Morrowind:Gnaar Mok

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Gnaar Mok
(view on map) (lore page)
Alignment: Hlaalu
Region: Bitter Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:


  • (none)
MW-banner-Gnaar Mok.png
Gnaar Mok
A home for the taking
Caryarel at the Harbor

Gnaar Mok is a small fishing village on the Bitter Coast. There is little reason to visit the poor settlement during any major questlines, and it is only useful otherwise as a resting point while hunting, as there are few services.

Main Square and Harbor[edit]

Druegh-jigger's Rest houses members of the Thieves Guild. Wadarkhu is a Master Trainer in Sneak. Nadene Rotheran's Shack holds the local contingent of Camonna Tong thugs. They may not like you, but do offer some services and training.

Arenim Manor[edit]

A minor Hlaalu noble, Almse Arenim, owns a manor just north of the village. There is some training and savant services available.

Getting There and Around[edit]

A small boat at the harbor can take you south to Hla Oad and north to Khuul. Dirt trails go north to Gnisis and south to Hla Oad. The road east to Caldera and Ald'ruhn is difficult at first.

Places of Interest Around Gnaar Mok[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]


Imperial Cult[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]



  • People are worried about some Breeding Netch north of the village, and you can raise their disposition if you take care of the problem.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Almse Arenim Female Dark Elf Agent House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 14 102 108 0 30 Arenim Manor Trainer
Anas Ulven Male Dark Elf Thief Service Camonna Tong Thug(Thug) 9 81 106 100 50 Nadene Rotheran's Shack Trainer; Merchant
Andilo Thelas Female Dark Elf Savant House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 7 65 122 0 30 Arenim Manor (Outside)
Anglalos Male Wood Elf Pauper 2 35 82 0 30 Outside
Balan Female Redguard Scout Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 7 95 74 90 30 Druegh-jigger's Rest Trainer
Caryarel Male High Elf Thief 3 45 106 0 30 Outside
Daren Adryn Male Dark Elf Drillmaster Camonna Tong Bully(Bully) 9 94 112 0 50 Nadene Rotheran's Shack
Drarus Berano Male Dark Elf Assassin House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 14 109 136 0 30 Arenim Manor
Dridas Salvani Male Dark Elf Scout House Hlaalu Lawman(Lawman) 12 128 104 0 30 Arenim Manor Trainer
Hinald Male Redguard Pawnbroker Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 7 81 100 100 30 Druegh-jigger's Rest Merchant
Jerian Dolbanitte Male Breton Commoner 1 40 100 0 30 Jerian Dolbanitte's Shack
Mush-Mere Male Argonian Pauper 3 45 84 0 30 Mush-Mere's Shack
Nadene Rotheran Female Dark Elf Commoner 2 46 82 0 30 Outside
Rostlogi Female Nord Commoner 2 56 62 0 30 Rostlogi's Shack
Selvura Andrano Female Dark Elf Pawnbroker Camonna Tong Thug(Thug) 9 76 126 100 50 Nadene Rotheran's Shack Merchant
Sodrara Andalas Female Dark Elf Savant Service Camonna Tong Thug(Thug) 9 74 130 100 50 Nadene Rotheran's Shack Trainer; Merchant
Valveli Arelas Female Dark Elf Shipmaster 4 49 106 0 30 Outside Transport
Wadarkhu Male Khajiit Smuggler Thieves Guild Operative(Operative) 25 252 118 90 30 Druegh-jigger's Rest Master Trainer


MW-map-Gnaar Mok.jpg
Map Key