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Oblivion Mod:Unofficial Oblivion Patch/Changelog

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UOP Changes/Fixes[edit]

  • Reoptimized 932 of the 1,207 NIF meshes already in the UOP to eliminate FPS hit on some of them that seems to have been introduced by the old PyFFI NIFOptimize spell; the new one shapifies strip blocks if the average strip length is less than 10 and eliminates the problem; many of the meshes (also due to much manual optimization) now provide better FPS than the stock ones
  • Fixed accidental conversion of purple Primroses into pink ones ( FloraPrimrosePurple.NIF )
  • Added "UOP" prefix to UOP-added meshes ClubStatic.NIF, DunBenchNormal.NIF, Note01Static.NIF and Cheese05Static.NIF and changed their object definitions in the ESP appropriately so it can be determined where they came from
  • Removed the harmless water height of -2147483648.000000 from some interior cell headers in the UOP added by a bug in TESCS; it only appears when water is disabled so will cause no problems unless a mod enables water in the cell and water heights are merged in Wrye Bash
  • Moved the rocks in Rockmilk Haven covering where the new load door was added so that if it doesn't appear on an existing game there isn't a gap
  • Integrated the COBL common menuing system (on first load you'll have a weightless "Unofficial Oblivion Patch" misc. item with a key icon added, which isn't a quest item so you can drop if you don't want it, so there are now three ways to open the UOP menu: **startquest uop** in the console, equip the item, or if you have COBL active it will go into the common menu)
  • Added a set of Bash tags to the UOP ESP so that fixes (such as cell ownership, the nVidia black screen fix, item stats, levelled lists, etc.) can be preserved from overwriting by later-loaded mods by creating a Bashed Patch
  • Added options to the UOP menu to disable the Trespasses misc. stat fix just in case another mod has renamed the formerly useless stat. to something else and is using it, and to remove/readd the Fast-Travel Follower Double-Face fix spell in case the player doesn't want it in their spell list (see below)
  • Cleaned some noise out of the dialog audio for the custom race game start fix
  • Removed all changes including the cell header for Tamriel cells (16,13) and (20,-17) due to a few reports of the engine glitching and failing to render the land there (would go away by saving/quitting/reloading; all Tamriel edits to the land itself were already removed previously)
  • Hardcoded the Rumare Slaughterfish spawn points for the Go Fish quest in case the player has installed landscape mods that move them so they don't end up embedded again
  • Removed/replaced/recompiled the fixed script WabbajackSpellEffect replacing a deleted (now useless) ref. variable so that it doesn't show as a critical conflict in TES4Vew/Edit
  • Removed the fix for leading spaces in several cave entrance meshes; for some reason (currently unknown) the meshes were missing from several people's folders though they are properly named/placed by the installer/7-Zip (folder is Data\Meshes\Dungeons\Caves\Exterior); possibly something else is removing them so original filenames will be restored so if the meshes are missing then it will fall back to the BSA's (will keep the fixed meshes as optimized 100KB off of them and one of them has a fix for it going invisible if the texture changes)
  • Fixed the filename on JMRockSnow04.NIF (was somehow renamed to JMRockSnowSmall04.NIF) so the fixed mesh wasn't appearing (had bad UV mapping on one area; also the existing file had a bad texture path from an old NIFSkope bug so redid the fix from scratch)
  • Fixed the filename on RockGreatForest1400FGDRMoss.NIF (was somehow renamed to RockGreatForest1400FGDMoss.NIF) so the fixed mesh wasn't appearing (had a small piece of bad UV mapping)
  • Fixed face-optimize introduced "wobbly" UV mapping on the brickwork behind the Forge in the Chorrol Fighter's Guild basement ( ChorrolFGInterior01Basement.NIF ) and on house exterior ChorrolHouseUpper03.NIF
  • Restored a missing polygon over the stairway of ChorrolHouseMiddle06Interior.NIF (rare instance of exporter error)
  • Restored missing vertex colors to MainDeck01.NIF (deck planking could be seen through hatchway lattice)
  • Fixed slightly wobbly/stretched face-optimize introduced UV mapping on the roofs of ChorrolHouseMiddle09.NIF, ChorrolMageGuild01.NIF and LeyawiinHouseLower03.NIF
  • Fixed optimizing in ICGroundFloor03.NIF causing a ragged edge on the local map, and optimized a further 2KB off of it
  • Fixed a flickering polygon over the basement door of the Bravil Fighters' Guild main floor ( BravilFightersGuildInt1stFloor.NIF ) caused by optimize artifacting; also closed a seethrough gap over the same door that was missed originally
  • Fixed a polygon of bad UV mapping on the Anvil boardwalk ( AnvilBoardwalkChunk01.NIF ); optimize artifacting again
  • Restored polygons on AnvilHouseMCInterior01.NIF that caused seethrough gaps when addon AnvilMCinteriorBackDoor01 was used (also fixed that there was one large gap even in the original mesh in this situation)
  • Fixed a flickering polygon in the ceiling of ChorrolHouseUpper03Interior.NIF; optimize artifacting yet again
  • Fixed three unlighted windows in the top floor of the Skingrad Mages' Guild ( SkMageGuildIntT.NIF ) due to optimize vertex color stretching
  • Fixed overly dark vertex colors on the hay archery target ( TargetHay01.NIF ) due to smoothing modifier on the target faces; mesh unfortunately grew by 16KB but it's still less than half the original size
  • Removed all 3,333 (yes, that was the number) deletions of objects (ie underground rocks) to eliminate any chance that the UOP causes crash-on-exit as this has been confirmed to be a cause (if a mod loaded later changes an object an earlier loaded one deleted) and replaced them with object disables/moves where appropriate
  • Since it was all undeleted anyways, made the large inaccessible area of Fingerbowl Cave - Servant Crypt accessible; added trapdoors/ladders where necessary, bridged the chasm, changed the enemies from Slaughterfish (it's not underwater) to assorted undead, closed a large gap in a tunnel section and fixed pathgrids
  • Fixed Rythe Lythandas being unresponsive in the Brush With Death quest if Tivelas' request was initially refused
  • Fixed the Silver Shortsword missing its icon due to the engine not using the ArchiveInvalidation entry for the UOP-fixed texture properly
  • Removed the fix for the double-sided alpha hit from cobwebs; some 7xxx series nVidia cards didn't like them and blackscreened
  • Added NONE choice to the UOP AOE (Area of Effect) choice menu for if the player has a mod that nullifies the audio for this effect so that it isn't necessary to use one of the others
  • Removed UOP pathgrid fixes to Tamriel cells -22,22 and -23,22 which are also changed by the Battlehorn Castle DLC, to prevent any chance that they interfere (as it's well-known that the engine occasionally doesn't layer outdoor cells' resources properly)
  • Improved the fix for the King of Miscarcand and Zombie Guardians following the player outside of Miscarcand so that it doesn't need GameMode scripting
  • Restored an accidentally deleted polygon in Skingrad house interior SkHouseMiddleInt03.NIF
  • Fixed accidental removal of Havok collision on Emetic Russula caps ( IngredEmeticRussulaCap01.NIF ) when their UV mapping was fixed (way back in March 2007)
  • Undid a shelf move in Ulen Athram's house (IC Talos Plaza) so that it doesn't interfere with OOO (causing floating objects)
  • The UOP now has a menu. To access it, open the console with ` or ~ or whatever key is used in your locale, type **startquest uop** (not case sensitive) and press Enter, then close the console (may take five seconds to appear the first time, but instantaneous after this. You'll only get a warning dialog box if you try to open it during combat.) It will allow you to see that the UOP is active and the version number, run the Stat Restore, change the "silent/invisible" AOE spell effect to one that really is if another mod has altered it (if you were using the UOP AOE Compatibility Patch you can probably remove it,) toggle off and on the Poisoned Apple warning dialog, or remove stuck Bound items
  • Integrated Mentalor's Stat Restore mod into the UOP; it can be accessed via the menu above and will fix attributes, skills, magicka, fatigue and encumbrance if they have been damaged by mods and chapels/spells/potions or dropping all items isn't fixing them
  • Made the Poisoned Apple warning optional; it can be disabled and enabled via the menu (see above)
  • Now that the Unofficial Official Mod Patch is out the "Compatibility Patch - DLCHorseArmor.esp" has been removed from the installer and manual versions.
  • Fixed the UOP self-installer not updating ArchiveInvalidation.txt with the fixed textures
  • Fixed player getting kicked out of the Fighters' Guild after the Hist quest (was caused by an engine bug with the SetFactionRank script command)
  • Updated the integrated Mentalor's Stat Restore accessible through the UOP menu to include the v1.1 checks/fixes for Magicka and Fatigue being affected by ModAV commands
  • The vampire feeding fix (see below in Game Mechanics) has been added to the UOP menu so it can be toggled on if required (off by default as it makes the vampirism scripting run much more often; turn it on if your vampiric character is having problems feeding)
  • Updated Open Cities compatibility with added Anvil buildings to work with new modular releases of Open Cities by Arthmoor
  • Removed changes to Agarmir (Unfriendly Competition quest) and the Molag Bal Cursed Mace; although they worked fine uninstalling the UOP before quest completion could cause problems
  • Removed ~4,000 Tamriel & CamoranParadise cell edits to Viper's Bugloss, Bergamot (both varieties) and Strawberry plants as fixed the meshes (see below); checked all 8,000+ instances of them and fixed a few hundred flying/embedded ones
  • Removed all LAND resource edits from the UOP ESP and replaced what the edits fixed (ie seethrough-underside walls/stairs, sharp land texture boundaries) by using statics to cover the errors; this reduced the size of the ESP by almost 900KB and also eliminates the occasional missing land glitches caused by an engine bug with many mods present where a cell's land temporarily fails to render
  • Removed about a hundred deletions to lights and other objects from the ESP that were referenced by other mods (OOO and RealLights) and disabled the objects instead which should prevent crashing-on-exit for some people
  • Removed all changes from Tamriel cell AnvilMainEntrance (-47,-7) as any change to this cell will cause Oblivion to crash on exit from the main menu; seems to be a bug with Oblivion.esm