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Oblivion Mod:Alexis Magiergilde

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Alexi's Magiergilde (Alexi's Mages Guild)[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) Alexi
Current Version 3.0
Last updated 17 Aug 2009
Links Planet Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls
Language German
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time 3-6 hours
Quests (Side Quests) 5 (3)


Are you worthy to be the Archmage? Are you ready to deal with the problems of the Arcane University? Are you the hero the guild needs in these times? Find out!

After you kill Mannimarco, the fun of the Mages Guild is over. You might think that you have a lot to do as Archmage, right? All that you get for your efforts for the guild is a chest where you can clone ingredients. It does not even work with every ingredient, and only once a week! With this mod, that will change! Because with "Alexi's Mages Guild", the life of the Archmage improves immensely!

Overall, life has been improved as Archmage (or as a normal mage) at the Arcane University. Moreover, some new quests for more variety make changes to the Arcane University:

  • Palace of the Archmage (residential, experimental area, writing desk, private library, store room, room of mysticism, alchemy garden, exhibition space and a small garden on the roof).
  • Mages Guild teleport system for all mages apprentices and students - useful to quickly get to all the recommendations!
  • Tower of the holy two altars: Two altars with which you can create each spell and each enchantment.
  • "Jesan's magic accessories", a magician stall (robes, capes, etc. ... all content belongs to a mage.)
  • Archmage completely refurbished (due to proximity Mod).
  • Lustratorium and exercise rooms were extended to all mages of the Arcane University.
  • A mystery in the Chironasium (you'll find out ;)).
  • The Arcane University was slightly embellished (example: banners on the walls).
  • Two new, very useful books that are in the Archmage Palace.
  • Key of the Archmage is a quest item, as it is important.
  • Ingredients clone with the special chest of the Archmage now works with nirnroot.
  • A complete set of Archmage Robes (gloves, new robe etc. ...) which is completely retextured thanks to the kind daniel41. If you do not like this robe, you can find the old blue robe (but also with enchantment) in the ground floor of the Archmage's Tower. You can also mix the sets, depending on how you like it best ;-)!

Changes to Mannimarco

  • Mannimarco is now better balanced and a challenge (a lot stronger).
  • Enchanted Robe (with new spells) including Hood.
  • The battleground is now better (a lot more atmosphere).


  • Playing time: The new quests from my mod should employ a 3-6 hours, depending on the play. Since there is more to discover in my mod, as the quests, I suppose that the mod will keep you occupied for even longer!
  • 7 quests (5 major quests, 1 side quest, and 2 mini-quests) (always one/several reward(s)).
  • New Dungeons and 3 new World Spaces!
  • The quests all have a little backstory; they are, in my opinion, no simple "Bruiser" stories.
  • A new, in my opinion, more appropriate final quest of the Mages Guild.

