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Morrowind:The Dissapla Mine

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Rescue a healer from a Nix-Hound infested mine.
Quest Giver: Hrundi at Wolverine Hall
Location(s): Dissapla Mine
Prerequisite Quest: Battle at Nchurdamz
Next Quest: Berwen's Stalker or Tenim's Bounty
Reward: 250 gold, 4 Raw Glass
Disposition: +5 (Hrundi)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Fighters Guild)
ID: FG_DissaplaMine
Teres Arothan being hounded

Quick Explanation[edit]

  1. Receive your orders from Hrundi in the Wolverine Hall Fighter's Guild.
  2. Go to the Dissapla Mine, northeast of Falensarano.
  3. Talk to Novor Drethan and find out what the problems are.
  4. Rescue Teres Arothan from some Nix-Hounds.
  5. Go back to Hrundi to receive your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

The Orders[edit]

Hrundi in the Wolverine Hall Fighter's Guild asks you to check into some problems at the Dissapla Mine for the client Novor Drethan. The mine is northeast of the Dunmer stronghold Falensarano on the mainland, west of Tel Aruhn (ask him about Falensarano to have it marked on your map).

The Problems[edit]

Novor is found just inside with a few miners and tells you that they have had problems with Nix-Hounds attacking the miners and have lost their healer, Teres Arothan. You are to go down into the mine and bring back Teres if he's still alive.

Rescuing Teres[edit]

Teres can be found down the mine, along with a few Nix-Hounds of course. Talk to him in order to escort him back to Novor. Once you reach Novor, Teres will stop following you, and if you speak with Novor you will receive four pieces of raw glass as a reward.

Return to Hrundi for your 250 gold reward.


  • There's a veritable fortune in Raw Glass if you don't mind stealing it, just don't let anyone in the mine see you take any. The rear chamber is completely unguarded and contains eight glass ore rocks, each with up to eight Raw Glass in it.
  • It may be best to lead Teres down via the ledge near him, rather than down the stairs, since he seems to have a tendency to get stuck there.
  • If Teres dies during the quest, Novor Drethan's disposition towards you drops 30 points, and a further five points each time you talk to him after that.
  • You can do the rescue and receive the four glass reward even if you are not a Fighter's Guild member, but you cannot report back to Hrundi for the gold and disposition/reputation rewards.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Dissapla Mine (FG_DissaplaMine)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Hrundi told me to go to the Dissapla Mine and do what Novor Drethan says. The Dissapla Mine is northeast of the Dunmer stronghold Falensarano, which is on the mainland west of Tel Aruhn.
30 Novor Drethan told me that the mine has been having problems with a pack of Nix Hounds and that one of the miners, Teres Arothan, is missing. I must find Teres Arothan or his corpse and return to Novor Drethan.
40 I agreed to try and find Teres Arothan in the Dissapla Mine.
50 Teres Arothan asked me to help guide him back to the entrance of the mine.
55 I failed to rescue Teres Arothan from the Dissapla Mines.
70 I guided Teres Arothan back to the mine entrance.
90 Novor Drethan thanked me for rescuing Teres Arothan.
100 Finishes quest☑ Hrundi thanked me for finishing the contract and gave me my pay.
110 Finishes quest☑ Hrundi was displeased that I was unable to complete my mission in the Dissapla Mines.

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