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Oblivion Mod:Deepwood Adventures

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Deepwood Adventures[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) Velgar13
Current Version 2.0
Last updated 26 Sep 2011
Links Nexus Mods
Language Polish and English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 1 (2)


Deepwood adventures starts in The Imperial City at Mystic Emporium. After speaking with Calindil you can start a quest that will lead you to a new town called Deepwood. Lorewise I put it just beyond the border with Argonia north of Gideon. Technically it is put in a separate worldspace. The mod contains (let's call it) the main story where you have to investigate what happened to a missing caravan. There is more to do after that but let's not spoil here. There are some obstacles to overcome during the quest that will be heavily based on your statistics. I recommend to have your main skills above level 50 and attributes above level 65. Enjoy.



  • This mod is very dirty - the author used "Compile All" on the scripts (you must revert this with Wrye Bash's "Decompile All", or clean with TES4Edit); also, the text in all the scripts is changed to Polish because they were compiled.