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Oblivion:Larthjar the Laggard

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Quests: written by Para01 (in-game, CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Schedule: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789 (In-Game)N/A, checked by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS, N/A)

Personal Inventory: written by Emoboy64 (CS), checked by mxk101 (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - doesn't own a house), checked by Emoboy64 (CS)

Unique Dialogue: written by Para01 (in-game, CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS - none)

Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Emoboy64 (CS)
Larthjar the Laggard
(RefID: 0000BD61)
Home City Imperial City
Location Arboretum
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 3 Class Thief
RefID 0000BD61 BaseID 0000BD60
Other Information
Health 41 Magicka 77
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Essential Until Lost Histories is completed
Faction(s) IC Citizens; IC Beggars; Beggars
Larthjar the Laggard

Larthjar the Laggard is a Nord beggar who can be found in the dungeon of Castle Skingrad once you start the Thieves Guild quest Lost Histories. He can be persuaded to provide information concerning a missing fellow member also imprisoned in Skingrad.

He wears only a pair of pants and a shirt.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Lost Histories[edit]

Larthjar lives a simple life during his stay in the Skingrad Prison. He will sleep all day, every day unless you go near his cell, in which case he will get up and head to the entrance of his cell. When you enter the jail to search for Theranis, you will find that Larthjar is the only prisoner present. If he spots you he will say:

"You must be the new slop drudge."

When directly spoken to he will plead hopefully:

"Are you here to rescue me?"
No. You are a criminal.
"You bastard! It's not like I killed her. I just roughed her up a bit. Nothin' the healers can't fix."
Yes, I'll rescue you.
"Just unlock the door. A couple of hours after you're gone, it will be quiet again and I can sneak out."

He can then be asked further questions:

"I ain't tellin' the likes of you." (Disposition below 40)
"You mean the thief? He was in the big cell with that Argonian. They were always whispering to each other. The Pale Lady took him days ago."
The Pale Lady
"Every few days she comes for one of us. Some return, some don't. Those that are taken three times never return. This was Theranis's third time."
Where does she take them?
"I don't know. She took the Argonian less than an hour ago though. He put up quite a struggle. He was bleeding all over the place."

If you said you'd free him, he will leave conversation with:

"Don't let the guards catch you."

If you instead said you wouldn't rescue him, when approached again he will be angry

"Hey! You said you would unlock the door!"

Unlock his cell door and Larthjar will make his escape, though while the quest is still active he will simply hide crouching behind the door leading out of the cell block.


Once the quest is complete, Larthjar will make good his escape and relocate to the Imperial City's Arboretum. At this point, he lives a contented life of begging. After he gets up at 6am he will beg at the gate that leads towards the Arcane University for six hours. At noon he will head to the opposite side of the Arboretum to beg at the gate that connects to Green Emperor Way for the next six hours. After a long day of begging he will take a meal for the next two hours near his bedroll. From 8pm until 10pm, having finished his meal he will wander around his camp. Finally he will head to bed at 10pm and sleep for eight hours.



  • Sometimes, upon entering the Arboretum, Larthjar will run after you saying he 'needs to lock up' and 'it's time to leave now'. Obviously he doesn't own the Imperial City, or the Arboretum, but he won't stop following you until you leave the Arboretum.