Lore talk:Imperial Names

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General Tullius[edit]

Hmm, I always assumed that "Tullius" was General Tullius' family name. Especially seeing as Tullius was a family name in Morrowind. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:23 on 16 February 2012

It took me a bit of time to understand what you meant, but I got it. And I have to agree with you. My guess would be that who ever was making the Skyrim name list simply browsed through the list of all Imperial NPCs and didn't pay much attention. -- kertaw48 14:35, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
ESO has since given us two NPCs with Tullius as a first name. It is possible that the developers were sloppy, but I don't see how "Tullius" can be his family name when everyone only calls him Tullius. Even if it was originally his family name, in Skyrim it is used like his personal given name. --Ethruvisil (talk) 21:21, 6 January 2024 (UTC)
It's quite common to refer to someone, particularly someone who you do not know personally, solely by their surname. It's also common in military settings. 13:55, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

Names in Books/Scrolls? Verification please.[edit]

Per this edit, I wanted to verify whether or not names of people not physically appearing where included in games. I want to say I read somewhere it is a no, but I want verification before I do anything to that edit. Oh, and this is the note in question. Eric Snowmane (Talk | Contribs | Block) 20:30, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

Yes, there was a "discussion" on that a while back. The conclusion was that names found in a book that appears in more than one game should be placed under a special "Lore" section. If the name appears in only one game and revolves around characters contemporary with that game's timeline, it's placed under that game's section. I think notes are automatically counted towards that (since they always discuss current events). -- kertaw48 20:39, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

Robert Wisnewski[edit]

I do not think I need to tell much on why this name shouldn't be included. Not only is it the name of a former Bethesda employee (making it an easter egg), but it also in no way fits with the established norm for Imperial names (if anything, it sounds like a Colovian name). It's not even a unique name concocted by the developers, it's a real life name. I'm not sure how comfortable we should feel about adding that. -- Kertaw48 (talk) 19:32, 16 December 2012 (GMT)

Rian Liore[edit]

Under ESO male first names Rian Liore appears in exactly that configuration despite that clearly being a first name followed by a family name. Liore is also then listed correctly under family names. 17:20, 17 May 2023 (UTC)

Breton names[edit]

I have noticed two names in the male first name ESO section that link to Breton characters. Maxim and Quentyn. 13:52, 10 June 2024 (UTC)

Just found another; Averio. 13:52, 22 June 2024 (UTC)