Markarth | |
Type | Settlement |
Continent | Tamriel |
Province | Skyrim |
Hold | The Reach |
Appears in | Arena, Skyrim, ESO |

- This is Markarth, traveler. Safest city in the Reach. —Markarth City Guard
Markarth (translated as "Above the Karth" in the Reach language, also known as Mar-Karth[1] and also called Markarth Side)[2] is one of the nine major cities in the province of Skyrim,[3][4] found in the river valley of the Reach. Known colloquially as the "City of Stone," it is a former Dwarven city built through a large stone crag, intricately designed around the cliffs and waterfalls from the environment. Since the region is poor farmland, Markarth is mainly a mining-town that has a vast influx of silver veins in the mountain.[5] The city is the focal point of power throughout the region. It is often disputed over between the Reachmen and the Nords.[6] Markarth was founded on the abandoned remains of the radiant city, Nchuand-Zel.[1]
- 1 Layout & Geography
- 2 History
- 2.1 Early History
- 2.2 Markarth & the Empires of Cyrodiil
- 2.3 The Black Drakes of the Reach & the Ard of Markarth
- 2.4 Markarth and the Dark Heart Prophecy
- 2.5 Miracle at Markarth and Peace Treaty
- 2.6 Markarth in the Third Empire
- 2.7 The Forsworn Uprising & the Great War Aftermath
- 2.8 The Forsworn Conspiracy
- 2.9 Known Rulers
- 3 Gallery
- 4 See Also
- 5 References
Layout & Geography[edit]
Markarth is one of the larger cities in Skyrim, nestled in the river valley of the Druadach Mountains. It is unique in that the city's layout is intricately built into the mountain of Karthmad,[1] dividing the city into two districts. The northern end, Dryside has streets that ascend above each other with well-refined homes, below the main square and marketplace where the populace tend to congregate. The city's southern end is the Riverside, the basin populated by the lower-class and the bustling silver mines. These districts meet each other at either end of the city, at the main gates on the east side, while on the west side, they ascend high towards the top of the crag and at Understone Keep, which contains the Mournful Throne, the seat of power in the Reach.[5]
The precipices between the keep and the Riverside contain the city's smithy and other important places, like the local crypt and the Markarth Ruins.[5] There is an ornate temple on the highest peak of the crag that has been used for different deities. It has been known as Shrine of the Hunt Father and used by the cult of Hircine during the Reach's independence in the Second Era, whereas, under the Third Empire, it contained the local chapter of the House of Dibella. Underneath the crag are the slums of Markarth, known as the Warrens, which is a collapsed hallway with campfires bearing minimal light.[5] During Reachfolk rule of the city Warens were not in ruin and known as the Underhall and functioned as hub of commerce and craftsmanship.[7] Markarth Side is neighbored by several settlements, including Dragon Bridge to the north and Snowhawk to the south.[8]
Notable Locales[edit]
Early History[edit]
- For information on the Dwemer settlement, go to: Nchuand-Zel
Markarth's earliest history dates back to the early First Era when it was known as Nchuand-Zel, a prosperous Dwemer stronghold that was built into the mountain Karthmad. It was well known for its formidable defenses and great storage halls.[1] Like many other Dwemer cities in Skyrim, it was sacked during the campaigns of High King Gellir,[10] and it was also conquered by Ryain Direnni and his legions sometime during the Alessian Reforms,[11] but it was not completely abandoned until 1E 700 when the entire Dwemer race disappeared from existence. A few years after their disappearance, the local tribes of Reachmen took refuge in the confines of the stronghold during times of seasonal hardship. By 1E 930, the community developed into a fully-fledged settlement that was active all year round. They called it "Mar-Karth," and the strongest chieftain that lived in the town was known as the "Ard," known in the Reach tongue as the "King of the Fort." At that point, Markarth was an occupied ruin with huts made out of animal hide and decorated with rough furs.[1]
One of the goods exported by Markarth early on was granite mined from its quarries. Evermore Palace in the High Rock city of Evermore, which was founded by the River Horse Bretons in 1E 983,[12] was built out of Markarth granite.[13]
Markarth & the Empires of Cyrodiil[edit]
Markarth had their first encounters with the Empires of Cyrodiil when Empress Hestra attempted to conquer the Reach in 1E 1033. Their first target was Markarth, the largest settlement in the region and so they advanced forward with the iron might of the Alessian Empire. The Ard of Markarth fiercely defended the stronghold, but the Empire's well-trained tacticians proved to overcome the disorderly and unorganized Reach clans. The city had fallen to the Empire and some of the Ard's greatest warriors chose death than to admit defeat. During the year-long campaign, Imperial-Markarth was sacked relentlessly by the rebellious Reachfolk of the Red Eagle, Faolan, but it his forces were never able to reclaim the city, and it was because of that, Markarth was able to flourish as a city for the rest of the Empire's lifespan. The Empire had fallen in 1E 2331 after the War of Righteousness had ended.[14] And by that point, Markarth's storerooms were converted into grand halls, homes, and workshops, and the city has taken on the appearance it is known for today. However, no one was ever able to improve on the ancient Dwemeri architecture.[1]
By the time of the Second Empire, Markarth had been under the control of the Nords of Skyrim. They were faced with aggression from Emperor Kastav in 1E 2801, who ordered the Dragonguard to seize hostages from Markarth and Hroldan, so that their Jarls would meet their conscription quotas. Situations like this had hurt the public perception of the Dragonguard and the Empire,[15] however, it was mended with Reman II's reign.[16] After the years of the Akaviri Potentate and the start of the Interregnum, Markarth had fallen into obscurity and it became a dangerous place for travel and the Legion garrison that was present. Breton Barons and Nord Jarls continuously sieged Markarth, but the city had always come out intact. Eventually, the Reach had claimed independence and took Markarth as their capital. Tales of the Reach's rule over Markarth have scarcely made out to the rest of the world, as the Reachmen went back to their hostile ways of trade and travel.[1]
The Black Drakes of the Reach & the Ard of Markarth[edit]
In 2E 533, the warlord, Durcorach the Black Drake gathered a massive horde of Reach warriors and descended onto Cyrodiil, where he claimed the Ruby Throne and proclaimed himself the Emperor. It was through this, the Longhouse Dynasty had ruled over the Imperial City and Markarth return as a sort of Imperial authority. The Reach warlords brought many plundered treasures and captives from the battlefront back home and inspired many more Reachfolk to leave home for glory. The trade route between Markarth became intensely active and it brought the city into a new age of prosperity. [1] When Emperor Moricar felt that he needed to apply authority in the Reach, he entrusted a cousin of the family, Caddach of the Blackdrake Clan as the Governor of Markarth. Despite this, Moricar limited Caddach's reach of power to just the Markarth Region, leaving the Reach Clans to their own throughout the rest of the Reach. When Emperor Leovic was overthrown, however, Caddach went ahead and claimed absolute supremacy over the Reach and took upon the ancient title of Ard for himself. Next, he purged or exiled the rest of his clan so that no one would challenge his authority.[17]
Ard Caddach claimed that the Reach was his tribe, and as long as he can rely on the tribes for assistance and arms, he did not govern them nor interfere in their politics. In his five year tenure, the clans have served his court, sometimes begrudgingly, and not a single one of them had challenged his authority. To his enemies and outsiders, he was known as the "Despot of Markarth," an epithet that is not entirely accurate, but he was by no means a tyrant.[18] Caddach uses the knowledge from his time studying in the Imperial City to turn Markarth into a modern-day functioning state that the Reachmen had never seen.[17]
The law in Markarth was enforced and factions such as Stonehands and Markarth Watch were responsible for peacekeeping and crime investigation.[17][19][20]
Under Reachfolk control, the city of Markarth was protected by magical totems and wards set up by Reach Witches.[21]
Markarth and the Dark Heart Prophecy[edit]
In 2E 582, Ard Caddach was approached by the Gray Host, who had sundered through the kingdoms of Skyrim at that point. They proposed that if the Ard left them to search the Reach for an ancient relic and to keep his people in the city walls, that Markarth would be left unscathed in their impending conquest. While Caddach staunchly agreed, this deal proved undesirable to some of the Reach, and so a rebel faction called the Wayward Guardians was formed. Their leader, the former Ghostsong witch, Arana advised the people of Markarth to leave the city and join them at their foothold in Karthspire, the camp called Rebel's Retreat. Much to the dismay of the Ard, the guardians became public enemy number one to the Court of Markarth.[22]
Sometime after, the Ard was approached by Count Verandis Ravenwatch and his associate for matters regarding the Gray Host. Caddach was not willing to listen to the Count nor the associate, and so his right-hand advisor, Lady Belain agreed to hear them out if they were to track down the Wayward Guardians and their leader. While the associate was out in their investigation, they learned about Belain's allegiance to the Gray Host and not only her infiltration into the Court of Markarth, but her influence over the Ard. They planned to fill the city with as much people they can. The associate returned to Markarth and informed Caddach about their findings, leaving him disgruntled. He finally agrees to speak with the Count of House Ravenwatch[23] while the associate left to learn more about their plans at the ruins of Bthar-Zel.[24]
In their investigation, not only did they learn more about their plans, they uncovered a greater plot involving a dwemer keystone, energy from the Void, the ancient Nighthollow Clan of vampires, and the Dark Heart. Lady Belain convinced the matriarch of the Ghostsong, Nathari to sacrifice much of her clan in the vaults of the Lost Valley Redoubt,[25] which in turn provided enough souls to the Dark Heart kept in the lost Library of Arkthzand. With that energy they planned to feed the heart even more with the dense population of the Reach that was kept in the confines of Markarth.[26] With the heart activated, the Gray Host had descended onto the city streets and slaughtered as many people as they could, sustaining the heart with countless souls. At some point earlier, Arana and her soldiers approached Ard Caddach and offered their arms to protect the city. Lady Belain even tried to take out the Ard herself, but was stopped by Arana. She escaped to Arkthzand to harness the heart's power but was followed by Arana and Verandis' associate. In an epic clash, Belain was destroyed but Arana died in the process. While the Gray Host had fled with Rada al-Saran, the city of Markarth had been saved from further destruction.[27]
In the same year, a circle of Bosmer scholars of Arenthia was interested in forming relations with Reachfolk in exchange for knowledge. They opened an embassy in the city and worked with various clan chiefs.[28] In turn, a diplomatic delegation from the Reach, headed by Ambassador Goronwy, was sent to the Bosmeri city of Vashabar.[29]
Miracle at Markarth and Peace Treaty[edit]
Following the defense of Markarth, the Vestige and Count Verandis Ravenwatch followed him to the Grayhaven where Rada al-Saran was defeated. Once Verandis absorbed the powers of the Heart he released all the souls of the fallen during the Gray Host invasion of Markarth and brought them back to life.[30] This event was remembered as "Miracle at Markarth".[31]
Leader of the Markarth announced the moot during which Jarl of Solitude Svana, Skald-King Jorunn of Eastern Skyrim and Ard Caddach of the Reach signed the peace treaty between the Reach and the Eastern and Western Skyrim. Arana was appointed a role of keep with at Caddach's court.[32]
Markarth in the Third Empire[edit]
After Tiber Septim's victory over the Battle of Old Hroldan, the Reach and by extension, Markarth had been taken by the Nords of Skyrim. A major result of the battle was the public perception of the Reachfolk. The scholars of that day labeled the people as savages and madmen, ones that are prone to irrational violence and worship old and heretical gods. Markarth became the capital of the Reach Hold of Skyrim.[33] Sometime in 2E 864, Tiber Septim ordered the construction of the Imperial College of the Voice, an institute dedicated to bring back the ancient art of the voice. Some of the Empire's loyal nordic families sent some of their own children to the academy.[9]
During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late-Third Era, the village of Markarth Side was an active settlement. It was ruled by Lady Hellne and it had a rivalry with Amber Guard and Dunstad Grove.[2]
The Forsworn Uprising & the Great War Aftermath[edit]
When the Great War ravaged across Cyrodiil and the Dominion sacked the Imperial City in 4E 174, the Imperial Legion had left their position in the Reach for the capital city, leaving Markarth undefended. Taking advantage of this, the Reachmen formed an army known as the Forsworn that claimed Markarth as an independent city-state in an event called the Forsworn Uprising. The rebel faction had usurped the previous Jarl of Markarth, Hrolfdir in favor for their leader, King Madanach.[34] In that time, the city-state sought to establish the Reach as a legitimate kingdom of the Empire. However, public opinion from the Nordic-people was against the Reachmen; while Reachmen believed in a legendary, historical, and peaceful city-state, Nords lacked this cultural reference as these legends were historically ignored by the skalds of Skyrim.[35] Thus, Nords of all classes viewed the natives of the Reach only as savages and brutes who knew only how to kill and serve their Daedric Prince. In 4E 176, before any arrangement was made between Markarth and the Empire, Jarl Hrolfdir formed a militia of Nords that recruited Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, besieging the gates of Markarth. Ulfric's slogan, "you are with us, or you are against Skyrim" rang true across the Reach, any citizen that did not join his cause was exposed to the jarl's wrath. Jarl Hrolfdir was killed in action while King Madanach was sentenced to the Cidhna Mine. The Forsworn retreated into the hills.[36][37]
The victory was to the Nords and Ulfric Stormcloak, who used his unique position to his advantage. Before the Imperial Legion could re-established order in Markarth, Ulfric demanded that worship of Talos was freely practiced in Markarth, which was in violation of the White-Gold Concordat. As chaos ensued across the city street, the Empire was forced to comply with Ulfric's demand.[36] These events were later dubbed the Markarth Incident and it was seen as one of several reasons for the formation of the Stormcloaks and later the Skyrim Civil War. With his father dead, Igmund was named the Jarl of Markarth and continued the fight against the Forsworn, who became brigands across the Reach. But to fulfill the concordat, Jarl Igmund was forced to arrest Ulfric and his militia, believing it was in Skyrim's best interest.[35] When the civil war came into full-force, Jarl Igmund and his court favored the Empire, who were based in the northern city, Solitude. The Legion's militia in the Reach was represented by Legate Emmanuel Admand.
The Forsworn Conspiracy[edit]
In 4E 201, murder strings occurred across Markarth that revealed a large-scale conspiracy involving the Forsworn and the Silver-Blood Clan. An interloper had delved into the vast rabbit hole after they witnessed an incident in the city's marketplace. Their investigation took them across Markarth, including the warrens in the riverside district, and the Treasury House that was ran by the Silver-Blood Clan. Eventually, they were arrested by the corrupt city-guard in the town's temple of Talos and taken into Cidhna Mine.[38] Their time in the prison led them brought the attention of the Forsworn kept in the mines and the King of Rags, Madanach. The interloper was offered to join in their escape plan through the Markarth Ruins, but it is unknown whether it was successful and they had cut a bloody-swathe through town, or if they died in the attempt.[39]
Known Rulers[edit]
- See this section in the following article: The Reach
Markarth Bannerman (Legends)
See Also[edit]
- For game-specific information, see the Arena, Skyrim, and Elder Scrolls Online
- Markarth-style Architecture and Furnishings
- An Imperial in Markarth by Consul Cardea, the Ard's Administrator — An Imperial's thoughts on Markarth during the Interregnum
- The City of Stone by Amanda Alleia — A mercenary's guide to Markarth
- History of Markarth: A Story in Stone by Consul Cardea, the Ard's Administrator — A history of the city of Markarth
- ^ a b c d e f g h i History of Markarth: A Story in Stone — Consul Cardea, the Ard's Administrator
- ^ a b Markarth Side location and rumors in Arena
- ^ Map of Skyrim — Pocket Guide to the Empire (3rd Edition)
- ^ Map of Skyrim – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- ^ a b c d e f The City of Stone — Amanda Alleia
- ^ The Holds of Skyrim
- ^ Underhall in ESO
- ^ Map of Skyrim – The Elder Scrolls: Arena
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Skyrim — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ The Aetherium Wars — Taron Dreth
- ^ Once — Beredalmo the Signifier
- ^ The Royal House of King Eamond — Seneschal Derric Andras of Castle Evermore
- ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Northern Bangkorai and the Mountains — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Cyrodiil — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ Annals of the Dragonguard — Brother Annulus
- ^ Reman II: The Limits of Ambition — High King Emeric
- ^ a b c Report on the Despot of Markarth — Lady Nilene Devierin of Stormhaven
- ^ Lady Belain's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Black Mask Bear-Dog pet description in ESO
- ^ Gwenyfe's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Reachwitch Protective Totem item description in ESO
- ^ Ard Caddach's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ The Despot of Markarth story quest in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Blood of the Reach story quest in ESO: Markarth
- ^ The Awakening Darkness story quest in ESO: Markarth
- ^ The Dark Heart story quest in ESO: Markarth
- ^ A Feast of Souls story quest in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Bralthahawn's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Ambassador Goronwy's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Events of Kingdom of Ash in ESO
- ^ Fynvagh's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Events of Second Chances in ESO
- ^ The "Madmen" of the Reach — Arrianus Arius, Imperial Scholar
- ^ Nepos the Nose's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ a b Igmund's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ a b The Bear of Markarth — Arrianus Arius, Imperial Scholar
- ^ Markarth Bannermen's card lore in Legends
- ^ The Forsworn Conspiracy quest in Skyrim
- ^ No One Escapes Cidhna Mine quest in Skyrim