 X
S0000104 X
S0000106 X
S0000500 X X
S0000501 X
S0000502 X
S0000503 X
S0000988 X
S0000999 X X X
T0C00Y00 X
W0C00Y00 X X
X0C00Y00 X
Y0C00Y00 X

Affected Quests repaired by DFQFIX[edit]

Main Quests[edit]

In addition to the already fixed game-text, the quest has been adapted to work with the new tutorial that comes from v1.3. More precisely, the start-up of quest S0000977 was removed from the quest, since this is now down by the tutorial.
You could ask questions about Lady Brisienna as soon as you left Privateer's Hold, which is pretty illogical since at this point you don't even know that she exists.
Now you can only ask questions about her from the moment you got her letter.
Due an oversight in the quest you could still meet Lady Brisienna after you got her last letter, in which she accuses you of being a traitor for not meeting her. If you meet her within 29 days after you have gotten this letter you can still get her information, but you have lost reputation with her. In case you don't meet her within these 29 days she will be gone.
Since it would be logical for Lady Brisienna to leave the region, as soon as she assumes that you are a traitor, the quest will end one day after you got her last letter so you can no longer meet her. Besides, would it make sense to lose reputation and be still able to meet her? A spelling mistake in the quest dialogue was also corrected.


  • The questfiles _TUTOR__.QBN and _TUTOR__.QRC that come with the patch must be present in your ARENA2 directory when using this patched questfile.
  • This patch will only work for a new game.
Lesson 7 was not triggered correctly and therefore will not start.
This issue has been corrected.
The tutorial doesn't proceed once you arrive in Daggerfall City, because the questfile points to the wrong location.
This issue has been fixed and the tutorial will proceed as planned.
In the original file you only have 7 days to complete the tutorial. Hence, if you travel cautiously to Daggerfall you will never have enough time to follow the tutorial until its end.
The time limit for reaching Daggerfall has been doubled from 7 to 14 days. You will now have enough time to follow the tutorial until the end, even if you travel cautiously.
The patch that came until v1.2 caused an error 1000 (Duplicated Map ID) when trying to save the game outside of Privateer's Hold. Daggerfall doesn't like it, when active quests have identical quest locations. And Daggerfall City is also the quest location for quest S0000977. If both quests are active at the same time, an error 1000 is the result.
In order to eliminate this error, the quest S0000977 is suspended as long as the tutorial is active. When the tutorial is not started, completed or aborted, quest S00000977 is started. This has the side effect, that Lysandus' spectral army doesn't haunt Daggerfall City as long as the tutorial is active.


  • The questfiles _BRISIEN.QBN and _BRISIEN.QRC that come with the patch must be present in your ARENA2 directory when using this patched questfile.
  • This patch will only work for a new game.
The journal entry you should get after talking to the agent of the Underking, and which mentions the crypt where Lhotun's brother has died, is not used in the questfile.
This journal entry will now show up in your logbook after you talked to the agent of the Underking.

Major overhaul to the entire quest.

The start of quest S0000011 is no longer triggered from this quest but from quest S0000011 itself. This will also remove the irritating message the player gets when reporting back to Elysana after Helseth's quest has been completed.
Unused references and quest-text were removed.
In the original quest the player only had to wait for about 16 hours to get the letter from Helseth, although he says the player should come back on the next day at the same time.
To reflect this statement, the time the player must wait has been altered to a whole day.
The original quest has two different letters Helseth could give the player. However the second letter is only intended to be used in case Elysana's quest has been done first. But since quest S0000999 won't even start Helseth's quest, if Elysana's quest has already been completed, this second letter will never be used.
Now there is a chance of 50% for any of the two letters to be used (The second letter is not even related to Elysana's quest).
The note from Helseth and the gold the courier brings, in case Elysana's quest has been completed in the meantime, are not made permanent. They will vanish as soon as the courier has left.
The note and the gold are made permanent and will remain in the player's inventory once the quest is over. The gold must be dropped to the ground or into the wagon then picked up from there again to be added to the player's wallet. Picking it up directly from the inventory will cause the gold to vanish for good.
Two major logical issues were fixed:
  1. If the player has read Helseth's letter, Lord Castellian gives him the response for Helseth although he sends knights and battlemages to kill the player at the same time.
Now he won't give his answer if the player has read the letter and as a consequence the quest can not be completed successfully.
  1. If the player has read Lord Castellian's answer for Helseth, Helseth still recommends the player's services to his mother although he is angry and says he would not trust the player again anytime soon.
Now Barenziah's quest will only start if the player didn't read the letter addressed to Helseth, but the player will still get Helseth's reward and his informations because he is a man of his bond as he says about himself.


  • The reputation gain/loss of this quest were not altered, although due the fix of the logical issues the player can no longer lose reputation with Lord Castellian and Helseth in a row.
  • The fixes above will only work if the player has not already started quest S0000002.
The quest has no actual time-limit although Medore gives one, but due a missing command the quest is not terminated after it has expired. Thus the quest will remain active until the unicorn's horn is brought back to Medora.
The quest is now terminated when it's time limit has expired.
Nulfage should have answered with one of four possible replies when she is talked to during this quest. However since she is not even defined in the questfile, the player can only talk to her via a dialog menu but nothing else.
This issue was fixed and she will say one of the four possible replies if she is talked to.
A typo in the quest-text was also fixed.
Shedungent is revealed on the map right after Aubk-i asked the player to do her quest, which seems somewhat illogical since dungeons are usually revealed by a quest giver after the player has agreed to do the quest.
Now Shedungent is only revealed on the map if the player has agreed to do Aubk-i's quest.
The quest has no actual time-limit although Aubk-i gives the player 150 days. Therefore the quest will remain active until the player reports back to Aubk-i. According to the Readme of Patch v1.07.213 the time-limit has been too short in previous versions, so they altered it to 150 days, but apparently forgot to use this new time-limit in the questfile, so as a result it has no time limit at all.
The quest is now terminated after these 150 days have passed. A useless reference and a useless timer were also removed from the quest.
Comparing the internal processing of this quest to similar ones, it was very likely intended for Aubk-i's next quest not to start until the player's reputation with her is +15 or greater. Normally, this will be the case right after this quest is completed, since one gets +18 reputation with Aubk-i at the end, unless the reputation with her became lower than -3 somehow in the meantime. This is very unlikely unless something has been done to annoy the kingdom of Daggerfall (quests for enemies of Daggerfall or its royality).
To stick with this defined processing, her next quest won't start until the reputation with her is +15 or greater, which normally is the case right after this quest is completed.
The door(s) of the building where Lord Castellian is staying are always locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
The door(s) of the building will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
Lord Castellian is killed when you give him the robe and the Daedra Seducers show up. But his character still stands around, despite the fact that he is dead.
This discrepancy has been corrected, he will now disappear and a dead body will take his place when the Daedra Seducers show up.
S0000007 (unofficial version)
The unofficial quest that comes with Donald Tipton's patched quest should have provided an alternative way to do this quest without killing the werewolf and get on some good terms with Daggerfall's witch coven, the Sisters of The Bluff. However due to the infamous "clear-flag" bug this path doesn't work at all. Strangely Tipton himself mentioned this bug somewhere in his documentations but seems to have forgotten about it when he designed this alternative path.
This bug has been fixed, and the alternative path of the quest now works as it was intended by its creator.
In case you give the totem to Gortwog, it is intended for him to reward you also with the Warlock's Ring, but the specific command to give you the artifact is missing from the questfile and in the end you get nothing from him.
According to the questfile that comes with the latest patch v1.07.213, he should now give you the Chrysamere instead. But due an unknown reason you won't get the artifact.
The issues with the latest official questfile has been fixed. Gortwog gives you now the Chrysamere for sure if you bring him the totem.
Prior to v2.0, the quest patch contains a serious bug. Very likely due a bug in the game-engine some op-code in the quest will not work the way it was originally intended. This causes the quest to be un-completable, since the player will never receive Nulfaga's message nor can he talk to her and thus can not start the final stage of the main quest. Strangely the quest which comes with patch v1.07.213 contains the same code, but there it works for some unknown reason. However in this quest the issue with Gortwog's reward appears. And in addition the quest can't be completed if the player gave the totem to Gothryd or his men. Since the problematic code was not touched in any way when the quest was patched the first time, it was assumed that it will work as in the one from patch v1.07.213. However this isn't the case.
The problematic op-code has been overworked, the quest works now perfect in conjunction with the patch for quest S0000016 and gaining Gortwog's reward works also as intended. See here for more information regarding this problem.
Some unused quest-flags were removed from the quest.
You will now get a notification if you get Lady Briesenna's second letter. In the original quest and the previous patched quest you get this letter without any notification.
The journal entry you should get when accepting Lady Brisienna's mission is not used.
The entry will now show up in your journal.
The original quest doesn't end when you refuse Lady Brisienna's request to get the totem, although you can never embark on this task after your refusal. Thus the quest will remain active for ever.
The quest ends now if you refuse Lady Brisienna's request to get the totem.
The door(s) to the house where the Agent of the Underking is staying are always locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill it might be difficult to get into the house without alarming the town guards.
The door(s) of the house are now unlocked for the duration of the quest.
The region where Castle Llugwych is located was added to the journal entry.
The reward, Gortwog gives you in case you bring the book to him, is not made permanent. This means, it is still flagged as quest object and will vanish from your inventory as soon as the quest is over, which is actually after you have given the book to Gortwog.
This issue has been fixed and you can keep your jewelry.
If you talk to Gortwog while in Orsinium, he offers you the task to retrieve the book from the Necromancers, regardless whether they already have stolen the book or not.
This discrepancy has been fixed, he will only offer you this task now, if the Necromancers have already stolen the book. If you find the book within Orsinium, you can however still give it to him and collect your reward.
Fix to work with the new quest S0000002 that comes since v3.1, but the quest will also work with an unpatched S0000002 quest as well. Some little changes to the quest-code and quest-text were also done.
The nightblades should have their orders given by Queen Aubk-i with them, but they don't carry this letter on their bodies.
This issue has been corrected, the nightblades now have their orders with them.
The nightblades will now come after the player if he is indeed searching for the courier and not already when Aubk-i was questioned about the letter. This makes more sense if the wording of the order the nightblades are carrying is considered.
You could ask questions about the signet ring as soon as the quest starts, which is pretty illogical since you won't get it before you have talked with Mynisera and agreed to do her quest.
Now you can only ask questions about the ring, after you accepted to do the quest.
If you decline Mynisera's quest, the quest doesn't get terminated and remains active forever, although you can never embark on it.
In case you decline the quest, it is properly terminated.
Considering the method how the game creates random NPC without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the dispatcher is staying, may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the NPC were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest. The quest-text was also altered slightly, to work with these modifications.
The reward you get from Barenziah, Eadwyre or Helseth is not made permanent, which means it will vanish from your inventory as soon as the quest is over.
This issue has been fixed.
It was intended for Gortwog and the King of Worms to give you a random amount of gold if you bring the diary to either of them. But the command to give you this reward is missing from the questfile.
This issue has been fixed and you will get your reward.
Due a bug in the game-engine you can not complete quest S0000008 if you give the totem to Gothryd or his men. If you want to complete the quest and giving Gothryd the totem you must use the patched quest for S0000008 which comes since v2.0. However you can not complete the very last quest since the global variable which indicates that Gothryd has the totem is not set. If you find the Mantella and activate it, nothing will happen and you will be stuck in the Crux forever unless you have set an anchor outside.
In conjunction with the patched quest S0000008 this patch checks if the totem is owned by anyone but Gothryd. If this is not the case, the totem's owner is set to Gothryd. Thus one can complete the final quest in case the totem belongs to Gothryd.
An unused reference was removed from the quest-file.
The videos don't play in the right order after you have touched the Mantella.
This small issue was fixed, the order is now correct.
If you decline Akorithi's quest to get the painting, the quest doesn't get terminated and remains active forever, although you can never embark on it.
In case you decline the quest, it is properly terminated.
You could ask questions about the painting as soon as the quest starts, which is pretty illogical since you don't even know that the painting exists until you have spoken to Akorithi.
Now you can only ask questions about the painting, after you accepted Akorithi's quest to get it.
When using the patched questfile prior v2.4, Akorithi didn't ask the player whether he has used the painting or not, thus giving him no opportunity to gain reputation with her and Sentinel.
Since v2.4 this error has been corrected and this feature works just as in the original quest.
The time Medora needs to prepare the dust is actually only 20 days and 20 hours.
This time was altered to 30 days (one in-game month) to correspond with Medora's own statement.
An extra journal entry was added so the player will know when the month, Medora needs, has passed.
An unused variable was removed together with an unused reference for Lysandus' Tomb (the location is already revealed during quest S0000010).
The original quests don't end until their time limit has expired, even if you have already given the totem to someone.
The quests will now end once you have given the totem to someone. They will not end after the totem has vanished after 366 days. How should anyone know that it disappeared?
The original quest didn't give you any reputation when you gave the totem to the King of Worms, the cause is very likely a bug in the original questfile.
This issue was fixed and you will get the promised reputation as it was intended.
Most of the persons/factions that should send you a letter about Numidium will not send you one at all, regardless how much reputation one may have with them.
Despite several tries and workarounds, it was not possible to make any of those parties work, all of them have been removed from the questfile. But along with the original parties that will send the player a letter (Gortwog, Thieves Guild, Mages Guild), the Merchants have been added to replace all those broken parties. You may get letter 1 from them if your reputation with them is at least 50.
You get wrong notifications when you receive letter 2 or letter 3.
This has been fixed and you will get the correct notifications.
Every letter you may receive will disappear from your inventory once the quest is over, the letters are not made permanent when the quest ends.
The letters were made permanent and they will remain in your inventory when the quest ends.
Since v3.3 the status of the letters was reverted back to original. They will disappear one day after they have been delivered to the player.
Prior v3.3 wrong notifications were displayed when giving the player any of the three letters.
This issue was corrected for good and now all three letters are given to the player while displaying correct notifications.
The start-up file for the Main Quest still contains some logical errors, although it was already overworked by Donald Tipton. The Main Quest start-up never ends, evident by the lingering journal entries. Even when the emperor's letter was brought back and Lysandus' ghost was put to rest. Neither the various official patches from Bethesda nor the file that comes with Donald Tipton's Patched Quests correct this. This anomaly occurs when the player didn't do Helseth's quest or Elysana's first quest. These quests can be missed under certain circumstances. In case one of these quests is not start-up, the Main Quest start-up file will never end and will therefore remain active for ever. Although this causes no immediate problems, it is still very annoying.
Instead of this problematic quest flags, two global variables are now used to end the Main Quest start-up file once the required conditions apply, namely:
Global Variable 0 (Flag 0) Lysandus Ghost put to rest = TRUE
Global Variable 29 (Flag 29) Emperor's letter returned to Mynisera = TRUE
You will now get notifications if you get Lhotun's or Morgiah's letter. Originally, you got these letters without notifications and couldn't notice them unless you found them accidentally in your inventory. Besides, these notifications are already embedded within the questfile, but are not used for some unknown reasons.
You will now get notifications if your level or reputation is too low to start a specific sub-plot of the Main Quest. In the original questfile these notifications are defined but can not be used because of the faulty quest logic. And in the questfile which comes with Donald Tipton's patched quest only Cyndassa and Medora give you such notifications, although the quest dialog can be used for all characters. Now you get these notifications from all NPCs that are involved in starting one of the Main Quest's sub-plots. This is just a small feature and has no influence on the Main Quest. Some spelling mistakes in the quest dialog were also corrected along with a typo in Lhotun's letter.


  • As long as you don't leave Privateer's Hold the changes to this file can still take effect. Upon leaving the dungeon the start-up is triggered and changes can no longer be applied.
  • This file is a modification of the file that comes with Donald Tipton's Patched Quests.

Dark Brotherhood[edit]

The town where you get this quest is not mentioned in your journal. If you don't keep track of your route you will probably not remember where this was.
.The town where you get this quest is now mentioned in your journal.
The town where you get this quest is not mentioned in your journal. If you don't keep track of your route you will probably not remember where this was.
The town where you get this quest is now mentioned in your journal.
The first journal entry contains an unneeded location entry and the text message, which is displayed when the vampire is killed, has an erroneous layout.
These errors in the quest text were corrected.
The town where you get this quest is not mentioned in your journal. If you don't keep track of your route you will probably not remember where this was.
The town where you get this quest is now mentioned in your journal.
The town where you get this quest is not mentioned in your journal. If you don't keep track of your route you will probably not remember where this was.
The town where you get this quest is now mentioned in your journal.
You can ask for all quest related locations from the start of the quest. In that way you know from the beginning at which places you can look for the thief, making this quest, which heavily relies on rumors and investigations in town, rather easy to complete.
This has been fixed and you can only ask for a location if it was mentioned to you by a NPC.
The quest timer has a wrong format although it works in the original quest.
This timer has been fixed.
An alternative flat for the thief's mistress is used, so that one of the literally hundreds of unused flats in the game is put to some use.
An unused quest variable was removed.
Wrong personal pronouns are used in the quest text.
This has been fixed.
The town where you get this quest is not mentioned in your journal. If you don't keep track of your route you will probably not remember where this was.
The town where you get this quest is now mentioned in your journal.

Fighters Guild[edit]

Considering the method how the game determines random quest locations without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the scorpion can be found may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the quest location were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
Considering the method how the game determines random quest locations without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the spider can be found may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the quest location were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
Considering the method how the game determines random quest locations without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the barbarian can be found may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the quest location were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
Considering the method how the game determines random quest locations without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the rats can be found may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the quest location were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
Considering the method how the game determines random quest locations without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the monster can be found may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the quest location were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
You have now a one in three chance to get also a dungeon map at the end of the quest.
You get no message when you kill the bear.
The missing message was added.
You get no payment if you complete the task, although the quest giver says that it pays exactly like the more difficult jobs.
You will now get a random amount of gold if you complete the quest successfully. You will also get a notification in case you killed four bats/rats which is the minimum of kills you need to complete the quest.
Latest quest-patch was built from v1.07.213 which fixes the locked door(s) issue, previous quest patch was built from the original quest file which lacks this fix.
M0B00Y16 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
The message which the NPC says to you in case you don't bring him/her to the store in time is present in the quest-file, but not used.
This unused message is now used.
In the patched quest prior v2.7 the magical item is removed from the giant as soon as the quest is started.
The magical item is given to the giant for sure, you will find it now on its dead body.
M0B00Y17 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
Under certain circumstances you could ask for the lover or his/her whereabouts from the start of the quest, which is pretty illogical until you have read the letter which you may find next to the dead body.
Now you can only ask for the lover or his/her whereabouts after you have read the letter.
The original quest had a timeframe which ends the quest after you brought the pet back to the noble. However it is possible that this timeframe will be as long as the quest's time limit itself.
This timeframe was reduced to about one in-game hour.
M0B11Y18 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
A duplicated command and an unused reference were removed from the questfile.
Because of its complexity, the patched quest prior v2.7 contained some errors:
  1. The player don't get his pay from Queen Akorithi if he gives her the letter as long as Lord K'avar is still at the palace, or if he declines the queen's offer to capture Lord K'avar at his stronghold. This would also result in a failed quest for the Fighters Guild.
  2. Because of error 1 the next quest (capture Lord K'avar in Castle Wayrest) is not started when this quest ends.
Both errors have been corrected, some minor improvements to the quest-code were also done.
The patched quest prior v2.8 suffers from a not uncommon problem that occurs often if the player can talk more than once to one and the same NPC during a quest. In this quest, the queen will not talk to the player if he didn't manage to kill Lord K'avar at his stronghold.
This problem, which was also present in patched quest S0000501 and R0CY1128 was fixed for good since v2.8.
The needless blanks in the quest-text were removed.
The patched quest prior v3.1 could under certain circumstances create an invisible flat for the NPC, who is waiting at the local tavern for the player. This made it almost impossible to talk to the NPC because the NPC is invisible, although he is clickable.
The group the respective NPC belongs to was changed, thus solving this problem.
Some little additional informations, e.g. where you got the quest, were added to the first journal entry.
Due some logical pitfalls in the original quest and the game-engine's restriction to process a quest-task more than once, it was possible that no timers remained left to end this quest, when you didn't give the letter to Queen Akorithi and subsequent didn't give it to Lord K'avar. In this case the quest remained active forever because no active timers remained left to terminate it.
This was fixed and the quest will end at the latest when the overall time limit, which depends on the distances to the various locations from the town you got this quest, has run out.
The quest giver of the Fighters Guild didn't return once this quest ends, which means he will be gone forever, thus the guildhall would no longer have a quest giver available. This could be reversed by deleting the ATF-file associated with the town the guildhall is located, however this would also result in the loss of all map data for this town.
This issue has been fixed and the quest giver will return back once this quest is over.
The teleporter-amulet will now remain in your inventory once the quest is over, although from now it will remain a normal amulet.
In the original quest and any version prior v3.3 the quest will end if the time limit Queen Akorithi has given you has run out, even when Lord K'avar has been killed or escaped during the fight. This behavior seems quite illogical.
This has been fixed, the quest will now end after you have reported back to Queen Akorith after Lord K'avar has been killed or managed to escape.
A duplicated message was removed.
You get no notification if you hit the lich which is your quest target and no chance to get a dungeon map, although this features are defined in the questfile.
These issues have been corrected, you will now get a notification and a chance of 50% to receive a dungeon map as additional reward.
Considering the method how the game determines random quest locations without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the zombie can be found may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the quest location were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
You have now a chance of 50% to get also a dungeon map at the end of the quest.
Considering the method how the game creates random NPC without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the woodman lives will always be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the NPC were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
S0000500 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
The region was added where the tavern respectively the hideout, Lord K'avar wants to seek out, is located. Perhaps some people don't remember the region where they got the first quest from the Fighters Guild. This will solve such problems.
Some additional changes where done to this quest since v2.7:
  1. The probably too short time-limits were considerably amplified. Now they should be long enough for reaching Sentinel and traveling to the hideout, regardless how far away you are from Sentinel.
  2. Lord K'avar and his guard are placed into the dungeons after you have gotten the letter, not already at the quest start-up. This seems more logical and you can't find him accidentally if you explore Palace Sentinel before you get the letter.
  3. A small feature from the latest official quest-file, included with Patch v1.07.213, was implemented (two different kind of spellswords appear now in the quest)
  4. The needless blanks in the quest-text were removed.
S0000501 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
An unused reference was removed from the questfile.
Since v2.7 the probably too short time-limits were considerably amplified. They should be long enough now for reaching Sentinel and talking to Queen Akorithi, regardless how far away you are from Sentinel. The needless blanks in the quest-text were also removed.
The quest prior v2.8 contains a logical error preventing Queen Akorithi from speaking to the player once he received her letter.
Since v2.8 the code of the quest is reordered, thus making the quest work as intended. Some stronger quest logic is also used.


  • Players still using the patched questfile prior v2.8 can still complete the quest if they find and kill Lord K'avar in Castle Wayrest, after they got the queen's letter. Upon reporting back to Queen Akorithi, they will get their rewards, thus ending the quest. Capturing Lord K'avar and bringing him back to Queen Akorithi will not work, since she will still refuse to talk to the player. In this case the quest won't end until its time limit has run out.
You only get a notification when you kill the Fire Atronach, killing any other Atronachs won't display a notification.
Now you will get a notification when you kill any of the four possible Atronachs.

Knight Orders[edit]

B0B81Y02 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
Although all four artifacts are intended to be picked as reward for a successfully completed quest, only the Chrysamere is picked in the end.
This issue has been fixed, all four artifacts are now picked, each of them comes with a chance of 25%, as it was originally intended.
The quest patch prior v2.6 didn't work as expected, due the processing of the patched quest-file. None of the artifacts remained permanently in the player's inventory after the quest was completed.
This annoying issue was fixed and the artifact which is picked for this quest doesn't vanish once the quest is over.
An unused reference and some unused quest-flags where removed.

Mages Guild[edit]

Due some inappropriate quest variables the quest could really get mixed-up, if the player doesn't follow the path to find the book which is expected by the questfile. In the worst case the quest could not be completed, even if the book was found and brought back.
These quest variables have been adjusted and the in-game text was slightly adapted to work with these variables.
The door(s) of the house where the noble is staying are always locked, and although this is a good measure of precaution to hold more witches off, it makes it difficult for the player to complete the quest if he has no Open spell or other means to gain entrance to the house.
The door(s) of the house are now unlocked for the duration of the quest.
The quest location where the noble can be found is set to a type1 house. Since this type of house can not be found in every town, the destined quest location may be absent. And this will result in a situation where the noble is plainly missing from the quest. Despite this serious error, the game doesn't crash, thus giving the player no hint that something is wrong.
The quest location has been altered to a type2 house, which can be found in every type of settlement.
The place which is used to "store" the Frost Daedra to properly remove it from the game is actually the current dungeon. When a quest object is "stored" to remove it until the quest is over, a different dungeon is used normally. If the Frost Daedra is placed at an incompatible quest location in the current dungeon, the game will crash when saving with the error 1000.
The storage for the Frost Daedra is set to a different dungeon, thus solving the problem.
S0000502 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
You only get a reward from Baltham Greyman if you have already found the box before meeting him. You get no reward if you found the box together with him.
This issue has been fixed, he will now give you the reward even in case he has accomplished you during the search.
The message which the raven delivers to you contains also the region where the town, the atronach is waiting, is located. Perhaps some people don't remember the region where they got the very first quest from the Mages Guild. This will solve such problems.
Some misapply quest-tasks, introduced by the patched quest were reordered and some small modifications were done.
S0000503 comes with the CompUSA Special Edition Patch
In case you enter the dungeon with the magical items without the key, you should be teleported to another dungeon. This task however doesn't work as it was intended.
This task will now work as planned.
The message the raven croaks to you contains additionally the region where the town, Baltham Greyman is waiting, is located. Perhaps some people don't remember the region where they got the very first quest from the Mages Guild. This will solve such problems.
Due the processing of the patched quest not all magical items you can get during this quest will remain in your inventory when the quest is over.
This has been fixed since v3.1, all magical items you keep will remain in you inventory when the quest is over.
There is no time-limit for traveling to the Mages Guild and getting the map from there, although it is already defined in the questfile.
The missing time-limit has been added and it depends on the distance to your target location, like all the other time-limits in the quest.

Note: Due some unknown issues the face of Baltham Greyman on the screen is not dropped when it should be. Therefore his face will always be visible on the screen and a second one will be added when you pick him up for the second time during this quest. When the quest is over all faces will be dropped though. Despite several tries it was not possible to fix this.


The dialogs during the quest say, the cousin suffers from Lunar Chills, this disease doesn't exist in the game. The disease was probably meant to be Caliron's Curse. Besides, you catch Chrondiasis when you talk to the cousin in the end.
The in-game text has been fixed, Lunar Chills has been corrected to Caliron's Curse and you will catch this disease when you talk to the cousin.
Some unused references were removed from the questfile.
The dialog entries for quest related items are not used.
These dialog entries have been added.
Some unused quest flags were modified so that an unused quest message could be used.
Although this quest was already overworked by Donald Tipton, the locked door(s) issue still remained. Considering the method how the game creates random NPC without any additional parameters, the door(s) of the building where the priest(ess) is staying may be locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
Some additional parameters for the NPC were used, thus resulting in a building whose door(s) will be unlocked for the duration of the quest.
The in-game text was altered slightly to work with this modifications.
In the original quest you could attack and dispose of the Daedra Seducer once she gave you the magical item. In that way you could complete the quest successfully and keep the magical item.
The quest will end as soon as you receive the magic item from the Daedra Seducer. This will prevent first that you can attack her after she gave you the magical item and second that you have to wait until the quest's time limit has expired before you can get a new quest from the quest giver. The reputation loss however remains the same.
Some unused quest flags were removed.


The mages hideout, which is a building in the current town, is missing from your dialog menu, therefore you will not be able to ask the townsfolk where it is. If you didn't check every single building in the town by yourself, there was little chance that you could actually find it, unless it is a very small town. In a city like Daggerfall you could search forever without finding it.
The in-game text was slightly modified and you can now ask for the mage's hiding place once the quest giver mentioned it to you.
The original quest ended as soon as you killed the mage, giving you no time to loot his/her corpse.
Since this quest doesn't provide any rewards, if completed successfully, there is now a small timeframe which causes the quest to end 10 to 30 in-game minutes after the mage's death. This should be enough time to collect the loot from the mage's body.
When you hit the mage and he/she teleports you to the dungeon, he/she says the speech he/she shouldn't say until you have found him/her at his hideout.
This issue has been corrected, the mage will say his/her speech only if you confront him/her at the hideout.
Although this quest was already overworked by Donald Tipton, some quest variables may still cause troubles.
These quest variables were fixed, the in-game text was also slightly altered.
The quest, although overworked twice, still suffered from wrong string-variables prior v3.1. That could lead to a nonsense location for the informant.
These string-variables have been altered, now the correct location of the informant will be revealed.
The thief still had a wrong schedule for staying at the inn (04:02pm-11:59am instead of 04:02pm-11:59pm; this error was introduced by Tipton's patch).
This schedule has been corrected.
When you hit the orc shaman and he teleports you to the dungeon, he says the speech he shouldn't say until you have found him at his hideout.
This issue has been corrected, he will say his speech only if you confronts him at the hideout.
The orc shaman was still at the tavern when the player returned there, instead of seeking out the quest giver to learn what is going on. By killing the still present orc shaman, the quest could be completed without the need to search for him in another town.
The orc shaman will now leave the tavern as soon as the player is teleported to the dungeon. So the player must seek out the quest giver first to learn where the orc shaman is hiding.
You will lose reputation with the Dark Brotherhood after you killed the Daedra Seducer, whether you have accepted her initial offer or declined it. However this should only occur in case you have indeed betrayed her (accepted her offer and killed her anyway).
This was corrected, you will only lose reputation and be attacked by numerous daedra in case you have betrayed her.
The orc shaman used the name of the orc warlord when referring to himself.
This has been, corrected he will now use his own name.
The Employer-NPC didn't return once the quest ends, which means he/she will be gone forever. That also means he/she can no longer be found in town and if it was a NPC who provided a service to the player, this service would also be gone forever. This could be reversed by deleting the ATF-file associated with the town the respective town, however this would also result in the loss of all map data for this town.
This has been fixed and the Employer-NPC will return once the quest is over, whether the time limit has expired or they got married successfully.
An unused quest variable was removed.
In the original quest you only get paid for one false gold brick you return, regardless how many you have retrieved altogether.
You will now get a reward for every single gold brick you return, but for a successful quest you still need to return only one brick. The quest will be a success after its time limit has expired and you have brought back at least one brick. Bringing back all four will end the quest as soon as you have given them to your employer. The pay for each gold brick goes directly into your inventory and is not given to you via a menu-screen. This is the only way to get more than just a single quest reward. To add the pay to your wallet, you must first drop the gold pieces to the ground or into your wagon and than pick them up again. If you take the pay directly from your inventory, it will vanish for ever. In addition, you can keep each gold brick, you didn't return, for yourself. They will not vanish from your inventory once the quest's time limit expires.
The quest-text was altered slightly, to work with four gold bricks.
The Competitor-NPC didn't return once the quest ends, which means he/she will be gone forever. That also means he/she can no longer be found in town and if it was a NPC who provided a service to the player, this service would also be gone forever. This could be reversed by deleting the ATF-file associated with the town the respective town, however this would also result in the loss of all map data for this town.
This has been fixed and the Competitor-NPC will return once the quest is over.
The child's location in town is already revealed at the beginning of the quest. The player can ask for it via the dialog menu. If the Fighters Guild keeps the child for protection and the player has the reputation to get their letter, the player could walk plainly to this location, take the child and return it to the quest giver. Thus completing the quest without much efforts.
Now the child's location is only revealed after the player has talked to the member of the Fighters Guild.
An unused reference was removed from the quest.
The patched quest prior v3.1 didn't give you the additional reputation when the quest ends, because of the processing of the patched quest.
This has been fixed and you will get the reputation, if you have earned it.
The quest is broken in the original game. The game crashes to DOS as soon as you save after accepting the quest. The cause is, two quest locations are assigned to one and the same house in town, causing the game to crash with an internal error 1000 (Duplicated QuestIDs). The patch before v1.9 set one of the quest locations to a type1 house, but since this type of house can not be found in all towns, this may result in a missing quest location, causing the quest to be broken as well.
The altered quest location has been set back to a type2 house, as it was already set in the original quest, but the location picking with the rebuilt quest works far better.
Due an oversight in the quest dialog, the town where the noble stays will not be revealed. If the noble is the adversary of the quest culprit, than the quest can not be completed.
The issue with the quest dialog has been fixed, together with another minor dialog issue regarding the first location of the witness.
The player could ask for the second location where the witness is staying from the start of the quest.
Now the player can only ask for this location if he has found the witness at the first location.
In the patched quest prior v3.1 the player couldn't keep the gem once the quest's time limit has expired, it would simply disappear from the inventory. The player also didn't get a notification when the quest's time limit has run out.
These issues were fixed, the gem remains in the player's inventory when the quest ends and the notification will also be displayed.
Due an oversight in the original quest, the anonymous letters you may get contain misleading informations with a chance of 75%. These letters are not checked against who is actually the culprit of this quest, and one of the four letters gets always picked randomly regardless of the quest set-up.
Now you get always the correct letter which contains indeed true informations on who is the culprit and where he/she can be found.
There are a lot of journal entries in this quest that aren't even used, e.g. when you get the various letters or what they say.
A couple of unused quest-variables where shuffled to use them for displaying those previously unused journal entries.
The quest giver didn't return once the quest ends in case you have not given the culprit's letter to his/her adversary before. This could be reversed by deleting the ATF-file associated with the town you got the quest, however this would also result in the loss of all map data for that town.
This issue has been fixed and the quest giver will return back at latest when this quest has ended.
Since v3.2 the quest-code was further improved, taking the buggy randomness away from the game.
To avoid the further missing quest-location issues, the locations for all quest related NPCs have been explicitly defined, these new locations will also match with the NPCs professions (merchant->general store, noble->type1 house; a palace doesn't exist in every region, but every region has at least one type1 house, priest->temple, thief->inn)
The building the witness wants to meet the player was changed to a general store in town. This and the step above should ensure that no more missing quest-locations issues will occur during this quest.
The quest-text was adapted to work with these modification and some remaining errors were fixed.
A typo in the quest-text was fixed.
The time limit counter for this quest is not started, thus the quest will remain active until it is completed successfully.
The time limit counter is now triggered at the start of the quest. The original time limit was 20 days 21 hours and 40 minutes, but it was altered to 30 days for more clearance.
The player could ask for any quest related NPC once he arrives in the respective town.
Now the player can only ask for quest related NPCs once somebody mentioned them to him, except the banker, who is already well known from the start of the quest.
Due game-internal issues the whore could be absent from the place she e.g. the guard mentioned to you.
Now the house where the whore is staying is explicitly defined, she will be there for the whole time and the door(s) of this house will be unlocked for the duration of the quest. In addition, the quest-text was slightly altered to work with these modifications.
The bribe for the whore should be 10 gold pieces, as mentioned in her letter and by the guard. However the game expects a bribe of 7500 gold pieces. However the bribing in the original quest is broken and doesn't work at all, therefore the whole transaction (money for information) can not be done.
The bribe was reduced to the correct sum of 10 gold pieces and the bribing works now as intended. The whore will also refuse to help the player in case he has less than 10 gold pices.
In case the player doesn't choose to give the whore the bribe, it is taken from him nonetheless, but it is returned back immediately. This is the way how the game-engine handles giving/getting quest related objects via a message-box. However the bribe the player gets back is still flagged as quest object and may disappear from the inventory once the quest is over and it wasn't added permanently to the player's wallet, by dropping it to the ground and picking it up again.
The returned bribe was made permanent, it will no longer disappear once the quest is over, but the dropping and picking-up must be still done to get the gold back into the player's account. Taking it directly from the inventory will cause it to disappear for good.
The whore mentions a nonsense location where she once met the quest culprit earlier.
Although this location is not relevant to the quest, it was corrected to the location where the culprit's house is located.
The journal entry one gets after speaking to the whore contains a wrong location for Chulmore Quill who should be contacted next.
This wrong journal entry has been corrected to the true location, a tavern in a random town.
The original quest places the deed at dungeon 2 and the gold brick at dungeon 1, but according to a letter of the quest culprit, it should be contrariwise.
The placing was correct according to the letter, deed at dungeon 1 and gold brick at dungeon 2.
An unused threatening letter from the culprit was reused. The player will get it 25 to 50 in-game minutes after the quest was started.
The unused quest-dialog for the banker was reused.
The unused quest-dialog for the rock, found in the culprit's house, was reused.
Some unused references were removed from the quest file.


The second contact refers to the first contact by using his/her own name.
This has been corrected and the name of the first contact is now used.
The building where the contact is waiting is a bookstore. Since Wayrest City has no bookstores this quest will not work if you get it there.
The building the contact is waiting was changed to a type2 house (open from 06:00 to 18:00).
The needles blanks from the quest-text were removed.
The counter for the time limit is not started, thus the quest remains active until it is completed successfully.
The counter is now started at the start of the quest. The time limit is three days, after these are over, the quest will end.
The building where the sage is waiting is a library. Since Wayrest City has no library the sage will be missing from the quest if you get it there.
The building the sage is waiting was changed to a type2 house (open 24/7 for the duration of the quest)
The woman the vampire NPC points you to is living in a random town in the region. This is clearly an oversight considering the tight time limit the quest should have. Beside due an oversight in the quest-text the town won't be revealed anyway. The patch prior v2.8 placed her at a type2 house in the current city. However the game-engine has very often problems in case a quest uses more than two houses in the same town. In the worst case this can result in missing quest locations. The quest however could be still completed by killing the vampire at night and reporting back to the quest giver.
The woman is now staying at the temple of the current city, making it possible for the game-engine to pick the houses. This seems also quite logical considering the fact that the woman recently lost her brother.
Talking to the vampire NPC without having the sage's note doesn't work as intended (perhaps even in the original quest). The vampire NPC will plainly refuse to speak to the player. This issue is caused by a wrong placed command in conjunction with the way the questfile is processed by the game. Two other patched quests M0B11Y16 and S0000501 had similar problems. It's not know whether the original quest suffers from the same problem.
The problematic command was placed at the appropriated position making the conversations with the vampire NPC work as intended.
The needles blanks of the quest-text were removed.
R0C30Y25 -- (already repaired by Donald Tipton's Patched Quests)
The note which should reveal the location to the Coven of the Tide points to the wrong location, hence the coven will never be marked on your map.
This issue has been fixed and the Coven of the Tide in Myrkwasa is now revealed on your map once you read the note.
R0C4XY23 -- (already repaired by Donald Tipton's Patched Quests)
The note which should reveal the location to the Skeffington Coven points to the wrong location, hence the coven will never be marked on your map.
This issue has been fixed and the Skeffington Coven in Phrygias is now revealed on your map once you read the note.
The door(s) of the building where the Vampire NPC is staying are always locked. For characters without an Open spell or a sufficient lockpicking skill this results in an awkward situation.
The door(s) of the building will be unlocked for the duration of the quest and some unused quest-tasks were removed.


The group the imprisoned victim belongs to is set to the commoners of the current region, but this can result also in a male victim.
Since some in-game text can not be adapted to work correctly for male and female characters, the group the victim belongs to is now set to The Prostitutes. Thus will assure the victim will always be a female character.
For some unknown reason you can get this quest only from a warlock of an indoor coven, exterior covens will not offer you this quest.
This issue has been fixed, now you can get this quest from both type of covens.
Unused quest variables were removed.
The in-game text of the quest is designed for a male victim only, although the victim can also be a female character.
The in-game text has been modified by using gender specific string-variables, the in-game text displays now the correct personal pronouns depending on the victim's gender. An exception is "he/she", although the correct string-variable is used, the game always translates it as "he". The reason for this behavior is not known.
If you kill the monster the NPC turns into, the beldama will not yell at you when you report back.
Now she will say the proper dialog when you report back after the monster's demise.
Due a misnamed quest-task the gargoyle will never show up at the dungeon containing the mineral, instead a skeleton warrior will appear if the gargoyle was selected.
This has been corrected, if the gargoyle is selected as the roaming monster. it will show up.
Lots of unused quest-tasks and variables were removed from the quest.
Probably due some bad op-code in the questfile, the game doesn't recognize if you already have a Daedra's heart. The Daedra will still appear even in case you already plucked a heart. In the worst case this behavior can result in a situation where the heart you already have is not recognized as the quest object by the quest giver. Thus preventing you from completing the quest unless you have the heart of the one Daedra which appeared recently.
The game will now recognize when you have plucked a heart, thus preventing any Daedra from appearing afterwards and making the heart you already have the quest object.

Daedric Quests[edit]

Although this quest has already been overworked by Donald Tipton, it still does not work as intended. The player will get no notification when he arrives at the first dungeon the mage is hiding and most important Auriel's Bow is the only artifact that can be gained from the mage during this quest. The original code, which is responsible for checking if the player owns a specific item, and which is used in the original quest and Tipton's patch, apparently only works for gold and quest related items. It does not seem to work for any regular item (non-quest item).
This issue has been solved by randomly picking one of the three possible artifacts which can now be gained from the mage.
The quest-text contains wrong string variables for the dungeon the Staff of Magnus can be found. This will lead to a nonsense location in the dialog and the player's journal and the name of the dungeon will not be revealed in case the staff is picked as the promised artifact. Since in the original quests the staff has never been picked at all, this didn't have negative consequences at that time, but now it does.
These string variables were fixed and in addition the layout of the journal has been improved.
In the original quest you could attack and kill the noble once you got the magical item from him. And although Hermaeus Mora's worshipper takes the item from you, you still have completed the quest successfully, by killing the noble.
Since the original idea of this trade is to exchange the magical item for the noble's life, the noble will now disappear once you got the magical item from him.
The wrong quest reward, a random book, is shown in your journal.
This journal entry has been corrected to the proper reward, the Oghma Infinium.
A duplicated dialog entry was removed and other minor modification to the in-game text were done, however some uncorrectable errors, caused by the game-engine, with the quest dialogs still remain.
The journal entry of this quest has a horrible layout.
The entry's layout has been fixed, but no other changes were made to this quest.