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Oblivion Mod:Unofficial Oblivion Patch/Audio
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Incorrect References[edit]
- Corrected audio and subtitle for City-Swimmer (Argonian in Bravil) referring to herself as a "he" twice in her introduction dialog.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Dul gro-Shug indicating he trains Security, whereas he actually trains Light Armor.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a line of Eilonwy's dialog in the "Mages Guild" topic indicating that Orintur casts Reflect spells and teaches them (he only sells spells, and only Alteration rather than Mysticism).
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Hil the Tall (Cheydinhal chapel) indicating he trains Alteration, whereas he trains Illusion.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Hil the Tall's greeting that referred to Arkay as female.
- Fixed the amount in Shum gro-Yarug's response if the player declines Rosethorn Hall as too expensive not matching the actual price.
- Fixed Tolgan's line about the Countess' hours of holding court being out of synch with the subtitle and what she actually does.
- Fixed a line of dialog (BedRental_BedYes_000B984F_2) for Shuravi from "east wing" to "north wing" to match the fix for the cell names above.
- Fixed audio and subtitle for a Leyawiin greeting for male and female Argonians and Khajiit that referred to the Count of Leyawiin as "Count Terentius" (who is the Count of Bravil).
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a Nord/Orc Chorrol conversation that indicated Bongond sells horses at the Grey Mare (he only sells at North Country Stables, which he never leaves).
- Fixed inconsistent audio for Elven and Redguard males and females for a wilderness conversation line about the Imperial City that said "a waterside dock area" where all other races/genders said "waterside dock areas" which matches the subtitle.
- Corrected audio and subtitle of Mages Guild conversation about Kud-Ei that indicated she runs the Bruma Mages Guild instead of Bravil.
- Corrected audio for two Nord and Imperial Dark Brotherhood rumors where the Black Horse Courier was being called the "Dark Horse Courier" (the subtitle had already been corrected)
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 2 lines of Lorgren Benirus' monologue that referred to Carahil as male
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Nord and Orc rumor dialog that referred to Dagail as male.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 46 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Deetsan (Cheydinhal) as male
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Mog gro-Mogakh referring to guard captain Dion of Skingrad as a female.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 11 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Estelle Renoit (Chorrol) as male
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Elven rumor dialog that referred to Falanu Hlaalu as male.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a further 22 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Falanu Hlaalu (Skingrad) as male
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 48 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Mach-Na (Cheydinhal) as male
- Corrected audio and subtitles for two lines of dialog for Imperials and Argonians/Khajiit that referred to Mandil as male.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 31 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Nahsi (Bravil) as male
- Corrected audio for a Nord male Bruma line of conversation that referred to Right-Wind as female (all other races' lines and the subtitle were already correct)
- Fixed eleven lines of audio and the subtitle for three lines of NPC conversation that referred to Rohssan (Imperial City Market District, A Fighting Chance) as male.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a line of Julienne Fanis' dialog that referred to S'drassa as female
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 12 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Salmo the Baker (Skingrad) as female
- Corrected audio and subtitle of introduction line of dialog from Elragail that referred to Thamriel as male.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for 26 lines of NPC conversation dialog for all races that referred to Vigdis (Anvil) as male
General Fixes[edit]
- Added over 250 LIP (facial lip-synch animation) files to fix out-of-synch voicing for beggars in the Thieves Guild questline.
- Added new dialog so the player can now start the game with a custom race, without getting stuck in the starting jail cell.
- Added new dialogue so the player can now start the game with a custom birthsign, without getting stuck just after the birthsign choice dialog with the Emperor in the tutorial dungeon.
- Corrected the LIP (lipsynch animation) for 148 lines of dialog from all races/genders that didn't synch properly because there were polysyllabic numbers (as digits, not spelled out in words) in the dialog text that they were generated from.
- Fixed J'skar's voice and lipsynch not playing if he is talked to while he is escaping the Bruma Mages Guild
- Fixed a line of Telaendril's dialog (Sanctuary topic) not matching the subtitle (could not just change the text as it was beyond the 150 char. limit)
- The audio for Breton and Imperial females for the two general dialogs "I saw a wraith once. It threw a curse on me I'll never forget." and "I ran across a ghost once. Seemed to suck the energy right out of me." will no longer be swapped/vice-versa
- A missing line of spoken persuasion (bribery) dialog for Imperials and Redguards will now no longer appear for those races.
- Created a missing line of spoken dialog for S'razirr.
- Created a missing line of spoken dialog for Redguard male, Thieves Guild rumors.
- Competitor Imperial City publicans should no longer tout the quality of a night's rest at the Tiber Septim Hotel or King & Queen Tavern.
Incorrect/Missing Sounds[edit]
- Fixed missing open/close sounds for cathedral crypt doors (CathedralCryptDoor01) used in 31 places
- Corrected oversight of town chapel bell sounds not being audible at all in the chapels' interiors, and also greatly optimized the scripting for the bells
- Fixed the opening and closing sounds for two types of wooden coffins found in Necromancer lairs which were using the stone coffin sounds.
- The Flame Atronach now has an "aware" sound like all other Atronachs and the summoned Flame Atronach.
- Xivilai now have the aware sound of a Xivilai and not a zombie.
Quest Dialogue[edit]
- Corrected Aelwin Merowald's line presenting the ring at the conclusion of the Go Fish quest where he indicated that "they" would be valuable whereas there's only one object given (subtitle was already correct)
- Corrected a missing line of spoken dialog for Armand Christophe regarding rejoining the Thieves Guild after being expelled.
- Corrected audio and subtitle for two lines of Guilbert Jemane's dialog that indicated that Weatherleah is north of Fort Carmala (it's south, or more accurately southwest)
- Corrected audio and subtitle for Luronk's greeting after completing the Imperial Corruption quest that indicated he had testified against watch captain Itius Hayn (instead of Audens Avidius)
- Corrected audio and subtitle for one of Hieronymus Lex's lines to Myvryna Arano in the Thieves Guild Elven Maiden quest so that they match (could not just change the subtitle as was at the 150 character limit)
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a line of Ursanne Loche's dialog for the Caught in the Hunt quest indicating to rescue Aleron "from that island" which could appear before it was possible to know he was there
- Fixed audio for a line of Denel's dialog MG10Vahtacen_Pillar_00035F3A_5 in the Mages' Guild Vahtacen's Secret quest where "sulking" had been read as "skulking"
- Fixed audio and subtitle for 9 lines of dialog for Chorrol residents if Dar-Ma died in the Shadow over Hackdirt quest that said incorrectly said that it was "Dar-Ma's daughter" (instead of either just Dar-Ma, or Seed-Neeus' daughter)
- Removed an unneeded "Kill him" (referring to the player; there was no equivalent line for a female player) from Claude Maric's confronting dialog during the Nothing You Can Possess quest
- The undead Blades in Sancre Tor (Blood of the Divines subquest of the Main Quest) will no longer greet the player in the default voice for their races
Outtakes/Missing Quests[edit]
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a Cheydinhal Breton/Imperial line of conversation that said that Dervera Romalen is happy about the Newlands Lodge because "the Red Queen drinks there" (the quest with this non-existent NPC was never developed and its only other remnant is an empty chest and cell name in Unmarked Cave)
- Corrected audio and subtitle for a Bruma topic Nord male line of dialog that said Lyra Rosentia was a collector of Akaviri artifacts and may have a project (she isn't and has nothing to do with the Lifting the Vale quest; may have been rewritten)
- Corrected audio outtake in male Breton Thieves' Guild rumor about Countess Umbranox hiring a new captain
- Corrected audio outtake in male Redguard generic rumor about Spriggans
- Fixed an outtake line of greeting dialog for Quill-Weave after the Fighters' Guild Rats quest if the player "ratted" on her
- Fixed a line of dialog for Nord and Orc males (specifically Kurz gro-Baroth) on the "Fighters Guild" topic not matching the subtitle at all (differed from all other instances so may have been recorded when only Chorrol was the guild at which the player could join).