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Morrowind Mod:Keyboard Shortcuts

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These are all of the known keyboard shortcuts that perform actions quickly in the Construction Set. They are categorized by which context you can use them in, such as when the render window is in focus.


Shortcut Action
F2 Edit the highlighted string
Ctrl-F Show find object dialogue
Ctrl-I Get data about references
I-MMB Get data about objects
Ctrl-C Copy to clipboard
Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-V Paste from clipboard

Render Window[edit]

Shortcut Action
Ctrl-S Save
Ctrl-Y Redo last action
Backspace / Ctrl-Z Undo last action
Ctrl-Shift-V Paste objects from clipboard at their original coordinates (in the current cell)
Print screen Play sound from object in loaded area
A Toggle bright light
B Toggle cell borders
L Toggle light radius and update lights (flame position and Ctrl+D'd object lighting)
M Toggle markers
Shift-C Toggle objects
F4 Toggle collision
W Toggle wireframe mode
H Toggle Landscape Editor mode
Ctrl-Shift-R-MMB Click on the selected object in the Render Window to bring up its Reference Data
F5 Reload visible cells
F10 Opens scenegraph

Camera Control[edit]

Shortcut Action
Shift-MMove Rotate view (with respect to selection)
Spacebar-MMove Pan view
MMB-MDrag Pan view
V-MMove Zoom in and out on the selected object (or camera center)
MMB-Scroll Zoom in and out on the selected object (or camera center)
Up Move view forward
Shift-Up Move view up along z-axis
Down Move view backward
Shift-Down Move view down along z-axis
Left Move view left
Right Move view right
Home Rotate view clockwise
Page Up Rotate view counterclockwise
C Zooms in to an isometric view of the selected object(s).
T Zooms in to a Top view of the selected object(s).

Selection Control[edit]

Shortcut Action
LMB-Click/Drag Select or deselect all (when clicking on empty space)
Delete Delete selection
Ctrl-LMB Multiple select
D Deselect
Ctrl-D Duplicate selection
LMB-MDrag Move objects (defaults to xy-plane)
RMB-MDrag Rotate objects (defaults to z-axis)
LMB-X Move objects on the x-axis
LMB-Y Move objects on the y-axis
LMB-Z Move objects on the z-axis
RMB-X Rotate objects on the x-axis
RMB-Y Rotate objects on the y-axis
RMB-Z Rotate objects on the z-axis
S Hold "S" then click and drag an object to resize it.
F Drops (or makes the object(s) Fall) to the top level of the object below them.

Landscape Mode[edit]

Shortcut Action
O Toggle between terrain edit and vertex color mode
LMB-MDrag (Terrain Edit Mode) Edit terrain based on selected mode (edit, flatten, soften)
RMB (Terrain Edit Mode) Paint selected land texture
LMB (Vertex Color Mode) Paint primary vertex color selection
RMB (Vertex Color Mode) Paint secondary vertex color selection
Ctrl-LMB (Vertex Color Mode) Vertex color select (works on models and landscape) - LMB to paint
Ctrl-RMB (Vertex Color Mode) Vertex color select (works on models and landscape) - RMB to paint

Pathgrid Mode[edit]

Shortcut Action
RMB Adds a new node
LMB-MDrag Move objects (defaults to xy-plane)
LMB-X Move objects on the x-axis
LMB-Y Move objects on the y-axis
LMB-Z Move objects on the z-axis
Ctrl-LMB Connects/disconnects clicked node from the selected node

Preview Window[edit]

Shortcut Action
A Pan left
D Pan right
S Pan down
W Pan up
Insert Rotates the object counterclockwise on its x-axis
Home Rotates the object clockwise on its x-axis
Page Up Zooms in.
Page Down Zooms out.
Up Rotates the object up on its y-axis
Down Rotates the object down on its y-axis
Left Rotates the object left on its z-axis
Right Rotates the object right on its z-axis


Shortcut Action
Left Move dialogue response up in a list
Right Move dialogue response down in a list
* Selects the top dialogue response in a file


Shortcut Action
0 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)
1 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)
5 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)
6 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)
7 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)
8 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)
9 (?) CS detects this key when Render Window is in focus (may require other button presses)


  • Clicking with Ctrl-Shift-RMB-LMB on the selected object in the Render Window crashes the Construction Set.