Oblivion:Nels the Naughty
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project. The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Details
Quests: written by Dwarfmp (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game)
Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game) Services: written by Corevette789N/A (In-Game), checked by Forfeit (CS, offers none) Personal Inventory: written by Were, checked by Eshe (CS) House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives in Summitmist Manor), checked by Emoboy64 (CS) Unique Dialogue: written by Dwarfmp (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game) Rumors: written by Dwarfmp (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game) Faction: written by N/A (no changes), checked by Eshe (CS) |
Nels the Naughty (RefID: 00028B76) |
Home City | Skingrad | ||
Location | Summitmist Manor | ||
Race | Nord | Gender | Male |
Level | 1 | Class | Barbarian |
RefID | 00028B76 | BaseID | 000277D4 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 1 | Magicka | 77 |
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 20 |
Faction(s) | The Doomed House Guests |
Nels the Naughty, a Nord barbarian, is a guest at Summitmist Manor in Skingrad. He's a contestant in a private treasure hunt, together with Dovesi Dran, Matilde Petit, Neville and Primo Antonius, or so he believes. In truth, he is trapped with these people as part of a Dark Brotherhood contract, which will be given to you as the quest Whodunit?.
He wears middle-class attire consisting of a blue & green outfit and a pair of quilted shoes. He also carries a bottle of mead and some gold.
Like many Nords, he loves to drink and generally comes across as a jovial character. However, it seems he drinks to forget a troubled past. He had a daughter, Olga, who was killed by bandits during a raid on his village in Skyrim and the local garrison of the Imperial Legion did nothing to stop it. This leads him to despise the Imperial Legion, including Neville. Neville and Matilde Petit in turn despise Nels, with Dovesi Dran and Primo Antonius being fairly indifferent towards him initially. Nels cares a great deal for Dovesi Dran, because she resembles his daughter Olga.
Related Quests[edit]
- Whodunit?: Summitmist Manor; there were six on the night of last and then there were none... save one.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
During Whodunit?, you'll be tasked to eliminate the whole party at Summitmist Manor, which includes Nels. Ocheeva will reveal, "Each guest, at some point in the past, wronged their mysterious host. Now he's hired us to exact his revenge.", though it is unknown what Nels did to deserve this contract on him.
When you enter the manor, Matilde will approach you and introduce herself and the other guests:"The rest of us have already traded introductions. I'm Matilde Petit. The others are Nels the Naughty, Neville, Dovesi Dran and Primo Antonius." You will then hear a conversation between Nels and Neville, who each can't stand one another:
Neville: "So, Nord, if you find the gold, what will you spend it on? Wait, let me guess -- a sleazy whore and a nice new battleaxe. Am I right?"
Nels: "I'm going to open a tavern. Not that I'd welcome your patronage. No pigs allowed inside, you see. You Legion types tend to stink up a place."
Neville: "A tavern! Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, I should have known! Leave it to a barbarian to spend an entire chest full of gold on beer and mead. How pathetic."
Nels: "You can call me a barbarian. It's true and I'm proud of the fact. But you call me pathetic again and I'm going to show you just how barbaric I am."
Neville: "With every word you speak you're just proving me right, Nord. Your kind has contributed nothing to our Empire, and never will!"
Nels: "Ha ha ha ha ha! "My kind," as you like to call us, are plenty happy serving our own needs while your useless Empire crumbles down around you!"
Neville: "Your words border on treason, Nord, and I will not tolerate them! You will respect the Empire! You will respect the memory of our dear Emperor!"
Nels: "Bah! Don't get your linens in a bunch. You have no authority in this house, or anywhere else. You're not even in the Legion anymore!"
Neville: "Nevertheless, I still serve the Empire in my heart and will not abide such talk! Walk away from me now, barbarian, or you'll regret your arrogance."
Nels: "Pfft. I was done with you anyway. I can only talk to an ex-Legion pig for so long before my ears start bleeding. Besides, I need a drink. Ha ha ha!"
After this conversation, he will place himself near the dining table and start drinking mead nonstop. When you first greet him he'll introduce himself:
- "Well, hello there. Nels is my name. Some call me Naughty, but don't you believe it! Hahahaha!"
- Nels the Naughty
- "Ah, don't let the name fool you. I had a bit too much mead a few years back, and there was this tavern wench.... Anyway, just call me Nels."
Subsequent greetings will depend on his disposition towards you:
- "It's funny. I like just about everyone, but the very sight of you makes me sick. Why don't you go look for the gold someplace else, friend. " (Low - below 30)
- "I'll let you in on a little secret. If I find the chest of gold, I'm going to open a tavern. The Hoary Boar! It's been my dream since I was a boy." (Medium - between 30 and 69)
- "Well, my friend, the search is on, eh? I wonder how much gold is actually in the chest? A thousand pieces of gold? Ten thousand? I guess it all depends on the size of the chest. The bigger the better, of course, but where would our mysterious host have hidden such a thing?" (High - above 70)
You can ask him and the other guests about each other to which they'll give their opinion based on their disposition towards you:
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "She's an innocent young girl, and she doesn't need people like you asking questions about her." | "Dovesi is a sweet young lass. She reminds me of someone I knew. But perhaps we should talk about something else." | "Let me confide something in you, my friend. Dovesi is the spitting image of my own daughter! Her skin is darker, of course, but that sweet face... My daughter was killed, you see. A few years back, by bandits. I'm sorry, please forgive a father's heavy heart." |
Matilde Petit | "I ain't got much to say about the old lady, and even if I did, I wouldn't say it to you." | "Kind of stuck-up, that one. Right before you got here I told the funniest joke about an Argonian maid, and she didn't even crack a smile." | "Heh, you should have seen the old biddy trying to talk to young Primo Antonius. She may be a noble, but he looked down on her like a scullery maid." |
Neville | "He's an Imperial Legion bulldog. Scum, if you ask me. Kind of like you." | "Once an Imperial Legion bulldog, always an Imperial Legion bulldog. I've seen his kind before. He cares about laws and regulations... not people." | "I will confide something in you, my friend. I despise Neville and all his Imperial Legion ilk! They are useless, uncaring tools of corruption! Three years ago, my village in Skyrim was attacked by bandits. We went to the nearby Imperial Legion outpost, but they refused to help us! My dear, sweet daughter Olga was killed that day. She was murdered, and the Legion would do nothing to help her. Neville and his kind are scum." |
Primo Antonius | "He's somewhere around here. Why don't you stop wasting my time and go ask him yourself." | "Seems like a nice enough kid. A little too rich for his own good, maybe, but I've met worse." | "Primo is young and rich. I can sense a good, decent person in there somewhere. He just has to get his priorities straight." |
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "It's none of your business how I feel about him." | "I wonder what makes him so "Naughty"? He seems nice enough to me." | "Every now and then he looks over at me and smiles. I think he's sweet on me. If Nels finds the gold, maybe he'll want some company. " |
Matilde Petit | "He reminds me of you. Uncultured, unwashed and generally uninteresting." | "He's a Nord. Mead-swilling barbarians, all of them." | "Oh, that man disgusts me! I find his entire manner offensive. Why, just before you got here he told the most off-color joke about an Argonian maid." |
Neville | "Why don't you and that barbarian climb back under your rock." | "Nels is a Nord, and like all Nords he's a lawless barbarian with no respect for authority." | "Know what I think? I think that barbarian will do anything to get his hands on the chest of gold. His kind are greedy and vicious, all of them. Trust me, I know. I was stationed at Fort Frostmoth for a few years, on the isle of Solstheim. Those Nords are a bunch of animal-worshipping savages. They're all the same, full of mead and something to prove. We lost a lot of good men up there. A lot of good men." |
Primo Antonius | "He's a Nord. Even a complete idiot could see that. So what does that say about you?" | "There's something about Nels I can't quite place. He's not from money, that's obvious. But I don't think he's quite the buffoon he seems, either." | "Nels is a drunk. He's doesn't even try to hide that fact. But what else is he? When the liquor has dried, what remains of the man? I think Nels drinks to forget, maybe about some tragedy in his life. He plays the buffoon, but I sense a deep sadness in him." |
Like all other guests, when approached he may say:
- "So, here we all are. It certainly is a nice house."
- "I can't quite decide where I should look. I don't want to break anything but the chest of gold could be hidden anywhere."
- "Hello there."
Similarly, upon leaving conversation, like all other guests he may remark:
- "I have a good idea where that chest might be. That gold is as good as mine."
- "All right then, I guess I'd better start looking. That gold's not going to find itself!"
- "Hmm? Oh, yes, maybe we'll speak again later."
One Guest Eliminated[edit]
Once a guest has been eliminated, the atmosphere obviously changes, and so do the opinions of each guest. Nels will greet you according to his disposition:
- "Someone has been killed. I don't suppose you know anything about that, now do you?" (Low)
- "Someone's been murdered! By Ysmir's beard, I need a drink!" (Neutral)
- "Have you heard, my friend? One of our fellow guests has been murdered! This bodes ill for our stay, and our search for the gold." (High)
Despite his nervousness, Nels will continue to drink at all times of the day, even though he was meant to have a more varied schedule (see Bugs section).
If you ask him about the other guests again, he will say the following:
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "You want to talk to me about Dovesi? Someone's been murdered, you idiot! There are more important matters to discuss right now!" | "The poor lass looks upset. But if she's anything like my daughter, she's tougher than she looks. She'll be all right." | "Let me tell you something. If anyone thinks they're going to hurt that poor Dark Elf girl, they're going to have to get through me first." |
Matilde Petit | "Can't this wait, huh? Someone's been murdered and I've got better things to do than gossip about an old woman." | "The old biddy seems flustered about the murder, but who isn't, right?" | "It seems she's upset about the murder, but there's something else. It's almost like she's glad there's less competition for the gold. Greedy old bat." |
Neville | "Right now I'm more concerned with the person who's been left for dead in this very house, not with that Legion dog." | "He's like everyone else in the Imperial Legion. Someone needs help, someone is getting killed, and they're nowhere to be found. Worthless." | "I really have to wonder where Neville was when someone was getting slaughtered just a few rooms away. Maybe he was busy looking for the chest of gold. Or maybe he was right next to the victim, with his hand on the hilt of a dagger. Think about it." |
Primo Antonius | "It's really none of your business what I think about him, now is it?" | "I can't imagine someone like Primo has seen much death and suffering. This murder must be quite a shock to him." | "Whoever the killer is would have to be strong, and quick. Now, I'm not saying Primo is our murderer, but you have to admit it's at least possible." |
Depending on who has died, he will also have the following comments about them, which he will repeat as the murders continue:
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "Who could have done this? Who could have killed a sweet, innocent girl? Was it you? So help me, if I find out you're the one who did this...." | "I..I can't believe she's dead. Seeing her body lying there.... It's like my poor daughter all over again." | "No... no! When I looked into Dovesi's face it was like peering at my own daughter. I... I feel like I've lost her all over again." |
Matilde Petit | "She's dead. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now would you?" | "What kind of sick, demented person could cut down an old woman in cold blood? It proves that evil truly does exist in this world." | "Some bloodthirsty monster killed that woman in cold blood. It's obvious to me one of the other guests killed her to eliminate the competition. Assuming that's true, who's next? You? Me? We need to keep our eyes open, friend. And we'd do well not to trust the others." |
Neville | "The man is dead, you horse's ass! There's nothing more to tell!" | "I may not have liked the man, but I'm particularly troubled by his death. Neville was a capable fighter. Who could have killed him, and so quickly?" | "You want to know how I really feel about Neville's death? I'm afraid. I may hate the Imperial Legion, but its members are trained warriors. Neville was probably the most capable fighter among us, yet he was cut down silently, just a few rooms away. I fear one of us is not who they appear. This isn't the work of some greedy house guest. There's an assassin among us, you mark my words. We must watch ourselves at every step." |
Primo Antonius | "The lad's dead, you uncaring fool! Now get away from me before you join him!" | "That poor boy didn't deserve to die. He was rich! He had no business even being here, looking for treasure that might not even exist." | "Primo being here made no sense. Whoever our host is, why would he invite someone who didn't even need the money? It's as if we were invited for another reason altogether. Think about it. We're trapped in this house, with no way out. And now people start dying. I think poor Primo was tricked, just like the rest of us. If we're not careful we'll end up dead too. You mark my words." |
The others will also discuss Nels when you ask them:
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "So, you think Nels did it, do you? I would appreciate you keeping your opinions to yourself." | "I don't know what to make of all this, but I'm not sure I see Nels as a murderer." | "Do you think he could have done it? He comes across as something of a drunk, but you never can tell what someone is capable of." |
Matilde Petit | "Even if I do think Nels is the killer, I wouldn't share my thoughts with the likes of you." | "He's an obnoxious drunkard, I know, but I'm not sure if I see him as the murdering type." | "You think Nels might be the killer? He plays the buffoon, but it could all be an act. He is a Nord, and they're such a savage, uncivilized people." |
Neville | "Someone's been killed, and you know what my real problem is? Trying to decide who did it, you or that worthless Nord." | "When people start turning up dead, it's usually a good idea to keep your eyes on any nearby Nords, if you understand what I'm saying." | "Nords are raised to be cold-blooded killers. Don't take your eyes off Nels if you value your life. I'll bet anything he's our murderer." |
Primo Antonius | "Are you trying to insinuate that Nels might be the killer? Maybe I think you did it. After all, murder is a common crime of the... low-born." | "Nels seems just as unnerved as the rest of us that someone has been killed, but he seems to find solace in a bottle." | "Before the body turned up, I got the sense that Nels was a bit of a drunkard. But he seems truly unnerved now, and is drinking rather excessively." |
Like all other guests, when approached he may say:
- "Have you heard? Someone's been murdered! One of us!"
- "What kind of party is this? Someone has been murdered!"
- "Is that why someone invited us here? To kill us? This is horrible!"
- "Are you all right? This murder has us all on edge, I know."
Similarly, upon leaving conversation, like all other guests he may remark:
- "You'd be smart to stay with the rest of the group. It's just not safe to go wandering off alone with a killer on the loose."
Two Guests Eliminated[edit]
With tension now rising, it becomes more apparent that the supposed gold is just a hoax, and everyone suspects each other more and more. Nels will continue drinking at all times and then greet you with the following lines, depending on his disposition:
- "Well, look at you. Two people have been horribly murdered, and you're right as rain. Strikes me as odd, that does." (Low)
- "Two people, dead. If anyone else drops, I swear I'm going to gather every drop of alcohol in this house and drink myself into a stupor." (Neutral)
- "I haven't seen death like this in a long, long time. It's a bit more than my nerves can handle, I'm afraid. I plan to gather up every drop of drink in this house and keep it to myself, if things get any worse around here. I find comfort there, you see." (High)
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "Two people are dead, you pathetic little worm. Take your gossip mongering someplace else." | "She's frightened, of course. No one that young should be exposed to such horrors." | "So far the killer has claimed two victims. If they plan on adding Dovesi to that list, they can think again. I won't let any harm come to that girl." |
Matilde Petit | "Have you no compassion? There are two bloody corpses lying in this place, and all you can do is question me about that old woman?" | "She looks pretty shaken, doesn't she? I can't tell if it's genuine fear or just really good acting. She's as much a suspect as anyone, don't forget." | "I'll be honest, friend. I don't know what to think about Matilde. Yeah, she seems frightened, but she's also still alive. Why wasn't she killed? She may look old and weak, but that's never stopped a murderer before, has it? Don't doubt for a second that she couldn't be the killer." |
Neville | "By Ysmir's dragon blood, what's wrong with you? Two people are dead! It's hardly the time to chat about that Legion lackey!" | "Two of us killed, and where was the stalwart Legionnaire? That's what I'd like to know. He spent his life protecting the citizens of Tamriel? Ha!" | "With two of us now dead, it seems like the others are looking to Neville for protection. The fools! He'll kill them like he did the others! That's right, I think Neville is the murderer. I can't prove it yet, but he'll slip up, just you wait. Whatever you do, don't turn your back on him." |
Primo Antonius | "I'm not sure if you're really concerned for the kid or trying to convince me he's a murderer. Either way, I ain't listenin'." | "I'm not sure what to think of the kid anymore. All I know is that two of the guests have been murdered, and he's just dandy. Makes you wonder." | "Let me ask you something, friend. Why is Primo even here? The rest of us need the money, but his family is wealthy beyond measure. Maybe he was bored, or maybe he just wanted to do some slumming. Or maybe he's a trained assassin hired to kill us all, one by one. Sound crazy? Well these are crazy times, my friend." |
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "Look, I don't know who is responsible for this madness, so stop trying to taint my opinion of Nels." | "I just don't know what to make of Nels anymore. He plays the bumbling drunkard, but he could very well be the killer." | "Can I be honest with you? Nels won't stop looking at me. At first I was flattered. But now he's scaring me! He could be the killer! I could be next!" |
Matilde Petit | "Why are you trying to turn me against the Nord? Maybe you did [sic], and you're just trying to cover your tracks!" | "Well, the list of suspects is certainly getting smaller. I didn't think the swine had it in him, but now I'm not so sure." | "Two people dead, yet Nels still lives? I don't think that's a coincidence. Nords are savages, born to kill. I just know he did it!" |
Neville | "Now this is interesting. Two people turn up dead, and you're more concerned with my feelings toward the Nord. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to turn me against him to cover your own tracks." | "Two people are dead, and the only thing the Nord can do is dive into a bottle of beer. If you ask me it's all an act. Nels killed those people and pretty soon he'll come for the rest of it. Don't you worry, when I gather more evidence, I'll take that scum down!" | "That mead-swilling barbarian killed those two people, I'm sure of it! I don't have the proof just yet, but I'm watching him. Don't you worry, my friend. Nels won't get away with this. Not on my watch." |
Primo Antonius | "Damn it man, two people are dead! Have you nothing better to do than question me about the Nord?" | "He's drinking even more than he was before. Is it because he's afraid, or feeling guilty?" | "To be honest, I'm not sure if I trust him. He's a hard drinker, but there's something more. Something in his eyes, hard and calculating." |
Like all other guests, when approached he may say:
- "Two of us have been murdered! One of us is a killer! But who?"
- "It's not safe to be alone. I certainly don't want to be the third victim."
Similarly, upon leaving conversation, like all other guests he may remark:
- "Stay safe... if that's even possible."
- "Don't go far. It's too dangerous to go wandering around this house."
Three Guests Eliminated[edit]
With only two targets left, there are now only two possible suspects: the other guest, or you. Once more, his greeting will depend on his disposition:
- "You're enjoying all of this, aren't you? You like seeing us squirm! What in blazes is going on here? Do you have something to do with this?" (Low)
- "Three people... murdered. I know I shouldn't go wandering off alone right now, but for the love of Ysmir, I need a drink! I need to find some real spirits. I think I saw some mead down in the basement. I don't care if it's not safe! It's my nerves! I need to calm down." (Neutral)
- "My friend, please stay safe! Three of us have been murdered! Besides you and me, there's only one guest left, if you know what I'm saying. I've seen death like this before. Many years ago, my daughter was murdered by bandits who came to our village. I'm sorry... I... I need a drink."
After this, he will set out for the basement to look for a drink (8 to be exact) and will refuse to talk to you during this behavior:
- "Please, not now. I just want to be by myself for a bit."
Once he's acquired the necessary booze he will head back upstairs, sit down at the table and proceed to drink himself into a stupor, although a bug may also result in him being stuck in the basement.
Depending on the disposition towards you, guests can be persuaded to attack the other, or they might assume you are the assassin and assault you. Note that Nels will not attack you even if he assumes you to be the killer. He will, however, end the conversation and attack each other guest should you mention them with a high disposition, except for Dovesi Dran, whom he never suspected.
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "Only three of us left, and one of us is a murderer. Do you expect me to believe it's that sweet girl? You murdering scum! I'll kill you!" | "She's afraid for her life, as we should be! There's someone else in this house, my friend. Someone hiding somewhere, killing us off one by one!" | "I swear to you, my friend, if anyone tries to harm that sweet girl I will tear them limb from limb! Whoever killed the others will strike again. They're getting into this house somehow, which means there must be a way out as well! We need to find the secret exit and escape this madhouse!" |
Matilde Petit | "What, you think the old woman is the killer, is that it? Is that what you'd have me believe? Trying to cover your tracks?" | "She's either a frightened old woman or a cold-blooded killer! I don't know whether I should comfort her or hit her over the head with a rock!" | "There are only three of us left! You and I are no killers, so that leaves the old woman! Don't be fooled by her appearance. Matilde is no weakling. She killed the others in cold blood, and she'll try to kill us next! I'm not about to stand around waiting to die! We need to kill Matilde!" |
Neville | "Three guests have been slaughtered, and you want to ask me about that Legion dog? I don't know who I hate more, you or him!" | "Guests are dropping like flies around here, but not Neville, he's still in one piece. That tells me he's either very lucky, or a cold-blooded killer." | "That sniveling Legion dog must die! Do you understand me? He's the murderer! He killed all those people! He must pay for what he's done!" |
Primo Antonius | "By Ysmir, you've got nerve! Three people are dead! What, are you trying to turn me against Primo now?" | "This is madness! There are now only three of us left -- myself, you and Primo. I know I'm not the killer, but what about Primo? What about you?" | "Besides you and me, he's the only one left! By Ysmir, that boy will pay for what he's done! Come, we must kill Primo before he kills us!" |
Should he succeed in killing the other guest, he will say:
- "Ha ha! We did it, my friend! The killer is dead, and this nightmare is just about over. All we have to do now is find a way out of here!"
Beside Matilde, each guest will end the conversation and attack Nels if you talk to them about him with a high disposition.
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "Either you or Nels is the killer! I can't trust either of you, so just stay away from me!" | "Please, just leave me alone! Either you or Nels is a murderer. I just don't know who to trust anymore!" | "It's Nels! He's the murderer! We have to get him before he gets us! Do you understand what I'm saying? We have to kill Nels!" |
Matilde Petit | "My feelings about the Nord are my own business! Leave me be!" | "You and Nels... both still alive. One of you is a cold-blooded killer! I... I never did trust that Nord...." | "Oh, please! Save me! Save me from that savage! He'll kill me and then feast on my flesh! That's what Nords do! Please, I don't want to die!" |
Neville | "I was positive he was the killer until you opened your mouth. Now I'm not so sure." | "My gut instincts tell me Nels is the killer, but still I lack the proof I need to confront him. Maybe you can convince me I'm right." | "My friend, in talking to you, it's become clear what must be done. I have no doubts in my mind that Nels is the killer. We must take him down! We've got to kill that cold-loving bastard before he turns on us! You cover me while I strike the killing blow!" |
Primo Antonius | "You want me to think Nels is the killer, is that it? Maybe you did it, eh? Maybe you're just trying to turn me against him!" | "I just don't know what to think. I had my doubts about Nels, and he is still alive. Could it be true? Could he have killed all of them?" | "I was right about him! He's been doing it, he's the killer! My friend... you and I have to end this. We must kill Nels before he kills us!" |
With Neville in particular, and Nels being the other survivor, Neville will actively greet you if he already had a high disposition towards you: "There you are. Listen, I've searched every inch of this house. It's sealed up tight. There's no way in or out, and there's nobody hiding anyplace. That means the killer has been inside with us all along. You and I aren't murderers, so that leaves one person! It's Nels the Naughty!" You now have three options to reply:
- We must act now! Kill Nels!
- "Yes! Yes! We must kill that foul Nord before he slits our throats! Aaaaaiiiieee!" (Neville will charge Nels)
- Flee, my friend! I'll confront Nels!
- "You... You would do that for me? You are truly a good friend. Yes, I... I fear this is beyond even my ability. I'm not as young as I used to be. I'll take refuge in my room until Nels has been dealt with. Thank you my friend! And good luck!" (Neville proceeds to hide)
- [Say nothing.]
- "Yes, well, I know how you feel. What words can really do justice to the terrible situation at hand? But we must stick together if we are to survive!" (nothing happens)
Like all other guests, when approached he may say:
- "This house is a deathtrap! We're being killed off, one by one!"
- "So many people dead. I just don't know who to trust anymore."
Similarly, upon leaving conversation, like all other guests he may remark:
- "Where are you going? What are you doing? We need to keep our eyes on each other!"
- "This is insane. We're being hunted down one by one. There must be a way out of this madhouse!"
If Nels is the only target alive, he might attack you after greeting him, if he has either a low or high disposition towards you:
- "By the gods, you're the only one left. It was you! How could you? How could you have killed all those people? You won't take me so easily!"
- "You want to know something, my friend? I just don't care anymore. We're the only two left. I know I didn't kill those people, so that leaves you. And now you're here to kill me, right? Well, let's get this over with."
With a neutral disposition, he'll simply refuse to talk:
- "You! What do you want? If you're looking for something to drink, I can't help you. It's mine. It's all mine. It's the only thing I have..."
Should Nels die at any point, the other guests will remark on his demise:
Disposition: | ≤30 | >30 | ≥70 |
Dovesi Dran | "Don't you even care that Nels is dead? Maybe you killed him!" | "The way he looked at me. It was flattering at first, and then... oh, who could have done this? Why would anyone kill Nels?" | "To be honest, I started getting a bad feeling about Nels. But now he's dead! I... I should have gotten to know him better. Now it's too late." |
Matilde Petit | "He was a buffoon, but I didn't wish him dead, you cold-hearted villain!" | "All right, so I didn't care much for the man. That doesn't mean I wanted him dead." | "So, Nels is dead. I don't condone murder, of course, but I can't say he'll be missed. As a rule, I find Nords rather... vulgar." |
Neville | "The Nord has been murdered. Maybe I'll get lucky and the same thing will happen to you. Unless, of course, you're the one who did it...." | "Can't say I'm sorry to see there's one less Nord in the world. Still, I don't appreciate someone getting murdered right under my nose." | "One less Nord in the world is something I'd normally cheer about, but the fact that he was murdered by a fellow guest does put a damper on things." |
Primo Antonius | "He's dead, and one of us killed him. Maybe it was you, eh? Maybe he found the gold, and you murdered him for it!" | "Someone killed the man, but who? And for what reason? We may never know." | "I was thinking, maybe Nels found the chest of gold, and one of the others killed him for it! We've got to be careful, my friend, or we could be next!" |
If two or more guests are killed, and Nels is among those killed, Neville will instead put his suspicions on you if he has a low disposition:
- "Nels is dead. You know what that means? You've just shot to the top of my suspect list. You make one wrong move and I'll break you!"
Should Neville and Dovesi Dran remain as the only survivors, Neville will mention Nels when he discusses Dovesi:
- "So, three of us left -- you, Dovesi and myself. The list of suspects is certainly getting smaller. With Nels dead, my eye is on Dovesi." (Neutral)
- "You want to know the truth? I thought for sure Nels was the killer. But with him dead, my bets are now on Dovesi." (High)
If Matilde and Primo are dead, Neville will suspect Nels if you ask him about Dovesi with a high disposition:
- "You want my honest opinion? I think Nels is the killer. But I haven't yet ruled out that Dovesi may be working with him."
- You cannot discuss rumors with Nels or any of the other guests.
- Nels's drinking package will override all others until his basement trip. Without this issue, he would have instead slept from midnight to 6am, then searched the ground floor for six hours, the living quarters from 12pm to 3pm and the basement from 3pm to 7pm, before joining the other guests for dinner at 7pm. If three guests are dead he would have instead slept from 8am to 10am and spent the rest of the day wandering around the ground floor.
The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.3.6, fixes this bug.
- It is possible for Nels to become stuck in basement when he goes looking for drinks. ?