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Oblivion Mod:Complete Installation Guide for Oblivion/Part 2/BAIN

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The BAIN version of the second half of this guide is for users whom plan to use OBMM as the primary tool for installing mods. After finishing this guide you will have a nice, stable modified setup to begin experiencing the extended wonders of modified Oblivion.

Introduction to Bash's Automated Installer[edit]

This simplest mod management approach is to use one tool for one task. Use the same process to address each mod. For BAIN users, this means trying to get every mod packed into a BAIN-Friendly format. BAIN supports 7-zip, RAR and ZIP file formats. Therefore, all BAIN-Ready and simple installation mod downloads are install-ready once they have been put into the Bash installers folder.

In that mindset, mod downloads can quickly be broken into three basic groups: BAIN-Ready, Simple Installation (not in need of any repackaging), and neither. When packages are put into the Bash Installers folder, their states are indicated by the check box coloring and package highlighting.

Quick Intro[edit]

  • The Bash Installers folder is located under Oblivion Mods, which, by default, is located in the same folder as the Oblivion folder. This is the packages folder.
  • BCFs are installed to the Converters directory beneath the Bash Installers folder.
  • The other subfolder of Bash Installers is Bash, which is where packages are 'hidden' and is also the location of the information for package order.
  • BAIN offers prioritized installation, wherein higher-order packages' files always overwrite lower-order packages. >> note: Packages must be sorted by 'order' in order to modify package order.
  • Newly-added (to the Bash Installers folder) archives are position immediately before the 'Last' marker. >> note: "Before" indicates lower priority, just as it does with respect to load order.
  • Plugins installed by BAIN packages have their associated package listed in the Installer column of the Mods tab.
  • BAIN also offers scripted installation, via its BAIN Wizard, but the feature is relatively new.
  • BCFs are only applicable to the exact file(s) for which it was made.

Be Aware[edit]

  • When running installers (executables) to be packed into an archive, when possible, have the installer install the files to a temporary folder, a folder other than the Oblivion Data folder. It is easier to identify the files that need to be repackaged that way. Alternatively, temporarily renaming the Data folder should have the same effect.
  • Most downloads are simple packages, which are already BAIN-Friendly.
  • BAIN does not have support for installing shader editors, and it will not install OBSE Plugins or EXE files.

Heads Up[edit]

  • BAIN does not (yet) support the installation of shader editors, files that modify the SDP files in the Shaders folder. For now, install any such mods (or parts of mods) with OBMM.
  • BAIN cannot install OBSE plugins either. It only natively supports the default folders, Docs, and a few extra folders that are commonly used to store INI files. If a package has extra (non-BAIN-standard) folders (i.e., for INI files), right-click on the package and flag it as 'Has Extra Directories'. If that contains files that would have to be installed into one of the standard folders in order to actually be installed, it will still be skipped.
  • BAIN only supports 7-zip, ZIP, and RAR archives. It can also recognize projects, which are open folders in the Bash Installers directory.
    Notes: 1) Embedded archives are not visible to BAIN. 2) If a self-extracting 7-zip EXE is renamed to have the .7z extension, it is recognized as a valid 7-zip file by your OS (and BAIN, of course.)
  • BAIN automatically sweeps loose (at the top of a package or subpackage) documentation and image files into the Docs folder (unless the files is of one of the types BAIN has been told to skip via the Packages tab context menu.)
  • BSA redirection can be enabled through BAIN via the option in the context menu of the Packages tab. (Right-click on it.)
  • Also, in the Packages tab context menu are various flags that tell BAIN whether or not to install certain types of (optional) files.
  • The 'Auto-Anneal' flag found in Packages tab context menu tells BAIN to correct the installation of (lower-order) packages when packages are uninstalled and overlap with other packages.
  • Where as packages are assigned a number (the Order number) that tells BAIN in what order to sort them, subpackages are sorted alphanumerically (0-9,A-Z).
  • Bash automatically skips the omod conversion data folder (silently), any unrecognized folders and subpackages prepended with "--".
  • Unlike OBMM, Data is not a standard folder because everything installed from a BAIN-Ready package is install-ready, which means that the files can be installed into the Data folder without further modification. The Data folder cannot be installed in the Data folder. It can, however, be the name of a package's subpackage.

Create BAIN-Friendly Packages[edit]

Download BAIN Conversion Files[edit]

BCFs need to be placed in Oblivion Mods/Bash Installers/BAIN Converters. By default Oblivion Mods is located in the Oblivion install folder, the same folder containing Oblivion.

Convert the Downloaded Archives[edit]

First steps: Initialialize Bash's Installers tab, then left click on the tab and choose 'Open'...

Streamline << -- BAIN-Ready

Common Oblivion (COBL) << -- BAIN-Ready

COBL Cosmetics << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Enhanced Economy << -- BAIN-Ready, but make sure 'Has Extra Directories' is checked

  1. Right-click on the Enhanced Economy package.
  2. Make sure there is a checkmark next to 'Has Extra Directories'.>> note: Without that check, the folder containing the Enhanced Economy price files would not be installed.

Harvest Flora << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > HF-BFC archive from the context menu.

nGCD << -- BAIN-Ready

Progress << -- BAIN-Ready

Tamriel Travellers (TT) << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > TT-BFC archive from the context menu.

Actors in Emotions << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Bank of Cyrodiil << -- manual but only requires a little repackaging that a BCF cannot do

  1. In the Bash Installers folder, right-click on the archive, and extract it there (i.e., with 7-zip's 'Extract here' command.)
  2. Rename the main file, replacing the "exe" extension with "7z".>> note: Most EXEs are not self-extracting 7-zip installers, but this one is (hence, why the changing of the extension did not make the file unrecognizable.)
  3. Add the ReadMe to the archive (i.e., with 7-zip's 'Add to archive...' function.)
  4. Delete the EXE and the loose ReadMe.

Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > SRT-BFC archive from the context menu.

Qarl's Texture Pack III Redimized (QTP3R) << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Official Plugins << -- manual but simple (only requires packaging into an archive)For each DLC...

  1. Run the installer, which installs the plugin and corresponding BSA to the Data folder.
  2. Add the plugin and BSA to an archive.
    • This is method creates simple packages. Alternatively, a BAIN-Ready archive could be made for all of the DLCs: Put each plugin and BSA in a folder, fittingly named, and then select and add all of the DLCs' folders to an archive.
  3. Put the archive in the Installers folder.
  4. Remove\Uninstall the installer-added (source) files.

Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

UOP Supplemental << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (USIP) << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Unofficial Official Mods Patches (UOMP) << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Gates to Aesgaard Episode 1 (GTA1) << -- manual but simple (only requires packaging into an archive)

  1. Run the installer, which installs the plugin and corresponding BSA to the Data folder.
  2. Run the installer for the patch.
  3. Click 'Create'.
  4. Add the plugin and BSA to an archive.
  5. Put the archive in the Installers folder.
  6. Uninstall/remove the files placed by the installer.

The Lost Spires (LS) << -- manual but simple (only requires packaging into an archive)

  1. Run the installer, which installs the plugin and corresponding BSA to the Data folder.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Add the plugin and BSA to an archive.
  4. Put the archive in the Installers folder.
  5. Uninstall/remove the files placed by the installer.

Martigen's Monster Mod (MMM) << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > MMM-BFC archive from the context menu.

All Natural (AN) << -- BAIN-

Let There Be Darkness (LtBD) << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Elven Map Redux << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Super Hotkeys << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Real Night Sky << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Initial Glow << -- manual and is already a simple package but could use some better packaging logic, handled by the BCF

Seph's Hand-to-Hand Animation Replacer << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > Seph H2H-BFC archive from the context menu.

Visually Enchanted Customizer Fixed << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > VE-BFC archive from the context menu.

Improved Facial Textures (IFT) << -- manual but is already a simple package (does not require repackaging)

Race Balancing Project (RBP) << -- BAIN-Ready

Robert's Male Body v5 << -- BAIN-Ready

Robert's Female Body << -- requires repackaging, but the BCF takes care of that

  1. Right-click on the archive.
  2. Choose Conversions > Apply > Robert Fem-BFC archive from the context menu.

Analyze Mod and Package Structure[edit]

All of the mods used explicitly in this guide are BAIN-Ready, simple packages or have BCFs available; therefore, many details of mod structure and packaging are "invisible" to the user. Understanding mod install structure is vital to understanding what a valid package is in the Installers Tab.

About Mod Structure[edit]

...excluding OBSE plugins.

Mods may have two parts, plugins and data files. Some have only one or the other. Those that include only data files are what are referred to as "replacers", mods intended to change visual or aural features of the game (or even certain mods.) Data files are merely loaded and used according to rules defined in plugins. As such, no record of which data files are installed for Oblivion is kept for the game, and replacer's files can be switched out at anytime without affecting save files at all. The only minor exception is when dealing with BSAs, if they are registered in the Oblivion.ini, removing them without updating the game's INI, will likely result in the game being unable to fully load. Removing the original BSAs is slightly more tedious than dealing with mod-added BSAs and should generally be left alone.

Plugins are the files that really change how the game is structured (up to a certain level.) A poorly structured plugin can cause crashes and all sorts of issues, but, fortunately, their being causers of serious issues is not the norm. There are two types of plugins, ESMs and ESPs. The former are almost always only resource files, their primary purpose being to hold new records. Mods' ESPs do all of the work, from placing structures to modifying NPCs' inventories. Most mods are simple, and will only have a single plugin, but many have multiple plugins.

ReadMes, with respect to mods' structure, become very important when a mod has multiple installation configurations, not just multiple plugins; although, some complex mods may only have plugins. For example, many mods provide both Vanilla and Shivering Isles (SI) versions of their main plugin. Some mods include an SI add-on plugin, but that is not always a convenient option. Another common example is a mod that provides a full and a reduced version of the main plugin, the latter being stripped of some of the default features (i.e., Ren's Beauty Pack's hairs-only plugin versus the Ren's Beauty Pack Full plugin.) The best way to determine whether or not a mod includes a multiple configuration is to read the installation section of the ReadMe. Furthermore, when choosing add-ons, some may have extra requirements or may not be compatible with other offer add-ons (which might be because there are multiple versions of an add-on.) A complex mod may even have multiple data file configurations, as is the case with cosmetic compilations that may offer various textures for a given body type.

In the end, only one configuration of a mod should be installed. If multiple versions of a plugin are present, any number of problems may evidence themselves in the game. With the exception of INI files and BSAs, if data files (i.e., meshes, textures, voice files, etc.) are not installed to one of the default folders (i.e., Meshes, Textures, Music, Sound, Voice, Font, DLOD, Menus, Video, etc.) they are not installed. If plugins are not in the Data folder (not any subfolders) they are not installed.

Mod Packages[edit]

Mod downloads are generally of only a few formats: compressed archives (7z, RAR, ZIP, OMOD), executables (EXE) or, in rare cases, loose files (e.g., ESM, ESP, BSA, etc.) The process for dealing with the latter two groups varies greatly, but most downloads will be of one of the types in the former group. Loose files can simply be compressed into an archive and dropped into the Installers folder. EXEs are mainly used for quest mods, due to their size. This is good because most quest mods have a simple install structure, and the files installed by such EXEs are just loose files to be added to an archive and installed.

Ignoring OBSE plugins (which are a whole different type of extension for the game) mods can have two parts. Compressed archive mod downloads either have a simple package format or a complex format. Simple packages' contents reflect installed mod structure. Once extracted (from the proper location) all files are installed. However, that does not mean that it would be installed correctly. A package that contains only plugins may have multiple versions of some plugins, which the user should choose between instead of installing them all. The installation can be complex, even if the package is not.

BAIN Packages[edit]

The reason why BAIN is practically facilitated manual installation is because using BAIN's Install function is nearly the equivalent of 'Extract to Oblivion\Data'. If you look at the files listed in the General tab of a package, those files are being extracted to the Data folder, just as they are listed. That implies a couple of things, but the most important implication is that packages must be install-ready. This rule defines three types of packages, simple, BAIN-Ready (complex), and invalid.

Simple packages are those that would extract simply. The whole archive is install-ready. This is why most mods are BAIN-friendly; they are simple packages. When uninstalled, these are indicated by a light gray checkbox. An archive with what could be considered a single subpackage is still a simple package. That subfolder could be 'subfolder' or 'subfolder\subfolder'. The only requirement is that at some directory level there is one folder that contains all of the mod's files in an install-ready format.

BAIN-Ready packages are complete packages. Obviously, a mod with multiple data file configuration cannot be a simple package. (They contain multiple files with the same file path and filename.) You can apply the same comparison mentioned earlier (BAIN installation being similar to extracting to the Oblivion Data folder) by thinking of the installation of BAIN-Ready packages as, not the installation of the archive itself, but as the installation of its subpackages. Therefore, a BAIN-Ready package is an archive that is entirely split into subpackages, all of which must be install-ready. The priority of a subpackage is determined by its alphanumeric position. For example, if a package had subpackages 00, 01 and A, the texture file 'Textures\menus\' in subpackage '00' will be overwritten by another version of that file in subpackages '01' or 'A'. If all thre subpackages are checked, the version in A would be installed. BAIN packages' files are installed according to order as well, albeit set in a slightly different manner.

Invalid packages, then, are those that are incomplete archives (indicated by red-Xs), non-archives (not visible to BAIN), and archives that break the install-ready rule (dark grey). Breaking the install-ready rule is as simple as having a folder within the archive labeled 'Data', which, on its own, is considered a package, but at that same level is a plugin. If the folder containing those two files was extracted into the Data folder, the plugin would be installed and the Data folder would simply be there. The install-ready requirement can be broken on any level because an archive can be install-ready at any level. If a plugin is found in a (would be) subpackage, that part of the archive is invalid because plugins have to be installed to the Data folder. The same goes for the default folder. The Textures, Meshes and other default folders have to be found at the same level as the plugins.

Another more subtle art of BAIN packaging is deciding on how to label subpackages. The reason why many BAIN-Ready archives use numbers to order the subpackages is because that makes the ordering obvious. It is also important to label subpackages informatively. If, for example, BC's "00 Core" subpackage was instead labeled "Better Cities ESM and Dummy ESP", it could end up anywhere among the other subpackage, at the end if the rest of the packages were labeled as they are and who knows where if all of the subpackages were labeled "Better Cities ...". The label "Core" says very clearly "must be installed." Using numbers also gives the author flexibility to name the packages logically, as opposed to worrying about whether or not the names will allow the subpackages to sort correctly. The other thing authors can do with the numbering convention is convevy extra information by prepending subpackages with the same numbers: "these subpackages are of the same type" or "only one of this group should be chosen." BC, for example, uses the first digit to mark a macro group (i.e., 0s, 1s, 4s) where the subpackage with 0 as the second digit is the core subpackage of the group and the others (i.e., 01, 11, 41) should only be checked if the core subpackage of that macro group is also checked. Whether or not the macro group or it's core subpackage's dependencies are required should be detailed in the BCF's ReadMe.

Organize Packages in the Installers Tab[edit]

Now that all of the mod archives are BAIN-friendly, the last step before installation is to organize the packages into a working installation order. Before proceeding, take a few seconds to prepare BAIN for the organization process via the Package header context (right-click) menu: Make sure 'Show Lower Conflicts' and 'Show Inactive Conflicts' are checked. The former gives the whole picture of your prospective installation, and the latter is helpful because none of the packages will be installed for a little while. BAIN-Ready packages' conflicts will still be invisible until subpackages are checked, so you may wish to check subpackages of interest in order to see all overlaps among your mod packages.

Different types of mods tend to contain different types of records, but within those "type" groupings the variation is predictable. For example, texture replacers have data files, usually, only textures, but some have meshes as well. On the other hand, script-centric mods (i.e., gameplay tweaks) may only have plugins, and if they do have data files, those tend to be new (to the Vanilla game) and do not overlap with other mdos at all. A General Order for Installing Mods breaks mods into a few general categories and offers an ordering that should help you create your own. The more specialized orderings within the groups it defines will depend upon the mods you choose. For overhauls, UI mods, replacers and cosmetic mods it is especially important to pay attention to the inner group orderings because, for example, when one texture replacer overwrites another the difference should be quite obvious.

One Possible Installation Order[edit]

...based on A General Order for Installing Mods.

  1. Utilities:
    • Streamline - plugin and INI file, all new files
    • This group rarely has non-new files; therefore, it could actually be installed at any point and the intra-group ordering does not matter.
    • FormID Finder contains one file, the missing mesh marker, that makes it an exception, but the only other common mod it conflicts with is the UOP, which also replaces that marker. Install this before or after the UOP, depending upon which marker looks better, if you would like.
  2. Game Tweaks: nGCD, Progress
    • nGCD - plugin and INI file, all new
    • Progress - plugin(s) and INI file(s), all new
    • note: A number of these mods may contain replacement files (i.e., leveling mods that overwrite the levelup menu.) Some are also partially-classified amongs other types of mods, and it may be better to install them with that other group if they contain replacement files.
  3. Companions & NPCs:
    • TT - plugins and a few data files, all new
    • Many companion mods contain Ren's hairs and bits and pieces of other cosmetic mods. If you use one of the cosmetic mods with overlapping files, unless you are sure the versions packaged with the companion mod are fixed somehow, giving the cosmetic mod priority is often better for consistencies sake. Others of these mods may contain animation files and other random file replacements that you should be aware of if you notice a yellow check box next to their packages (indicating data file conflicts).
  4. Anims:
    • Actors in Emotions - plugin
  5. New Building and Locations:
    • Bank of Cyrodiil - plugin and a few datafiles, all new
  6. New Items:
    • Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader - a plugin and some data files, all new
    • These mods generally only contain new files, but sometimes they replace a few things as well.
  7. Big Mesh Replacers:
    • QTP3 - overwrites many Vanilla meshes and textures
  8. DLCs:
    • DLCs 1-9 - plugin and BSA each, all new
  9. Official Content Fixes:
    • UOMP - plugins and replacement data files, which do not conflict with most mods as they only replace files packed in the DLCs' BSAs
    • USIP - plugin and replacement data files, which will probably not overlap with earlier groups' mods
    • UOP - plugins and replacement data files, which may overwrite files in earlier-installed mods and will overlap with many mods
    • UOP Supplemental - plugins and replacement data files, which may overwrite files in earlier-installed mods and need to overwrite files in UOP
    • note: It is very important that certain mods among the later-loading groups override the files of these mods.
  10. Quests:
    • GTA 1 - plugin and BSA, all new
    • LS - plugin and BSA, all new
    • Most quests contain all new records, but some may throw in various cosmetic mods' files, animation replacer files, etc....
  11. Overhauls & Creature-Adding:
    • MMM - many plugins and a BSA, no (visible) overlap (because of the BSA) but needs to be installed after the earlier-listed groups
    • COBL - many plugins and many data files, not all new, cosmetic pack resorces should be installed later with cosmetic mod, if that option is chosen
    • See the ReadMes, thread, etc. for the installation order of multiple of these mods.
    • In this group, only FCOM needs to overwrite COBL; otherwise, COBL should overwrite almost anything else.
  12. City & World Aesthetics:
    • All Natural - plugins and data files, not all new
    • Let There Be Darkness - plugin
    • This group often (but not with the listed mods) requires attentive installation ordering (which means see these mods' ReadMes.)
  13. UI:
    • Elven Map Redux - replaces map (menu) files and related texture files
    • Super Hotkeys - plugin and INI, all new
    • Pay particular attention to the order in which these mods are installed. Misconfigured menu files can cause both indefinite hangs as Oblivion loads as well as in-game crashes and disruptive inconsistencies.
  14. Extended Game Tweaks:
    • Enhanced Economy - plugin, INI and data files, menu files must overwrite all other versions
    • This group is for mods that may contain specially-configured menu files that need to write UI replacers. They contain very few data files, but those files are required for the mod to work properly.
  15. Texture Replacers:
    • Real Night Sky - texture replacer files
      • These mods contain few or no meshes or plugins (unlike QTP3). This makes their installation relative to one another very flexible, and the only way they can really cause harm to the game is by requiring to much of a video card. Since this group does not include character textures, it is compatible with pretty much any modified config.
  16. Misc. Replacers:
    • Harvest Flora - plugins and data files, all new
    • Seph's H-to-H Replacer - overwrites Vanilla meshes
    • VE Customizer Fixed - plugins
    • This is a random assortment of mods that need to overwrite other mods.
    • It is unlikely that multiple mods in this group, that you would use at one time, would conflict because mods in this group that make the same modifications would be completely incompatible with one another.
  17. Cosmetic Mods and Body Replacers:
    • RBP - Plugins and data files, not all new
    • The only mods that should ovewrite these mods are other cosmetic mods and character texture replacers. They have many conflicts amongst themselves (the worst being the incompatible eye meshes) so take care as you install them. Read the ReadMes to see what they really contain before installing them.
  18. Character Textures:
    • IFT - overwrites vanilla face and age textures
    • The mods in this group, as with the other texture replacers group, can be installed in whatever order you prefer. These mods are very specialized. As such, there is no reason that any other mods, external to this group, should overwrite them.
  19. Personal Patches:
    • Cleaned plugins, patches, etc. - plugins and data files that were created to replacer other mod's files and add various files (i.e., cleaned plugins).

Configure and Install Mods[edit]

Up to this point, the Data folder has been in what we usually refer to as the Vanilla state, excepting OBSE and some plugins for it, but even so the game can be launched through the regular launcher to ignore those. It contains the original BSAs and folders, the Oblivion.esm, DLCShiveringIsles.esp and the four BSA it loads (if using SI), as well as a couple new folders owned by a few utilities. There should be no official or unofficial plug-ins (and their associated data files) installed, outside of some OBSE Plugins.

The best advice any experienced user will offer is to not install a bunch of mods at a time. Planning is one thing, but installing fifty or even twenty mods at once can cause all sorts of problems and is a nightmare to troubleshoot. Install a few mods and test; then, install a few more mods and test and repeat. This is even more important when you are unfamiliar with your mod list. Keep the same mentality about updates. Do not do a mass update of all of your currently installed mods. That method frequently ends in failure, and, again, it is very difficult to troubleshoot the new problems efficiently. Wrye Bash's 'Diff Masters' method (accessible via a save files context menu in the Saves tab) is often quite helpful, but, just as often, after doing many installs or upgrades, it is not enough.

At this point, you need to go through all of your packages and make sure all of the right plugins and packages are checked. It does not matter when a package is installed. The installation can be corrected later; so, when you are unsure about certain configuration decisions, install the package and look at the mod's ReadMe, which is usually swept into Docs. If you need to correct something: click on the package, make the necessary changes, right-click okn the package and choose 'Anneal'. Double-check to make sure multiple versions of mods' main plugins are not installed, and the same goes for exclusive add-ons.

An Installation Summary[edit]

...and notes.

Read through the install order first. Feel free to choose other options. After you have made your decisions, select all of your configured packages, right-click on the selection and choose 'Install'.

  • Streamline - only checked Core
  • nGCD - checked Data (main plugin and INI files) and Options (skeleton key, Oghma Infinium)
  • Progress - checked all but SBSP
  • TT - SI Travellers add-on (but not the SI bae option, the ESM), 4MMM, ItemsNPC, ItemsCOBL
  • Actors in Emotions - checked the plugin
  • Bank of Cyrodiil - checked the plugin
  • Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader - checked the plugin
  • QTP3 - no config options
  • DLCs - checked the plugin for each
  • UOMP - checked all
  • USIP - checked the plugin
  • UOP - checked the plugin
    • BAIN would flag this package for dirty install if the plugin were not checked because of the sound files associated with the (would be) absent plugin, even if a plugin of the same name is installed by another package (as is the case here).
  • UOP Supplemental - checked the plugin
  • GTA 1 - checked the plugin
  • LS - checked the plugin
  • MMM - chose the main plugin and Core and renamed the MMM.BSA to "Mart's Monser Mod.bsa" afterward
    • After renaming the BSA, BAIN sees the BSA (that it installed) is missing, indicated with a red check box.
      Note: See BSAs and Archive Invalidation for more information about loading BSAs.
  • COBL - not installing the cosmetic portion, already going to use RBP (from which COBL Races add-on was derived)
  • Elven Map Redux - no config
  • Super Hotkeys -
  • Enhanced Economy - chose the prices option (since Pluggy has been installed)
  • All Natural - chose main, real lights and EW+AWS (HTF fan)
  • Let There Be Darkness - SI+Tamriel
  • Real Night Sky - no config
  • Harvest Flora - did not check for no mushroom stalks
  • Seph's H-to-H Replacer - not installing the resource files for two-handed weapons
  • VE Customizer Fixed - Fire (recolored) 3, Frost (recolored) 2, Shock (recolored) 1
  • RBP - only checked the core plugin
  • IFT - no config
  • Cleaned versions of plugins (i.e., those on the TESCS Wiki "Need to Cleaned" list.) - checked plugins for mods being used

Do Post-Installation Configurations[edit]

Most of these mods work fine without making any further changes; however, everyone needs to configure Streamline.

  • Configure Streamline
  • Configure nGCD's INI according to your preferences. Instructions are in the INI file.
    • A simple change of interest to many users might be the uncapping option, well documented in the INI. It otherwise works fine immediately after installation.
  • Configure Progress' INI according to your preferences. Instructions are in the INI file.
    • Along with the default INI, Progress installs a few other preset INI files along with it that can simply be renamed to put in use.
    • The simplest change to make to the Progress.ini is to change the global skill rate at the top.
  • You can change Super Hotkeys' hotkey modifiers via its INI file. (See Mod Settings Configuration for an example.)
  • Configure All Natural's INI according to your preferences. Instructions can be found in the mod's ReadMe file.
    • Darker Nights for Tamriel and Shivering Isles can be enabled at the top of the INI file.

Complete Installation Guide for Oblivion - Part 3

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]