This page provides information on all the creatures in the game of Oblivion. NPCs are not covered on this page; note that Dremora are considered to be NPCs in Oblivion. There are more detailed articles covering each category of creature (animals, daedra, goblins, monsters, and undead) that provide full statistics on every individual creature that is encountered in the game. Lists of individual creatures can also be accessed from the Oblivion-Creatures category.
Animals (Leveled) |
Animals (Other) |
Monsters | Goblins | Undead | Daedra | |||||||||||
Lvl | Name | Lvl | Name | Lvl | Name | Lvl | Name | Lvl | Name | Lvl | Name | |||||
2 6 7 9 12 16 |
Wolf Timber Wolf Boar Black Bear Mountain Lion Brown Bear |
1 N/A N/A 1 1 N/A 1 |
Deer Dog Horse Mud Crab Rat Sheep Slaughterfish |
1 8 11 13 14 17 18* 20* |
Imp Troll Will-o-the-Wisp Spriggan Minotaur Land Dreugh Ogre Minotaur Lord |
1 6 10 15* 20* |
Goblin Goblin Skirmisher Goblin Berserker Goblin Shaman Goblin Warlord |
1 4 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19* 23* 26* |
Skeleton Zombie Ghost Skeleton Guardian Headless Zombie Ancient Ghost Skeleton Hero Faded Wraith Dread Zombie Skeleton Champion Wraith Nether Lich Gloom Wraith Lich |
1 5 7 9 13 15 16 18 19 22* |
Stunted Scamp Clannfear Runt Scamp Flame Atronach Clannfear Frost Atronach Daedroth Spider Daedra Storm Atronach Xivilai |
Unique Creatures: | ||||||||||||||||
Other Creatures: |
* These are leveled creatures that grow stronger with the player.
Most creatures encountered in the game are generated from leveled lists. This means that the game does not usually specify the exact creature that you will encounter at a given location; instead it specifies that the creature will be picked from a list of possible creatures, based upon the level of your character when you enter the area.
The above table shows which creatures belong to each of the standard leveled lists, and the level at which you will normally start to encounter them. These are the typical levels, but exceptions do exist, which are detailed along with the creature statistics. Two common exceptions are boss-level creatures and creatures encountered along roads, both which will be encountered two levels lower than the typical level.
Some other related pages are:
- Creature Resistances: A listing of which creatures have resistances and weaknesses to specific types of damage, as well as other innate abilities
- Dungeons: General observations on the populations of ruins and caves
- NPCs: Overview of all humanoids in the game
- Outdoors Creatures: The leveled lists used to generate animals and monsters found outdoors
- Souls: Provides details on the soul strength of the various creatures encountered in the game. Souls can be trapped within Soul Gems using Soul Trap.
- Oblivion-Creatures: This category lists all articles related to creatures and all individual creatures in the game.
Animals are non-magical creatures that generally rely upon melee-type attacks with their claws and fangs. Most animals are hostile. Several animals have resistance to frost; otherwise they have no magical abilities.
In some cases, the listed animals are primarily generated from animal leveled lists; these animals are commonly encountered along roads or in the wilderness, and are also found in several caves and some ruins. There are several animals, however, that are not part of these leveled lists, and there are other "nuisance" animals found almost anywhere. Specifics are provided with each individual animal.
Black Bear[edit]
Black bears are large, hostile animals. They do about half as much damage and have less than half the health of their larger relative, the brown bear.
- Found: Wilderness, roads, caves, and ruins (from animal leveled lists).
- Level: 9
- Drops: Bear Pelt (except for West Weald bears, which drop West Weald Bear Fangs).
- Resists frost.
- Has a 10% chance being infected with Yellow Tick.
- Variations: West Weald Black Bear, West Weald Black Bear Cub, West Weald Black Bear Den Hunter
Boars are small, hostile animals that will try to gore you with their tusks. They are extremely slow, which gives you a good amount of time to prepare yourself.
- Found: Wilderness and roads (from animal leveled lists); boars are not found in ruins or caves.
- Level: 7
- Drops: Boar Meat
- Resists frost.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Chanthrax Blight.
- Unique Boars: Bacon, Porkchop
Brown Bear[edit]
Brown bears are large, hostile animals that rely on their large, clawed paws for attacks. They are 30% larger than their smaller relative, the black bear, and about twice as powerful.
- Found: Wilderness, roads, caves, and ruins (from animal leveled lists).
- Level: 16
- Drops: Bear Pelt (except for West Weald Bears, which drop West Weald Bear Fangs).
- Resists frost.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Yellow Tick.
- Variations: West Weald Brown Bear, West Weald Brown Bear Cub, West Weald Brown Bear Den Hunter
Deer are skittish, non-hostile creatures that will flee if approached. Does are more common and are found in herds of two or three. Bucks are solitary and notably hardier.
- Found: Deer are found randomly along roads or in the wilderness (from animal leveled lists); they are never found inside, and are not aggressive.
- Level: 1
- Drops: Venison
- Ranged attacks are preferable, unless your Athletics and Speed are high enough to keep up with them, or your Sneak is high enough to avoid detection.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Dampworm.
- Although non-hostile, deer are counted by the game as an "enemy" when trying to wait or sleep outdoors.
Dogs are generally non-hostile, although dogs protecting bandit or marauder camps may attack. They can be distinguished from wolves by the darker tint of their fur.
- Found: Several dogs are pets in towns; dogs can also be randomly generated in place of a bandit or marauder in campsites.
- Level: 1
- Drops: Small, low-value item, if anything.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Witbane.
- Unique dogs: Bailey, Charlotte, Crazed Dog, Daisy, Jake, Kezune, Luna, Mojo, Pumpkin, Rohssan's Dog, Sakeepa's Dog
Horses are creatures that can generally be ridden. They are typically non-hostile but may attack you if you attack them first, and can deal a large amount of damage by rearing up and slamming their front hooves on you. Information on acquiring and riding horses is provided on the Horses page; the Horse Armor Pack allows you to purchase armor for your horse.
- Found: At stables outside cities (where they can be purchased or stolen), at other settlements, and wandering around on the outskirts of the Great Forest on the south shore of Lake Rumare. Horses found in the wilderness cannot be ridden, with the exception of the Unicorn.
- Drops: Nothing
- Variations: Bay Horse, Black Horse, Chestnut Horse, Imperial Legion Horse, Paint Horse, Weynon Priory Horse, White Horse, Wild Bay Horse, Wild Chestnut Horse, Wild Paint Horse.
- Horses that you have purchased are identified by their names (My Bay Horse, My Black Horse, My Chestnut Horse, My Paint Horse, My White Horse).
- Unique Horses: Blossom, Old Nag, Prior Maborel's Paint Horse, Shadowmere, Unicorn
Moths are passive creatures that can be found flying about. They cannot be interacted with in any way, and are purely aesthetic.
Mountain Lion[edit]
Mountain lions are agile, dangerous predators.
- Found: Wilderness, roads, caves, and ruins (from animal leveled lists).
- Level: 12
- Drops: Lion Pelt
- Resists frost.
- Variations: Starving Mountain Lion.
Mud Crab[edit]
Mud Crabs are pesky, weak predators.
- Found: Anywhere near water or underwater. Mud crabs are considered a "nuisance beast" that can sometimes appear in place of any leveled list creature (animal, monster, undead, or goblin).
- Level: 1
- Drops: Crab Meat
- Has a 15% chance of being infected with Swamp Fever.
- Unique Mud Crabs: Spectral Mud Crab, an unusually large (three times normal size) mud crab in Greenmead Cave.
Rats are pesky, weak and aggressive critters.
- Found: Anywhere. Rats are considered a "nuisance beast" that can sometimes appear in place of any leveled list creature (animal, monster, undead, or goblin).
- Level: 1
- Drops: Rat Meat (except for Sewer Rat)
- Has a 25% chance of being infected with any one of seven diseases.
- Variations: Sewer Rat
- Unique Rats: Llevana's Tunnel Rat, Schemer
Sheep are non-aggressive creatures that wander around in (or near) sheepfolds.
Slaughterfish are vicious underwater creatures that can be difficult to hit, especially since several types of attack are ineffective underwater.
- Found: Underwater only (lakes, rivers, flooded ruins and caves); slaughterfish are not included in any standard animal leveled lists.
- Drops: Scales (except for Rumare Slaughterfish which drop Rumare Slaughterfish Scales).
- Rumare slaughterfish are weak to shock.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Greenspore.
- Variations: Adult Rumare Slaughterfish, Giant Slaughterfish, Rumare Slaughterfish, Rumare Slaughterfish Brood Mother, Rumare Slaughterfish Spawn, Young Rumare Slaughterfish
Timber Wolf[edit]
Timber Wolves are 25% larger and are somewhat stronger than their relatives, standard Wolves.
- Found: Wilderness, roads, caves, and ruins (from animal leveled lists); timber wolves are also found in vampire lairs.
- Level: 6
- Drops: Wolf Pelt
- Resists frost.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Helljoint.
Wolves are fairly weak predators; their larger relative, the Timber Wolf is somewhat stronger.
- Found: Wilderness, roads, caves, and ruins (from animal leveled lists); wolves are also found in vampire lairs.
- Level: 1
- Drops: Wolf Pelt
- Resists frost.
- Has a 10% chance of being infected with Helljoint.
- Unique wolves: Redmaw, HjaltiFS
Monsters (also known as mythical creatures) are creatures with various magical abilities, ranging from attacks to various resistances. Monsters are commonly encountered along roads or in the wilderness, where they are randomly generated based upon leveled lists. Monsters are also encountered in various ruins and caves.
Imps are small, winged humanoids that fly around but are fairly weak.
- Level: 1
- Drops: Imp Gall
- Attacks using targeted elemental damage spells.
- Variations: Vault Guardian (only if Wizard's Tower is installed)
- Unique Imps: Sparky
Land Dreugh[edit]
Land Dreughs are large, dangerous creatures that appear part-crab and part-human. They have an armor-like shell, two pincer appendages, and human-like arms.
- Level: 17
- Drops: Dreugh Wax
- In addition to melee damage, does shock damage on touch.
- Resists normal weapons and magic.
Minotaurs look like bulls standing upright. About one-third are armed with warhammers. They attack rather slowly and predictably. At higher levels, Minotaur Lords are also encountered.
- Level: 14
- Drops: Minotaur Horn
- When its horn starts to glow, the minotaur is preparing to head butt (which damages health and disintegrates armor).
- Variations: Dreamworld Minotaur, Minotaur of the Grove, Savage Minotaur
Minotaur Lord[edit]
Minotaur Lords are more dangerous versions of the minotaur, with more health and more damaging attacks. About one-third of minotaur lords are armed with warhammers. They are 15% larger than regular minotaurs. Minotaur lords are leveled creatures that continue to increase their health and attack damage as your character levels up.
- Level: 20
- Drops: Minotaur Horn
- Minotaur lords have a more powerful head butt than standard minotaurs.
- Resists magic (unlike standard minotaurs).
- Minotaur lords are leveled, so they keep getting stronger with your character.
Ogres are large, muscular humanoids with a lot of health and a surprisingly quick and powerful attack. They should not be underestimated, especially because they are leveled creatures that continue to increase their health and attack damage as your character levels up.
- Level: 18
- Drops: Ogre's Teeth
- Ogres rely solely upon their fists for attacks (although their attacks have a chance of stunning).
- They have a weakness to poisons of any kind, so this is the best method of dealing with them.
- Ogres are leveled, so they keep getting stronger with your character.
- Variations: Pale Pass Ogre Caveboss, Pale Pass Ogre Groundling, Pale Pass Ogre Rocksmasher, Pale Pass Ogre Stonewrecker, Redguard Valley Ogre Caveboss, Redguard Valley Ogre Chieftain, Redguard Valley Ogre Groundling, Redguard Valley Ogre Rocksmasher, Redguard Valley Ogre Stonewrecker, Savage Ogre
Spriggans are forest spirits that appear part-tree and part-humanoid. Spriggans can not go into a body of water (a pond or lake etc.).
- Level: 13
- Drops: Taproot
- Can summon one Black Bear per day.
- Attacks with Spriggan's Curse which damages health and drains luck.
- Weak to fire but resists shock
- Attacks should be as fast and powerful as possible, otherwise the spriggan will completely heal herself (up to three times per day).
Trolls are fast-moving creatures that tend to attack somewhat erratically (e.g., retreating then suddenly charging again).
- Level: 8
- Drops: Troll Fat. (Painted Troll Fat in the case of the Painted Trolls.)
- Rely upon melee attacks.
- They regenerate health.
- They have a 50% Weakness to fire.
- The leveled trolls you meet in certain quests can be particularly strong.
- Variations: Azhklan Troll, Kalperklan Troll, Painted Troll, Savage Troll, Swamp Troll
- Unique Trolls: Uderfrykte Matron
Will-o-the-Wisps are glowing, non-corporeal beings with powerful magical attacks.
- Level: 11
- Drops: Glow Dust
- Relies upon magical attacks that absorb health and magicka (some attacks also damage intelligence and willpower); attacks are all on-touch, so avoiding contact with will-o-the-wisps is recommended.
- Frequently turn invisible when not attacking; Detect Life effects are very useful.
- Immune to normal weapons, silence, poison, and paralysis.
- During Blood of the Daedra, it is possible to encounter three non-aggressive, leveled will-o-the-wisps at the Azura shrine; do not make the mistake of assuming that all will-o-the-wisps are like these three.
Goblins are the most common type of monster in the game. Many caves, abandoned mines and forts are inhabited by goblins.
Goblins are very fast on their feet and in melee combat, and have a forward-jumping attack with a long range. They are typically armed with poor-quality, one-handed weapons or bows, though some are unarmed, and goblin shamans may wield offensive staves. Goblins may also use poisons to augment their damage. Goblins seem to love lockpicks; almost all goblins have a 25% chance of carrying two lockpicks. Except for Bitterfish goblins (which drop scales), they do not drop any alchemical ingredients when they are killed, though they may have coins and clutter objects. Many goblins are depicted as wearing armor, but except for occasional shields, the armor (often made of bones) cannot be removed.
Aside from random goblin encounters, there are seven tribes of goblins in the game, each inhabiting a specific cave or ruin. These tribes each have a fixed roster of goblins, so in these caves you will always find a predetermined combination of all five main goblin types, including a single goblin shaman and a single goblin warlord. The seven tribes are: Bloody Hand, Dust Eater, Rock Biter, Sharp Tooth, Skull Breaker, Three Feather, and White Skin. If goblins of opposing tribes encounter each other, they will fight each other to the death.
Most other goblins encountered during the game are not part of any tribe. A non-tribal goblin will not attack a tribal goblin upon sight, and vice versa. They are randomly generated from goblin leveled lists. If you enter a cave of non-tribal goblins early in the game, you may find only plain goblins; if you enter the same cave late in the game you will instead find multiple goblin shamans and goblin warlords. The Bitterfish goblins also fall in this group, i.e., this one tribe is made up of randomly generated, leveled goblins, and is the only tribe exempt from the tribal hostilities.
These are the weakest variety of goblin. They wear nothing but a loincloth.
- Variations: Goblin Ambusher, Goblin Chef, Goblin Netherboss, Goblin Rat Farmer, Savage Goblin.
For leveled-list goblins:
- Level: 1
- All are equipped with one-handed weapons; some are also equipped with bow and arrows.
For tribal goblins:
- The basic goblins are guards. They stay in the tribe's cave to protect it while the rest of the tribe goes out on attack.
Goblin Skirmisher[edit]
These are the second weakest variety of goblin. In addition to the standard goblin loincloth, they also wear some minimal armor (a breast plate and cap)
- One-half carry shields.
For leveled-list goblins:
- Level: 6
- All are equipped with one-handed weapons; some are also equipped with bow and arrows.
For tribal goblins:
- Goblin skirmishers are considered to be patrollers. The goblins encountered outside of caves are all skirmishers; inside the cave they have patrol routes that they follow.
- They are equipped with both a bow and arrows, as well as a one-handed weapon.
Goblin Berserker[edit]
Berserkers are fairly strong goblins; one-quarter of them carry shields that can be looted. All wear greaves, a cuirass, and a helmet that cannot be looted.
For leveled-list goblins:
- Level: 10
- All are equipped with one-handed weapons; some are also equipped with a bow (11% chance enchanted; starting from level 12) and arrows.
For tribal goblins:
- Goblin berserkers are the warriors of the tribe. They always follow the tribe's war chief.
- They are equipped with a one-handed weapon.
Goblin Shaman[edit]
Shamans are the only spell-casting goblins, and can be dangerous opponents.
- Often equipped with magical Staves.
- Are able to cast many spells. They will always summon a headless zombie. They will attack with Shock Damage, Frost Damage, and Paralyze spells.
- Have spell absorption, and can heal themselves.
- Variations: Goblin Witch
For leveled-list goblins:
- Level: 15
- Shamans are leveled, so they keep getting stronger with your character.
For tribal goblins:
- Shamans are the spiritual leaders of the tribe. There is always just one goblin shaman in each tribe.
- Shamans protect the tribe's goblin totem staff.
Goblin Warlord[edit]
Warlords are the strongest goblins, with the largest possible health of any standard creature in the game, and the best-quality weapons used by goblins. They wear a helmet with horns, a cuirass, greaves, and a shield, of which only the shield can be looted.
For leveled-list goblins:
- Level: 20
- All are equipped with one-handed weapons (sometimes enchanted); some are also equipped with bow and arrows.
- Have magic resistance.
- Warlords are leveled, so they keep getting stronger with your character.
For tribal goblins:
- Warlords are the military leaders of the tribe. There is always just one goblin warlord in each tribe, who will not respawn.
- Warlords will lead the rest of the goblins to find and retrieve the tribe's totem staff if it is stolen.
- Armed with only a one-handed weapon.
Undead Creatures consist of spirits, reanimated skeletons, and reanimated corpses. All undead are immune to poison and resist frost. Their attacks range from spells to weapons to melee attacks. Spirits can only be harmed by Silver, Daedric, Dremora, Enchanted weapons, magic, or unarmed attacks with a Journeyman or higher Hand to Hand level.
Undead are found in many Ayleid ruins and forts; they also appear in a few caves. Specialized types of ethereal undead inhabit the undercrofts of most chapels.
Ancient Ghost[edit]
Ancient ghosts are a type of ethereal undead that are more powerful than a standard ghost.
- Level: 11
- Drops: Ectoplasm
- Relies on frost damage and damage fatigue attacks.
- Has the ability to go invisible.
- Immune to normal weapons, immune to Frost, and immune to Poison
- Variations: Ancient Sanctified Dead
- Unique Ancient Ghosts: Llathasa's Spirit
Dread Zombie[edit]
Dread Zombies are the most powerful type of zombie undead. As with all zombies, they only have a melee attack, but it is made more dangerous by the diseases that they carry.
- Level: 16
- Drops: Mort Flesh
- Tough to kill. The best strategy is to keep them away from you with a long-reach two-handed weapon, since blocking their attacks is hard even if you have a high skill.
- Dread Zombies are always infected with Astral Vapors.
- Weak against fire, but immune to poison, resists frost, and resists magic.
- Dread Zombies regenerate health, unlike weaker zombies.
Faded Wraith[edit]
Faded Wraiths are the weakest type of wraith, but are more powerful than ghost varieties of ethereal undead. They are more transparent than a standard wraith.
- Level: 14
- Drops: Ectoplasm
- Primarily attacks with Frost Damage and can also attack with Silence, drain endurance and strength. Some Faded Wraiths are armed with a shortsword.
- Immune to normal weapons, immune to frost, and immune to poison
- Variations: Sanctified Ancient Spectre
- Unique Faded Wraiths: Llathasa's Spirit
Ghosts are the weakest type of ethereal undead. They have less health and weaker spells than the stronger Ancient Ghost.
- Drops: Ectoplasm
- Level: 6
- Its attacks combine frost damage and damage fatigue.
- Immune to normal weapons, immune to frost, and immune to poison
- Variations: Ancestor Guardian, Benirus Manor Ghost, Sanctified Dead
- Unique Ghosts: Ghost of Perennia Draconis, Llathasa's Spirit, Mishaxhi, Summoned Ghost of Rufio
Gloom Wraith[edit]
Gloom Wraiths are the most dangerous variety of ethereal undead. They have more health and stronger spells than standard Wraiths, and are also less transparent.
- Drops: Ectoplasm
- Level: 23
- Primarily attacks with debilitating frost damage spells, but can also cast Silence, absorb health, damage willpower, and burden. Some Gloom Wraiths are armed with longswords.
- Immune to normal weapons, immune to frost, and immune to poison
- Gloom Wraiths are leveled, so they keep getting stronger with your character
- Variations: Sanctified Ancient Spectre
- Unique Gloom Wraiths: Llathasa's Spirit, Wrath of Sithis
Headless Zombie[edit]
Headless Zombies are the intermediate strength variety of zombie undead. Compared to standard Zombies and Dread Zombies, the most obvious difference is the lack of a head; their health and attack damage fall between the two other zombie varieties. As with all zombies, they only have a melee attack, but it is made more dangerous by the diseases that they carry.
- Level: 10
- Drops: Mort Flesh (except for Deranged Zombies, which drop Bonemeal)
- Weak against fire, but immune to poison, resists frost, and resists magic.
- Headless Zombies have a 33% chance of being infected with any one of 8 diseases.
- Variations: Deranged Zombie, Motierre Zombie
Liches are the single most powerful type of undead creature. They carry powerful staves that can cast many types of spells. Liches and Nether Liches are the high-level type of bones undead. They can cast a range of dangerous spells, and summon other undead, such as Skeleton Champions.
- Level: 26
- Drops: Bonemeal, Enchanted Staves
- Liches have multiple spells available (including the spell cast by their staff), which are all randomly determined, and therefore they could cast any type of destructive magic, and could summon any other type of undead.
- Weak to fire, but immune to frost, immune to poison, resists magic, reflects spells, and absorbs spells.
- Unique Liches: Erandur-Vangaril, King of Miscarcand, Lorgren Benirus. These have widely different health levels from normal liches, from much weaker to much stronger.
Nether Lich[edit]
Nether Liches are a weaker variant of the Lich, but they are still a very dangerous type of undead. They cast multiple spells and summon other undead. Compared to a standard Lich, the Nether Lich has a weaker staff, is more transparent, and does not have the standard Lich's ability to reflect spells.
- Level: 19
- Drops: Bonemeal, Enchanted Staves
- Nether Liches have multiple spells available (including the spell cast by their staff), which are all randomly determined, and therefore they could cast any type of destructive magic, and could summon any other type of undead.
- Weak to fire, but immune to frost, immune to poison, resists magic, and absorbs spells.
Skeletons are the weakest type of undead; the more powerful types of bones undead are the Skeleton Guardian, Skeleton Hero, and Skeleton Champion; at even higher levels skeletons will be replaced by liches. The different skeleton varieties differ in health and also in the type of weapon that they wield.
- Level: 1
- Drops: Bonemeal, weapon
- There are both archer and melee versions; the melee version wields a war axe.
- Immune to poison, immune to paralysis, and resists frost.
- Variations: Undead Akaviri Soldier, Dark Guardian
- Unique Skeletons: Gran Struthe, Undead Blade, Warden Kastav
Skeleton Champion[edit]
Skeletons Champions are the most powerful variety of skeleton. Unlike weaker types of skeleton, the Skeleton Champion has the ability to summon a Skeleton Guardian.
- Level: 17
- Drops: Bonemeal, weapon
- There are both archer and melee versions; the melee version wields a claymore.
- Immune to poison, immune to paralysis, and resists frost.
Skeleton Guardian[edit]
Skeleton Guardians are a relatively weak type of skeleton, stronger than only the standard skeleton, but weaker than all other types of bones undead. Melee Skeleton Guardians are the only type of skeleton to carry a shield.
- Level: 8
- Drops: Bonemeal, weapon, shield
- There are both archer and melee versions; the melee version wields a mace.
- Immune to poison, immune to paralysis, and resists frost.
Skeleton Hero[edit]
Skeleton Heroes are the second-strongest variety of Skeleton, weaker only than the Skeleton Champion.
- Level: 12
- Drops: Bonemeal, weapon
- There are both archer and melee versions; the melee version wields a battle axe.
- Immune to poison, immune to paralysis, and resists frost.
Wraiths are a fairly strong variety of ethereal undead. All wraiths are more powerful than ghosts, which are the lower-level type of ethereal undead. The standard Wraith is stronger (more health, more powerful spells) than the Faded Wraith but weaker than the Gloom Wraith.
- Level: 18
- Drops: Ectoplasm
- Primarily attacks with Frost Damage, but can also cast Silence, Absorb Health, Damage Endurance, and Damage Strength. Some Wraiths are armed with longswords.
- Immune to normal weapons, immune to frost, and immune to poison
- Variations: Sanctified Ancient Spectre, Spectral Sailor
- Unique Wraiths: Llathasa's Spirit
Zombies are the weakest type of zombie undead; both Headless Zombies and Dread Zombies have more health and more damaging attacks. Zombies only have a melee attack, but they are also infected with various diseases.
- Level: 4
- Drops: Mort Flesh (except for Deranged Zombies, which drop Bonemeal)
- Weak against fire, but immune to poison, resists frost, and resists magic.
- Zombies have a 25% chance of being infected with any one of 10 diseases.
- Zombies missing an arm will use an attack animation as if their arm was still there, this can be hard to spot unless you watch for it specifically.
- Variations: Deranged Zombie, Motierre Zombie, Zombie Guardian
- Unique Zombies: Mucianus Allias, Nath Dyer
Daedra are creatures from the Planes of Oblivion, which is the main place where all daedra are encountered. Some Daedra are also found in Conjurer lairs; they may also be summoned by conjurers and other mages.
Clannfears are a fast-paced, dinosaur-like enemy with a triceratops-like head without horns. Their powerful jumping attacks can stagger you. Clannfear Runts are a smaller version of the Clannfear.
- Level: 13
- Drops: Clannfear Claws
- Weak to shock, but resists fire and reflects damage.
- Xivilai have the power to summon a Clannfear.
Clannfear Runt[edit]
Clannfear Runts are 20% smaller than full-size Clannfears, with less than half the health and do less than half as much damage.
- Level: 5
- Drops: nothing
- Weak to shock, but resists fire and reflects damage.
Daedroths are huge, fast and strong. They resemble a huge, humanoid crocodile standing upright.
- Level: 16
- Drops: Daedroth Teeth
- Attacks with Fire Damage and a strong melee attack.
- Weak to shock, but resists fire and casts a Shield spell.
Flame Atronach[edit]
Flame Atronachs are humanoids with a female body. Their bodies are composed of flames, over which they wear black metal armor. They are the weakest type of Atronach encountered in Oblivion; Frost Atronachs and Storm Atronachs are both stronger.
- Level: 9
- Drops: Fire Salts
- Relies on Fire Damage for magical attacks, with both targeted and on-touch spells. They will occasionally perform melee attacks as well.
- Weak to frost, but immune to poison, immune to fire, and reflects damage.
Frost Atronach[edit]
Frost Atronachs are intermediate-level atronachs that look like humanoid blocks of ice. Frost Atronachs are rarely encountered in the planes of Oblivion.
- Level: 15
- Drops: Frost Salts
- Relies upon Frost Damage for attacks, with both targeted and on-touch versions.
- Weakness to fire but, immune to poison, immune to frost, and reflects damage; also have a Restore Health spell.
- Variations: Frostfire Atronach Gladeguard, Frostfire Atronach Gladeling, Frostfire Atronach Gladelord, Frostfire Atronach Gladewarden
Scamps are pesky, weak humanoids that make loud sniffing noises as they prowl around. Stunted Scamps are a weaker version of the Scamp.
- Level: 7
- Drops: Scamp Skin
- Attacks with claws and with targeted Fire Damage; can cast Reflect Spell once per day.
- Weak to shock, but resists fire.
- Variations: Everscamp
Spider Daedra[edit]
Spider Daedra are half-woman and half-spider. They move quickly and erratically, making them difficult targets for archers.
- Level: 18
- Drops: Daedra Silk, Daedra Venin
- Always summons a Spiderling to distract you; the Spiderling has an attack with Damage Health and paralysis.
- The Spider Daedra primarily attacks with Shock Damage, but also has Damage Health, Damage Agility, and Damage Speed available. She can heal herself.
- Weak to frost and shock, but immune to paralysis and resists fire.
Storm Atronach[edit]
Storm Atronachs are the most powerful atronachs in Oblivion (Flame Atronachs and Frost Atronachs are the other two varieties). They are made up of large rocks that can spin around when preparing to attack; when they die, the rocks break apart and scatter everywhere.
- Level: 19
- Drops: Void Salts
- Primarily attacks using Shock Damage (both targeted and on-touch versions).
- No weaknesses; immune to shock, poison, and paralysis; reflects damage.
- Unique Storm Atronachs: The Sunken One
Stunted Scamp[edit]
Stunted Scamps are lesser versions of the Scamp: they are 20% smaller, have one half the health, do less damage, and have no spell reflection capability.
- Level: 1
- Drops: Typically nothing, although bones or minor treasure such as gold, lockpicks may be found, and even silverware, gems, rings and empty soul gems can theoretically be dropped.
- Attacks with claws and targeted Fire Damage.
- Weak to shock, but resists fire.
Xivilai are powerful, blue-colored humanoids.
- Level: 22
- Drops: Daedra Heart, two handed weapons
- Generally summon a Clannfear to fight with them.
- Can cast multiple spells, including Fire Damage and Shock Damage.
- Some Xivilai are also armed with a two-handed weapon (which they wield one-handed).
- Weak to shock, but resists fire and absorbs spells; the spell absorption compensates for their Stunted Magicka.
- Xivilai are leveled, so they keep getting stronger with your character, although they normally only appear at high levels.
- Unique Xivilai: Anaxes, Medrike
Unique Creatures[edit]
Mehrunes Dagon[edit]
Mehrunes Dagon is the Daedric Prince of Destruction and the main obstacle in the final events of the Main Quest. He is a large humanoid with four arms.
- Mehrunes Dagon is considered by the game to be a creature of type Giant, although he otherwise appears to be an NPC.
- He cannot be killed by mortals; the most that can be achieved by attacking him is to stagger him.
- If the 'kill' console command is used on him, Mehrunes Dagon seems to fall down like a balloon that is losing air.
- It is possible to kill him with Wabbajack.
- It is also possible to kill him with a Damage Fatigue or Absorb Fatigue spell, or a weapon enchanted with them.
- He has some spells with unique effects. These effects are known as "Mehrunes Dagon Custom Effect".
Siege Crawler[edit]
The Siege Crawler is an enormous, walking Daedric tank capable of overtaking or leveling entire cities.
- Encountered during the assault on Bruma during the Great Gate quest.
- Drops: Sigil Stone
- Its mission is twofold; to destroy Bruma and to prevent you from reaching the Sigillum Sanguis to claim the Great Gate Sigil Stone.
- It cannot be damaged, but will automatically be destroyed once the Great Gate is closed.
- Technically, it is not a creature but rather an "activator" in CS, which means its attacks, movement and death are all scripted.
Other Creatures[edit]
Aurorans are leveled Daedra from the realm of Meridia added by the Knights of the Nine official download. They are commanded by Umaril the Unfeathered, and share his desire to destroy the Nine Divines. During the quest Umaril the Unfeathered, the Aurorans that you meet inside Garlas Malatar will continually be resurrected until the dark orb is destroyed.
- Level: Leveled
- Drops: Daedra Heart