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Morrowind:Baladas Demnevanni (person)

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Baladas Demnevanni (baladas demnevanni)
(lore page)
Home Town Gnisis
House Arvs-Drelen
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 35 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 391 Magicka 200
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Telvanni Master(Master), if Baladas Demnevanni has been completed; House Telvanni Wizard(Wizard) otherwise
Baladas Demnevanni

Baladas Demnevanni is a Dark Elf sorcerer living in the Velothi tower of Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis. He is a Wizard of House Telvanni but is not a member of the council until you complete the associated quest. If he becomes a councilor, you will have to persuade him to vote for you as Telvanni Hortator. Baladas is reclusive and generally does not concern himself with the people of Gnisis. He is not quite as arrogant or isolationist as many of the other Councilors and pursues an interest in the Dwemer. People around Gnisis may mention Baladas, calling him a "renegade Telvanni wizard".

He wears an expensive robe with matching shoes, a leveled ring and a leveled amulet. He carries a leveled potion, a leveled soul gem, four leveled enchanted items, a key to a cell in his tower and 300 gold. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Burden of Sin, Dire Weary, Great Feather, Command Beast, Command Creature, Strong Reflect, Strong Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, Summon Storm Atronach, and Summon Flame Atronach.

He is accompanied by a Dwemer Shock Centurion he has restored. It will not be hostile to you unless Demnevanni himself is. This animunculus will be given to a Telvanni player upon completion of the Dahrk Mezalf quest.

Quests Given[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Morag Tong[edit]

Official Plugins[edit]


  • Greetings:
    • "I am Baladas Demnevanni. And this, Arvs Drelen is my home. Why have you come here?"
    • "What brings you here, %PCName?"

  • Baladas: "Speaking. Hurry up."
  • Darius: "He plays his role in town, and best keep his hands out of my business."
  • Gnisis: "Everyone here leaves me alone. That's how I like it."
  • Hanging Gardens: [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Hanging Gardens... in your inventory.] "So you have found a book. Let me see... Yes, this is written in both Dwemer and Aldmeris. I would keep this book somewhere safe. Perhaps you will find other books in the Dwemer language, and could use this book to translate them. If you find anything of interest, bring both the books to me."
  • patron: "It would not be proper of me to be your patron. But I am pleased that you would ask."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Dwemer Books[edit]

  • Greetings:
    • "Have you found a copy of "Nchunak's Fire and Faith"?"
    • "Did you find "Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law"?"
    • "Do you have a copy of the book "Chronicles of Nchuleft"?"
  • Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law:
    • "This book is the most common of the ones I desire. Many scholars own a copy of this book. You need only find one."
    • "Have you found a copy of "Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law?[sic]"
      • Yes, here it is.
        • [If you do not have the book in your inventory. Disposition -5.] "No. No tricks, %PCName. You do not have a copy of this book, and we both know it. Go find one before I lose my patience."
        • [Antecedents of Dwemer Law [sic] has been removed from your inventory. Disposition +10] "Good. This is one of the three books I was looking for."
        • [Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law has been removed from your inventory. Ondusi's Key has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Admonition has been added to your inventory. Second Barrier Belt has been added to your inventory. Surefeet has been added to your inventory. Disposition +10.] "Good. This is the last of the three books I was looking for. Please accept these trinkets of mine. I no longer have any use for them."
      • No, not yet.
        • "If I knew where to find one, I would do it myself."
    • "You already brought me a copy of "Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law."""
  • Chronicles of Nchuleft:
    • ""Chronicles of Nchuleft" is very rare. There are probably still copies of the book in the Dwemer ruin of Nchuleft. Otherwise, you could try asking booksellers where one might find a copy."
    • "Have you found a copy of Chronicles of Nchuleft [sic]"
      • Yes, here it is [sic]
        • [If you do not have the book in your inventory. Disposition -5.] "I do not want to play games with you, %PCName. Bring me a copy of Chronicles of Nchuleft. [sic] Do not try to trick me."
        • [⁠Chronicles of Nchuleft has been removed from your inventory. Disposition +10] "Good. I will not forget this, %PCName."
        • [Chronicles of Nchuleft has been removed from your inventory. Ondusi's Key has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Admonition has been added to your inventory. Second Barrier Belt has been added to your inventory. Surefeet has been added to your inventory. Disposition +10.] "Good. I will not forget this, %PCName. As you have brought me all three books. Please accept these trinkets of mine. I no longer have any use for them."
      • No, not yet [sic]
        • "I know it may be difficult to find this book. You could try the Dwemer ruin of Nchuleft itself, which is supposed to be somewhere between Vos and the Ghostfence."
    • "You already brought me a copy of Chronicles of Nchuleft. [sic]"
  • Fire and Faith:
    • "I know the Hall of Wisdom in Vivec has a copy of this book, but their library is well guarded. Rare booksellers may have a copy. There are certainly a few copies in the hand of private collectors such as myself."
    • "Have you found a copy of "Nchunak's Fire and Faith?[sic]"
      • Yes, here it is.
        • [If you do not have the book in your inventory. Disposition -5.] "Oh? And where is it? Have you brought me an invisible book? Bring me the book, %PCName, and no trickery."
        • [⁠Nchunak's Fire and Faith has been removed from your inventory. Disposition +10] "This is one of the three books I was looking for. Speak with me again when you have delivered all three."
        • [Nchunak's Fire and Faith has been removed from your inventory. Ondusi's Key has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Admonition has been added to your inventory. Second Barrier Belt has been added to your inventory. Surefeet has been added to your inventory. Disposition +10.] "Yes, this is the last of the three books I was looking for. I know I had another copy of "Fire and Faith" once... Ah, well. Please accept these trinkets. I no longer have any use for them."
      • No, not yet.
        • "Find the book, %PCName."
    • "You already brought me a copy of "Nchunak's Fire and Faith."""
  • chores:
    • "I have three simple chores for you. Bring me copies of the Dwemer books "Nchunak's Fire and Faith," "Antecedents of Dwemer Law," and "Chronicles of Nchuleft.""
    • [If you handed in Nchunak's Fire and Faith but not Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law and/or Chronicles of Nchuleft.] "I still have two simple chores for you. You have brought me "Nchunak's Fire and Faith." I also want the Dwemer books "Antecedents of Dwemer Law" and "Chronicles of Nchuleft.""
    • [If you handed in Nchunak's Fire and Faith and Antecedents [sic] of Dwemer Law but not Chronicles of Nchuleft.] "Only one more simple chore remains. You have brought me "Nchunak's Fire and Faith" and "Antecedents of Dwemer Law." I am still interested in a copy of the rare Dwemer book "Chronicles of Nchuleft.""
    • [⁠Ondusi's Key has been added to your inventory. Amulet of Admonition has been added to your inventory. Second Barrier Belt has been added to your inventory. Surefeet has been added to your inventory.] "Yes, you have brought me all three books. I am not without... consideration for these favors. Perhaps you could use some of my old trinkets. Here. Take these. Speak with me again when you have proven yourself in House Telvanni."
    • "I may have need of you later, but for now you should study and practice so that you may advance further in House Telvanni."

Dahrk Mezalf[edit]

  • Greetings:
    • "Were you able to find the Dahrk Mezalf?"
  • chores:
    • "I am interested in the Ring of Dahrk Mezalf."
    • "I have no more chores for you, %PCName."
  • Dahrk Mezalf:
    • "Mezalf is sometimes referred to as "Mezalf Bthungthumz." Perhaps he was from the Dwemer village of Bthungthumz. Go to Maar Gan. Head east past the silt strider, then go north towards the Foyada. Follow the Foyada Bani-Dad to the northwest until you see what remains of Bthungthumz on the right. If you find the ring, bring it to me."
    • "Did you find the Ring of Dahrk Mezalf?"
      • Yes, here it is.
        • [If you do not have the ring in your inventory. Disposition -5.] "No, you do not have the ring. You will find the ring. You will give it to me."
        • [⁠Ring of Dahrk Mezalf has been removed from your inventory. Ring of Lightning Storm has been added to your inventory. Disposition +20.] "Yes, this is the ring I was looking for. As a reward, I will order my centurion to assist you. You will find it waiting outside. I have made some improvements to this one. You may also find this storm ring to be of some minor use."
        • [If the Shock Centurion is dead. Ring of Dahrk Mezalf has been removed from your inventory. Ring of Lightning Storm has been added to your inventory. Disposition +15.] "Yes, this is the ring I was looking for. Since you have brought me the books and this ring, please take this storm ring with my gratitude."
      • No, not yet.
        • [Disposition -5.] "If you bring me the ring, I will reward you. Until you have it, do not remind me of your laziness."
    • "You have already brought me Dahrk Mezalf's ring."

Three Questions for Baladas Demnevanni[edit]

  • Disappearance of the Dwarves:
    • [Disposition < 70.] "It is said that the Dwemer refused to discuss research with those who demonstrated neither interest nor competence in the subject."
    • [Disposition ≥ 70.] "It was unfashionable among the Dwemer to view their spirits as synthetic constructs three, four, or forty creational gradients below the divine. During the Dawn Era they researched the death of the Earth Bones, what we call now the laws of nature, dissecting the process of the sacred willing itself into the profane. I believe their mechanists and tonal architects discovered systematic regression techniques to perform the reverse -- that is, to create the sacred from the deaths of the profane.
As the Dwemer left no corpses or traces of conflict behind, I believe that generations of ritualistic 'anti-creations' resulted in their immediate, but foreseen removal from the Mundus. They retreated behind math, behind color, behind the active principle itself. That the Dwemer vanished during a conflict with Nerevar and the Tribunal is merely coincidence."
  • Dwemer artifacts:
    • [Disposition < 70.] "If you seek the artifacts of the Dwemer, visit one of the Dwemer ruins.
    • [Disposition ≥ 70.] "In their denial of both phenomena and noumena, the Dwemer found comfort in the creation of Animunculi, which in their operation, combined two incompatible principles, thus denying both. In the first Dwemer ruin I studied, quite by chance in my wandering youth, someone had activated the Animunculi guardians and I was unable to make a proper study of them. Since then, I have, on occasion, found ruins, especially here in Vvardenfell, where the Animunculi are still active."
  • Dwemer language:
    • [Disposition < 80.] "I do not know the Dwemer language."
    • [Disposition ≥ 80.] "The Dwemer language is unknown, perhaps unknowable. Some Dwemer books, especially records dating from after the founding of Resdayn, were written in Aldmeris, making them accessible to modern scholars. However, even in Aldmeris, many Dwemer terms remain uncertain. As the books and other artifacts in Dwemer ruins rarely show signs of wear or age, I believe that the Dwemer knew of a preservative effect, perhaps a device still active which denies or controls the Earth Bones governing time and decay.
  • Dwemer ruins:
    • [Disposition < 80.] "There are many scattered across Vvardenfell. There is one on the coast northwest of here."
    • [Disposition ≥ 80.] "You seem to truly have an interest in the Dwarves, so I will tell you this. Sneak into the Gnisis Eggmine. I heard they made a most unusual discovery recently."
  • three questions:
    • "You may ask your three questions. You want to know first about the disappearance of the Dwarves?"
    • "You may ask your three questions. You said something about Dwemer artifacts?"
    • "You may ask your three questions. Did you not say your last question was about the Dwemer language?"
    • "I have already answered your three questions."

Baladas Demnevanni[edit]

  • join the Council:
    • "I have little interest in the affairs of House Telvanni... But it would not be an inconvenience to me. I will agree to join the Council on the condition that you do three chores for me."
    • "You have brought me the books that I desired, and so I will consider young Aryon's offer. I will join the Council, at least for the next century or two, and sponsor a Mouth to send to Sadrith Mora."
    • "Yes, I will join the council. Tell Aryon to expect me to take a more active role in House Telvanni."
    • "I have joined the Council as your patron, young Aryon, desired."

Rescue Ragash gra-Shuzgub[edit]

  • Ragash gra-Shuzgub:
    • "She came demanding tribute for the Empire of men. I was here before Gnisis, before the Empire of men. I will be here after Gnisis is gone and after this short-lived Empire has crumbled. The people of Gnisis live only because I tolerate them. Why should I pay tribute?"
      • Ragash learned her lesson.
        • [Disposition < 60.] "What? So soon? Even the short-lived orcs need time to reflect on their transgressions."
        • [Disposition ≥ 60. Arvs-Drelen Cell Key has been added to your inventory.] "Very well. I shall let her go. Take this key and take the orc with you when you leave."
      • Let her go and no one will trouble you again.
        • [Disposition < 60.] "You trouble me now. Do you think I have nothing better to do than listen to such lies? Leave now or you shall join the orc in my prison."
        • [Disposition ≥ 60. Arvs-Drelen Cell Key has been added to your inventory.] "Can you make such a promise? I do not know if I should trust you... But I shall. Take this key and take the orc with you when you leave."
      • Everyone pays taxes.
        • [Disposition ≥ 30.] "Leave. Now."
        • [Disposition ≥ 30. Disposition -10.] "I do not pay tribute to any man. Do not anger me, or you shall join the orc in my prison."
        • [Disposition ≥ 30. If your House Telvanni rank is at least Master. Disposition -10.] "You are of respectable rank in House Telvanni, but I am the better wizard. Do you care to test your skills against mine, child?"
    • "She is dead."
    • "I have given you the key. Get her out of my tower before I reconsider."
    • "The matter is settled as far as I am concerned."

Mystery of the Dwarves[edit]

  • Divine Metaphysics:
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Divine Metaphysics... in your inventory.] "Unfortunately, I cannot read the Dwemer language without some kind of translation key."
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Divine Metaphysics... and Hanging Gardens... in your inventory.] "Yes, with the help of "Hanging Gardens" I can read some of this book. It is the essence of Kagrenac's theories on how one might create a new god through the "obedience" of the Ehlnofey and using the sacred tones on the Heart of Lorkhan. Whatever its value to scholars, his theories did not appear to work quite as he intended."
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Divine Metaphysics..., Hanging Gardens... and The Egg of Time in your inventory.] "Yes, I can now translate these books. This first one is Bthuand Mzahnch's refutation of a popular theory from Nerevar's time. A few tones of Dwemer believed that using the power Lorkhan's Heart was an unjustifiable risk. "The Egg of Time" contains Bthuand's arguments against this idea, many of which are quite compelling. The next book, "Divine Metaphysics," is an explanation of how the Dwemer tried to make a new god, Anumidium, using Kagrenac's tools and the sacred tones on Lorkhan's heart.
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you already brought the books to Baladas.] "This is an explanation of how the Dwemer tried to make a new god, Anumidium, using Kagrenac's tools and the sacred tones on Lorkhan's Heart. It has several interesting theories about how to bend the Ehlnofey or "Earth Bones," but I am not entirely sure I understand it myself. Perhaps after another century of study I could have a better answer for you."
  • Egg of Time:
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Divine Metaphysics... in your inventory.] "I cannot read and write the Dwemer language."
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Divine Metaphysics... and Hanging Gardens... in your inventory.] "Yes, with the help of "Hanging Gardens," I can translate some of this. This is Bthuand Mzahnch's refutation of a popular theory from Nerevar's time. A few tones of Dwemer believed that using the power Lorkhan's Heart involved unjustifiable risks. "The Egg of Time" summarized many of Bthuand's arguments against this idea, many of which are quite compelling."
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you have Divine Metaphysics..., Hanging Gardens... and The Egg of Time in your inventory.] "Yes, I can now translate these books. This first one is Bthuand Mzahnch's refutation of a popular theory from Nerevar's time. A few tones of Dwemer believed that using the power Lorkhan's Heart was an unjustifiable risk. "The Egg of Time" contains Bthuand's arguments against this idea, many of which are quite compelling. The next book, "Divine Metaphysics," is an explanation of how the Dwemer tried to make a new god, Anumidium, using Kagrenac's tools and the sacred tones on Lorkhan's heart."
    • [Disposition ≥ 60. If you already brought the books to Baladas.] "This is Bthuand Mzahnch's refutation of a popular theory from Nerevar's time. A few tones of Dwemer believed that using the power Lorkhan's Heart involved unjustifiable risks. "The Egg of Time" summarized many of Bthuand's arguments against this idea, many of which are quite compelling."

Telvanni Hortator[edit]

  • Telvanni Hortator:
    • "It is a historical term, referring to a special office of war leader conferred upon a general or hero in time of war. Why?"
      • Ask how a Hortator is chosen. "All the standing Telvanni councilors vote to choose a Hortator. The vote must be unanimous. A Hortator's duty is to lead a Great House in war, so the candidate should either be a skilled and inspiring leader, or a wizard or hero who excels in single combat."
      • Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.
        • [Disposition < 40.] "I'm afraid I'll have to decline. No, I believe your story. And there's no question about the proof you offer. But I feel that lately you have treated me disrespectfully, and I find it offensive. Perhaps we do need a Hortator. But perhaps we do not need someone like you to be that Hortator."
        • [Disposition ≥ 40.] "Yes, of course. Your story is quite compelling. And there's no question about the proof you offer. I have found you, on the whole, an agreeable colleague, and I think you are a most suitable candidate for Hortator of House Telvanni."
    • "I have chosen you as Hortator of House Telvanni."
    • "You are Hortator of House Telvanni."
    • [If you are the Archmagister of House Telvanni.] "Speak with Master Aryon, Archmagister. He must give you the Robe of the Hortator."

Master Index[edit]

  • propylon index:
    • "A propylon index? You're welcome to it. It's just gathering dust around here somewhere, on a top shelf, I think. Help yourself."


  • He is a relative of Revus Demnevanni.
  • There is an unfinished quest involving finally getting Demnevanni to pay his taxes that didn't make it into the final game.


  • If you have any follower NPC in tow, it is best to leave them outside. Demnevanni has a docile but active Dwemer Shock Centurion in his bedroom/lab, and its animation cycle may trigger a fight response from your follower, which then triggers one from Demnevanni. He is a crucial NPC to various quests, and should not be killed (at least not until quite late in the game). ?
    • If this fight has already started, he and anyone else can be temporarily pacified with Calm spells.
    • If the fighting resumes after such a spell has been cast on everyone, leave with your follower while it is active, and try again (alone).
    • If combat still re-starts, leave Arvs Drelen for 72 game hours then return.
    • If still not working, you likely have a faction reaction issue, e.g. between Telvanni and Mages Guild (do you have a high rank in the latter?), or a dreadful reputation among the Telvanni for some other reason (killed any of their other councilors lately?). A tip-off that this is the problem is if Demnevanni attacked on sight rather than in response to your NPC unsheathing when the Shock Centurion moved.