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Daggerfall talk:Enchanting Items

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Bad Reactions[edit]

I thought that the "Bad Reactions" disadvantage only affected the 'please don't kill me' language roll and had no effect on combat. Is that the case or are there really combat penalties? LordHaHa 21:32, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

EXTRA SP[edit]

do the moon phases only trigger at night?

if I do all 3 moon phases do I get it forever?

when are the 4 seasons?

does half moon come up twice as often as full or new? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:12 on 10 July 2013

Repairing items[edit]

So, for some reason it doesn't work at all. I tried putting the repairing item and item to be repaired in a wagon, putting repairing item off, throwing everything away except for those two items, resting twice. Absolutely nothing helps. What am i doing wrong? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:09 on 9 December 2015 (UTC)

Repair Self?[edit]

Will an item with the Repair Items perk repair itself (given magicrepair == 1), I wonder? Anyone experiment with this? Crawldragon (talk) 16:10, 12 July 2016 (UTC)

Well, using Daghex, I performed an initial test by using one enchantment to reduce an item down to Used status, then used Daghex again to give it the Repair Objects perk, and it repaired itself just fine. If this turns out to be normal, this means any item with Repair Objects is essentially indestructible (assuming it's high enough in the repair queue), which may give a partial answer as to why magicrepair was removed. Since I did this with a save file editor, I'd say the verdict is tentative at best, but I would argue that this is worth mentioning in the article if we can test it with an item created in-game. I'll update if I find anything, but feel free to beat me to it. Crawldragon (talk) 07:17, 13 July 2016 (UTC)

Some observations on item durability[edit]

I did a little testing on which enchantments (aside from obvious "cast when *") damage enchanted items and thus must be avoided on clothes and jewelry.

First of all, the "health leech whenever used" defect was very useful for testing, as it damages the item every time the "use" command is used on it. Thus any item can be brought to the brink of "New"/"Almost New" border, which makes it easier to see it any other enchantments will damage it further. But, it turns out it's also very useful in general, as the health leech does not occur if you simply wear the item. You only lose 5 HP if you use the "use" command or, if the item is a weapon, hit an enemy with it. Thus, for non-weapons without a "cast when used" enchantment, it's essentially harmless, despite giving a massive 4000 points bonus! That's like half a Daedra Lord.

Anyway, most tested enchantments do not seem to affect durability, notably "regenerate health" (which was unexpected), but also "increased weight", "enhances skill", "enhances talent", "good reputation", "strengthens armor", and "featherweight". "Extra spellpoints during [time period]" also do not appear to damage the item, but "extra spellpoints near [creature]" do damage it slightly when coming near the creature in question. "Absorbs spells" was hard to test, as I got spell absorption on character creation, but when I wore the enchanted item, I actually failed to absorb spells some of the time; the item was not damaged, though. So I'd guess this item enchantment overrides the class ability, does not work every time, and does not affect durability, but further testing (with another character) is needed.

Surprisingly, "repairs objects" does damage the enchanted item, even as it repairs others. It's probably possible to use several items with this enchantment to repair each other, but I haven't tested this. Also, "vampiric effect at range" affects durability, too. There has been some confusion about this enchantment. According to Daggerfall Unity folks, what it does is slowly leech HP from nearby enemies, damaging them in the process. It's really slow, though: I put this on a robe and it took half a minute under invisibility before I leeched 1 HP from a nearby sorcerer, at which point the damaged sorcerer noticed me and attacked. It also damaged the item, so it's really not worth it.

I haven't tested "vampiric effect when strikes", but it's irrelevant as it's only useful on weapons which have high durability anyway. 14:21, 6 July 2019 (UTC)

Okay, a correction: "extra spell points during [season]" DO damage items, even in the wrong season. I enchanted a few articles of clothing with all four season enchantments, and for a while they were pristine, but then rapidly began wearing out, probably because each had all four enchantments acting at once. I'm unsure how the wear triggers; removing the enchanted item and putting it on seems to stop it (for a while), sometimes going to a different location or just reloading does too. I haven't noticed it while testing because it doesn't trigger during rest or fast travel, and even when just walking around it's very random. I haven't tested the moon phases enchantments, but I'd guess they're the same. 11:29, 7 July 2019 (UTC)

Durability Values[edit]

When enchanting for items that consume durability (cast when held, cast on use, Item Deteriorates) then it is important to know how much durability an item has. This info isn't listed on the Uesp.

Durability Modifiers by material type (when applicable): 1 Leather/Chain/Iron 1.5 Steel/Silver 2 Elven 3 Dwarven 4 Mithril 5 Adamantite 6 Ebony 7 Orcish 8 Daedric

Weapons: 50 Dagger 50 Tanto 300 Staff 300 Shortsword 200 Wakazashi 600 Broadsword 700 Saber 800 Longsword 600 Katana 1400 Claymore 800 Dai-katana 800 Mace 1000 Flail 1600 Warhammer 1200 Battle axe 800 War axe 50 Short bow 100 Long bow

Armor: 4096 Cuirass 2048 Gauntlets 3072 Greaves 2048 Left pauldron 2048 Right pauldron 2560 Helm 2560 Boots 512 Buckler 1280 Round shield 2048 Kite shield 2560 Tower shield

Clothing: 150 Anticlere Surcoat 15 Armbands 300 Boots 120 Brassiere 150 Breeches 140 Casual Cloak 200 Casual Dress 150 Casual Pants 200 Challenger Straps 200 Champion Straps 200 Day Gown 150 Dwynnen Surcoat 150 Eodoric 200 Evening Gown 15 Fancy Armbands 100 Formal Brassiere 120 Formal Cloak 180 Formal Eodoric 150 Formal Tunic 110 Khajiit Suit 140 Kimono 100 Loincloth 70 Long Shirt 130 Long Skirt 150 Open Tunic 100 Peasant Blouse 150 Plain Robes 180 Priest Robes 180 Priestess Robes 150 Reversible Tunic 120 Sandals 120 Sash 125 Shoes 100 Short Shirt 140 Short Skirt 150 Short Tunic 220 Strapless Dress 200 Straps 300 Tall Boots 140 Tights 50 Toga 130 Vest 120 Wrap

Gemstones: 1000 Turquoise 1000 Malachite 1000 Jade 1000 Amber 1000 Ruby 1000 Sapphire 1000 Emerald 1000 Diamond

Accessories: 500 Cloth Amulet 800 Torc 800 Amulet 1000 Bracelet 1200 Ring 800 Bracer 600 Mark 800 Wand

From this it can be concluded that the best item to use for cast on use enchanting is a Cuirass of the highest quality possible. Adding a 'Feather Weight' advantage will counter their heavy default weight. — Unsigned comment by Iwantyoursmiles (talkcontribs) at 03:41 on 24 August 2023