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Morrowind:Writ for Navil and Ranes Ienith

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Kill these two brothers in the basement of the Dren Plantation Villa.
Quest Giver: Eno Hlaalu, Ethasi Rilvayn, Goren Andarys, or Dunsalipal Dun-Ahhe at the guildhalls in Vivec Arena, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, or Sadrith Mora
Location(s): Dren Plantation
Prerequisite Quest: Writ for Mathyn Bemis and Writ for Brilnosu Llarys
Next Quest: Eno Hlaalu's Quests
Reward: 2,000 gold
Disposition: -10/+10/+15 Disposition
Reputation Gain: +5 (Morag Tong)
ID: MT_WritNavil
Eliminate the brothers

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to any of the Morag Tong Masters at the guildhalls for a new writ.
  2. Go to the Dren Plantation to execute Ranes and Navil Ienith.
  3. Find the brothers in the basement of the Villa and kill them.
  4. Return to any of the Masters to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Any of the Morag Tong Masters at the guildhalls will give you a writ for Ranes and Navil Ienith, who can be found in the Dren Plantation.

Navil and Ranes Ienith[edit]

Both brothers can be found in the basement of the Dren Plantation Villa, behind two locked doors (Ranes doesn't exist until you attack Navil or Galos Farethi and will appear behind you once you do). Be careful, these two are powerful and can be a tough fight, especially with their paralyzing daggers.

Return to a quest giver to receive 2,000 gold for the writ.


  • This quest is basically identical to the Thieves Guild quest to kill these two Camonna Tong brothers, so you might have already completed it. If you have already done so, the Master will accept the quest as complete; however he will be upset because you have killed them dishonorably without a writ (although all that happens is you lose the 2,000 gold reward). However, the Thieves Guild will not care if they are already dead. So if you plan to work for both factions, it is better to do the Morag Tong quest first. You could also do both at the same time.
  • If your execution is reported as a crime, you will get 5 pts less Disposition increase.
  • If the brothers are already dead when you get this contract, your disposition with the quest giver drops ten points.
  • If you talk with Galos Farethi or Orvas Dren after killing the two brothers (and before completing the quest) they will be angry for the death of their comrades and will attack you. Galos Farethi is not needed for any quest, but you will obviously be unable to negotiate with Orvas Dren to complete his related quests - either for becoming the leader of House Hlaalu, or being recognized as their Hortator in the Main Quest. So, instead, you will have to kill him. As it turns out, killing Orvas is a viable alternative solution for both quests, since it breaks the link between the Camonna Tong and House Hlaalu so they can no longer oppose you within the House.


  • Killing both the brothers sometimes will not complete the quest when you talk to the Morag Tong guild members.
  • In the GotY version, killing Navil first gets the journal entry "Ranes Ienith has been slain..." and killing Ranes gets the "Navil Ienith has been slain..." entry.
    • On PC The console command: Journal MT_WritNavil, 100 should allow you to finish the quest successfully. ** The bug may also be avoided if you kill Ranes (the brother with the paralyzing daggers) first and then Navil.
  • In the vanilla version of Morrowind, you can't accept Writ for Dram Bero if you accept this quest first. This is fixed in the GotY edition.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Writ for Navil and Ranes Ienith (MT_WritNavil)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I have been given a Writ for the honorable execution of Navil Ienith and Ranes Ienith. They may be found on the Dren Plantation which is east of Pelagiad or west of Suran.
75 Ranes Ienith has been slain according to the traditional and honorable doctrine of the Morag Tong. The execution was reported as a crime.
80 Navil Ienith has been slain according to the traditional and honorable doctrine of the Morag Tong. The execution was reported as a crime.
85 Ranes Ienith has been slain according to the traditional and honorable doctrine of the Morag Tong. None dared to report my actions.
90 Navil Ienith has been slain according to the traditional and honorable doctrine of the Morag Tong. None dared to report my actions.
100 Finishes quest☑ I reported the honorable execution of Navil and Ranes Ienith.
110 Finishes quest☑ I reported the honorable execution of Navil and Ranes Ienith.

Prev: Writ for Mathyn Bemis and
Writ for Brilnosu Llarys
Up: Morag Tong Quests Next: Eno Hlaalu's Quests