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Morrowind:Movis Darys

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Quests: written by Already written, checked by Aegithalos

Services: written by Aegithalos (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by Aegithalos

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Aegithalos {none}

Unique Dialogue: written by Dragon Guard and Aegithalos

Spells: written by Maroonroar, checked by Aegithalos
Movis Darys (movis darys)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Location Guild of Mages
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 15 Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 114 Magicka 140
Alarm 90 Fight 40
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood
Movis Darys

Movis Darys is a Dark Elf assassin found in the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild on the bottom floor, in front of Vala Catraso's "class", pretending to be a student there. He is wearing a common shirt with matching pants and shoes and the Belt of Sanguine Denial. He is wielding a Dire Viperblade. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

Morag Tong[edit]


  • my trade: "I am a student here. At the school. I want to learn to read."
  • Telvanni spy: "No, I am not a Telvanni spy. Unless you have proof, you should not make such accusations."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Ultimatum for Movis Darys[edit]

Should you wish to opt for a peaceful solution in this quest, you can speak with Movis Darys and convince him to betray the Dark Brotherhood in favor of the Morag Tong:

  • join the Morag Tong
    • "Morag Tong? But I'm just a simple peasant. What do I know about killing and all that?"
    • We know who you are. If you do not join, I will give you an honorable death.
      • [Belt of Sanguine Denial has been added to your inventory.] "If you know, then it is over... I swore an oath to the Dark Brotherhood, but I have learned that their ways not as honorable as the Morag Tong. All I can promise is that I will speak with Eno Hlaalu. If that is enough, report to him. If not, I will test your skill. Take this belt as a sign of my good faith."
    • Nevermind.
      • "Had me worried there. Must be a mistake, eh?"

If you speak with him again after he has agreed to join the Morag Tong, he will say:

  • join the Morag Tong
    • "I will speak with Eno Hlaalu if you let me live. Your move, %PCName."


  • Though the game states that he is a member of the Dark Brotherhood, he is not listed in the construction set as a member of the faction.