Lore:Soul Gem

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Soul Gems
"Before the Psijics of Artaeum, it is said, [Raven Direnni] created the art of enchantment, learning how to bind a soul into a gem and use that to ensorcel all manners of weaponry."
De Rerum Dirennis

Soul Gems are morpholiths used in the process of binding souls using magic. These gems are used to enchant and charge magical items, animate undead or artificial constructs, or cast powerful destructive spells.[1] For this purpose, creatures' souls are usually trapped at the moment of death.[2] Soul gems can be mined from geode veins, one of the locations to contain geode veins is Blackreach.[3] The origin of Soul Gems can be traced back to Harvester of Souls himself, Molag Bal, who used a portion of his power in their creation.[UOL 1] Black Soul Gems can be found within the depths of Coldharbour,[4] where Bal fine-tunes them to increase their efficiency.[5]


Soul trapping is known to date back to at least the First Era, where techniques to bind a soul to an unhatched egg were practiced in Black Marsh before they were banned because the techniques were prone to error. After the Mages Guild was founded in 2E 230,[6][UOL 2] the ban was lifted and the practice of soul trapping resumed.[7] Soul-trapping spells and soul gems were standardized in the early centuries of the Mages Guild.[8]

Sometime after the genesis of the Clockwork City, Sotha Sil was dissatisfied with the potency of regular Soul Gems as power sources for his ambitious designs, and sought to improve upon them. One such iteration was the Animus geode, but their uses were still limited.[9] In the case of his mechanical constructs, the Factotums, he eventually came up with the animo core—a brass vessel that utilized a soul gem in some manner.[10] Later, Sotha Sil would seek to uncover the secrets to everlasting life, and was the first to reverse engineer soul gems into Black Soul Gems.[11] He used the aging Temple Saints, Felms, Olms, and Llothis as test subjects, transferring their souls into Black Soul Gems, with Factotum bodies as vessel. Like others whose have transferred their souls into Factotum vessels, they went insane, causing the study of Black Soul Gems to be banned by the Clockwork Apostles.[12]

Outside the isolated confines of the Clockwork City, Sotha Sil's findings were unknown. Mannimarco and his underlings were expelled from Artaeum by the Psijic Order in the early Second Era for delving into the art of Necromancy. One of Mannimarco's followers, Vastarie, allied with him over the common goal of seeking "to trap souls as one might capture lesser Daedra". They believed their objective was to be found within Coldharbour, which Vastarie agreed to venture into herself; she would be the first to bring Black Soul Gems from Coldharbour to Tamriel. They were perfect for their ambitions, as unlike other soul gems, they were "small, capable of containing even the most willful of souls, and apparently indestructible."

Vastarie attempted to replicate black soul gems, but Mannimarco's aspirations would come to conflict with her own. Mannimarco desired to use them to gain power, while Vastarie desired to build upon them for ethical reasons. Fearing Mannimarco, Vastarie fled with her husband away from his clutches, and continued to improve on her creation, eventually coming up with a perfected Sigil Geode. She intended to use it to consult with the souls within for knowledge that could be recorded. However, when she contacted Vanus Galerion of the Mages Guild to report her findings, it disgusted him. Many followed Vanus in his path away from the technology, but Vastarie was undettered and continued her research.[4]

By the Third Era, only white souls were being captured by the standard spells and gems of the Guild, and this practice was so thoroughly ingrained that most mages continued to avoid trapping black souls well after the Guild was disbanded.[13][3] Black soul gems could bypass this limitation and trap even the most willful of souls, though they were hard to acquire and required travel to various Daedric Planes.[4] Necromancers, led by the Order of the Black Worm, pioneered an easier way to create a black soul gem using the rituals of the Revenant. Although capable of storing black souls, the gems were dangerous to handle as small bits of the caster's soul could leak into the gem.[14]


Black Soul Gems
"You shake it to see if there's a soul inside. Nope."
—About a Greater Soul Gem[15]

Soul gems come in many sizes, corresponding to the size of the soul that the gem can trap; the standard sizes are "minor", "petty", "lesser", "common", "greater", and "grand". Soul gem artifacts, such as the Amulet of Kings and Azura's Star, are capable of trapping "divine" souls.[16][17] Souls are also categorized into "black" souls, the souls of sapient races, and "white" souls, the souls of lesser creatures, although the distinction is arbitrary. The division was implemented in the early days of the Mages Guild at the behest of Vanus Galerion, in an effort to limit the practice of soul trapping.[8] Blessings of Arkay and various ritual rites also seem to protect unwilling souls that would be classified as "black" from being trapped or manipulated, though it is not clear if this is the case in general or only with the souls of the dead who had gone through proper burial rites.[18]

When a mortal soul is used in the enchantment process through the use of a black soul gem, it is supposedly sent to the Soul Cairn for all eternity. A transaction between the Ideal Masters and willing necromancers can occur, in which case one can offer souls in exchange for power or armies of undead.[19] In at least a few cases, trapped souls have retained consciousness within a soul gem itself.[1][3][20] Soul gems can seemingly capture essences other than an Anuic animus that a mortal possess, such as vestiges and other types of animius. The Amulet of Kings is said to be one of most powerful soul gems ever created—this soul gem is capable of capturing the essence of a Daedric Prince. In 2E 582, Mannimarco plotted to trap Molag Bal's essence with the Amulet of Kings as part of his scheme to become a god, but he was defeated before he could perform the ritual.[1][21]

It is believed that in certain cases the consumption of a soul gem may cause the eater to obtain new abilities and interests.[22] Some enchantments can be recharged and powered by blood.[23]

Soul Tomatoes from the Shivering Isles can serve the same function as a soul gem.[24][25]

Notable Soul Gems[edit]

  • A'tor's Soul Gem — Also known as N'Gasta's Amulet, this soul gem was a red diamond with a dragon setting that housed the soul of Crown Prince A'tor before it was transferred to the Soul Sword.
  • Azura's Star
  • Amulet of Kings
  • Mantella
  • Quintilla's Werewolf Gem — A soul gem cut and shaped into a gemstone. The only known soul gem to be enchanted and re-enchanted.
  • Hermaeus Mora's Soul Gem — A special black soul gem that can hold several souls.
  • Colossal Black Soul Gem — A special black soul gem that contained the soul of Arch Mage Hannibal Traven.


The following is an assortment of different types of soul gems, sorted in descending order from least to most powerful:

Type Daggerfall Morrowind Oblivion Skyrim ESO Blades Other Description / Notes
MW-icon-tool-Petty Soul Gem.png
ON-icon-soul gem-Petty.png
BL-item-Petty Soul Gem.jpg
CT-icon-resource-Soul Gem.png
These are the lowest form of soul gems and typically appear as tiny crystals ranging in color from pink, purple, and white.
MW-icon-tool-Lesser Soul Gem.png
ON-furnishing-Soul Gem, Lesser.jpg
BL-item-Lesser Soul Gem.jpg
These are on the lower end of soul gems in terms of power, and typically appear as tiny crystals ranging in color from dark blue, cyan, and pink.
ON-icon-soul gem-Minor.png
BL-item-Middling Soul Gem.jpg
These are on the lower end of soul gems in terms of power, either capable of more or less capacity than lesser gems, and typically appear as tiny crystals ranging in color from pink to purple.
MW-icon-tool-Common Soul Gem.png
ON-furnishing-Soul Gem, Common.jpg
BL-item-Common Soul Gem.jpg
These are on the middle tier of soul gems, capable of holding a standard capacity of souls, and typically appear as average sized crystals ranging in color from light blue, purple, and pink.
BL-item-Exceptional Soul Gem.jpg
LG-icon-Soul Gem.png
These are on the middle tier of soul gems, and typically appear as well-cut crystals ranging in color from cyan to purple.
MW-icon-tool-Greater Soul Gem.png
ON-furnishing-Soul Gem, Great.jpg
BL-item-Greater Soul Gem.jpg
These are on the higher end of soul gems in terms of power, and typically appear as a cluster of crystals ranging in color from purple to cyan.
BL-item-Elevated Soul Gem.jpg
These are on the higher end of soul gems in terms of power, and typically appear as a cluster of crystals that are cyan in color.
MW-icon-tool-Grand Soul Gem.png
ON-furnishing-Soul Gem, Grand.jpg
BL-item-Grand Soul Gem.jpg
LG-icon-soul gem.png
These are on the higher end of soul gems in terms of power, and typically appear as a cluster of large crystals ranging in color from amber, light blue, and purple.
ON-icon-soul gem-Crown.png
BL-item-Glorious Soul Gem.jpg
These are on the higher end of soul gems in terms of power, being a tier above grand, and typically appear as a cluster of large crystals ranging in color from light blue, purple, and light green. The Gold Coast Trading Company sold gems capable of holding souls from petty to above grand called "Crown Soul Gems".[26]
BL-item-Transcendent Soul Gem.jpg
These are the highest form among the normal classification of gems, capable of holding creatures with powerful souls, and typically appear as large yellow crystal clusters.
MW-item-Azura's Star.jpg
OB-item-Azura's Star.jpg
ON-item-Amulet of Kings.jpg
These are the most powerful types of gems and go beyond any standard classification. They capable of holding souls of incredibly powerful beings such as demigods (in the case of Azura's Star),[27] and can be used to power incredibly advanced constructs such as the Numidium (in the case of the Mantella).[28]
OB-item-Black Soul Gem.jpg
ON-furnishing-Replica Black Soul Gem.jpg
LG-cardart-Black Soul Gem Alt.png
SR-icon-misc-Soul Tomato.png
These can serve the same function as grand soul gems.[25]
SR-icon-misc-Flawed Varla Stone.png
ON-furnishing-Varla Stone, Glowing.jpg
BL-item-quest item-Varla Stone of Air.jpg
These can also hold souls at the same capacity of common soul gems.[29]



See Also[edit]



  1. ^ a b c Events of ESO
  2. ^ Liminal BridgesCamilonwe of Alinor
  3. ^ a b c Events of Skyrim
  4. ^ a b c The Legend of VastarieAfwa, a Student and Friend
  5. ^ The Wailing Maw loading screen text in ESO
  6. ^ Mages Guild Charter
  7. ^ Dreekius' dialogue in Redguard
  8. ^ a b Guild Memo on Soul-TrappingVanus Galerion, Archmagister Emeritus
  9. ^ Dialogue of various Stars in the Mnemonic Planisphere
  10. ^ Energetic Animo Core furnishing item in ESO
  11. ^ Asylum Sanctorium loading screen text in ESO
  12. ^ Alienist Llandras' dialogue in ESO
  13. ^ Events of Oblivion
  14. ^ Souls, Black and White
  15. ^ Greater Soul Gem item description in Skyrim Very Special Edition
  16. ^ Soul of Vivec in Morrowind
  17. ^ Soul of Almalexia in Morrowind: Tribunal
  18. ^ Arkay the EnemyKW
  19. ^ Serana's dialogue in Skyrim
  20. ^ Soul-Trapping I: An IntroductionWarlock Elinyon
  21. ^ Mannimarco's dialogue in ESO
  22. ^ Vole's dialogue in ESO
  23. ^ General Yeveth Noramil's dialogue in ESO
  24. ^ Soul Tomato in Skyrim: Creation Club
  25. ^ a b Soul Tomato in Shivering Isles
  26. ^ Crown Soul Gems in ESO
  27. ^ Azura's Star being the only gem capable of holding Vivec and Almalexia's souls in Morrowind
  28. ^ The Mantella Revealed, Letter 2
  29. ^ Flawed Varla Stone in Skyrim
  30. ^ Jagar Tharn's dialogue in Arena

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.