Oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)

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Imperial Prison Sewer
(view on map)
# of Zones 6
Rats, Goblins, Undead
Mythic Dawn Assassins
Console Location Code(s)
ICPrisonSewerExit01, ImperialDungeon01, ImperialDungeon04, ImperialDungeon05, ImperialDungeon02, ImperialDungeon03, ImperialSewers03
Northeast of the Imperial City, across the water from Vilverin
Imperial Prison Sewer

Imperial Prison Sewer is a large sewer northeast of the Imperial City where the tutorial takes place. Later, it may be seen as Imperial Prison Sewer (Scheduled for Execution). It contains 6 zones: Imperial Prison, Imperial Substructure, Natural Caverns, Imperial Subterrane, The Sanctum, and Sewers.

Quests Starting Here[edit]


  • Be sure not to leave any valuables in this sewer after finishing the tutorial, as the entrance door is locked upon completion of Deliver the Amulet. If you try to regain access, you will see a message indicating that a sign on the door reads "No entry on pain of death. Sealed by authority of Commander Adamus Phillida, Imperial Legion". Prior to finishing Deliver the Amulet, you may still backtrack as far as The Sanctum before encountering permanently locked doors leading back into the Imperial Subterrane. Therefore, if you wish to collect all loot in the tutorial area before completing the quest, you may temporarily store heavier items in the chest in The Sanctum.
  • If you have Knights of the Nine and/or Shivering Isles installed, their content will become available as soon as you exit the sewers.
  • On Xbox An Xbox 360 achievement will be unlocked upon exiting the sewers.


Key to Maps
Imperial Prison Sewer, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 11, 20
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Imperial Prison Sewer (editor name ICPrisonSewerMapMarker). The entrance door is NE of the marker, 1 feet away.
  • 1-2 Mud Crabs are near the entrance
  • 1 Slaughterfish is near the entrance
  • 1 Nirnroot is at location N on map
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 3 Clouded Funnel Cap plants and 2 Green Stain Cup plants

Zone 1: Imperial Prison[edit]

Imperial Prison
The rat-filled area containing various loot

After the game's introductory cinematic, you will be placed in a cell in the Imperial Prison, in the southwest corner of this zone. After you have chosen your race, three Blades (Captain Renault, Baurus, and Glenroy) will arrive, escorting Emperor Uriel Septim VII. After entering your cell and positioning you out of the way next to the window, Renault will open a secret passage in the northeastern wall of your cell and the group will proceed through it.

Follow them through the series of passages until you arrive in a large room. Four Mythic Dawn assassins will appear from door X (to the west), which is too high to reach, and attack the group, killing Renault before they are cut down. Baurus stoically takes charge and leads the Emperor and Glenroy through the nearby door X (to the east), which is locked, thus leaving you alone. Pick up Renault's katana, as a wall (D) nearby will crumble and two rats will emerge to attack you.

Pass through the rubble into the next room, kill another rat, and loot the chest close to the entrance. Proceed to the skeleton nearby (B) and relieve it of its items. An iron bow and a rough leather shield are also close at hand. Use your lockpicks to unlock the chest next to the skeleton, then loot the other containers nearby and proceed to door A. In front of it is a dead goblin shaman (E) who holds the key to the door along with more decent loot.



Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone:
    • 1 door (at X - western) leads to a inaccessible area where the Mythic Dawn assassins are initially placed
    • 1 door (at X - eastern - locked, key required) leads to the zone Imperial Subterrane
    • 1 door (at A, locked) leads to the zone Imperial Substructure
  • 1 Iron Gate at C (locked, key required, opened by Baurus)
  • 1 Crumbling Wall at D


Zone 2: Imperial Substructure[edit]

Imperial Substructure
Imperial Substructure

This zone is fairly linear, so proceeding from door A to door B shouldn't be too difficult. The main obstacle in this zone is the zombie in the corridor linking the first two rooms. Several rats will flee its presence, and taking them down shouldn't be too challenging; as for the zombie, use your newly acquired fire damage spell to finish it off.

The third room contains a good deal of equipment and treasure at G, in particular heavy armor. Be sure not to miss the average-locked chest hidden in a hole in the wall in the southern corner. In the final room, loot the skeleton at D and pick up the flawed ruby next to it, then harvest the nearby plants for ingredients useful for poisons.



Doors and Gates:


  • 1 Skeleton (dead) at location D on map

Zone 3: Natural Caverns[edit]

Natural Caverns
Natural Caverns

Once again, this zone is quite straightforward, but the goblin enemies here are much more challenging than the previous rats. In the first room, pick up the novice mortar & pestle and the various ingredients, which enable you to produce some Damage Fatigue and Damage Health poisons that may be of use later on. The goblin skirmisher in the next room will set off the three Swinging Log traps (M) by crossing the Tripwire, so try to push him toward the incoming logs.

In the next passage, you can choose to finish the two goblins ahead by pushing the Falling Logs at L down at them, or you can try to run through the whole of the next large chamber, getting all the goblins to follow you, then return here and hopefully kill more enemies using the logs in one go. If you prefer not to take a risk, sneak and snipe the enemies in the large chamber to prevent the goblins from ganging up on you. In particular, beware of the goblin witch. Loot the area and proceed to the next zone through door C.




Doors and Gates:

Zone 4: Imperial Subterrane[edit]

Imperial Subterrane
Imperial Subterrane

You enter this zone from door C in a cave-like tunnel which soon leads to a hole in the wall, allowing you to jump down into the main section of the zone. You will still be on a higher level than the Blades and the Emperor, who arrive from door X, and if you're quick enough, you can snipe at the Mythic Dawn assassin on the ledge opposite you. Jump down once the battle is over and follow the group once again. If you wish to keep all of the loot from the previous zones and are carrying it back and forth, make sure to throw it down below before you jump, as the distance is too high to jump back up.

In the next room, instead of following the group down into the lower area, you can take advantage of your elevated position and snipe at the assassins on the ledges in front of you. Continue through the zone, which shouldn't pose much of a problem if you leave the fighting to the Blades. Door D will require a key to open, so wait for the Blades and the Emperor to approach and unlock it. Note that once you pass through door D it will lock behind you and you won't be able to access this area again, so make sure to take all the loot you want with you.



Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone:

Zone 5: The Sanctum[edit]

The Sanctum
The Sanctum

After entering from door D, Baurus will realize the gate at B is blocking the way, and will instead proceed toward the small room to the east. As soon as you reach it, four assassins will enter from the doors at X and a gate will appear in front of door D. After the Emperor has died and the secret wall at C has opened, the assassin will attack you. He is quite challenging, so if you are having problems, backtrack to Baurus and let him help. Baurus will then give you the key necessary to open door E and proceed to the Sewers.



Doors and Gates:

  • There are five doors in/out of this zone:
    • 3 doors (at X) lead to 3 inaccessible areas where the Mythic Dawn assassins are initially placed
    • 1 door (at D) leads to the zone Imperial Subterrane
    • 1 door (at E) leads to the zone Sewers
  • 1 Iron Gate at B (locked, key required)
  • 1 Secret Wall at C

Zone 6: Sewers[edit]


Navigating this zone is quite simple. Proceed from door E down to the first room, where you will face up to three enemies (two goblins and a rat), so consider sneaking to pick them off one at a time. Continue until you reach the exit (Out), where you will be given a final opportunity to change your attributes.



  • 1 A Battered Crate (contains 3 Flour)
  • 1 Barrel (contains 6 Cheese Wheels)
  • 2 Chests (contain 26-34 Iron Arrows and 2-3 Lockpicks)
  • The other following items will always be found: 1 Gold

Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone: