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Oblivion Mod:Oblivion Token Tables
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The input character steam will be tokenized using a table based rules as defined in text files.
Type Definitions[edit]
The basic type definitions for all the classes needed for a table based tokenizer are given below:
tokentableresult { int Action { ignore moveto return error continue jmpreturn jumpto } //Type of action to take string TableName table* Table //Destination for a table move/jump type string TokenName tokentype* TokenType //Token to return for a return type string Message //User message for an error type } tokentablerow { int MatchType { none charclass char string } //Type of match to perform string CharClassName charclass* CharClass //Class to match for a class type row char Char //Character to match for a character type row string StringValue //String to match for a string type row tokentableresult Result //Action to take when the row matches } tokentable { string Name //Identifies the table tokentablerow Rows[] //Array of all rows in the table tokentablerow* DefaultRow //Default row to be used when no matches are found } tokentablearray { tokentable Tables[] //Array of all tables tokentable* StartTable //The table to start tokenizing with }
Data File Format[edit]
The token tables are defined in a text file with the following format:
[TableName] [RowMatch] = [Action] ... End ...
[RowMatch] can have the following values:
- CharacterClass -- A character class name as defined in the current class file.
- "[string]" -- A string surrounded by double quotes.
- [Character] -- A single character.
- Default -- The default row which is used when no match in the table is found.
The [Action] for a row can have the following values:
- ignore -- Ignore the current character and restart parsing the current token table.
- moveto [TableName] -- Add the current character to the token and start parsing the given token table.
- jumpto [TableName] -- Start parsing the given token table (does not add the current character to the token).
- return [TokenType] -- Add the current character to the token and return the given token type. Clear the current token value.
- jmpreturn [TokenType] -- Return the given token type (does not add the current character to the token). Clear the current token value.
- continue -- Add the current character to the token and restart parsing the current table.
- error [Message] -- Add the current character to the token and report an error using the supplied string. Clear the current token value.
Oblivion Token Tables[edit]
The following token tables (along with the matching Character Classes and Token Types) are capable of successfully tokenizing all of the 1687 scripts found in Oblivion.
Begin Comment = moveto Comment_Table Digit = moveto Digit_Table Quote = moveto String_Table IDStart = moveto ID_Table ( = return LBracket ) = return RBracket AddOp = return AddOp MultOp = return MultOp & = moveto And_Table | = moveto Or_Table Equal = moveto EQ_Table > = moveto GT_Table < = moveto LT_Table ! = moveto NEQ_Table EndLine = return endline WhiteSpace = ignore Default = return EndofProgram End And_Table & = return BoolOp Default = jmpreturn Unknown End Or_Table | = return BoolOp Default = jmpreturn Unknown End Digit_Table Digit = continue Decimal = moveto Decimal_Table Default = jmpreturn Integer End Decimal_Table Digit = continue Default = jmpreturn Float End String_Table Quote = return String EndString = moveto String_Table Default = error Unterminated string found! Ensure all strings end with a quote character. End ID_Table ID = continue Default = jumpto CheckKeyWord_Table End CheckKeyWord_Table "if" = jmpreturn if "endif" = jmpreturn endif "set" = jmpreturn set "elseif" = jmpreturn elseif "else" = jmpreturn else "endif" = jmpreturn endif "begin" = jmpreturn begin "end" = jmpreturn end "scriptname" = jmpreturn scriptname "scn" = jmpreturn scriptname Default = jmpreturn Identifier End Comment_Table EndLine = jmpreturn Comment Default = continue End EQ_Table Equal = return RelOp Default = error Unexpected = found! Valid comparison operators are: <, >, <=, >=, ==, and != End GT_Table Equal = return RelOp Default = jmpreturn RelOp End LT_Table Equal = return RelOp Default = jmpreturn RelOp End NEQ_Table Equal = return RelOp Default = error Unexpected ! found! Valid comparison operators are: <, >, <=, >=, ==, and != End