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Oblivion Mod:Silatari

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Mod Information
Author(s) glowplug
Current Version 2.5
Last updated 22 Oct 2010
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time 3-4 hours
Quests (Side Quests) 4


This mod has a series of quests that take you across five new islands in order to defeat a powerful magician and free the Silatarian elves.

For all of the main quest you will be directed by the compass pointer however there are a number of places where there will be mazes or obstacles in between you and the destination. I doubt that anyone will get totally lost however it is no walk in the park. There is also a point where you have to decide which of two magicians to trust.

The final quest where you pursue to defeat the evil magician is quite hard. It will require strategic response as your path will be blocked at a critical point until you at least shake the enemy off.

I've done extensive testing across a variety of stats and I feel gameplay is well leveled. The main difference is "Game Difficulty" - there are a couple of places where I struggle to get through on one notch above easy but my reflexes are nothing to boast about.

There is a final, optional, quest for the journey back to Cyrodiil. I suggest doing it as there is quite a reward.

I strongly advise against console cheats as they will either break the compass scripting and/or you will come away disappointed.


