Lore:Artifacts H

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Hair Shirt of Saint Aralor[edit]

Hair Shirt of Saint Aralor

The Hair Shirt of Saint Aralor the Penitent is a sacred relic of the Dunmer. Besides being simultaneously hurt and healed by the shirt, the wearer is also resistant to magic, particularly shock damage.

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Hammer of Gharen[edit]

Hammer of Gharen

The Hammer of Gharen (also called Ghiron's Hammer) is a legendary hammer created by the Dwemer Gharen. It is twinned with the Anvil of Mithas, and is the only object strong enough not to shatter when used to shape metal upon the Anvil. When the Hammer strikes the Anvil, it produces a ringing which reveals the location of the entrance to the Dwarven mines beneath Red Mountain, originally called Vvardenfell by the Dwemer (or City of the Strong Shield).

Late in the Third Era, the Hammer was lost in Black Gate, a dungeon on mainland Morrowind. During the Imperial Simulacrum, King Casik of Ebonheart had the Eternal Champion retrieve the Hammer. King Casik, who was already in possession of the Anvil, used the artifacts to craft the finest armor and weapons in the realm. The Hammer has never reportedly left the city's palace since.

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Heart of Anumaril[edit]

There is an artifact called the Heart of Anumaril, which "brought life" to the Orrery in Elden Root many years ago. It was later used to imprison the Daedra, Ukaezai in the Reliquary of Stars.

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Heart of Lorkhan[edit]

Heart of Lorkhan

The Heart of Lorkhan is the "divine spark" of the deity most commonly known by his Aldmeri name, Lorkhan. It appears in other cultures as concepts such as Heart of Shor, the "hunger" of Sep, and others. The "star-wounded East" gained its name when the Heart fell from the sky like a meteor, crashing into the Vvardenfell region in ancient times, where it formed Red Mountain. In the mythology of the Towers, the Heart of Lorkhan was known as the First Stone, the Stone of Red Tower (Red Mountain).

The Heart of Lorkhan was discovered in the First Era by the Dwemer, who fashioned tools to harness its power. The Dwemer wanted to use this power to create a new god of brass, but disappeared before it could be activated. The Heart was later used by the Tribunal and Dagoth Ur to become gods themselves.

Thereafter, the Heart of Lorkhan was visited annually by the Tribunal in order to renew their powers, until 2E 882, when Dagoth Ur awoke and ambushed the Tribunal. The event resulted in the Tribunal being cut off from access to the Heart of Lorkhan. Sotha Sil responded by beginning development on a new Heart of Lorkhan, called the Mechanical Heart, as a backup to the loss of the original. Dagoth Ur would later attempt to create his own brass god, Akulakhan. This plan was thwarted in 3E 427 by the Nerevarine, and as a result, the Heart of Lorkhan seemingly vanished from Tamriel.

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Heart of Transparent Law[edit]

A replica of the Heart of Transparent Law

The Heart of Transparent Law is a part of the Stone of the Crystal Tower, Transparent Law. The Heart was taken from the Tower shortly after the founding of the Mages Guild in 2E 230 by Ritemaster Iachesis of the Psijic Order, who was under the control of K'Tora of the Abyssal Cabal through the use of mind magic. In a desperate attempt to keep the Sea Sloads from using the Heart to sink Summerset, Iachesis enlisted the help of Nocturnal to hide the Heart inside his own body. During the Interregnum, Nocturnal tried to take control of the Crystal Tower. Using a technique she stole from Sotha Sil utilizing life energy as a power source, she planned to use the life energy of Nirn, and then the energy of the other Princes afterwards, to amplify the Crystal Tower to make her power limitless. Nocturnal's plan was foiled by the Psijic Order and the Vestige, with the assistance of Mephala and Clavicus Vile, who had been betrayed by Nocturnal, and the Golden Knight, who was the vessel of Meridia. Using the divine power of Meridia's Dawnbreaker, the Vestige defeated Nocturnal and restored Transparent Law using the Heart.

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Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw[edit]

Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw

The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, also known as the Helm of Kharag gro-Khar, is a prized artifact with a history of conflicted attribution. The helm itself is an engraved skull, which is enchanted to improve the wearer's agility and endurance.

Those that claim it is a Bosmeri artifact know it by the former name, and attribute it to the legendary Dunmer hunter of Valenwood, Oreyn Bearclaw of the Oreyn bloodline. Legends claim that Bearclaw single-handedly killed Glenhwyfaunva, the witch-serpent of the Elven wood, and thus brought peace to his clan. He would bring the helm and his name further reverence by performing many more great deeds, until he lost his life to the Knahaten Flu. After Bearclaw's demise, his helm stood as a monument of his stature, although it was eventually lost after his clan split.

Those that call the helm by its latter name believe that Oreyn was falsely credited, and that the feats were actually performed by his Orc friend, Kharag gro-Khar, hero of the Shatul Clan. Thus they consider it an Orcish artifact, and the relic has been claimed by Malacath himself. Those that believe the former story however, state that Kharag stole both Oreyn's helm and reputation, and thus both camps have tried to claim it.



Hopesfire, or the Blade of Almalexia, is a one-handed Dwemeri sword from the early First Era. Hopesfire and its twin, Trueflame, represented the pinnacle of Dwemer craftsmanship. The twin blades possessed unearthly fire enchantments. They were presented as wedding gifts to Lord Indoril Nerevar and Almalexia by the Dwemer King Dumac.

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Horn of Summoning[edit]

The Horn of Summoning is an artifact of unknown origin that has been manipulated by some of the most powerful figures in Tamrielic history. The abilities of this item are rather unknown, but has been described as being able to "see one clear" from danger in an awful sense, and far more potent as a weapon than the Staff of Chaos.

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Hrormir's Icestaff[edit]

Hrormir's Icestaff

Hrormir's Icestaff, also called the Staff of Hrormir, was made famous as the mighty weapon of Hrormir, one-time champion of Nocturnal. It eventually fell into the hands of the Mages Guild. In 3E 433, the Thieves Guild stole the staff from the Arcane University in the Imperial City—evidently just to prove that they could, as it was soon returned to the mages' hands.

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Hunter's Amulets[edit]

Hunter's Amulet

The Hunter's Amulets are two Daedric artifacts associated with the Daedric Prince Hircine. Both the Hunter's Amulet of Strength and Hunter's Amulet of Speed are known to exist, associated with his aspects - Hrokkibeg, the Aspect of Strength, and Storihbeg, the Aspect of Speed, respectively.

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Hyperagonal Locational Determinator[edit]

The Hyperagonal Locational Determinator was a device created by Telenger the Artificer around 2E 582. It allowed the user to teleport themselves anywhere they desired, even to places that were protected by magical defenses such as Artaeum and The Clockwork City.

Circa 2E 582, High Magistrate Rinwaray of The Divine Prosecution (posing under the identity of Penewen with an enchanted necklace) manipulated Telenger the Artificer to use his teleportation device on her to teleport her into the Clockwork City. There she planned to find Seht's Affect Inducer, a magical device entrusted originally to Barilzar that can manipulate a person's emotions. She planned to use it on Proxy Queen Alwinarwe for her own political gain and to revert the Summerset Isles to isolationism.

Her efforts were stopped when Razum-dar caught wind of her plot and followed her tracks through the Clockwork City, the Evergloam, Artaeum (accidentally), and eventually caught her in Alinor where he managed to subdue her.

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