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Oblivion talk:Cheydinhal

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Another quest[edit]

There is a quest given by a dark brotherhood member unrelated to the guild. I can give the name next time I have oblivion running, but haven't finished it. Anyone? — Unsigned comment by Wes12185 (talkcontribs) at 02:36 on 11 April 2006‎


"Aldos Othran - Dies in Corruption and Conscience" -- This feels like a spoiler. Perhaps just "Involved in Corruption and Conscience". Then, the reader can go to that quest page if they want more information. If the PC already did that quest and Aldos is dead, then he or she already knows, and this information isn't really of any use. Agreed? Jketola 14:25, 2 June 2006 (EDT)

Cheydinhal GLITCH[edit]

Can someone please help because whenever i get within view of the front gate of Cheydinhal it freezes and doesn't load

Also i can get into the city but if i use either of the two gates it freezes

why? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Try clearing your Xbox cache. Also, see Oblivion_Talk:Glitches#Approaching_City_Freezes. --NepheleTalk 22:52, 15 April 2007 (EDT)

Mythic Dawn agent in the castle[edit]

After returning to the castle from The Wayward Knight quest, a mythic dawn agent or dremora (not sure which, it had daedric armor) attacked me and the castle guards. The attacker came from the right-side stairs by the thrones, and was quickly killed. There were no Mythic Dawn Commentaries on the person, but he/she did have normal clothes and a castle key. Any idea who this person was and if there is any effect on the game from his/her death? --WerdnanoslenTalk 20:56, 19 April 2007 (EDT)

Nevermind, I've found out who it is (Hans Black-Nail), and I thought that he was in Cheydinhal for some reason :S. --WerdnanoslenTalk 17:52, 20 April 2007 (EDT)

Aha, that explains why I couldn't find him! I actually looked through everyone who carries a Cheydinhal castle key last night, and couldn't figure out who your mystery assailant could be. Now I know why :) --NepheleTalk 18:00, 20 April 2007 (EDT)

Related Quests[edit]

That last edit from Enterprice raises an interesting point: Should details of where related quests start be included on the pages? I corrected the typo but left the text there. Right thing to do? Rpeh 11:09, 2 June 2007 (EDT)

Cleaning up typos is always the right thing to do ;) But my first reaction is that details of where to start quests shouldn't be added, especially not as notes added randomly in some places and not others. Anyone who is interested can click on the lick, and that information is stated right at the top under "Quest Giver". And if there is information that readers will want to know when they see a link to the quest, then it should go in the quest's description (i.e., at Oblivion:The Elven Maiden/Description), so that it shows up as part of every quest link. --NepheleTalk 11:35, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
Fair point - but now I want to know what's involved if I 'click on the lick' :-) Rpeh 11:40, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
Well, if you go to the description page and click "edit" you can modify the text that gets shown everywhere the description is used. What links here shows you where all those places are. That's basically all there is to it.
I tend to overthink things frequently, so ignore the rest of this if I'm going off on a wild tangent. But thinking about this some more, it seems like sometimes having a single identical description that gets used on all pages doesn't always work perfectly. For example, on the Cheydinhal page it might be useful to include something like "(Thieves Guild quest)" in the description... but then you wouldn't really want that to be shown on the Thieves Guild page, or probably even on the quest page. It would be possible to make the descriptions a bit fancier than they are right now, so that some bits of the description could be turned off on request. So, for example, you could use a link like {{Quest Link|The Elven Maiden|noguild}} and turn off the extra ("Thieves Guild quest)" text. Would that be useful/worthwhile, as an extension to add to all of the quest description pages? It would require a couple tricks with templates to make it possible, but I'm pretty sure I could get it to work. If so, any feedback on what types of options there should be? --NepheleTalk 13:18, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
My first point would have to be that I need to make my smilies bigger... read back a bit! But yes, I think think a few more options might be useful. I'd say a link to the Thieves' Guild quest line would be sufficient; otherwise you can end up with a load of related quests in which the link is not clear. OTOH, I will bow to the greater experience of the administrators (and I'm not taking the mickey). Rpeh 13:28, 2 June 2007 (EDT)
OK, I've done the first step of tinkering (sorry everyone for editing widely-used templates during peak busy hours, I forgot it would monopolize the server for a few minutes). So now the description in most places says Thieves Guild quest, but not on the quest itself or on the Thieves Guild page. The way I did it isn't too elegant, but some other options I was considering are impossible to implement. I'd still like to think about it some more and see if I can come up with a better way (in particular something that isn't impossible for most editors to use or even make sense of). And then to make this actually worth the effort, it should really be done to most of the quest descriptions, but that's something that I could get my bot to do once the format is finalized. --NepheleTalk 19:19, 2 June 2007 (EDT)

Orum Gang[edit]

Do they warrant a page?-Icaru 12:13, 9 December 2007 (EST)

I don't think so since we don't really know what the gang is for or what activities they get up to. If you want to add some information to their Faction Page entry though, please feel free! --RpehTCE 12:41, 9 December 2007 (EST)
Done. Thanks for the advice.-Icaru 17:09, 11 December 2007 (EST)

A rat problem[edit]

Once again, something bizarre has occured, that I have no explanation for. I had started a new game, and fast-travelled to the Cheydinhal stables. When I reached them, I spoke to the guard, not realising that I had a 5 gold bounty on my head. I chose to pay the fine, and was transported within the city. After the loading screen was over, and I was outside of the guard tower, I saw a rat. It was non-hostile, and was simply named 'Rat', not 'Schemer' or 'Tunnel rat'. None of the guards attacked it, so I followed the rat, as it went through the town, before it entered the river, and promptly drowned. I didn't have any mods installed, so I'm wondering if anyone has any idea whatsoever as to what happened? --Merco 12:11, 24 December 2007 (EST)

Sounds like a glitch to me. I had a similar experience at one time. At the end of the Miscarcand quest, I chose to flee (rather than fight) from the King of Miscarcand after grabbing the Great Welkynd stone. I managed to escape in the end and got a way from the King and his two zombie guardians, but it was a long while after the escape that the strange glitch occurred. A long time after I escaped from the King I was arrested, but I chose to pay the bounty. After a short loading screen I was outside the Leyawiin Castle, but directly in front of me was the King of Miscarcand and his zombies, and I don't think he was in Leyawiin just to do his shopping! There was a big riot in the town then when the Guards and peasants mobbed the King and killed him. I had another experience with the three warriors from The Desolate Mine quest. After I had helped them kill the goblins they had a strange habit of appearing in any towns I was arrested in- they appeared after I had payed off my bounty. It was very odd... anyway, let's get back to the main subject. Are you sure you didn't run away from this rat before (like I did with the King of Miscarcand) and so paying off your bounty triggered it to reappear? Even if you do manage to get away from a creature, once you pay off your bounty it triggers the creature to appear in front of you. Of course this is only a glitch I've had (not sure if anybody else has had it), and this may be the glitch you've experienced. Not sure why the guards didn't kill the rat though...--Willyhead 10:20, 5 January 2008 (EST)
The rat could have been the less-hostile rat from Lazare Milvan's basement (which is just named "Rat" but doesn't behave like normal rats). Any chance you'd recently ventured into Lazare's basement? But in any case, it's basically just another case of the AI acting unexpectedly when told to cope with an unusual combination of factors. It's inevitable when you have as many combinations as are possible in an open-ended game like Oblivion. Unless it's reproducible, it's not too useful for readers to have every bizarre occurence documented. --NepheleTalk 00:36, 8 January 2008 (EST)
The thing about the Miscarcand thing happened to me too, but kinda different. After I killed him!!!!! he came back and attacked me. WTF? i know i killed him too. And he attacked me like 3 months (real life time) after i killed him. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:11 on 11 April 2008

City Screenshot[edit]

The screenshot at the top of the article, although nice, doesn't give much visual information about the city other that its size. A more appropriate and closer screenshot is required but without the PC version I can't get a decent screenshot Triton 07:05, 23 February 2008 (EST)

There's not really that much more you can do with a screenshot of an entire town. What kind of information were you looking for in the screenshot? If you want details of the different buildings in town, there are the two maps at the bottom of the article. Short of having a separate image of several buildings in the town, I don't see what else can be done. --Gaebrial 11:21, 23 February 2008 (EST)
Well I've added a couple of others... They're not perfect, but as Gaebrial points out it's tricky to get a great screenshot of a town. –RpehTCE 12:39, 23 February 2008 (EST)
I think the first picture should be deleted, without zooming in it is hard to find Cheydinhal.-PuddleTC
I've moved it below the other images but I think it gives a bit of perspective. I'd agree it's tricky to spot on the thumbnail though. –RpehTCE 01:08, 11 April 2008 (EDT)
I'm going to try to get better pictures of all the cities, since I've already found some great places for shots on my XBox, althought the Quality won't be great.-Puddle 05:03 April 13, 2008 (GMT)
I wouldn't bother with photos from an XBox. It you're taking a shot of the screen it's going to look horrible. We used to have some shots taken from a TV screen but they have all thankfully been deleted. I'll get around to taking better city shots but it's not all that high on my list at the moment. –RpehTCE 04:01, 13 April 2008 (EDT)

Dark Brotherhood and Llathasa Indarys[edit]

I removed a comment about the DB being responsible for the countess' death because it's pure speculation. The only comments in the game's dialogue are:

"Not too long ago she was found slain. It's all hush-hush. Nobody knows exactly what happened."
"Rumor has it that there were strange circumstances with her death, if you know what I mean."
"Andel Indarys may or may not have killed his wife, and it may or may not have been an accident. And I doubt we'll ever know for sure."

In other words, there's nothing linking the countess and the brotherhood. –RpehTCE 01:08, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

I am only saying this for some unknown reason but he does get bribed. If she nagged at him , he might've flipped. :P JackTurbo95 19:20, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Willow Bank?[edit]

No article for Willow Bank. Why? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 1:27, 6 May 2008

In my opinion, it isn't significant enough to have its own article. IIRC its just a house with a bunch of junk with no value in it, except for one skill book. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:59 on 6 May 2008

Cheydinhal Castle Wall Glitch[edit]

A while back, I was running around the outer wall of Cheydinhal for no particular reason. When I reached one of the wall sections on the western tip near the Castle area, I found myself able to walk right through it. The entire wall section between the two pillars was completely immaterial, allowing me to simply walk in and out of the city from the world map. I may be wrong, but I seem to remember going inside the city, and the same wall section let me out as well. I tested this on two separate occasions with two different files, and the results were consistent (for the outside version, at least). Can anyone else verify this, or is this just a bizarre instance? 19:19, 15 December 2008 (EST)

There are lots of places where this can happen. The steps down the the Arena Bloodwords in the Imperial City is another place that springs to mind. I think it's when you catch a mesh at the wrong angle or something. Dr Jones 08:50, 21 December 2008 (EST)

Stuck in Cure for vampirism.[edit]

I stucked in this quest. I got all items for the vampire cure potion. Melisande gave me the potions.I went to castle Skingrad and the Count Janus Hassildor waited me in the chamber of lost. I gave him a potion and after that nothing happened. He just was sitting and didn't talk to me. What should i do? Please help me, because it also affects one of the MAGE GUILD quests named Information at a Price.I talk to Hal-Liurz and she says that she's gonna call the count. After a short time she comes back i talk to her and she says that the count is coming, but realy he doesn't come.Please answer. p.s. Sorry for my language- English is not my language. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on December 23, 2008

Check this page for ideas. — Unsigned comment by Vesna (talkcontribs) at 03:48 on 25 December 2008

Willow Bank[edit]

I found out a little about the willow bank its turns out the guy dressed in red at the mages guild goes in the willow bank to practice.–— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 22 Aug 2009

That's because it is his house... –Elliot talk 07:37, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Easter Egg at Midnight[edit]

Go into Cheydinhal Castle at midnight for something amusing. Both first floor guards will be sitting in the thrones of Andel and Llathasa Indarys. Their dialogue is completely non-chalant, normal Cheydinhal guard talk. It just looks really funny.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:01 on 25 August 2009 (UTC)

I've never had this happen. Can anyone confirm this?--Mptrj 04:01, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Not true. Tested it.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 17:27, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
I can't remember where but I know that I have seen guards sitting on the throne(s). I think it was Leyawin but can't remember. I wouldn't say it was a glitch as such. JackTurbo95 19:21, 1 March 2011 (UTC)
It happened on my game also at midnight in Cheydinhal. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:16 on 29 December 2011


Does anyone know why there are so many Orcs in Cheydinhal? Given that they come from Hammerfell and High Rock, you would think that Chorrol would be the city with the most Orcs. Mathiusdragoon 14:29, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, Cheydinhal is home to alot of corruption, gangs, dark brotherhood, thieves, and murderers. The orcs are in a gang, so they fit right in. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on July 14 2010

CTD at Cheydinhal Gates[edit]

Every time I try going through the gates my game CTD. I am playing heavily modded game so it's prob one of the mods that's conflicting. Has anyone else had this problem, or a solution to this problem? Any help is much appreciated. - lanep 00:39 March 29, 2010 — Unsigned comment by (talk)

statue of liberty in Cheydinhal?[edit]

hi! i just noticed something wearid the statue by your house sorta looks like the statue of liberty...(well it may just be me...)--GUM!!! 23:05, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
It sort of does. But to be honest it more looks like Gimli out of Lord Of The Rings. Maybe thats just me as well ... JackTurbo95 15:51, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

Cheydinhal Bridge Inn wall glitch?[edit]

At Cheydinhal in the Bridge Inn there is a wall to the right where the two small barrels and one larger barrel. You can walk right through the wall and start falling. If you turn left you see a mysterious chest. I managed to land near the chest which said it needed a key in order to open. This is on both the ps3 and pc versions of Oblivion. Has anyone else noticed this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:58 on 22 June 2010

It is true that you can go through the wall, but it just warps me back to the taproom when I'm falling. Nevertheless, Cheydinhal have an unusual amount of glitched walls, so this one should probably go unnoticed on the main page. The chest you found was probably Mariana Ancharia's vendor chest, and it can't be opened anyway. --Krusty 12:19, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Dark Brotherhood?[edit]

I've been searching all over the Wiki for a discussion on this, and came up with nothing - the DB quests are sadly overlooked on this page. Any particular reason? --Krusty 09:58, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Cheydinhal architecture[edit]

It is stated a lot that there are heavy dunmer influences on the city design, but I really don't see them. Am I missing something?

Where is that stated? I have played the game a lot and i never heard anyone say that in Cheydinhal... -Slyspy70 21:22, 27 September 2011 (UTC)

It's stated by a loading screen: "Though Nibenese in speech and custom, Bruma and Cheydinhal show Nord and Dark Elf influences in their architecture."
This isn't something I've ever looked into in-depth, but I can kinda see it. Bruma has a lot of underground housing, which is a common feature in Dunmer buildings. Cheydinhal seems to focus on the cultural aspect a bit more than Bruma, but I see some resemblance to the architectural style found in Pelagiad. But that barely counts as it's an Imperial town. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 21:32, 27 September 2011 (UTC)
Well, this article says so (via transclusion of Lore:Cheydinhal). But looking at the images I can't really see the heavy influence on the architecture. The influence on the culture is another thing, there are several dunmer living here and they have a dunmer count. Hm, the loading screen says "influence" not "heavy influence" and I would rather think it is actually more of a "mild influence". --Alfwyn 21:37, 27 September 2011 (UTC)

Cell id?[edit]

What is the cell ID for Cheydinhal? I'm playing with the Open Better Cities mod, which means that there's no way to get to the actual cheydinhal cell in-game (since it's been 'opened'--moved into the overworld map) and another mod needs me to go to the actual Cheydinhal cell. There's supposed to be a provision for taking care of this in the Better Cities mod (a hidden door that takes you to the 'closed' city) but I can't seem to find it. Xolroc (talk) 18:16, 28 September 2013 (GMT)

I realized I could check with the CS (how did I not think of that earlier?) and for anyone else who wants the results--which really ought to be on the page like all other place pages--it's "CheydinhalExterior01" through "CheydinhalExterior09" and "CheydinhalExterior10Arena" and a few others that I forget. Xolroc (talk) 12:48, 1 October 2013 (GMT)

Worded weirdly[edit]

The first paragraph says "at the time of the Oblivion Crisis" when referring to the Count, but the section on the Dark Brotherhood is in present tense, and that makes more sense considering it's an Oblivion article, not lore. However, I can't edit the first paragraph, probably something to do with the fact that it's straight from the lore page. This could use a bit of work. Warrior916 (talk) 21:51, 16 January 2014 (GMT)

Not to hard, just change the lore page to disinclude that info from appearing here. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:59, 16 January 2014 (GMT)
I would do that, but I feel like the wording on the Lore page is good for the Lore page. Warrior916 (talk) 22:03, 16 January 2014 (GMT)

Hidden artifact nearby?[edit]

On a YouTube video called "Hidden Artifact in Oblivion" there is a building near Cheydinhal. Is this building added by DLC, a patch or even in the base game? It says it appears "when the sun is setting" but I can't get the building to appear? Any ideas why? Dragon Guard  (talk) 22:01, 2 January 2015 (GMT)

If it's from a YouTube video, I'd say that the odds are that it's a mod or something. And after doing a quick look, if this is the video you're referring to, it's a hoax haha. •WoahBro►talk 23:59, 2 January 2015 (GMT)
Yes it must be haha :). I recognised Fresh Prince of Bel-Air at the end, but thought maybe the building was part of that village nearby from the Fighter's Guild quest (the name still evades me). Dragon Guard  (talk) 09:10, 3 January 2015 (GMT)


I noticed that some NPCs say the name as "Tcheydinhal", while others say it as "Sheydinhal". Which one of those two is supposed to be correct? - ZuTheSkunk (talk) 08:00, 19 February 2019 (UTC)