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Oblivion talk:Best Non-leveled Items

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which items get listed on this page[edit]

I'm a bit uncertain about what is being used to decide which items get listed on this page. Without any clear criteria, it seems likely that this page will either become a very subjective list of a few people's favorite items, or else it will become a list of every artifact and unique item in the game, which would be redundant.

One reason for my uncertainty is that several of the items currently listed on the page in my opinion really aren't worth the effort of obtaining them.

  • Brusef Amelion's armor is no better than standard chainmail (available at level 6) in terms of armor rating. And given its extreme weight, it really can't be worn by low-level characters who specialize in light armor. Or at least no stealth-type character I've ever created could afford to carry around more than 120 pounds of armor at level 1.
  • The Masque of Clavicus Vile may have stats similar to a daedric helmet, but is it worth giving up Umbra for a helmet with a fortify personality enchantment (especially when you've already got Umbra's helmet)?
  • Black bows do the same amount of damage as fine steel or silver bows, which are available at level 4.

Several of the other items that are listed may be great items that are available at level 1, but only if you have much more gold than any starting character is likely to have.

I think this page needs to have some clear criteria that are used to identify which are the "best" items. If so, And I think the descriptions of any items need to clearly state the reasons why that item qualifies: what are the exact statistics that make the item so good? How do those statistics compare to "standard" items? What are the drawbacks of the item? --Nephele 23:22, 16 January 2007 (EST)

Actually, from what I can tell (entirely as a reader and not an editor) the page more or less works well now, and the criteria (that the items listed must not be leveled and that they must not be randomly generated) are, in fact, very specific and very narrow.

Keep in mind that the this list is primarily for players using one of the strategies for tackling the game with the difficulty set to maximum - never leveling (or leveling just once, to complete the main quest). This is why the Black Bows, Brusef's armor, and expensive store-bought gear belong on the list. I think that this page would make more sense to you if you read it in that context. 10:57, 14 April 2007 (EDT)

I'm sorry, what? This is the first sentence of the article:
This is a list of some of the best items that are possible to get at level one.
At NO point is it stated that "this list is primarily for players using one of the strategies for tackling the game with the difficulty set to maximum...never complete the main quest." It's simply NOT possible to get most of these items at level one without using exploits. No level one character can defeat Umbra to get her sword and armor, no level one character has 6400 gold to buy Aegis of the Apocalypse or 5240 gold to buy a Bow of Infliction. An article should be written to make sense to general readers all on its own. It should not be required that you read it with a specific minority viewpoint unless the article states that that is the point of view required. The article is a total fail. It either does not serve its thesis, or its contents are inaccurate. 23:32, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

It is entirely possible to get both that amount of money and kill Umbra at level one. In fact, there are very few things that can't be done at level one, even on the highest of difficulties. This can be done in various ways. The first, and most important thing is to get a full set of Chameleon armor. which whatever you say, is not an exploit. The only challenges you will face on the way are bleak flat's cave and fort blueblood. The fort is hardest, as bleak flats cave can be defeated using basic fire spells. Fort BlueBlood is a challenge, but if you train your sneak skill to 100 first it's possible to fight each foe individually. It's slow moving, but doable. Once you have your armor you can combine the Chameleon effect with your *6 sneak attack, thus not only countering your /6 difficulty handicap, but also giving you the bonus of ignoring your foes armor rating. Then all you need to do is get another black soul gem, find a good un-leveled sword, and enchat it with dammage hp 100 points and drain hp 100 points. The enchantment + un-leveled 1h blade + (*6 sneak attack) + ignore armor means that you could very likely one-hit-kill Umbra at level 1. 06:10, 13 November 2009 (UTC)

Page Name[edit]

I've moved this back because the new title (Best Level One Items‎) wasn't a very good one. Many of these items are useful at levels well above one so to specify level one in the title is a mistake. I think the original title is fine. –RpehTCE 01:30, 26 September 2008 (EDT)


Since it's normally not available until level 3 - the Leyawiin Fighter's Guild has Greaves, Boots, Cuirass and Helmet, along with Silver Longswords and Shortswords. There are other places/ways you can get it, but since this involves no fighting or theft it's a good way to get your character better equipped than usual at level 1. The two "missing" slots can conveniently be filled by Tower of the Nine and Hands of the Atronach, both also available from the start of the game, if you can somehow get enough cash to afford them.  :)

2 glass daggers in the Mages Guild[edit]

There are two glass daggers in a display case in the Mage's Guild Council Chamber in IC. if you do enough of the quest chain to get access to the council chamber, you can pick up two good weapons early in the game. Or if you're not up to doing those quest chains yet, the article on the Misdirection quest will give you info on when is a good time to break in and steal them. 04:14, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

I'm sorry to tell you, but those two daggers are actually Replica Items, which means they only land 1 point of damage, have only 1 point of health and have a value of 0. --S'drassa T2M 04:21, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
Ah. Never tried to pick the very hard lock on it to get details. ;o 09:30, 23 January 2010 (UTC)

Chainmail Helmet and Boots in Kvatch Great Hall[edit]

There's a loose chainmail helmet and boots in one of the right side hallways in the Great Hall in Castle Kvatch, if you've been keeping those Kvatch guards alive throughout the quest Breaking the Siege. 09:30, 23 January 2010 (UTC)

Old comment, but I'll add it - the armor will be there even if all the guards died.-- 23:37, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

Aegis of the Apocalypse[edit]

Should this be listed here? It doesn't seem very good to me. It gives +5 blade/blunt which seems redundant as most characters use either one of the other, and the +5 heavy armor doesn't seem like much. IMO this isn't worth the 30 health and 5 luck you lose for wearing this. Its armor isn't all that great either. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 22 April 2010

Agreed. The drains make it a bad choice - especially for lower level characters. I've removed it. rpeh •TCE 04:50, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

What about the Heavy Raiment of valour you get for completing the arena ?[edit]

I did this at level 1, by using the 100% chameleon spell from the Mage guild at Borma (got umbria in the same way).

I kept Agronak's own armor rather than trading in for my own, as it is a quest item, therefor has 0 weight.

It has a higher armor rating than the umbria armor pieces it replaces, and it give very good attribute bonuses on top of this.