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Lore talk:Divayth Fyr

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Fyr not Battlespire Hero[edit]

Can we remove the 'Fyr as Battlespire Hero' myth? The Hero was an apprentice Battlemage thirty years ago when Fyr was a famous, ancient wizard, and both the Hero and his/her friend were humans, based on skin tone in the game's cutscenes. Temple-Zero 22:05, 3 August 2008 (EDT)

Go ahead, I believe, it was removed several times, now that I think of it; see the edit history at Morrowind:Divayth Fyr --BenouldTC 22:14, 3 August 2008 (EDT)

Fyr's Age[edit]

I've heard it mentioned before that he is in fact over 4000 years old, not simply 1000. Can anyone verify his actual age? The 4000 figure may have been from the point of view of the dev who used to post at the lore forums under the name Divayth Fyr but I can't seem to verify it. I believe this started because he is said to be at least as old as Sotha Sil or older, as Sotha Sil refers to him as "master" in an obscure text. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Best info I can find here says he is 4000 years old. I can't find anything more concrete, but I hope that'll do.---Masterlocksmith 10:40, 8 January 2010 (UTC)
Alfe Fyr, one of his daughters, tell you in game dialogue that his is at least 4000 years old. -Itachi 10:35, 8 January 2010 (UTC)
Alfe Fyr (plunder the dungeon): You're smart. Get corprus disease. Get killed by corprus monsters. Get killed by Vistha-Kai. A very good plan. Plunder the dungeon of a 4000-year-old wizard. What could be easier? --Brf 12:32, 7 March 2011 (UTC)
Bugger. I was searching for "thousand", not "4000". rpeh •TCE 12:35, 7 March 2011 (UTC)


Is it worth noting that, having been born in the early first era, he was born a Chimer? It feels slightly misleading to represent his race solely as Dunmer, even if that is currently true. 23:52, 5 December 2014 (GMT)

By the divines I need to learn to read. Very first sentence states that. Ignore me. 23:52, 5 December 2014 (GMT)

UOL Addition[edit]

"Before his total seclusion, Sotha Sil would have one of his final conversations with his peer Divayth Fyr, despite predicting that they would not meet again years prior.{{ref|name=ESOSS|[[Online:Sotha Sil|Sotha Sil]]'s dialogue in [[Online:Clockwork City (DLC)|ESO: Clockwork City]]}} in which they discussed the disappearance of the Dwemer, his divine nature, and the location of his city among other things.{{ref|name=SSLW|group=UOL|[[General:Sotha Sil's Last Words|Sotha Sil's Last Words]]}}"

I don't see a major issue with this be included, although not necessarily with this wording. What do you all think? --AKB Talk Cont Mail 21:20, 7 December 2020 (UTC)

As a sidenote, we should seriously consider amending the policy on UESPWiki:Lore to allow editors to add UOL to articles without discussion first, as this seems like a very unwieldy way of doing things to me. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 21:24, 7 December 2020 (UTC)
Sotha Sil's statement in ESO seems to be a light retcon of this material. It's not directly contradictory, but we have to assume a god's prediction of the future was incorrect or there was some reconciliation between the two. Might be better to move it to the Notes section and let the reader decide the veracity of the source. How does the following sound?:
"Before his total seclusion, it is believed that Sotha Sil had one of his final conversations with his peer Divayth Fyr, during which they discussed the disappearance of the Dwemer, his divine nature, and the location of his city among other things.{ref|name=SSLW|group=UOL|{{ref|ns_base=General|Sotha Sil's Last Words}}}} However, this contradicts Sil's prediction that they would not meet again following Fyr's departure from his realm circa {{Year|2E 582}}.{{ref|name=ESOSS|[[Online:Sotha Sil|Sotha Sil]]'s dialogue in [[Online:Clockwork City (DLC)|ESO: Clockwork City]]}}"
One thing that's worth bearing in mind with this particular UOL text is that it has received significant official recognition in the form of a Legends loading screen quote. That's more canonical quotations than most UOL texts get. —⁠Legoless (talk) 00:21, 8 December 2020 (UTC)
Agreed with Legoless, the loading screen makes reference to the text itself. Additionally, concepts such as Fyr being a Psijiic and a friend of Sil come from this text and predate ESO's inclusion of that backstory, perhaps this text inspired ESO's take on Fyr and his relation with Sotha Sil? Sotha Sil being wrong isn't necessarily something that hasn't happened before, as in the case with Prisoners putting his calculations out of order. Anyways, no reason not to include this piece of UOL.Zebendal (talk) 05:05, 15 December 2020 (UTC)
Went ahead and restored the amended version. —⁠Legoless (talk) 09:56, 15 December 2020 (UTC)