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Oblivion Mod:Armageddon

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Mod Information
Author(s) Lancilotto
Current Version 1.8
Last updated 29 Apr 2011
Links File Planet, GameFront, Nexus Mods
Language English

French: Confrerie des Traducteurs (v1.8)
Russian: The Elder Scrolls Modding (v1.3)

Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 3


This mod adds a new quest to the game as well as a lot of brand new stuff. In order to start the quest you have to find the Templar Headquarters, which is located northeast of Leyawiin, along the Yellow Road. Once there speak to Efremor, who is the Templar Master, and you will be invited to join the Templar Order.

You will start as an Apprentice, but soon you will be given a series of tasks that will make you rise in rank once completed. When you will be promoted to the level of "Equerry" (the second rank in the row), you will be allowed to spar with Sabella, the personal trainer of the Templar Knights. She will spar with you using her bare hands, her dagger, her longsword and shield, or her claymore depending on your choice. Note that she will actually hurt you while exercising (this to add a little bit more realism to the game, I thought it was extremely boring to spar with NPCs that do not hurt you). She has many health points, so that she will not be knocked down very easily. Obviously you can't kill her, but she can kill you, so be prepared to surrender (i.e., activate Sabella while parrying) as soon as your healthbar gets too short (I think this is the real training for players: check your healthbar before it's too late) and she will quit the fight immediately. She was conceived to spar with players that are at least around level 25 or above, and wearing a good armor; if you do not meet these requirements perhaps you should wait until you get them before crossing your sword with her, she could beat you pretty badly otherwise...

Once you complete the first quest entitled "The Templar Order" you will activate the quest "Armageddon", which is actually the one you have been prepared to deal with all along. At the end of the quest named "Armageddon" you will meet... well, I don't want to spoil my story here, it's up to you to find out everything by speaking to my NPCs and reading the journals and books I have written.

Upon completion of the first quest you will earn 3 fame points, and upon completion of the second you will earn 7 fame points and activate a third short quest that will act as a small additional reward to your efforts up to that point.

This mod adds full sets of Templar Apprentice armor, Templar Knight armor, Teutonic Knight armor and a full set of the armor worn by the final boss you'll meet at the end of the quest entitled "Armageddon". Both male and female versions are available for all the armors above with the only exception of the last one (only male). As regards weapons, this mod adds Templar and Teutonic longswords and a powerful claymore which will be the weapon used by the final boss.

The new armors and longswords are only slightly better than the Daedric ones. The claymore is one of the most powerful two-handed swords you can get without spoiling the balance of the game. Nothing is enchanted apart from the claymore, this because I wanted to leave to the players the freedom of choosing their favoured enchantments.

Apart from some new houses and a plethora of new NPCs this mod also adds a series of new dungeons to explore (e.g., a couple of caves, a fort, an Ayleid ruin...) and a new world: "The Otherworld".



  • This mod is compatible with Unique Landscapes.
  • There is a conflict with Oblivion Mod:Blood & Mud: Dirt: because of a bridge being located in the same area as one of the buildings from this mod, if you have B&M installed you'll have to temporarily disable collision via the console in order to enter Murk Grumoll's house.
  • Known Issues:
    • Sometimes there are some problems when asking Sabella to spar with you, because she doesn't equip the weapon you asked her to and she keeps the one already in her hands; sometimes she even keeps her shield while fighting with her fists, claymore, or dagger. Also, The "check your gear" commands sometimes fails to perform correctly and the NPCs might "forget" to equip some of their items. The solution to both glitches is asking the NPC a second time to do what you want (i.e. equip a claymore, repair his/her gear etc.). These glitches are all due to a bug present in the construction set and that shows up every time one uses a script asking a NPC to equip/uneqip multiple objects.
    • It may happen that Marcus' helmet becomes either very shiny or very dark (especially during a rainy day). This bug is related to the "follower's double-face bug". To fix it you simply have to install the latest version of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and use the spell that fixes the double face (fix follower double-face bug). Please note that sometimes that spell works only if your follower is actually following you (i.e., it might not work if the companion is told to wait somewhere).
    • Some of Tsyrkis' minions sometimes are lazy and won't attack you right away. If this happens, and you are up for a fight, just attack them first.