Lore:Places V

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Vahtacen was an Ayleid settlement located at the swampy headwaters of the Reed River in the Mist Morrow Vale region of the Nibenay Basin, south of Cheydinhal. It was the home of the Vahtache, an Ayleid faction.

In The Hosiric Lays, songs that date back to the Ayleid Empire, the "waving fronds of Vahtacen" are briefly mentioned. This gives credence to the belief that Cyrodiil possessed a subtropical climate during the time of the Ayleids.


Valenwood is a densely forested, sub-tropical region that encompasses the southwestern coastal plain of Tamriel. In the words of A Pocket Guide to the Empire, Valenwood is "a sea of endless green, a maze of foliage with half-hidden cities growing like blooms from a flower, the home of the Bosmer is Tamriel's garden." Alongside the Wood Elves, races like the Wood Orcs, Imga, and Centaur also call the forest their home. One unusual feature of Valenwood is its gigantic, migratory trees, many so large that the Bosmer have built entire cities in their branches. Falinesti is one such tree, a mile-high specimen that serves as the capital of Valenwood and seat of its kings. The forest is often referred to by Bosmer as 'the Valenwood', designating the province as an entity in its own right.

Valley of the Wind[edit]

The Valley of the Wind is a dried-out foyada found on the northeast coast of Vvardenfell in the province of Morrowind. It is a long, winding valley that curves upward into a J-shape toward the end. It is completely uninhabited and out of the way from the nearest settlements, such as Vos to the east and Dagon Fel to the north across the water. It is avoided by the local populace because they claim that "the winds howl, and the spirits are always awake."


Valthume is an ancient Nordic barrow found on the slopes of the Druadach Mountains in the southeastern part of the Reach, in the province of Skyrim. This ancient tomb is the resting place of the tyrannical Dragon Priest, Hevnoraak. When Hevnoraak died, a warrior named Valdar swore to guard his tomb for eternity, ensuring the priest never escaped.

Valus Mountains[edit]

The Valus Mountains are a mountain range on the border between Cyrodiil and Morrowind. They converge with the Jerall and Velothi ranges at Mount Trolhetta. They are sometimes considered an extension of the Velothi Mountains. Goblins of the region often travel between the provinces through secret passageways and caves under the mountains. Because of this, cultural exchanges have taken place between tribes ever since. The Kavas Rim Pass is a road through the provincial border.


Vanua was an Ayleid settlement located along the southeastern shore of Lake Rumare in ancient times. It contains the Shrine of the Crusader, a shrine built to honor Pelinal Whitestrake. It is mainly of Ayleid construction, but some of the interior architecture surrounding the Shrine is built in the Imperial style. The ruins of the settlement were slowly engulfed by the lake over the centuries and it now lies on the lake bed.


Varanis is an inland, rural region in southwestern Stonefalls, which makes up the southern Inner Sea seaboard in the province of Morrowind. When compared with its other neighboring regions (Zabamat and Deshaan), much of the region is sparsely inhabited. But at the center of it all is its major population center; the city of Kragenmoor, which has historically been occupied by House Dres and even once served as their capital. The Tormented Spire, a large, dormant volcano to the east dominates over the Varanis region. Two of Stonefalls' Ashlander tribes are located here in Varanis; the Kagesh and the Ulath tribes.

Varen's Wall[edit]

Varen's Wall is a ruined stone wall that is found in the western highlands of Colovia, in the province of Cyrodiil. Varen's Wall is named after the eponymous Emperor of Cyrodiil, Varen Aquilarios, one of the many kings that ruled during the Interregnum. This wall was created to split the Gold Coast (primarily Anvil and Kvatch) from the rest of the Colovian Estates, in the efforts to protect Varen's homeland from the powerful Imperial Legion of Emperor Leovic. The main gate of the stone wall is known as Varen's Wall Gatehouse.


Varlaisvea (meaning "Sea of Stars" in Ayleidoon) is a ruined Ayleid complex located at the mouth of the Brena River, on the coast of the Abecean Sea. It lies on the Hammerfell side of the border with the Gold Coast region of Cyrodiil. It is located south of Rihad and north of Anvil. During the Second Era, the ruins were surrounded by cork oak and juniper trees, and were covered by hanging ivy.

Little is known of the original purpose of the Ayleid structures, though some claimed that soaking in the retreat's indoor crystal pool heals the spirit.

Circa 2E 582, the ruins were available for purchase as a private residence.


Varondo is an Ayleid ruin located north of Kvatch, near the Brena River in the Colovian Highlands. There are two large maze-like subsections within the ruins, Varondo Beldastare and Varondo Varlasel. Although the meaning of Beldastare is unknown, Varlasel translates to "Hall of Stars" in Ayleidoon.

Varsa Baalim[edit]

Varsa Baalim was an Ayleidic city located in the Nibenay Basin of Cyrodiil, close to Lake Canulus on the foothills of the Valus Mountains. It was a great, ringed, labyrinthine city constructed during the height of Ayleid rule to guard the Nefarivigum, a foul construct of Mehrunes Dagon used to test pilgrims seeking Mehrunes Razor.

For years, the elves drove back the many pilgrims who came for the evil artifact. However, in the early days of the First Era, a vampire managed to slip into the city unnoticed and turn the populace. Varsa Baalim was thrown into a gathering storm of madness and ruin, until it seemed that none were left to prevent the Razor from being recovered. Suddenly, the city was gone, when the mountains of the Eastern Niben swallowed Varsa Baalim and the Nefarivigum with it. Whether it was caused by a final fallback plan of the Ayleids, a natural cataclysm, or the touch of the Divines is unknown.

For centuries the city remained hidden, entombed deep within the mountains, inhabited by the undead vampiric remnants of its populace. In 3E 433, a rogue Telvanni arch-mage named Frathen Drothan set out to use the Nefarivigum to recover Mehrunes Razor, which he could then use to overthrow the Empire. He gathered many mercenaries to his cause and formed the Drothmeri Army, which marched into Cyrodiil and captured Sundercliff Watch, an abandoned fort built during the rule of the Reman Dynasty. The fort had deep iron mines that extended far underground, and Drothan used these to excavate the entrance to Varsa Baalim. Once it was uncovered, he ventured into the ruins of the city with a large detachment of mercenaries and magically sealed the entrance to deter assassins. The vampires quickly fell upon the band, and Drothan fled, making his way to the Nefarivigum and leaving the scattered mercenaries to fight back against the vampires.

The Hero of Kvatch, hearing rumors of Drothan's rebel army, entered Sundercliff Watch, fought through the Drothmeri Army, and broke the magical barrier preventing any from entering Varsa Baalim. The Hero traversed the ruins, where the battle between the Drothmeri and the vampires still raged, and entered the Nefarivigum to defeat Drothan and claim the Razor. Drothmeri failure was briefly documented in the book The Keepers of the Razor.


Vastyr is the largest settlement on the island of Galen, the northernmost part of the Systres Archipelago. Although the city's foundation is built above the ruins of older civilizations that once inhabited the island, by the Interregnum, it sat as an impressive deepwater port town on the eponymous bay. It is the seat of power for House Mornard, one of two major houses across the Duchy of the Systres. The city boasts a unique triple blend of High Isle, mainland, and druidic cultures, serving as a gateway between modern, industrious Tamriel with the esoteric and ancient customs of the Galen Druids.

Vateshran Hollows[edit]

Vateshran Hollows is a sacred site of the ancient Reachfolk rite of passage trial known as Vateshran Rites, (or Vateshran's Rites). It is located in a set of caverns in the southern parts of the Reach, where the veil between the realms of Nirn, Deadlands, Coldharbour, Hunting Grounds, and one more realm known as the Champion's Circle is thin.

Vaults of Gemin[edit]

The Vaults of Gemin are a ruined structure located southwest of Stormhold in Black Marsh.

The vaults once belonged to the Conclave of Baal, an organization based out of Stormhold. They were used to store an ancient tablet which could be used to decipher the Elder Scrolls in order to divine the current location of Murkwood. However, the vaults sank into the ground when an associate of the organization cast a powerful spell with disastrous results. The crumbling ruins of the vault became partially flooded and infested with monsters.

During the Imperial Simulacrum, the Eternal Champion was sent into the ruins by the Conclave to recover the ancient tablet.

Velothi Mountains[edit]

The Velothi Mountains are the mountain range separating Morrowind from Skyrim. They are named after the Chimer prophet Veloth, who led the Chimer to leave their ancestral homes and resettle in Morrowind.

The mountains form the eastern border of the Skyrim holds of Eastmarch and The Rift. The southernmost part of the mountains borders the Morrowind region of Stonefalls to the southeast. At the southern tip of the mountain range, where it meets the Jerall and Valus Mountains, the volcanic peak of Trolhetta can be found. The ash produced by this and other volcanoes falls upon the Stonefalls region, providing precious fertilizer in an otherwise arid landscape.

The west and south-central region of Morrowind is mountainous and sparsely populated with few settlements. House Indoril occupies the heartland of Morrowind, comprising the lands south of the Inner Sea and the eastern coast. House Redoran guards the western flank of Morrowind. The Nords of Skyrim are still resentful of the land lost in 1E 416, and enviously covet the House Redoran-ruled coast and highlands of Morrowind's northwest borders, at times assaulting them. The Nords have never been comfortable with the fact that the Dark Elves hold the west coast of the Inner Sea all the way up to Blacklight; and in some cases their maps elide that fact entirely. Dunmer bandits and raiders live throughout the Velothi Mountains and the general border in caves. They target both villages and farms all over eastern Skyrim and carry memories from the Nord's occupation of Morrowind.

Velothis Haven[edit]

Velothis Haven (otherwise known as Glen Haven) is a town located deep within the territory of the Great House Telvanni, within the province of Morrowind. Velothis Haven is neighbored by several settlements, including Firewatch in the west, Helnim Wall in the south, and Karththor Heights in the east.

The settlement was either named after Veloth, the father of the Dunmer race, or the Velothi, another name for the Chimeri people.

Velyn Harbor[edit]

Velyn Harbor (also called Port Velyn) is a large coastal town near the Strid River estuary in the province of Valenwood. The town is Malabal Tor's main port and was built by the Altmer. Towns such as Velyn Harbor provided an opportunity for a cultural exchange between the Altmer and the local Bosmer, like how much Bosmeri swordsmanship had been refined from Altmer influence and access to materials.


Vengheto was a duchy in the Third Era, during the reign of Empress Katariah. It was ruled by a Duke, Thane Minglumire, a member of the Imperial Council, who took a particular delight in exposing all of the Empress's lack of practical knowledge.[1]

Verglas Hollow[edit]

Verglas Hollow (also called High Gate Ruins) is an ancient Nordic barrow on the Frozen Coast, a region between Hjaalmarch and Pale holds of northwest Skyrim. The ruins have an infamous reputation for being haunted and cursed, and the unnatural cold that surrounded it made it impossible for people to approach it. The old temple is a tomb for the Dragon Priest, Vokun and for the longest time, people were unsure what was inside the ruin.

Verkarth (Elsweyr)[edit]

Verkarth (also called Verkarth Hills) is a settlement found in the region of Anequina, within the province of Elsweyr. Verkarth was one of the original sixteen kingdoms of Elsweyr, known for their fierce warriors and soldiers. In that time, those soldiers were known as the do-radhin.

Verkarth (Hammerfell)[edit]

Verkarth (also called Verkarth City) was once the unholy city of the Gray Host, a legion of vampires and werewolves that reigned over the vast wastes of central Hammerfell sometime in the early-mid First Era. Previously known as the "City of the Damned," it has since been rebuilt into a modern settlement by their vanquishers, the Alessian Empire of the venerable Hestra. The city's architecture resembles that of the Alessian era, with hints of its Redguard neighbors. However, older structures are reminiscent of a typical Daedric ruin, albeit much more refined.

Vernim Woods[edit]

Vernim Woods (also called Vernim Wood) is a forested area located in the northern side of the Treva River in the Rift, as part of the province of Skyrim. At the center of the area is a small, wooded basin with a single nordic barrow aptly named the Vault of Vernim in the middle. The basin is surrounded by fall forest, large stones, dried creeks, and dirt roads that circle around it. By the late Third Era, there was a settlement that shared the same name called Vernim Wood.

Vile Laboratory[edit]

The Vile Laboratory is a location in the Black Garrison region of Coldharbour, used by Molag Bal for his many horrific experiments. The building itself is an emulation of a Dwarven ruin, although the complex is crawling with undead and Daedric guardians. It appears to be run by a Xivilai named Overseer Xvarik.

The laboratory has seemingly been in existence since the Merethic Era, as it is where the skeleton of the dragon Boziikkodstrun was brought after his flesh was consumed by Bal. Here the skeleton was infused with "blood-of-darkness", which re-awakened it as a Vestige. The skeleton was also modified according to Bal's own design, before being plunged into the Azure Chasm to create the first Daedric Titan. Indeed, experiments concerning vestiges and souls appear to be the norm in the Vile Laboratory. The Xivkyn are the result of experiments with vestigial hybridization in the laboratory between Dremora and Xivilai.

At some point, a Light of Meridia was taken to the laboratory for safekeeping, in an attempt to keep the artifact out of Meridia's clutches. In 2E 582, two Mages Guild members were imprisoned within the Vile Laboratory after being separated from the rest of the Tamrielic invasion force. The mages, a Dunmer named Gadris and a Khajiit named Zur, underwent an experimental soul-meld process, and were subsequently cast out of the laboratory to die. Confined to a single body and desperate to separate their souls, the weakened pair began work on a transmutation potion to sneak back into the ruins. With help from the Vestige, the "Soul-Meld Mage" managed to overpower Xvarik and reach the catalyst needed for the separation procedure, although only one of the mages survived. The Vestige also recovered the Light of Meridia from the ruins.


Vilverin (also known as Lake Mist Ruins) is an Ayleid ruin located in the Heartlands of Cyrodiil, on the northeastern shore of Lake Rumare. The complex is split into several subsections, including Canosel, Wendesel, and Sel Sancremathi; the latter two translate as "Journey Halls" and "Hall of Golden Homes" respectively in Ayleidoon.


Vindasel is a small Ayleid ruin in the Great Forest of Cyrodiil. However, it was once a settlement infamous for brutalizing slaves; legend speaks of flesh sculptures known as the "Wailing Wheels of Vindasel", where the Ayleids derived strange pleasure by subjecting their slaves to this "art-torture",

In 3E 433, Clavicus Vile sent the Hero of Kvatch to the ruin to collect the legendary sword Umbra.


Vitharn was a ruin in the Shivering Isles in the Third Era. The ruin was once a thriving city and fortress, founded by fanatics in southern Dementia. Four generations of Counts ruled over the city, planning to usurp the Isles from the Madgod, Sheogorath. Ultimately, the incompetence of Vitharn's late ruler, Count Cirion, and his mother's Manic heritage, caused the Vassal Fanatics of Dementia to invade the city and slaughter all therein, forgetting their sworn allegiance to the city of Vitharn.

In 3E 433, Sheogorath's Champion put to rest the ghosts of Vitharn who had been cursed to relive the night of their defeat over and over again. For more information, see the main Lore article.


"Finally the bones of Horde Mountain landed and became the foundation stones for the City of Swords, which Vivec named after his own sigil, and the net fell across it all and between, or became as bridges between bones, and since its segments had been touched by his holy wisdom they became the most perfect of all city streets in the known worlds."36 Lessons of Vivec

Vivec City (often shortened to simply Vivec), named after the god of the same name, and also referred to as the City of Swords,[2] was the largest city in Vvardenfell before its destruction. It was situated on the island's southern coast in Norvayn Bay, with the moonlet Baar Dau floating above.[3] The city was a collection of nine artificial islands; each island was a separate district or canton and was made up of a large multi-tiered building the size of a small town. The many bridges and walkways between these cantons created a maze that could be intimidating for new arrivals. Water was the dominant element in the architecture, present even inside. The entire city of Vivec was considered a holy place, as it was home to the Living God Vivec himself.[4] The city was policed by special guards drawn from the militant order of the Temple, the Ordinators.

Most cantons were generally built of four tiers. The lowest, only accessible from drainage grates or trapdoors, was the Underworks, or the canton's sewer. The Underworks were located on the water-line, and were a nest for criminals, rats, and other undesirables, as Ordinators never ventured into them. Above the Underworks, at the level of the main walkways and canals, were the Canalworks, where tombs, homeless paupers, storage rooms, and a few small shops could occasionally be found. The Canalworks of a canton were generally only accessible from the upper levels, or via trapdoor from the Underworks. Above the Canalworks were the Waistworks, filled with shops, clubs, temples, and residences. The top of a canton contained a large domed courtyard known as the Plaza, with standalone buildings rather than doors built into corridor walls. Canton plazas were filled with manor-houses and fine shops, and could usually only be accessed through large doors from the exterior. All of the space within a canton had to be leased from the Temple, and the only Guards allowed to police the area were Ordinators.

Vivec's Antlers[edit]

Vivec's Antlers is a historical battlefield found in Stonefalls, a region of the province of Morrowind. Not only have the fields of Vivec's Antlers been the site of several battles in Morrowind's history, but it contains the best-known example of a bizarre form of Land Coral along the Inner Sea. The local Dark Elves claim that the Land Coral is both self-aware and thoughtful. Vivec's Antlers is the home of the Coral Heart.


Vlastarus was a settlement located in the Greenmead region of Cyrodiil's West Weald, along the Gold Road east of Skingrad. The town was built around a lone and ancient Imperial watchtower called the Eye of the Greenmead, which was built long before the town was ever founded. The tower was once located at the southern edge of the town.


"To taste of the dark is to taste infinity. This world suffers endless, gnawing decay, born of a senseless hope. But you know better. You can hear it, can't you? The beating of the heart. The call of the Void."
—Lady Belain
A cosmic mass within or encompassing the Aurbis, encircled by darkness

The Void (also called the Outer Darkness, the Ancient Darkness, the Great Darkness, and Lorkh-Apeiron) is the name applied to the dimensions between and beyond the known realms of the Aurbis: Aetherius, Oblivion, and Mundus. The term "void" is also occasionally used in a more limited capacity to refer directly to Oblivion. Legends say that deities wishing to create a new plane of existence must initially create a space for it in the Void. It is described as a place of endless night or endless nothingness, with very few things living in it. The spirit of Lucien Lachance claimed that the Void is a cold place, one with no pain.


Volenfell ("City of the Hammer" in Dwemeris) was the capital of the Rourken clan of the Dwemer, located in eastern Alik'r Desert, southeast of the city of Satakalaam.


Volunruud is an old Nordic barrow found at the edge of the snowy forests of the Pale, in the province of Skyrim. Situated near the Giants' Gap, the barrow was once a fortified wooden hall that later became the tomb of its chieftain, Kvenel the Tongue. All that remains is a lowly barrow in the hills of the Skyborn Range, near the site of Heljarchen.


Vos was a village located in the northeast corner of Vvardenfell, in the province of Morrowind. The settlement was historically occupied by Velothi farmers who grew marshmerrow and wickwheat, and faced constant harassment from Ashlander raiders. The town had also been territory of House Telvanni, whether it was under the mage-lords of Tel Mora to the east or Tel Vos to the west.


Vounoura is an island roughly a month's voyage away from Tel Aruhn in Vvardenfell. It serves as a haven where Morag Tong assassins retire when they become too famous to continue their work.

Lake Vread[edit]

Lake Vread is a body of water located somewhere in the eastern portion of Elsweyr.[5] A nomad wanderer discovered a series of vellum scrolls on the lake's shores, which brought to light Baan Dar's legend.[6] For years, scholars have tried to fully translate these texts, including Arkan of Daggerfall and his apprentice.[5]


Vulkwasten (also called Vulkwasten Wood) is a graht-oak settlement located on the seaside hills of Malabal Tor, in the province of Valenwood. The town is well known for its fermented alcoholic beverages, which is made by a family of brewers for generations.


Vundeheim was a village in Skyrim that was destroyed in ancient times. A word wall was erected to commemorate the doomed villagers that were burned alive by the Lightning of Unending Sorrow.


This article is about the island. For the island's central volcano, also known as Vvardenfell, see Red Mountain.

Vvardenfell, also called the Black Isle, is a large island located inside the bay-like Inner Sea, and is surrounded by mainland Morrowind with the exception of its northern coast, which meets the Sea of Ghosts. The island is dominated by the great volcano, Red Mountain. The island itself is named after the original Dwemeri name of Red Mountain, literally translating to "City of the Strong Shield". It is characterized by arid wastes, rocky highlands and coastal wetlands filled with unusual and unique flora and fauna.
