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Oblivion Mod:ObEdit/Credits
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< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Modding
There are a number of external contributions to ObEdit, without which the program wouldn't be like it is.
Several people have contributed either code or invaluable technical knowledge.
- ScripterRon who supplied the source to his TES Plugin Utility which gave me a head start on the process of formid fixups.
ObEdit uses several libraries which has sped up development considerably.
- Devil for loading images. This is a great library and very easy to use.
- zLib for loading/saving compressed data.
- Resizable Control Bars for the nice dockable error/undo control bars in the main view.
- Tes4Lib for loading and manipulating Oblivion data files. Although created specifically for ObEdit it is still a separate library.