Lore talk:Empire of Cyrodiil (Interregnum)

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"The Empire of Tamriel encompasses the nine Imperial provinces: Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Morrowind, and the ancient Imperial province itself, Cyrodiil. Dating from the First Era Cyrodilic Empire, the Empire is almost 4000 years ago. But more properly, the current Empire dates from the beginning of the Third Era and the crowning of Tiber Septim as Emperor of Morrowind over 400 years ago. The current emperor is Uriel Septim, 24th of the Septim line."

This is a generic bit of Morrowind dialogue. It seems to me that, at least as far as the Imperials are concerned, there has been an Empire of Man in Cyrodiil non-stop since the days of Alessia. Whomever is in control of the White Gold Tower seems to say they run the Empire, even if their dominion doesn't extend beyond the throne room.

Long story short, I don't really see a need to have a separate page here. Seems like the interregnums between major dynasties can be covered at Lore:Empire. Not to mention the actual interregnum history pages. Insignificant RevisionsThreatsEvidence 01:13, 17 February 2015 (GMT)

It seems that Lore:Empire is just a transclusion of the three separate Empire pages, and doesn't include anything of its own. So we could just transclude this into that. The only differences I can see between this page and Lore:Interregnum is that this is political history which is entirely Cyrodiil-focused, while Interregnum is documenting a historical period. So, do we want to maintain the difference between the political entity and the period? If so, we can transclude this into Lore:Empire. If not, we can merge this into Lore:Interregnum and transclude that into Lore:Empire. --Enodoc (talk) 09:47, 17 February 2015 (GMT)
I think the Empire page is capable of handling the gaps between major dynasties and similar monarchical groupings on it's own. I don't think a separate page for this gap is necessary. Lore pages have been proliferating, which is to be expected, but each page requires separate maintenance, and it's going to be difficult to keep them all properly updated in the long term. I recognize that this doesn't make much of a difference, I guess I'm just having trouble seeing the utility in this case. Insignificant RevisionsThreatsEvidence 02:50, 20 February 2015 (GMT)
The Imperials might claim that an Empire has been in existence since Alessia, but ESO is the first time we've ever actually seen proof of that. Unlike the Third Empire under the Medes, the entity that exists during the Interregnum is very much distinct from the Second Empire, and in fact is only a claimant to the title of Empire (the other claimant being the Covenant). The importance of detailing ESO's Imperial faction as a separate political entity is not only important for the narrative of Lore:Empire and Lore:Interregnum, but also for Lore:Alliance War (seeing as they're a participant!!), Lore:Imperial Legion, Lore:Tharn, Lore:Longhouse Emperors, Lore:Imperial City, Lore:Satakalaam... There are many pages which need to link here, and in my opinion that in itself is enough to warrant more than a section on the Empire article. —Legoless (talk) 14:31, 9 July 2015 (UTC)