Oblivion Mod:Midas Magic/Creatures

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Ball of light. Capable of teleporting you back to where you entered the area.

Astral Atronach[edit]

A mass of floating crystals, similar to the Storm Atronach.

Cheese Atronach[edit]

A mass of different assortments of cheese.

  • Level: 25

Ebony Atronach[edit]

A suit of ebony armor brought to life with magic.

  • Level: 7

Ectoplasmic Fiend[edit]

A blob monster that is slightly transparent and glows a pale green.

  • Level: Character Dependant
  • Drops: Tar

Magma Fiend[edit]

A blob monster made of magma, and is reminiscent of the Tar and Ectoplasmic Fiend. Does fire damage.

  • Level: Character Dependant
  • Drops: Magma Salts

Melon Atronach[edit]

A comedy version of the Storm Atronach, with the floating rocks replaced with juicy melons. Capable of hurling melons at ranged targets for additional damage.

  • Level: 10

Potato Atronach[edit]

Similar to the Melon Atronach except comprised of different sized potatoes.

  • Level: 28

Pumpkin Atronach[edit]

Similar to the Melon Atronach, except that it is comprised of pumpkins, and has no ranged attack.

  • Level: 17

Slime Fiend[edit]

Looks like a ball of jelly. Attacks melee.

  • Level: (?)
  • Drops: Slime Heart

Tar Fiend[edit]

Large, black, blobular monster. Appears to be a mass of tar congealed together.

  • Level: Character Dependant
  • Drops: Tar


A great fire daemon encountered during the quest The Prime Morpholith (started by reading the book of the same name). Known to be extremely violent. If summoned, it is just as likely to attack its summoner as it is their enemies.

Its appearance is of a three-story tall flaming daemon with horns and a large sword made of fire. It is assumed to be a replica of the Balrog in The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.

Durin's Bane[edit]


  • Level: 1+ *Same as player
  • Drops: Balrog Horn, Flame Sword, Key To Oblivion


A creature characterized by its four tentacles, each tipped with an eye, that connect to its main body. Its central round body is comprised of one large eye and a mouth of sharp teeth. It hovers, can bite and cast spells on targets in touch range only.

  • Level: 1 to 29
  • Drops: Beholden Eye

Beholden Hatchling[edit]

Smaller child version of the Beholden.

  • Level: 1 to 29

Crimson Beholden[edit]

This Beholden is raised to defend and attack, the military "version" of the Beholden.

  • Level: 1 to 29
  • Drops: Beholden Eye

Beholden Hive Mother[edit]

Larger, stronger version of the Beholden. It is the mother of all the Beholden in it's colony.

  • Level: 10 to 29
  • Drops: Beholden Hive Mother Eye

Dire Boar[edit]


Astral Stag[edit]


  • Level: 1



  • Level: 1

Fire Efreet[edit]


  • Level: 24 to 32
  • Drops: Pure Fire Essence

Eldritch Knight[edit]

Similar to the Ebony Atronach but held together with one of four types of elemental magic. Wields a claymore that corresponds to their element. Can loot their sword and a lesser essence (of their element).

Emero-El Warlord[edit]

One of the Evil Ayleid Warlords. Similar to a Lich.

Emero-El Priest[edit]

One of the Evil Ayleid Warlords. Similar to a Lich.

Emero-El Chaimberlain[edit]

One of the Evil Ayleid Warlords. Similar to a Lich.

Emero-El Frostbearer[edit]

One of the Evil Ayleid Warlords. Similar to a Lich.

Emero-El Firemaster[edit]

One of the Evil Ayleid Warlords. Similar to a Lich.

Emero-El Netherlord[edit]

One of the Evil Ayleid Warlords. Similar to a Lich.

Emero-El Lich King[edit]

The king of the Ayleids. Similar to a Lich.



  • Level: 1 to 50
  • Drops: Tentacle Sinew

Fire Sprite[edit]


  • Level: 12

Brimstone Sprite[edit]


  • Level: 12

Frost Sprite[edit]


  • Level: 12

Holy Sprite[edit]


  • Level: 12


Looks like a ball of jelly. Attacks melee.

  • Level: 1 to 29

Inky the Jelly[edit]


  • Level: 1 to 29

Lava Blob[edit]


  • Level: 1 to 29

Clyde the Jelly[edit]


  • Level: 1 to 29

Pinky the Jelly[edit]


  • Level: 1 to 29

Blinky the Jelly[edit]


  • Level: 1 to 29

Squishy the Jelly[edit]


  • Level: 1 to 29

Rodent of Unusual Size[edit]

Giant rat that is unusually strong and roughly three times the size of the average human.

  • Level: 23
  • Drops: Rat Meat, random loot

Severed Spirit[edit]


  • Level: 9

Astral Shadow[edit]


  • Level: 1+


Dark creatures with spells. Based on Xivilai animations and body mesh.

Ice Siren[edit]

A demi-god of the ice plane

  • Level: Summon = 11, else 1 to 32
  • Drops: Pure Frost Essence

Shock Sprite[edit]


  • Level: 12



  • Level: 5

Ayleid Archer[edit]

Ayleid soldiers. Led by the Ayleid Warlords.

Ayleid Warrior[edit]

Ayleid soldiers. Led by the Ayleid Warlords.

Disembodied Skull[edit]


  • Level: 12

Dread Slaughterfish[edit]


Astral Plasmoid[edit]


  • Level: 24
  • Drops: Slime Jelly, random loot


Looks like a ball of jelly. Attack melee.

  • Level: 1
  • Drops: Slime Jelly, random loot



  • Level: 1
  • Drops: Slime Jelly, random loot



  • Level: 8

Chilling Tentacle[edit]


  • Level 1 to 29

White Tiger[edit]

A large white tiger that can be summoned and ridden like a horse. Very fast. When first summoned it is a cub and will grow when fed Boar Meat. It has three stages of development, cub, adolescent, and adult. Each growth strengthens it, increasing it's attack and total health. Only the adult can be ridden, and features mounted combat.

  • Level: 10



  • Level 14
  • Drops: Uberhulk Mandible

Uberhulk Queen[edit]


  • Level 1 to 40
  • Drops: Uberhulk Mandible, Royal Jelly



  • Level 1





  • Level 1+ offset 0 = to character?*
  • Drops: Whompa Pelt

Mother Whompa[edit]


  • Level 24+
  • Drops: Whompa Pelt

Dire Wolf[edit]


  • Level: 14


Part of the polymorph spell

  • Level 10